The Doe Network, Part 3: Who is Princess Blue?

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Thank you Lion,
Did we ever rule out Misty Mock as a possible for Princess Blue (I don't recall what became of her as a possible)? I think I read that Misty had 12 fillings and that is why I was wondering about how many fillings Princess Blue had. I also read that Misty loved jewelry.

I remembered her name from ws, so I searched each thread until I found this on thread 1. It is on post 174.

There was another possible match posted a while ago, and I understand that JDB did not think it was her. It probably isn't. But, there is enough that fits to where we may want to explore further. Her name is Misty Mock. Aside from the weight discrepancy, Misty was a heavy drug user, and Princess Blue had no trace of drugs in her bone marrow. But, Misty hadn't seen her family for months before disappearing. And, the last they knew Misty was pregnant.

What if she quit drugs, the drugs in her entire system diminished, and then she was murdered. She would have to have been murdered after the birth of her child, albeit. There were no baby skeletal remains. This is again, another zebra. Dang, I hope you guys don't get too sick of me using that word all the time; but, we have have accumulated a lot of them just in the first couple of weeks.


I couldn't find posts about Misty mock before post 174 above anywhere in thread 1. I am going to research further to see if I can find more info on Misty. I can't find any additional info on Misty or why she may have been in TX since she was originally from Washington. If anyone else can hunt down more info about her that would be great.

Also, in post 174 from thread 1, I indicated that no trace of drugs was found in Princess Blue's bone marrow. But, in light of obtaining the 1990 ME's report (We don't have he 2007 report, and who knows what info is in there that might be helpful), I need to correct that statement.

No trace of opiates was found in Princess's bone marrow, but we don't know if other drugs were or even could have been tested for.

Lion, I agree with you. There was more information that supported the age Princess Blue was (between 17-21 or 16-22) when she died than just the non-erupted wisdom teeth. There was the two scapula as well as the hip bones were submitted and the fusion between the first sacral vertebra with the sacrum was incomplete in the anterior portion. the configuration of the three bones of the pelvis were consistent with female-type and the symphysis pubis with numerous pits alternating with the elevations which suggested a very young person. and the fusion of the iliac crests of the hip bones was partial in some areas. At least I think those items suggest that she was very young.

I also agree that Princess Blue may have had pain on the right side of her mouth and she chewed her food on the left side for that reason.

Thanks RKnowley. Along with the dental sutures not being fused or fully fused the condition and state of the symphysis pubis, and the incomplete fusion of the iliac crests of the hip bones, I too think that Princess Blue's age at DOD is probably pretty accurately estimated. Perhaps I should have fully explained my thoughts in that post so it didn't seem that I was assuming her age at DOD was 17-21 years.

Thanks for posting this Lion. I am aware Princess Blue had no opiates in her at the time of her death. I was just thinking Misty Michelle Mock could have gotten clean.

Misty did have a chip in one of her front teeth but we don't know which one it was. This is the link to Misty's CharleyProject page It says Misty travelled to Texas with her boyfriend sometime in April of 1989 but then travelled to Florida a few weeks later. It also says that Misty led a transient lifestyle in 1989, which included alcohol usage and occasional prostitution.

Lion this is the last I'm going to say of this because I don't think this is productive. The Maxilla upper jaw consists of 4 major parts one of which is the hard palate. So the lack of fusion could be indicative of a cleft, of which there are two types, overt and covert. Overt and covert clefts are then sub-categorized into the types you found. However we both missed a key point of the report "The right and left sides of the upper jaw were not still fused as was not the transversal suture of the hard palate" meaning they were fused at one point
Is it possible for someone to have been in the class of '75 when they were born in November of 1955? Would they have had to have been held back 1 or 2 years?

