The Elevator Video: What's your take?

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BBM: was it confirmed that this alarm was in working order? Or did someone affiliated with the hotel just say it was supposed to sound an alarm? I didn't see that in these threads, but I may have missed it. I ask for two reasons: I was in a more modern hotel when the fire alarm went off (it was an error). They stopped the fire alarm, but all the fire doors had automatically closed. So door that would normally sound the alarm, did not for the rest of the evening. When I asked, I was told that the reset had to go through a special sequence, and the manager wasn't there. In this case, a previous false alarm left the doors without alarms.

The second reason I ask, it that in older buildings, the wiring isn't always the best, and if the door hadn't been checked recently, the alarm just may not have been in working order, but no one knew it.

I have no idea where it is in all these posts but, somebody identified the door alarm on the door at the Cecil that leads to the rooftop. It's powered by a 9 volt battery, not wired into any form of system. uses the same speaker/noise maker as a smoke alarm does

Also somebody who visited the Cecil, the Chinese investigators or somebody else noted they pushed the door bar and no alarm sounded.. Once again that's someplace here on the site, lost track but I think it was before the topics were broken down into catergories
I can see five possibilities for why EL pushes the buttons the way she does: 1. She (mistakenly) believes that sequence will do something (maybe unlock something). 2. She is trying to avoid someone knowing which floor she is staying on (mistakes door-hold button). 3. She is playing a game of some sort. 4. She is hallucinating. 5. She is waiting for someone and wants to hold the door open. Are there any more?

Number 5 seems a bit weak to me. If she is trying to hold the door open, why does she bother with the other buttons--especially the second time when she hits them repeatedly?
^ No. 2 seems weakest to me given that she stepped out of the elevator and waited outside more than once and, at the end of it all, walked away.
After watching the video countless times and reading the many varied theories here, I've come to my own conclusion that Elisa's demeanor and composure underwent changes throughout the video. That is why we all see different things, even totally opposite from each other - some see fear, some see playfulness; some see drug-induced stupor while some see deliberate controlled actions.

What I think now is that we all each formed our theory that very well explains a certain segment of the video, and then somehow fitted the other segments of the video to that same theory. So, if we could all objectively look at our own theory from a counter viewpoint, we will find that our theory is good at one part but a little awkward at explaining other parts of the video.

Lol, I think that's the reason why the video has generated endless views and counter views, because there is just no consistency in Elisa's behavior and composure in that video. For myself, I have given up trying to fit it all in one theory. :)

Absolutely agreed.
That's why I've been so reluctant to try to interpret what I see in the 2nd part of the video after she comes back and starts pressing the buttons again - I'm struggling to make sense of it in the light of what I'm sure I see in the first part.
(Not that what I see in the beginning is necessarily right, but it was my first impression of it and that hasn't changed. I'm trying to stay open minded, but I'm struggling to buy into any other explanation right now)

What I see when she comes back in with her hands on her head is a significant change in demeanor, she seems stressed (repeated button pushing), defensive (hunched posture when she's making those hand gestures) . . . But any attempt I might make to explain what triggered the change would be pure guesswork.

She certainly appears to be gesturing to somebody on her right (not in the mirror this time) but I can't see clearly enough whether there is actually mouth movement and even as somebody who tends to use their arms a lot when talking the gestures look bizarre.

FWIW I don't believe that there's a person on her left.
I think any glances in that direction are at the mirror again and what some people have interpreted as possibly glimpses of a person grabbing her I think are simply down to distortion and pixelation in a poor quality video.

One thing that we can state as fact and that I find interesting about this video is that she exits and walks to the left in the direction of the stairway that leads to the roof access door.

The second thing which isn't a fact but which most people seem to agree on is that she appears disorientated or unnerved when she heads in that direction.
One thing that we can state as fact and that I find interesting about this video is that she exits and walks to the left in the direction of the stairway that leads to the roof access door.

Snipped up

The other elevator is also to the left. I've often wondered did she jam up this one on purpose for whatever reason (fun and games or hiding or fear or etc etc etc) then waited for the other to arrive, get on it and head down.
Most elevators have a service mode that requires a key to override the buttons and calls for the car from other floors.

We did discuss earlier (this thread?) that the pressing of buttons in some combination does certain things and it seems more urban myth than reality but that's not really important if it's myth or reality. All that matters is if Elisa believed it.

Or if not completely "believed" it, was curious enough to want to try it out.

That's what I'm thinking of, the key. I don't want to suggest it was any one person in particular, but someone with authorized or unauthorized access to a key could play a role in the exchange.

