The Duggar Family: 18 Kids & Counting

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this is one article about Bill Gothard,whom the Duggars follow and use his homeschooling materials to educate their kids.but it is by no means the only one.You can google Bill Gothard yourself and find many more.
a lot criticism about him includes beliefs that his views are far too legalistic, authoritarian and hypocritical,seeing as he does not believe in birth control but yet is not married nor has any children himself.He is also said to have been involved in a scandal about having had affairs with his secretaries in the past.

But again,I'm not putting the Duggars down,and I don't care to debate,I just wouldn't care to follow these teachings myself.Of course you can read about him and form your own opinions.

That man is EVIL. If this is what the Duggars believe, I take back everything I've said about them. They are ignorant fools if they believe adopted children are " tainted" or in any way inferior simply because they were placed for adoption. This almost mirrors a state mental hospital in Tenn. I think it was.. They performed mandatory sterilizations on all young women who had babies out of wedlock, under the incredibly stupid theory that the girls were " feeble minded" and should never reproduce again.

Man's inhumanity to man is still alive and well, I see. I am not at all upset at you but am flabbergasted that people could believe this utter BS in the year 2009, AND call themselves Christians while doing so. :furious:

Did anyone see last nights episode? Josh and Anna were at the dr.'s office gettng an ultrasound and Josh said its good to have all these tests so they can make a decision if need be....My wording my not be exact but my first thought was ok I wonder if they would abort the baby if something turned up wrong?
Maybe Im way off on it but that was what i was thinking as soon as he said it
Did anyone see last nights episode? Josh and Anna were at the dr.'s office gettng an ultrasound and Josh said its good to have all these tests so they can make a decision if need be....My wording my not be exact but my first thought was ok I wonder if they would abort the baby if something turned up wrong?
Maybe Im way off on it but that was what i was thinking as soon as he said it

That is exactly what I thought as well when he stated that. It definitely made an eye brow rise.
I just love this family. I am so impressed by the way the kids all work together and never complain. I love the time that the parents take with their kids and the things that they do with them. They just seem to have it so together for such a large family. The last time I watched them I really took notice of Jim Bob and Michelle and noticed that they don't have stress lines on their faces! In fact, you could never tell that Michelle has had 18 kids.

The kids are always dressed nice and just seem like such nice kids. The kids go with mom and dad to the Ultra Sound to see what the next baby is going to be and seem as excited as the parents. This is a family where love just flows and you can feel it just by watching them.

I would say that this family is much more put together then some families with a couple kids that I've seen. Jim Bob must do well with whatever type of work he does because the family doesn't seem to want for anything. All of their needs seem to be met. I think they are just wonderful and in all honesty...I envy them.
The Duggars were making a "big announcement" this morning on the Today show. Anybody hear what it was? I had to go to work and missed it. I'm thinking she's expecting again, but maybe one of the older girls is engaged?
The Duggars were making a "big announcement" this morning on the Today show. Anybody hear what it was? I had to go to work and missed it. I'm thinking she's expecting again, but maybe one of the older girls is engaged?

Spoiler space for those who haven't seen it yet.

She is expecting number 19 :scream:

They made such a big deal about the last baby, acting as if she were their last. I know they don't practice family planning, but isn't Michelle getting a little worried about carrying another baby? Worried about her health? I would think they'd want to prevent anymore pregnancies to avoid any major problems (with Michelle or any future babies). I mean, if something happened to her, JimBob would be a single dad of 18+!
The Duggars were making a "big announcement" this morning on the Today show. Anybody hear what it was? I had to go to work and missed it. I'm thinking she's expecting again, but maybe one of the older girls is engaged?

#19 is on the way

she is about 3 months along

They made such a big deal about the last baby, acting as if she were their last. I know they don't practice family planning, but isn't Michelle getting a little worried about carrying another baby? Worried about her health? I would think they'd want to prevent anymore pregnancies to avoid any major problems (with Michelle or any future babies). I mean, if something happened to her, JimBob would be a single dad of 18+!

