The DWT - The Truck(s?) and the Surveillance Images

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An uninformed question (I missed a lot early on): What does the D mean in DWT? Dirty? And wasn't there an FWT? Is that 'first"? TIA

The truck is a very hated thing due to all this discussion. So think of a cuss word that starts with a D and a cuss work that starts with an F. :)
Thanks, y'all. Makes perfect sense now that I think of it. :crazy:
Don't mean to be rude or anything but I do think some of Micky's family was reading these threads. To me it sounds painful to read that it would be a good thing if she was killed immediately. I know everyone is just concerned and voicing their opinions or thoughts but please consider this in your future posts.

if the perp saw a pic of his truck in the location in which he hit his victim, i'm pretty sure this would scare him just as bad as if they released a pic of him outside of the truck removing the bike (if that ever happened). if he saw that he was caught on camera at the site of the accident, then he would be aware that LE has evidence of the event. he would be scared off regardless

And furthermore, if they were already on him as some suspect, wouldn't they have stopped him before he burned it?
Don't mean to be rude or anything but I do think some of Micky's family was reading these threads. To me it sounds painful to read that it would be a good thing if she was killed immediately. I know everyone is just concerned and voicing their opinions or thoughts but please consider this in your future posts.


If they do read these threads I'd hope that they see the love and support of the members on Websleuths. There are hundreds of people that have taken hours out of everyday since Mickey has been gone to do everything they can to help find her or just to even get any information they can about Mickey because they are so touched by her. There is nothing ill meant by people saying that they hope she was killed instantly. If she was my daughter or sister or even myself I would wish the same thing. Dying instantly in a bike accident would be better than rape, torture, and murder that LE believes happened don't you think? The way it was written may have sounded insensitive but it was definitely meant in the kindest way possible or that person wouldn't even be here on WS right now.
For some reason, the burned truck on Hues Rd. is bothering me so much. That road is out in the middle of nowhere, with so few residences even around it. I'm just thinking 'out loud' but for it to have been found at 4 a.m., I would think he would have had to park it somewhere near the intersection of either Stringtown Rd. or FM 223. My bets would be the farm to market road. I just don't see how anyone could have seen it, unless it was close to one of the few houses out there. All JMO.
I think if he hit her across from the Circle would have been an accident ...why hit someone in that area where you have alot of light and people in the Circle K.....i think if she is under that truck in that happened fast and she was killed immediately....that would be a good thing..instead of thinking what might have happened to her. If he hit her bike in that area to kidnap her....wouldn't he know she could run across the street and get help? JMO

Two words: Bystander syndrome.

I remember reading about a case (I know there are more recent cases) were a woman was raped and killed in broad daylight while about 15 + people watched and did nothing.

He could have hit her with enough force to knock her unconscious.
Two words: Bystander syndrome.

I remember reading about a case (I know there are more recent cases) were a woman was raped and killed in broad daylight while about 15 + people watched and did nothing.

He could have hit her with enough force to knock her unconscious.

That's awful :( and hard to imagine for most of us, but it DOES happen sadly enough. I could see that being the case here too.
this is a really good idea. you don't know what would happen if you hit someone with a truck. it was said only the back tire had damage so it is possible that it wasn't a severe impact. She would have been capable of screaming, possibly running away for help, plus people seeing the incident. Even if he expected her to be knocked out or silent for whatever reason you don't know if the bike will be stuck under the truck in some way that you can't exit quickly without removing it from your truck by getting out etc, further things that put him at risk of getting seen. BSL didn't want to get caught. He spent his whole life building the guise of innocence. He would never take such a completely stupid risk IMO.