I don't know if all elevators are the same, but many years ago I worked in a big multi-storey office block with an archive area deep in the basement. (a horrible creepy room full of spiders!)

You needed to get the key from security and then use it to put the elevator into service mode before you were able to select the basement. Interestingly, the elevator wouldn't actually go anywhere no matter what you pressed if you'd removed the key from the panel after selecting service mode.
Safety reasons I presume - so that if you took the elevator down and then took the key with you when you went into the archives nobody could call it up to another floor and leave you stranded down there <shudders at the thought>

I can see five possibilities for why EL pushes the buttons the way she does: 1. She (mistakenly) believes that sequence will do something (maybe unlock something). 2. She is trying to avoid someone knowing which floor she is staying on (mistakes door-hold button). 3. She is playing a game of some sort. 4. She is hallucinating. 5. She is waiting for someone and wants to hold the door open. Are there any more?

Number 5 seems a bit weak to me. If she is trying to hold the door open, why does she bother with the other buttons--especially the second time when she hits them repeatedly?

Number 2 is the one that I struggle with for the same reasons set out by Qrious. (and yes I admit it - also flavoured by my own take on her body language)
Number 5 not so much - If I'm holding an elevator for somebody I usually select the floor first before holding the "door open" button (never come across a "hold door" before) . . . if she was playing around riding up and down and stopping off on random floors I see no reason why she wouldn't select those floors first before holding the door for someone.

I don't personally buy into this, but how about . . . ?

No.6 : She's ill / incapacitated in some way and can't remember what floor she's on other than she normally presses a button in the middle.
Snipped up

The other elevator is also to the left. I've often wondered did she jam up this one on purpose for whatever reason (fun and games or hiding or fear or etc etc etc) then waited for the other to arrive, get on it and head down.

You're right - and there are other rooms there too.
I should rephrase that to say that the one thing we can take as fact is that she exited to her left . . . which happens to be in the direction of the stairs to the roof as well as other places.

Would the 2nd elevator actually stop there though if there was already one waiting on that floor? It seems that she'd only messed with door hold button rather than jamming it or breaking it completely.
You're right - and there are other rooms there too.
I should rephrase that to say that the one thing we can take as fact is that she exited to her left . . . which happens to be in the direction of the stairs to the roof as well as other places.

Would the 2nd elevator actually stop there though if there was already one waiting on that floor? It seems that she'd only messed with door hold button rather than jamming it or breaking it completely.

The other elevator would stop there. My dad's old office building had two side by side and on Saturdays when the building was empty we'd get both on the same floor and race up or down.
The other elevator would stop there. My dad's old office building had two side by side and on Saturdays when the building was empty we'd get both on the same floor and race up or down.

:D Now that sounds like fun !!!
One thing I have trouble with in the theories of many people is the idea that she is using the mirror to look down the hall. From what I have seen of other videos made in a Cecil, photos, etc, that mirror would really only serve to look in the general area of the other elevator. So I can see that possibility. But I've heard many discuss her looking down the hall or around a corner through the mirror, and based on the layout I just don't see how that is possible. The mirror is basically in between the two elevator doors on the opposite wall (obviously). By the general way that mirrors reflections work, you see the opposite angle from where your eyes are... meaning she would have to be standing in the hall to one side of the mirror in order to see the mirror's reflection of the opposite end of the hallway. And if she's already in the hall, that wouldn't really serve a purpose--plus she never stands at such an angle in the video. The closest she comes is when she's in the front corner of the elevator, which my logic tells me could only reveal the angle she's looking at it from, which generally speaking would be right at or into the other elevator. And assuming she's watching an actual person, it wouldn't seem to make much sense that she would be walking right out in front of the elevator a moment later. Not to mention if she were capable of seeing someone else in the opposite elevator, then they would theoretically be able to see her just as easily, especially at such close proximity. Just my opinion, and my logic isn't always logical :D

Personally, I've never perceived that she is spying into the mirror during the moment when she scoots to the front right corner (our right) of the elevator, but more that she's hiding (possibly from someone or some sound down the right hallway), or possibly looking down the hall to the left. Otherwise, I only recognize the mirror coming into play when she is standing outside the elevator and appears to be looking at herself in the mirror, messing with her hair or something and just standing there.