My SO (significant other) once said something I found amusing: At some point its going to be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.

But more on point, you really just have to wonder how her female organs have held up after so many kids. Not only that but her other organs in general. Pregnancy takes a lot out of a woman, I could not imagine being pregnant 19 times, I think my body would break down after number 3 but I am tiny, once was way more then enough for me at this time.

#19 is on the way

she is about 3 months along

I thought she said she was a month along, to be fair though I stopped paying attention after she laughed off getting a puppy and said that no, she was in fact expecting number 19.


I don't know much about them, but don't the older kids do the majority of the looking after of the younger kids?

I was the oldest girl of eight and it was always being a second mommy. I hope she and the new baby will be healthy.
I hope the baby and Michelle will be healthy and make it through okay, too. I had a baby 18 months ago, my surprise baby at age 40, and it was a lot harder on my body than when I had my other two kids in my 20s. Michelle is in a lot better shape than I am, though, so maybe she's not having the same problems.
I personally find the idea of having 19 kids a little sick, but heck that's me. At least she's not killing them like many other "not- moms" these days.:rolleyes:

Totally irresponsible, considering the state Medicaid program pays for each birth and subsequent healthcare.
I don't watch the show but I see clips every now and then. It seems to me she could have at least waited until the first grandchild was born. It's almost like she wanted the attention so pops up with number 19.

I think it's beyond ridiculous.
Who pays their bills?

According to Wikipedia ( yep, take it for what it is worth ):
Wikipedia said:
Jim Bob Duggar is a former state legislator who served in the Arkansas House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. The Duggars income is mostly derived from the commercial properties they own.[14][15] The Duggars live debt-free [16][17] which Jim Bob has said is a credit to applying the Biblical principles of finance he learned watching Jim Sammons Financial Freedom Seminar many years ago. Their 7000+ square foot house was completed on January 20, 2006 and was later featured on a show titled 16 Children & Moving In! on TLC.


Totally irresponsible, considering the state Medicaid program pays for each birth and subsequent healthcare.

BBM, The Duggar's are a very wealthy family. Why would Medicaid be paying?
Is this true about Medicaid? Source? I thought that the Duggars got their money from rental properties that they owned. Michelle has said in the past that they worked very hard early in their lives so they can live easier now, or something to that effect. I'm sure they get money from TLC, but I think other than that they make their own money and are debt free. They buy second hand and save the difference.

BBM, The Dugar's are a very wealthy family. Why would Medicaid be paying?

I think she meant medicare!! She must be 65 or 66 right? NO! still in her 40's it just seems like she should be eligible for medicare. I sure hope she lives to a very ripe old age, half of those kids are under 10 aren't they?

That GOD certainly is showing them he has a wild sense of humor...

After 18 kids isn't it embarrassing to admit she didn't realize she was pregnant? :blushing: Has she not figured out how that keeps happening?:p

I'm joking, I wish some of these other realty show families would take lessons from them. They all seem like genuinely nice people.

Michelle also told the mag that her 19th pregnancy came as a surprise.

"I was in Weight Watchers with Jim Bob and I wasn't losing any weight," she said. "I couldn't figure it out. I was doing what I should. And the baby, who was nursing, was fussy. I kept thinking, 'This isn't right. She isn't teething, she doesn't have an ear infection. I'm not cheating on my diet, I should be losing weight.' Then, I put two and two together and wondered if I could possibly be pregnant.

It is shocking to think that a woman now would have 19 children, however one of my gggg grandmothers did indeed have 19 children, when I found that out my jaw dropped! Every one of the children lived and she lived into her 80's which to me is amazing.
If they are capable of raising their children and proving them with what they need, then I really don't feel I can judge them. Imo the Duggars are not in the same boat as some others who do everything they can to have large multiple births such as Octo-mom.


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