I agree. Some are now theorizing, since reports by le put her abduction further down St. Landry, that perhaps he hit her in front of circle k, but she took off on foot and was subsequently captured down there... Why would Mickey run toward an area that is remote, dark, and, as many locals have described, scarey? When a few yards away there is a well lit, open, place with people present... Same goes for BSL, why would he bump her there, when down the road a little is an area that's dark and secluded?
Many have suggested le could've been on to him early on, but they were waiting and watching, or whatever... Didn't want to reveal their hand... IMO, they do that sometimes in investigations, but typically that strategy isn't used when someone's life is at stake. I believe finding Mickey was their number one priority, granted, they still consider the integrity of their investigation; to insure justice when the time comes. But, not at the expense of someone's life.
I have a question about the bike being under the truck... It's been asked before, but I still don't know the answer... How does her bike end up under the truck in the exact spot she was at seconds earlier? Even if he is one second behind her, how is it that the bike is already completely under the truck? IMO, if he hit her there, a second later even, I think we would've seen the actual collision in the photo of the dwt, not the end result... I don't think the bike would've been completely under the truck for several more yards... when factoring in motion...
It's my opinion that Mickey is in motion, which makes it even more unlikely her bike would end up under the truck in that spot. I know many think she appears be stopped in the photo, either way, I think they'd be further down...

All jmo
I agree, some are now theorizing, since reports by le put her abduction further down St. Landry, that perhaps he hit her in front of circle k, but she took off on foot and was subsequently captured down there... Why would Mickey run toward an area that is remote, dark, and, as many locals have described, scarey? When a few yards away there is a well lit, open, place with people present... Same goes for BSL, why would he bump her there, when down the road a little is an area that's dark and secluded?
Many have suggested le could've been on to him early on, but they were waiting and watching, or whatever... Didn't want to reveal their hand... IMO, they do that sometimes in investigations, but typically that strategy isn't used when someone's life is at stake. I believe finding Mickey was their number one priority, granted, they consider the integrity of their investigation; to insure justice when the time comes. But, not at the expense of someone's life.
I have a question about the bike being under the truck... It's been asked before, but I still don't know the answer... How does her bike end up under the truck in the exact spot she was at seconds earlier? Even if he is one second behind her, how is it that the bike and the truck aren't further down the road, considering the bike is completely under the truck already? IMO, if he hit her there, a second later even, I think we would've seen the actual collision in the photo of the dwt, not the end result... I don't think the bike would've been completely under the truck for several more yards... when factoring in motion...

All jmo.

I love how people are using the phrase "their hand" sarcasm.

She could have been stopped; but again, we don't know that. There's that pesky "we're not releasing video" thing.

There's also something I neglected to mention...I had noted it, but I was waiting for someone to mention it here, and it never did, or it might have been and I completely missed it. Very possible as I didn't come here for weeks after my "time-out".

It, kind of, throws the entire "bike under truck" theory out.

Look at the DWT (affectionately also called the FWT) and look at MS's shot. Side by side. See what I'm saying?


We (well some of us) say the truck is elevated slightly to which we say, "Hey something's under that truck!" and I agree with it.

But..and IMO

MS's bike shot is also elevated.
I agree, some are now theorizing, since reports by le put her abduction further down St. Landry, that perhaps he hit her in front of circle k, but she took off on foot and was subsequently captured down there... Why would Mickey run toward an area that is remote, dark, and, as many locals have described, scarey? When a few yards away there is a well lit, open, place with people present... Same goes for BSL, why would he bump her there, when down the road a little is an area that's dark and secluded?
Many have suggested le could've been on to him early on, but they were waiting and watching, or whatever... Didn't want to reveal their hand... IMO, they do that sometimes in investigations, but typically that strategy isn't used when someone's life is at stake. I believe finding Mickey was their number one priority, granted, they consider the integrity of their investigation; to insure justice when the time comes. But, not at the expense of someone's life.
I have a question about the bike being under the truck... It's been asked before, but I still don't know the answer... How does her bike end up under the truck in the exact spot she was at seconds earlier? Even if he is one second behind her, how is it that the bike is already completely under the truck? IMO, if he hit her there, a second later even, I think we would've seen the actual collision in the photo of the dwt, not the end result... I don't think the bike would've been completely under the truck for several more yards... when factoring in motion...

All jmo.

I believe that the image they released is the truck actually in reverse. I believe that is what is giving serious distortion to some parts of the image. I believe that LE froze it at this spot because it doesn't show Mickey and it's the clearest picture of the truck. She could be further forward out of the frame on the ground, already in the truck or tucked under the truck on the bike. I think she was stopped in the frame of her by herself or getting ready to stop.

I do not think they were on to BSL for sure until they got a call from Texas investigators around June 14th, and the photo was released to identify him and the truck. I believe it was the clearest image they had, when they released it, although it's very low resolution and you can't i.d. anyone from it. They needed Mickey's family to look at to help identify her. To know for sure that was her right there at that time. They could have just said, "this may be Mickey Shunick, help us out" when they released the image.

