The Duggar Family: 18 Kids & Counting

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I wonder if the mom will keep having children just because she physically can even as the chances of having a child with down syndrome skyrockets?
You know, I think it's great to have a big family but I can't help but feel a little weirded out by this family. JMO. 18 is just tooooo much!
the way I see least they are taking care of them! they dont collect a welfare check each month, they arent abused, they all seem to be turning out very well so hey more power to them!!!
They may not get a welfare check every month, but from what I read they DO get from the federal government: $3,500 x 17 for dependent deductions, $10,900 for joint marriage, and if you add in the stimulus checks this year of $300 per child, that's quite a nice amount for having 17 offspring!
Enough already! How do these kids ever get any one-on-one parent time?
Enough already! How do these kids ever get any one-on-one parent time?

They don't. And they're already talking about the next one. I feel for the other kids, especially the girls. Yet another baby for them to take care of. I wonder who will be the "buddy" for the new addition when Michelle hands her off at 6 months. It's reasonable to expect your children to have chores, but this is crazy.
This couple has every right to have as many kids as they want and can afford, BUT for some reason it really bothers me when I see them on television; or hear that they've had yet another one. I don't know why. It's none of my business.

As far as the couple getting tax deductions, I guess they're entitled to them just as much as the rest of us. Especially if they're supporting the children on their own income and not welfare. Isn't there a cap on how much you can receive in the stimulus check. For some reason I thought there was.
I think it's disgusting. How can her body take it? The babies must slide right out - no problem. Ick... a brood mare.
I wonder if she'll be able to have any more, considering she just had her 3rd c-section. I thought having more children after 3 c-sections is not advisable?

For the record, I think it's their business how many children they choose to have. They don't depend on anyone to help them out. It's a shame that the kids will never be able to experience a new pair of shoes, but they don't seem to mind. Michelle has more patience than anyone I have seen. How she manages 18 kids without raising her voice is beyond me. I applaud her on that.
The baby's name is a bit trendy for my tastes. I hope they stop at 18. It's more than enough kids. As it is, Jim-Bob and Michelle will never be able to enjoy their "empty nest" years -- by the time their youngest is grown and gone, they'll be too old to enjoy it.
I watched the birth of baby # 18 last night, and had never really watched The Duggars before. They are all a lovely attractive family, but I couldn't help notice that none of the kids yelled out "Love You Mom" as she left for the hospital. Also, none of the tiny tots were raising their arms to be picked up by mom either. I hope the children actually get some time with their parents and don't just think they're a teacher or daycare manager. I admire Ms. Duggar though. She has such a sweet patient voice and personality. I'd love to be more like her.
There's been a glut of the older Duggar Family shows on during the holidays and I have caught a few. Also found the URL to the family website and checked it out. In principle, what they are doing is somewhat admirable in that they don't appear to be living off welfare or other public assistance. I don't begrudge them tax deductions, certainly.

Two things bother me, though. One is that they pay lip service to " family time" but I think family time means their own version of some type of church in their own basement if Daddy has time, and homeschooling 2-3 hours a day ( max) from a " booklet' if Mommy has time and isn't sick or giving birth or busy with a new baby. Whew! Lots of Ifs.
I do think they get their GEDs but beyond that, no higher education is advocated. No college, no planning for scholarships, grants, anything, and I know they probably have children who could qualify now as they have daughters who are 16- 17 ish.
I don't think these kids leave their house and property much at ALL. Their parents want to keep them separate from the world, but honestly, how can they know what opportunities await them " in the world" as young adults unless they get out there now and see? Even with one teen checking out a regional college with supervision from a grandparent, aunt or uncle?
When they go on one of the TV interviews which now seem to be the family's major source of income, it takes days for them to ready all of the children, someone is always sick, and they look unnatural, like they are being coached and are on display instead of being kids who laugh and talk and joke. When they were told that Mommy was pregnant with this last baby, the comment was " Well, I guess that's right because the baby is 9 months old now". No one seemed very excited and a couple of the older kids rolled their eyes and one of the teen girls said "she checks mom's calendar". :eek:
I don't see any evidence that they go to museums and art galleries or to natural science exhibits or even to botanical gardens or zoos together. Nothing like I did as a child. Not even to the local fair or Disney World, which is hardly enriching but is a lot of fun for kids.

They have a " sign up" board for mom time or dad time, and no one uses it ( the kids themselves say). One of the girls totally deflected the question on the latest Today show with the new baby, Jordyn Grace. She said " I don't know about that but we will all enjoy playing with this real life doll".
I don't think they are being taught to be individuals.. they are being fed a whole lifestyle which consists of marrying early, and adhering to the " Quiver Full discipline" of having as many children " as God blesses them with", whether 4 or 14. I don't think their parents tell them that if they only want to have 2 kids, it's OK, or if they happen to become infertile, that's OK and God will still love and bless them. That's sad. And the Duggar grandparents did not teach their son and daughter this radical principle, and they are not extremely supportive of it on TV. I'm sure they worry about what would happen to the family if Michelle dies in childbirth with number 20 at age 45 or what if JimBob falls dead from a heart attack from the very poor diets they have chosen to eat.

They eat mixtures of canned this and frozen that ( Tater Tot Casserole is their favorite " dish" and it consists of extremely processed ingredients). They think that opening cans and dumping out ready to eat ingredients is " cooking". They eat tons of ready to eat foods, short on things like fresh vegetables, meat, fruit and fresh dairy ( other than lots of cheese).
There is quite a lot said on various Internet sites about the Duggar childrens' diets. People do notice the lack of basic nutritious food, which would cost less but takes more preparation time. I doubt Michelle has been able to cook for 18 years, really.

