The dogs - did they track Hailey to a motel?

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So the dogs hit on her scent. Hailey's.
If her jacket was there or whoever had her scent on them was there in the last few days etc..etc.. Prior to that hit. LE should be able to find that out.

I dont know why this is not important. If Hailey was there when ever they should find out exactly when that was. If someone who knows Hailey and had her jacket on they should know why and when. If someone had her scent on their person ,they should find out who and why. IMO .

There was a hit. Now they need to find out WHY. if it turns out not to be related fine. I want more answers than was offered. Investigate why the dogs got the hit. It appears other then looking for Hailey on 36 hours of tape they dismissed it.

I don't know "where" the cameras are located at this hotel. If they are only in the lobby then unless Hailey walked into that lobby there would be no visual record of her. There is absolutely no reason why she didn't remain/was kept in the vehicle while a room obtained by someone else and she was then snuck in through one of the fire escape doors (does anyone know if there is surveillence in the stairwells?). Not everyone goes in and out of hotel like they are suppose too. Also 36 hours of tape may be all that hotel keeps on hand before the tape is recycled and used again.

It also doesn't mean that she even entered the hotel at all. What about if the vehicle she was in (I'm making assumptions here) just parked in the parking lot for a period of time and then moved on? Hotel parking lots are great for assignations because there's always a constant stream of strange vehicles going in and out and no one thinks twice about a car parking for a short period of time or even for 6-8 hours (or more). This hotel is right off the interstate which makes for high traffic volume.

What LE also does is look at the registrations/check-ins for the time in question and see when people checked in or out and when or if a reservation was made. This can result in alot of detective work depending on how popular that hotel is. These things can take some time to do.
One thought, with everyone around Hailey that smoked pot and does drugs.........
could the adults of sent Hailey a couple times to the motel area to pick up the drugs?
Hailey did suppose to have asked around for pot according to friends, right?
for her family members.???
I thought I heard BD say on NG that they went from her neighborhood and tracked to the motel? I'll have to look that up another time though. It's past my bedtime.



Actually, the interesting part about this is that BD was on NG when it aired about the bloodhounds tracking Hailey's scent.

GRACE: I want to go back to Billie Dunn. Billie, you`re Hailey`s mother, and tonight you are making a public plea for her return. What can you tell me about these bloodhounds? We are learning police have brought bloodhounds out to your home, and they went from your home to a local motel?

BILLIE DUNN: Yes. I kind of don`t know what to say now since I heard police were being tight-lipped about it, but I`ll go ahead and say they started toward her dad`s house. They didn`t go there. They stopped, turned around, went to her friend`s, went to that motel, where they told me they`re reviewing video surveillance. There was video surveillance there. But didn`t have much luck there.

I found it quite interesting when BD was just coming out and saying the information of the tracking even though police were being "tight-lipped" about it.

So all LE has confirmed was the motel hit, right? Was the rest BD's story?
I did find this little paragraph in one news article.

"Scent tracing dogs have been brought in but thus far they have turned up very little. They did manage to pick up her scent in a motel parking lot and then into a ground floor room but the trail went cold and there were no clues inside the room."

So, apparently, her scent was also inside the motel. "The trail went cold", in translation speak, normally ends up indicating a "car trail".
I agree. It would be great to know why the dogs got a hit on her scent. It could be very important. But LE did scour the surveillance tapes, and I think they looked at more than just 36 hours, that is just what they passed on to Clint. And there was no sign of her or of anyone suspicious or of any of her friends in the tapes. So what we do know is that she did not appear to visit that motel in the crucial time period of her disappearance.

And it is also very very important to dispel the rumor that Billie herself started when she described the dogs as starting at her home, running towards Clint's, tracking a scent straight to MB's, and then veering off to the motel. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. Why was she so intent upon creating that false image of that event"?

Because she is going by the information that was told to her at the time. Whoever relayed that information to her, it could have been 2nd or 3rd hand and this is just her impression of how it went down. Maybe not intentional at all. How can anyone expect her to get every detail straight when it comes from LE or someone else?
By now BD must be very concerned about getting the most up-to-date plus accurate information from LE. The dogs did not track HD's scent from her house. They were taken to motels in vehicles. The scent may have been an old scent, dogs don't carry calendars and pointers to speak - their handlers indicate what it is they are to seek. LE has stated that this lead did not provide any clues as to what happened to Hailey. The awful comment made by SA that HD was promiscuous should have raised fierce protective objections by BD. Yet BD wants to keep the rumor going about the scent dogs and motels, and I can't understand why. Why even entertain the idea that something may have been going on in a nearby motel. If my teen granddaughter turned up missing I would be doing everything in my power to find her, she would be my only focus. I wouldn't be repeating things which were investigated and proven to be of no evidentiary value. Sadly, if HD is ever found it will not be a pretty sight. She was a very active, lively beautiful girl when she was seen by her brother on December 26th.
By now BD must be very concerned about getting the most up-to-date plus accurate information from LE. The dogs did not track HD's scent from her house. They were taken to motels in vehicles. The scent may have been an old scent, dogs don't carry calendars and pointers to speak - their handlers indicate what it is they are to seek. LE has stated that this lead did not provide any clues as to what happened to Hailey. The awful comment made by SA that HD was promiscuous should have raised fierce protective objections by BD. Yet BD wants to keep the rumor going about the scent dogs and motels, and I can't understand why. Why even entertain the idea that something may have been going on in a nearby motel. If my teen granddaughter turned up missing I would be doing everything in my power to find her, she would be my only focus. I wouldn't be repeating things which were investigated and proven to be of no evidentiary value. Sadly, if HD is ever found it will not be a pretty sight. She was a very active, lively beautiful girl when she was seen by her brother on December 26th.