ETA: Nevermind..I got all excited for no reason. Thought we may have a connection to the surname BYERS but had the wrong person..ME THINKS
Lion this is the last I'm going to say of this because I don't think this is productive. The Maxilla upper jaw consists of 4 major parts one of which is the hard palate. So the lack of fusion could be indicative of a cleft, of which there are two types, overt and covert. Overt and covert clefts are then sub-categorized into the types you found. However we both missed a key point of the report "The right and left sides of the upper jaw were not still fused as was not the transversal suture of the hard palate" meaning they were fused at one point

With the number of typos, and misspellings in that report I believe that he meant, "were still not fused as was not the transversal suture of the hard palate."

I doubt he meant that the sutures were fused at one point and then somehow became un-fused. That doesn't happen. A bone or bony process can break or become fractured along a suture line (once fusion consisting of bone are present--it would not be considered to be a fracture if there is not yet bone present from the process of fusion), but the doctor would have used different terminology to describe that.

I provided links with reliable articles and diagrams to back up my statements. Did you read that the degree of dental suture fusion, including the transverse palatine suture can be used as an aid in determining age at date of death? This means by definition that the sutures are not fused in utero, but instead fuse later and at predictable ages depending on the suture.

Sutures, fused or not yet fused, and cleft palate are two different things. Several sutures are present in the area where cleft palate would occur, but cleft palate does not result from a failure of the transverse palatine suture to fuse.

The only reason that I am responding to this post is to keep facts straight to best help in identifying Princess Blue. I do not wish to argue, and aside from keeping facts straight I have no desire to prove any points.

This is our third Princess thread, and of the thousands of posts, no one has snapped back or spoken with a tone of irritability. This is one thing that has made this search work, and I would like to keep it that way. If I am mistaken about anything I have said, I will graciously apologize as I have in the past. But, for now I stand by what I said which is based on much research and Pre-Vet/Pre-Med that I completed.

Neither the original or the new forensic workup done on Princess Blue mention anything about Princess Blue having a cleft palate. IMO this is not something that the ME would have missed, especially the forensic specialists who did the most recent exam on Princess Blue. I'm sure if there had been any possibilty in Princess Blue having a cleft palate this would have been noted and released to the public as it most likely would play an important role in identifying Princess Blue. Princess Blue DID NOT have a cleft palate.

ETA: I do have a hard copy of Princess Blue's ME report and no mention of a cleft palate.
Neither the original or the new forensic workup done on Princess Blue mention anything about Princess Blue having a cleft palate. IMO this is not something that the ME would have missed, especially the forensic specialists who did the most recent exam on Princess Blue. I'm sure if there had been any possibilty in Princess Blue having a cleft palate this would have been noted and released to the public as it most likely would play an important role in identifying Princess Blue. Princess Blue DID NOT have a cleft palate.

ETA: I do have a hard copy of Princess Blue's ME report and no mention of a cleft palate.

I agree RKnowley:).

Good news concerning Princess's place on The Doe Network. It is in the process of being updated to include the results of the recent examination by a team of forensic scientists that was completed in March of 2007.

This thread is getting quite long, and a couple of us think it is time to begin a new thread. Hopefully, the final corrections will be made by tomorrow in which case I will begin thread 4 for our beloved Princess Blue.

Good job Lion! It will be great to get Princess Blue's information corrected :) I'm glad Deanna has been working so hard with you on getting it done.

I will look forward to The Doe Network Part 4: Who is Princess Blue thread being opened.
A thought just occurred to me about Princess Blue's teeth. The 1990 report states that tooth 10 was surgically removed. The tooth was removed prior to death, and that tooth is towards the front in the upper part of her mouth.

It would have been quite noticeable, I imagine, and it might be included in a missing report somewhere--unless no one ever reported her missing at all. Or, she could have had that tooth surgically removed after she lost contact with her family, if that ever happened. We don't know if she lost contact with family and loved ones prior to her death or that she even had family or loved ones. This is just a, "what if?"

We shouldn't rule out a missing person as a possible match just because there is no mention of a missing upper tooth near to the front of her mouth. But, we may want to watch for that. And, if we find a possible match perhaps we can call the LE contact to see if it was reported that she was missing that tooth.

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