But, even with BSL following right behind her, and the fact he is an RSO- that is still really circumstantial if that is all they had at the time they arrested him and called it murder 1. They had nothing else (that we know of) until after he was in custody. They had to have something more concrete than that, so we obviously know not "all their cards" were on the table. I hope we find out what they all are at some point.

* I need to clarify, I believe the the video editor rewound and stopped in this spot, not stopped video of the truck actually moving backwards. I hope somebody understands what I am trying to say*
I agree. Some are now theorizing, since reports by le put her abduction further down St. Landry, that perhaps he hit her in front of circle k, but she took off on foot and was subsequently captured down there... Why would Mickey run toward an area that is remote, dark, and, as many locals have described, scarey? When a few yards away there is a well lit, open, place with people present... Same goes for BSL, why would he bump her there, when down the road a little is an area that's dark and secluded?
Many have suggested le could've been on to him early on, but they were waiting and watching, or whatever... Didn't want to reveal their hand... IMO, they do that sometimes in investigations, but typically that strategy isn't used when someone's life is at stake. I believe finding Mickey was their number one priority, granted, they still consider the integrity of their investigation; to insure justice when the time comes. But, not at the expense of someone's life.
I have a question about the bike being under the truck... It's been asked before, but I still don't know the answer... How does her bike end up under the truck in the exact spot she was at seconds earlier? Even if he is one second behind her, how is it that the bike is already completely under the truck? IMO, if he hit her there, a second later even, I think we would've seen the actual collision in the photo of the dwt, not the end result... I don't think the bike would've been completely under the truck for several more yards... when factoring in motion...
It's my opinion that Mickey is in motion, which makes it even more unlikely her bike would end up under the truck in that spot. I know many think she appears be stopped in the photo, either way, I think they'd be further down...

All jmo

The simplest way I can answer that is that some people think that she was stopped, out in the middle of the road. That's the only physical way for the bike to go from being upright with no truck in the photo, to being under the truck in the same spot. That's unless that truck was going at an insanely high rate of speed - like 100 mph+ - so that it covered the ground between the left edge of the photo (where it's not seen in the picture of Mickey) and the spot where it is "on top of the bike," without the bike having moved forward at all. Were Mickey in motion, the bike would not be at that spot - the bike would be further down the road.

I can see no reason why an experienced biker would be stopped out in the middle of the road, near a corner, a sitting duck to be hit by any car coming around the corner.

So that means then that the DWT was doing at least 100 mph.
I believe that the image they released is the truck actually in reverse. I believe that is what is giving serious distortion to some parts of the image. I believe that LE froze it at this spot because it doesn't show Mickey and it's the clearest picture of the truck. She could be further forward out of the frame on the ground, already in the truck or tucked under the truck on the bike. I think she was stopped in the frame of her by herself or getting ready to stop.

I do not think they were on to BSL for sure until they got a call from Texas investigators around June 14th, and the photo was released to identify him and the truck. I believe it was the clearest image they had, when they released it, although it's very low resolution and you can't i.d. anyone from it. They needed Mickey's family to look at to help identify her. To know for sure that was her right there at that time. They could have just said, "this may be Mickey Shunick, help us out" when they released the image.

But, even with BSL following right behind her, and the fact he is an RSO- that is still really circumstantial if that is all they had at the time they arrested him and called it murder 1. They had nothing else (that we know of) until after he was in custody. They had to have something more concrete than that, so we obviously know not "all their cards" were on the table. I hope we find out what they all are at some point.

* I need to clarify, I believe the the video editor rewound and stopped in this spot, not stopped video of the truck actually moving backwards. I hope somebody understands what I am trying to say*
Yah, not sure I'm following you ... So, you think the distortion is because the editor paused it while rewinding? If that was the case, then why wouldn't they just play it forward and pause it, rather then have to go to the trouble of enhancing it for clarity?
Yah, not sure I'm following you ... So, you think the distortion is because the editor paused it while rewinding? If that was the case, then why wouldn't they just play it forward and pause it, rather then have to go to the trouble of enhancing it for clarity?