On top of that, I see very very little in the way of preparation for life in the real world. The oldest son just got married. His " ambition" was to get a law degree, work in politics ( like his dad did for a few years) and to pursue his supposed natural talents in video making and editing. I didn't see much talent in what he had made, but he was proud of himself, and that is important in one's life work.

So, what's this same eldest son, Josh, doing now that he is responsible for a wife and probably expecting a child? He's running the family used car lot and living in an old house that belonged to his grandparents. It's a very shoddy house to bring X number of children into, actually to bring his new bride ( also a Quiver full home offspring from FL) home to AR to with ANY sense of pride whatsoever. But, he has no money for anything better.

JimBob, the father of the 18 kids, really doesn't work, as far as I can see. He's tied into some " Financial freedom" seminars and merchandising and runs the same used car lot. They say they " manage real estate" but no one has been able to find any properties owned or managed by them at all other than their residence, the car lot and the house that Joshua and Anna took up squatting rights in, and which will probably be handed down to the rest of the kids when they marry at 17.:rolleyes:

In principle, I think we all believe that children are beautiful and that committed loving parents have the right to reproduce.
However, it seems to me that those children and the lifestyle of the family have attracted enough media attention that their aspirations are now centered around HAVING CHILDREN and reaping the profits derived from their new book about their children and all of the TV interviews about the family. It appears to me that Mr. Duggar has a financially vested reason to keep Michelle Duggar pregnant. It's become a circle of living and birthing.
IMO, subjecting 42 year old Michelle Duggar to high risk pregnancies and the extremely elevated risk of a baby born with Trisomy 21 or another devastating birth defect due to advanced maternal age is worse than what we do to our pets. She has had quite a difficult time finding an OB doctor who will deliver her babies for the last 4-5 pregnancies. Wonder why?:waitasec:

Michelle was lamenting the approaching years of menopause recently... said she didn't know what she would do when she didn't have a new baby in the house. She's been having babies since she was a teenager. My thought was " Maybe actually teach and enrich the lives of the ones you already have at home so they can go to college, learn about the wonders of the world, and meaningfully contribute to society".
SeekingJana, I think you bring up some valid points I had never thought of. For one, their nutrition. I had never noticed that there were no fresh fruits and vegetables or meats being prepared. While we all know that there is nothing wrong with frozen fresh vegetables, it is interesting to see how they pop open cans of this and that...
Also, the point about JimBob having a vested interest in keeping her pregnant. I believe you're right, and I had never thought of this before. Do none of the children aspire to earn a college education for lack of motivation, one-on-one time, or lack of guidance and competition? You raise an excellent question.

While I do think it's their decision to have as many children as they like and worship freely with the quiverfull people, I too am weirdrd out by them. Especially the girls who have to wear those dresses and the long hair.... heebies and jeebies all at once.
The mother's voice, which to some comes across as sweet and patient, to me sounds like someone who is emotionally young - never developed past a certain young age. She seems to live for the attention of being pregnant for whatever dysfunctional reasons in her head. I guess many of us have dysfunctional reasons to be stuck with some things, but she is using human lives and that bothers me!

It bothers me how she says she doesn't know what she will do when she can't have a baby in the house. I have two kids and miss having a baby big time (they are 10 and 5), but there is so much to do for/with them! It seems this mother thinks a child's value is only when they are an infant. Once they are a child - she is not interested. So, so sad.
I have a feeling we will be seeing these children on a different type of reality show in the future. Either that or they are going to need heavy duty therapy.
while this is not the norm for this time period there was a time when this was perfectly acceptable and you didnt here the neighbors complaining abut how many kids the jones had or how the kids were going to turn out needing therapy...parents wanted alot of kids to help with the farms...our ancestors (grandparents and up) turned out just fine...these kids have it alot better then alot of kids.
I have 4 sisters and a brother, i have aunts and uncles who all have 6 and more kids we all turned out fine and...I got very little one on one with my parents
Just because several kids are not for you dont knock the ones who like large families!
you also need to remember we only see a small portion of their real lives...Im sure as with any reality show family theres alot more going on then we see!
They may not be taken care of by the gov't, but I guarantee you, they get a HUGE break from the gov't for all of those kids. Not that I am putting them down, but that is how the cookie crumbles... they have huge tax advantages with all of those children.
while this is not the norm for this time period there was a time when this was perfectly acceptable and you didnt here the neighbors complaining abut how many kids the jones had or how the kids were going to turn out needing therapy...parents wanted alot of kids to help with the farms...our ancestors (grandparents and up) turned out just fine...these kids have it alot better then alot of kids.
I have 4 sisters and a brother, i have aunts and uncles who all have 6 and more kids we all turned out fine and...I got very little one on one with my parents
Just because several kids are not for you dont knock the ones who like large families!
you also need to remember we only see a small portion of their real lives...Im sure as with any reality show family theres alot more going on then we see!

You make some good points! I can see 6-8 kids, but come on - 18!? And saying they want another baby right away. They don't want them to work on a farm. So what is the motivation? Being a mother is more than just giving birth. And why all the publicity freak show they keep doing? It is just weird. It seems the people I have known from very large families didn't especially feel it was a positive thing. But I am sure some loved it, as you point out.
I never heard that the Duggars were squatters. What is the story on that? Also, I noticed that they have a carbonated soda machine with all sorts of drinks to choose from. That's not something that most people have around, and might be expensive to keep serviced, so I wonder if it is donated. Hopefully the kids also drink some fruit and vegetable juices or smoothies.

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