The Duct Tape Match #2

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Gosh, according to the Henkel documents the duck tape was 1.88 inches wide. I just measured my face ~ from just under my nose to the bottom of my chin is almost 3 inches. Think about a toddler's face and how much smaller that space would be. I bet there's not even two full inches. With the tape being that wide it's no wonder that it covered her nose as well as her mouth. It would have been hard for Casey to have tried to cover only Caylee's mouth. I think she purposefully chose this tape because it would easily cover both the mouth and the nose. moo
I can't see the file. :slap: I have to sign up for some service in order to get it. :cry:

No you don't have to sign up for anything!

If you have Mozilla Firefox, No Script on your 'puter, "temporarily allow" scripts. Then click on the down load now button. (If ya don't have No Script, just click the Down Load Now button.)

You will then see a "Captcha Code" (crazy looking letters and numbers) enter the code in the box and hit enter. The document will take a few to down load, then appear for you to read.

It's completely safe!

Hope this helps!
No you don't have to sign up for anything!

If you have Mozilla Firefox, No Script on your 'puter, "temporarily allow" scripts. Then click on the down load now button. (If ya don't have No Script, just click the Down Load Now button.)

You will then see a "Captcha Code" (crazy looking letters and numbers) enter the code in the box and hit enter. The document will take a few to down load, then appear for you to read.

It's completely safe!

Hope this helps!

Thanks, I do run FF but I already had the site cleared. I went back and it worked this time. :waitasec: Oh well, thanks. :bang:
State: Duct Tape In Anthony Case 'Rare'
Prosecution Plans To Link Tape Found On Caylee's Body To Gas Can
Tony Pipitone
UPDATED: 7:35 pm EDT September 3, 2009
Duct tape found both on Caylee Anthony&#8217;s body and a gas can found in the Anthony family home is a rare, industrial fire-resistant tape, according to a court filing Thursday by the Orange-Osceola State Attorney&#8217;s Office.

Investigators believe both the gas can and the body were at one time in the trunk of Casey Anthony&#8217;s car.

The industrial fire-resistant tape, marketed as &#8220;Fire Guard DUCK,&#8221; was manufactured by Henkel Consumer Adhesives, of Avon, Ohio.

Until it recently sold its duct tape division, Henkel was by far the largest manufacturer of duct tape in the nation, according to its Web site.

And, when Local 6 first revealed the same brand tape was found on Caylee&#8217;s body and in the Anthony home, her defense team dismissed that, noting how widely Henkel tape is sold.

But assistant state Attorney Jeff Ashton contacted the Henkel company, now known as ShurTech Brands, and discovered the tape found with the body and on the gas can was actually an extremely rare type of industrial fire resistant tape.

Only 134,719 rolls were sold in 2006 and 2007 in North America, according to the records submitted to the court Thursday.

That constitutes less than 0.2 percent of all duct tape sales during those years, based on more than $100 million in duct tape sales reported by the industry in 2002, the last year for which Local 6 was able to obtain data. :eek:

The odds of two pieces of randomly discovered duct tape manufactured in 2006 and 2007 being of that same, rare type approach 250,000 to 1. The odds of such a coincidence are much higher, if you factor in all the duct tape in existence, regardless of when it was manufactured, and determine how much duct tape sales have grown since 2002.

VIDEO: New Documents


This is HUGE news IMO....I don't think Baez is having a very good day today at all!
Any time Dude! You're welcome to use my stand by excuse for all computer problems......."Stoopid Vista!!" :censored:
Here's an old post (three months ago) from a WSer who owned some of the infamous tape. For some reason I can't find the earlier one.

In a later post it is mentioned that the tape was purchased in "pre-hurricane display" at a local Home Depot.

But I thought that the document said that it was not sold through Home Depot only Lowes, Ace, and one other store. Maybe they just got mixed up about where they purchased it?
The tape shown in the evidence photos that have been released of the gas can, is a very unusual, unique type of duct tape.

I became curious after viewing the pictures because in 35 years of commercial construction here in Florida, I have never seen duct tape with the manufacturer’s logo, temperature tolerance, model numbers, etc. printed on the face of the tape.

I sent e-mails to the Henkel Corp. questioning the type of tape shown in the photos of the gas can. I received an e-mail reply from Henkel identifying the tape as Henkel “Fireguard Duck Tape”, which has been discontinued

Henkel “Fireguard Duck Tape” was designed to “hold, seam, and seal HVAC sheet metal and flex ducts” according to company information bulletins.

Henkel “Fireguard Duck Tape” held such a minor share of Henkel’s sales, it has been discontinued. A minor share, of a less than major share, of duct tape sales in general does not qualify for “the most common duct tape sold in this country” as stated by the defense.

If the Anthony's had work done to their home's a/c and heating system, that could have been the source of this unique type of tape.

Concerned Papa posted this last May! This was substantiated by tonight's news. KUDO's for some very fine sleuthing to you, sir!
But I thought that the document said that it was not sold through Home Depot only Lowes, Ace, and one other store. Maybe they just got mixed up about where they purchased it?