I called the planning commission to ask if this video was continuous video and was told no, it's video like the traffic cameras but possibly set to closer intervals than those on the road. If you go back through my posts you will find it. I posted the name and phone number of who told me this but mods removed it ( it shows they did) So, in theory, if she is stopped.. and I think she is... for several reasons.
1) she wanted to use her phone or got another text
2) she wanted to turn into the circle k and was waiting for any traffic to pass
(we know the truck was seconds behind and so was the hooptie at the corner)
3)she sensed BSL following, knew there were cameras there, and stopped to let him pass in a well lit, "safe" area where a business was open.

so if she is stopped, while motion continues, in between shots, it is not necessarily "captured" In the next "shot", The truck might be half or 3/4 out of the frame, and the police are releasing it to identify the truck.. and need a whole frame, and this is as good as they got. I don't know for sure why he wouldn't let it play forward micro seconds before stopping, it looks like the editor just stopped it at the clearest frame and that happened to be on rewind. I just think the distortion looks similar to when my son who is autistic stops and rewinds, and fast forwards his movies constantly.
I called the planning commission to ask if this video was continuous video and was told no, it's video like the traffic cameras but possibly set to closer intervals than those on the road. If you go back through my posts you will find it. I posted the name and phone number of who told me this but mods removed it ( it shows they did) So, in theory, if she is stopped.. and I think she is... for several reasons.
1) she wanted to use her phone or got another text
2) she wanted to turn into the circle k and was waiting for any traffic to pass
(we know the truck was seconds behind and so was the hooptie at the corner)
3)she sensed BSL following, knew there were cameras there, and stopped to let him pass in a well lit, "safe" area where a business was open.

so if she is stopped, while motion continues, in between shots, it is not necessarily "captured" In the next "shot", The truck might be half or 3/4 out of the frame, and the police are releasing it to identify the truck.. and need a whole frame, and this is as good as they got. I don't know for sure why he wouldn't let it play forward micro seconds before stopping, it looks like the editor just stopped it at the clearest frame and that happened to be on rewind. I just think the distortion looks similar to when my son who is autistic stops and rewinds, and fast forwards his movies constantly.

We also know from BW that Mickey was not feeling well. It could be that she decided to stop for a breather.
When it comes down to it, in the picture of Mickey, there is nothing on the road and there is no doubt about that. When we see BSL's truck, there is very obviously something near the tire on the passenger side of the truck. It would have to be something miraculously appeared in an amazingly short span of time. I don't think it was a miracle. The trucks brake lights are on so he could have pressed the brakes in order to bump Mickey. There is also a light beneath the truck. Is it from Mickey's bike? In the picture of Mickey, we see the reflector on her bike tire. There is no reflector on the road at that spot. Besides, a reflector needs light and this is under the truck.

When I first studied the pictures, I was doing it to shush those who thought there was something under the truck because I was certain LE would never have released a pic showing anything. It was a Eureka, OMG, moment when I first saw the bag (or whatever is near the tire) and then the light under the truck. BTW, I do not think Mickey is under the truck.
I think if he hit her across from the Circle would have been an accident ...why hit someone in that area where you have alot of light and people in the Circle K.....i think if she is under that truck in that happened fast and she was killed immediately....that would be a good thing..instead of thinking what might have happened to her. If he hit her bike in that area to kidnap her....wouldn't he know she could run across the street and get help? JMO

This! If Mickey was hit right there in front of multiple witnesses, then BSL can claim that he hit her accidentally. It would challenge the entire prosecution belief that Mickey was kidnapped, held and abused then murdered.
Don't mean to be rude or anything but I do think some of Micky's family was reading these threads. To me it sounds painful to read that it would be a good thing if she was killed immediately. I know everyone is just concerned and voicing their opinions or thoughts but please consider this in your future posts.


I'm sorry if my words offended anyone. I would never want to write anything that would be disrespectful to Mickey's family. I pray every night that they are getting through this terrible time. I'll be more careful how i word things in my posts. My apologies.
But what is the Daily Advertiser camera showing concerning this DWT?

I think it's his license plate....someone suggested that a while back, and it seems so reasonable to me! I don't think that the video is going to show Mickey in distress, or BSL getting stabbed, for instance....anything dramatic like that, LE would have pulled the video when they first saw it.
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