.Bd relayed information she heard after NG asked her about them. Links above.

My kid ,I would be screaming about everything. Secretes keep cases from being solved. Sure they are great for court cases but I would want my kid back first. Justice is not what I would be seeking at the start. LE seeks Justice from the start.

I just want to know WHY dogs are drove to 6 randoms hotels.
Why out of the 6 Hotels randomly drove to is there is a hit for Hailey's scent?

Most of all Why Haileys scent was there.

If they cannot answer these questions at all. Then imo. they cannot say she wasnt there on Monday . Her scent was there. I do not care how hard it may be to find out when or why. They should be able to.

Her scent went into a room. They have records of every single time the door has ever been opened , the room rented, and cleaned. The story doesnt just end there. Something else is there.

It should have been went over with a fine tooth comb. Lint ,dirt, hair
etc. She is missing ,her scent is there, she isnt on camera. Is there dirt from her yard ground in the carpet?
Hair from her dog or her? Who was ever in the room that would lead to Hailey's scent being in there?

And I will say again . It is completely crazy for them to randomly drive K-9s to 6 hotels without having been lead in that direction. Maybe from her home? Just saying. MOO
"Contrary to some reports, there was no scent of Hailey being tracked to a nearby motel. Tracking dogs at the motel reacted to something briefly – not an uncommon occurrence – but a thorough search turned up no further scent nor evidence of Hailey having been there."

BBM Finally confirmation about the reports of Hailey near the hotel.

I brought this here in order to try to keep the dog information and statements together.
Im going to try this again, wrote a lengthy post and lost it was my 1st here so Ill be faster this time, think I took too long posting, should we post quickly here or we're logged out? Anyhow I think this hit on this motel AND a specific room certainly is very important. Read K9s post and thank you it was very informative, & educational.
Im sure LE knows what theyre doing with this, if theyre disregarding it or if its been a big piece of the puzzle for them..they certainly arent making WHAT they made of it public for a reason & dismissed things rather quickly which usually signals something to sleuthers. YKWIM.. If someone truly needs to know things surrounding this Id say best info lies with the locals for a start.. was this a generally quiet place? or well known? hangout? and for what? other then the stated wifi stuff.. party place? drug deals? meeting place (orgies) anyone online participate in internet meetings here regularly? prostitution? or was is just travellers? towns ppl know these things..
Welcome to WS AimeeH!!!!!!
wish we actually knew the real details of the dog thing, was it a ruse or actually scented her there, the actual pinpoint to a certain rm tells me something, HD or someone carrying her scent was there. If true thats all there is to it. I truly believe le knew where they were going with this and have been successful finding at least some answers.
Thank you Knox :) Ive been lurking as far since beginning but so much last while I HAD to post some stuff, Im losing it. Im in Canada but we follow these things too, this is most incredible crazy case ever. Many of us even from afar do not want to see these ppl get away with whatever happened to Hailey!
Im going to try this again, wrote a lengthy post and lost it was my 1st here so Ill be faster this time, think I took too long posting, should we post quickly here or we're logged out? Anyhow I think this hit on this motel AND a specific room certainly is very important. Read K9s post and thank you it was very informative, & educational.

Hi Aimee ,

I wanted to tell you when you log in there is a box that says keep me logged in, that will keep you from getting logged out while trying to reply to post. I used to hate that until I found out why it was happening.

I too think the hit on Haileys scent is important ,along with a few other issues that dont seem to fall in line with what LE believes. I dont think they are misleading the public but they are not helping to clear up these issues either. I guess if colorado city residents pushed for more answers they might release something but every one seems happy with SA being the only named suspect.
They dont even seem to mind their are several unnamed ones. SA even makes it easy not to consider another culprit.IMO
Yes it sure makes it appear anyhow that they have not focused much elsewhere and if thats what theyre trying to do-theyre doing a good job imo..about what could lead them there Im thinking the texts, any phone calls, or digital information provided them with something. Of coarse theyre not going to make everthing public knowledge. Makes sense to me. Unless they thought there was a threat to the public, and thought it was "isplated"..but recently did they not say they were tightening security so to speak in CC? Is this validated, and if so why I wonder. Many explanations come to mind for this.
example they couldve read a text saying- "at the hotel" meet me at the hotel, or pinged FROM the hotel.. but since they checked many hotels Im thinking was a wording- with hotel. If that makes sense
I swear there was an article saying that surveillance video was checked and motel employees and people who were at the hotel that day were interviewed and Hailey wasn't seen there that day.

Anybody remember that and can give me an idea where to search for it? Maybe something else that was talked about in the article I could use as key words? I can't find it.
I swear there was an article saying that surveillance video was checked and motel employees and people who were at the hotel that day were interviewed and Hailey wasn't seen there that day.

Anybody remember that and can give me an idea where to search for it? Maybe something else that was talked about in the article I could use as key words? I can't find it.

I saw one, it also said Clint had reveiwed 36 hours of footage but I havent been able it locate is since. I got to page 5 or 6 of media links before I gave up 3 weeks ago.
I saw one, it also said Clint had reveiwed 36 hours of footage but I havent been able it locate is since. I got to page 5 or 6 of media links before I gave up 3 weeks ago.

Thanks, Soulmagent. I'll keep looking. I think that one with Clint is a second article from the one I have in mind. I'll see if I can find that one too.
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