I'm just throwing this stuff out there because I don't remember seeing any discussion of the mirror's angle amid the various 'using the mirror to look at _______' discussions.
:D Now that sounds like fun !!!
It was. Now that I think about it if there was a video of me inside they'd think the kid had gone off his rocker jumping up and down trying to make it go
Wondering if it would be possible for someone standing in the hallway to see into the elevator by looking in the mirror even if we could not see him because of the angle of the elevator camera. Not that it would make much of a difference. I was just thinking that if that were true, a person outside could be instructing EL about which buttons to push the second time she enters the elevator. Maybe that person wanted to cross from left to right and wanted her to actually close the elevator door? Or the person from the right wanted to cross and wanted the door closed so they would not appear on camera? Probably not the case, but it is an angle that has not been considered yet. If EL was aware that the person or persons did not want to appear on camera, then holding the door open would potentially keep them away from her. There are probably holes in this idea since I have not had my coffee yet.
Hi, I am a long time lurker an have finally decided to register due to this very intriguing case.

People are expecting ordinary behaviour out of a situation which is not ordinary. I could see why anybody would think she was having a bad trip if she were a woman going to work in a conservative suit, but a 20-year-old coming back to her room at 2am? Frankly, I think she is acting like a normal college student having fun. Why do I think this? Because not long ago I was also a college who liked to do silly things while on vacation... I wonder what people would think of me if they saw the stupid things I got up to when I went out with my friends at that age. But I disgress.

According to the "Cecil Tour" Video on Youtube, there are two sets of stairs that lead to the lifts: one on the left and one of the right. It also has very long narrow corridors that split into even narrower corridors at certain points. The first thing that I thought of when I saw this video is "I would have definitely played hide n seek with my college friends here." I can imagine us running around and playing with the lift in the same way she did, and we would most probably be incredibly loud and obnoxious due to excessive alcohol consumption.

So here's my problem with the video: where are the friends with whom she is playing?

Let me start by saying that I do not believe in the psychotic break (by either mental illness or drug use) and consequent suicide theory simply because it makes no sense. Even if she was on drugs, why would anybody get naked, get rid of her clothes, remove the heavy lid, get into the tank, put the lid back and then drown herself when the easiest thing would be to jump off the rooftop?

To me, the only thing that makes sense is that she was with somebody she thought she could trust, and she was playing hide n seek with this person. This explains why she seems so relaxed yet so anxious at the same time.

Let's go through the video:

Elisa enters the lift from the left. Her demeanour suggests that she is pretending (emphasis) to be casual but she is in fact nervous. In my opinion, she hits various buttons because she wants to get off at a random floor and confuse whoever is chasing her. Her body language is not that of somebody who is drunk, but somebody who is smirking and thinking to herself "I'm going to outsmart you!"

A lot of people are saying that she presses the door hold button but at around 0:09 the doors start to close slightly, only to open up. This is what a lift will do when somebody presses the call button outside. She gets confused by this and steps out looking to the right at 0:20, giving her chaser 10 seconds to run away (which is more than enough to hide around the corner, based on the "Cecil Hotel Tour" video on Youtube).

She remains in the lift but can hear her chaser run, hence her cornering on the right side. To me this suggests that she knows where he is coming from. But she isn't trying to flee! she is just hiding like a child playing hide n seek would do. She steps out and looks to the right again at 0:36 and stands by the door for a few seconds, then looks to the left at 0:42. She cannot hear her chaser anymore so she thinks he must have gone downstairs and is coming from the left, maybe to give her a fright? At 0:45 she steps out quietly towards the left. She doesn't see anything, so she steps back into the lift. She then hears something, so she comes out to the left again. She is out of frame now at 1:01.

At 1:06 you can see her arm drop. She is completely relaxed. Would a person in danger drop her arm like this? At 1:09 she bends her arm and places it behind her head. Maybe she is scratching her head wondering where he is, but at 1:24 she turns round and you can see both her hands are behind her head. A lot of people do this when they talk to a friend or person they feel attracted to. Whatever the reason, to me her body language is that of somebody relaxed.

It is at this point that I believe she starts to freak out. She gets back into the lift in a hurry and seems scared. A lot of people are saying that she tumbles at 1:26 perhaps due to intoxication but to me it looks as if somebody told her to get into the lift in a threatening manner. Perhaps she got caught by hotel staff or another guest, who told her to be quiet. Regardless of which the way she enters screams to me "I need to get outta here!"

From 1:36 to 1:44 she presses a lot of buttons. Is she still playing or is she just trying to get away from the situation?

She steps out again at 1:46 and goes straight to the left side of the lift. Did somebody tell her to get out? She takes the time to put her hair behind her ears. I know I do this when I want to get my hair out of my face because I foresee the need to see everything around me. Again, to me it is clear that her demeanour has changed from relaxed to frightened.

Her strange hand movements start at 1:53.