JWG wrote:

The earlier email I have seen from Henkel's regarding this tape is:

After reviewing the photo of the piece of tape, it was determined that this
item was our FD 30 Fireguard Duct Tape. This item has been discontinued for
about two (2) years.. The main carrier of the tape was Lowes and we believe
it was sold at Lowes through the summer of 2007.
A follow-up email said:

Please see the additional information regarding where the tape was sold when it was an active item

After reviewing the photo of the piece of tape, it was determined that this item was our FD 30 Fireguard Duct Tape. This item has been discontinued for about two (2) years.. The main carrier of the tape was Lowes and we believe it was sold at Lowes through the summer of 2007. The tape may have also been sold at a few ACE Hardware stores, but the main carrier of the tape was Lowes.

Please advise if there is any other information needed.
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Sorry, Quote feature didn't work so I needed to cut and paste. You are correct. It was Lowe's, not Home Depot.
How ironic that the tape that KC put over our little angels mouth, for whatever reason, to use not see her smoother her...(I hate even typing all the reasons..:cry: ) etc. etc., are what will be speaking for Caylee LOUD & CLEAR, to point to who is the person responsible! The tape is ending up being the voice for Justice For Caylee! She isn't getting any voice from either GA or CA, who should be a voice for her justice, but at least the tape that KC used to silence her is being her voice!

I hope this post makes sense to you's just the best news for Caylee that I've heard in a long time....& more to come tomorrow, with the doc dump, along with the FBI interviews with LP's gang. :woohoo:

Baez, Dream Team & KC are not having a very good month & you know what I don't care at all! :woohoo:

Justice For Caylee!

They're chasing down this tape like they did with OJ's Bruno Magli shoes!:woohoo:
KC had no idea that she was using a rare brand of duct tape!! She probably thought one roll is like another!! OMG KC using that tape-a mistake-a HUGE mistake!!!
How ironic that the tape that KC put over our little angels mouth, for whatever reason, to use not see her smoother her...(I hate even typing all the reasons..:cry: ) etc. etc., are what will be speaking for Caylee LOUD & CLEAR to point to who is the person responsible! The tape is ending up being the voice for Justice Foe Caylee! She isn't getting any voice from the GA or CA who should be a voice for her justice, but at least the tape that KC used to silence her is being her voice!

I hope this post makes sense to you's just the best news for Caylee that I've heard in a long time....& more to come tomorrow with the doc dump along with the FBI interviews with LP's gang. :woohoo:

Baez, Dream Team & KC are not having a very good month & you know what I don't care at all! :woohoo:

Justice For Caylee!


I'm amazed that out of all the TONS of cheap duct tape available pretty much everywhere - Walmart, Publix, jeez even corner convenience stores! that it turns out to be a very unique, probably somewhat expensive (compared to the cheap stuff) tape that Casey used. Just because it happened to be there at the house. Thanks for using QUALITY tape, George! :doh:

Guess Casey wasn't much of a CSI fan after all.:behindbar
JWG wrote:

The earlier email I have seen from Henkel's regarding this tape is:

After reviewing the photo of the piece of tape, it was determined that this
item was our FD 30 Fireguard Duct Tape. This item has been discontinued for
about two (2) years.. The main carrier of the tape was Lowes and we believe
it was sold at Lowes through the summer of 2007.
A follow-up email said:

Please see the additional information regarding where the tape was sold when it was an active item

After reviewing the photo of the piece of tape, it was determined that this item was our FD 30 Fireguard Duct Tape. This item has been discontinued for about two (2) years.. The main carrier of the tape was Lowes and we believe it was sold at Lowes through the summer of 2007. The tape may have also been sold at a few ACE Hardware stores, but the main carrier of the tape was Lowes.

Please advise if there is any other information needed.
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Sorry, Quote feature didn't work so I needed to cut and paste. You are correct. It was Lowe's, not Home Depot.

That's what I read too but FairNBalanced said hers was purchased at Home Depot close to Orlando. I guess it could have been a case of mistaken home improvement stores.
But I thought that the document said that it was not sold through Home Depot only Lowes, Ace, and one other store. Maybe they just got mixed up about where they purchased it?

I found henkel Duck tape at WalMart tonight. They have quite a display of different types of Henkel tape.I bought a roll of the "Professional" tape.It is also 1.88 inches.I looked at the pattern on all tapes,each one has their own pattern.The weight is very different.This was marked Henkel corp. 2008.It has a no. stamped inside cardboard 00127. I take it this is not fireproof,will take heat up to 200 degrees. As I left the aisle a woman passed with a little one,about two,I looked at her little mouth and nose, (wanted to cry) yes it would cover in one swipe.I was at Home Depot also,ours doe not carry Henkel tape........P.S. I was surprised they call it Duck tape ~ I always say duct.
I think a person could use tape across mouth without leaving prints. Double over each end of tape,use only those "tabs" to hold tape. Once it is in place cut off the tabs. Walaa..
Hey JBean...we have two open threads with the same title...I don't want to send an "alert" on someones post so am just hoping if they are BOTH bumped up you'll see it.:)
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