First she extends the left hand and touches her right shoulder with her right hand. I have no idea what this means, so I copied her mannerism to try and get a clue and somebody who is in the room with me (and not watching the video) got alarmed and asked whether I was OK. Maybe she is telling him that her arm hurts. She then certainly looks as if she is screaming at somebody. Maybe she is telling him to back off, or maybe she apologising. Whatever it is, this is a completely unnatural gesture. Perhaps she was slightly intoxicated after all.

At 1:56 she starts gesturing as somebody who is blind and is tryig to see through touch? Maybe she wasn't scared after all. Maybe she is laughing at her own inability to function the lift. It's as if she's saying "oh my god can you believe I was touching everything and the thing just won't work, I'm such a ---"

At 2:01 she moves slightly to the left and makes a new type of hand gesture, which to me suggests she is trying to explain something.

Now the even weirder part.

At 2:04 she turns to the left. Did she hear something? Whatever it was, it must have been unimportant because at 2:07 she turns back to the right and continues on with her hand gestures. If she was under duress, wouldn't she have done something more than just turn her head? Something like jump off her feet? So maybe she just looked to the left to make sure there was an escape route. So she starts placing one finger in another. To me this suggests she is saying to the other person "well you have done this and that and this and that." Maybe she is telling him the game isn't fun anymore.

At 2:16 she stops and just stands there. I think she turns her head to the left but I am not sure. I don't understand how somebody who is in fear of her life could just stand there. Maybe her chaser got mad and left, and she was waiting for him to come back.

At 2:22 she puts her hands behind her head again and calmly walks off to the left, where she came from.

So how could a game of hide n seek end up with her naked body in a water tank?

Maybe she died accidentally and her friend hid the body after freaking out. But who hides a naked body in a water tank? Whilst I agree that people will do anything under stress, stripping a dead friend off her clothes before hiding her body in a water tank requires logical thinking and planning. This invalidates the theory that her friend was scared. Also, putting a dead body in a water tank could potentially poison the residents of the hotel. So maybe the person who hid the body there was one of those people that can remain calm in such a situation and clearly don't give a fly about other people. Something like a psycopath.

There is also the fact that her killer doesn't appear in any images. I remember going to an exhibit once and wanting to take pictures in a room where photos were not allowed. The first thing that I did was look out for security cameras and then I positioned myself in an area where I "knew" I was safe, only for my friend to tell me that there was a camera right in front of me! So the person who chased her must have had the time to go around the hotel and check where the cameras were. Maybe I am being naive, but wouldn't this be obvious when going through the film? Wouldn't it show a person looking at the cameras and trying to work out angles?

Now let's go back to the fact that Elisa seemed very innocent. Woudn't this make her the perfect target? No, I am not saying that she attracted the killed with her actions, but that the killer looked out for somebody like her. It is very possible that he may have befriended her with the intention of doing unspeakable things to her. But why would they play hide n seek? Maybe this was a random killing and unfortunately she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Perhaps the person chasing her is not her killer. So she is playing hide n seek with a friend she had just met. It's all flirtatious and he causes the lift doors to stay open to be funny, and he runs off. At this point somebody comes out of nowhere and tells her to go back to the lift (1:46). She feels embarrassed / scared that she got caught, and the person who told her off goes back to his room or to work. She tries to leave but can't seem to mak the lift work. Her friend comes back and se gets mad at him for getting her in trouble, and they have a fight from 1:53, he gets mad and leaves her alone to her fate.
Hi, I am a long time lurker an have finally decided to register due to this very intriguing case.

:seeya: Welcome aboard from another lurker and seldom poster.

Your take on what we see in the video is very similar to my interpretation.
The only thing that I'd pick up on is that I don't believe that it's been reliably verified yet that she was indeed naked when found.

Absolutely agree that confirmation on that point (and if she was naked whether her clothing was recovered and from where) is a pretty key point.
It makes some possibilities far more likely than others and may rule some theories out completely.
Here's a little tidbit for everyone.

I copied and translated some chinese text related to an analysis of the elevator video, and in the middle of the text was this:

"According to the reporter field testing: blue children video in the elevator lift to the 14th floor, there is a fault, press floor 2 minutes before closing, not because the blue children hold delay key is pressed"


It seems to be saying that the chinese reporters who went to the hotel found that when they pressed the floor button (14th?), there was a fault in the action and a delay of 2 minutes. The delay wasn't from pressing/pushing the hold button.
And here's a photo of the hallway outside the elevator, looking towards EL's right.

They are working on one of the elevators.

When she was standing outside the elevator, she was looking at herself in the mirror.

Or someone else coming from the hallway or staircase who would also be reflected in the mirror.
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