The flurry of calls

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Aug 31, 2003
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I was just wondering if anyone asked Casey WHY did she make so many calls to her parents during the time Caylee supposedly went missing...To me, that would be a great question to ask - "Hey Casey, by the way, we've received a flurry of calls from you on the 15th, 16th & 17th...What did you want?"
I find nothing at all suspicious about all the phone calls.
When I'm looking to get in touch with a family member, I call every number they have at least a couple of times until I can either find them or decide to leave a message.
When I am trying to get ahold of a family member I do call both numbers I have for them one right after another, but I don't call continuously.
If I call the house and there is no answer, I call the cell. If I get VM on the cell- if its important I leave a msg right then, if not I figure they will see the missed call and call me back.
I think that she dialed continously minutes if not seconds one right after another, and when she couldnt get ahold of one family member moved on to the other- I think its very telling. Something obviously upset her during this time, or she needed help in some way.
I have always wondered why no one picked up ??

Maybe they were still po'd about the previous evenings argument and no-one wanted to talk to her
I was just wondering if anyone asked Casey WHY did she make so many calls to her parents during the time Caylee supposedly went missing...To me, that would be a great question to ask - "Hey Casey, by the way, we've received a flurry of calls from you on the 15th, 16th & 17th...What did you want?"

My home phones don't show how many times someone tried will show their number with a star next to it to indicate multiple calls. They could have tried calling 300 times, or 2.
I was just wondering if anyone asked Casey WHY did she make so many calls to her parents during the time Caylee supposedly went missing...To me, that would be a great question to ask - "Hey Casey, by the way, we've received a flurry of calls from you on the 15th, 16th & 17th...What did you want?"

I'm sure she'll be advised to say she called for some innocent reason..... like she locked herself out of the house & needed something from inside.

Some believable lie.... nobody can prove or disprove what she might have wanted.

The question is..... how much of the circumstantial evidence will she be able to explain away to satisfy a jury that she might be innocent? IMO, that's what Baez & the BH are doing now..... planting reasonable doubt in the public's mind in preparation for the trial.
I figured all along there was an argument going on that day and the Anthony's were hanging up on or not answering Casey's calls. It's really suspicious now that Leonard is saying Casey had an argument with George over moving with Caylee. I do wonder though if Cindy and George were so concerned, why was Casey calling them instead of them calling her to demand the baby be brought back that evening. According to what people have said, do grandparents wanting custody discover a theft, have a screaming fight in the backyard, fight the next day, then just leave the child with an angry desperate person and not answer repeated calls. Bizarre.
I figured all along there was an argument going on that day and the Anthony's were hanging up on or not answering Casey's calls. It's really suspicious now that Leonard is saying Casey had an argument with George over moving with Caylee. I do wonder though if Cindy and George were so concerned, why was Casey calling them instead of them calling her to demand the baby be brought back that evening. According to what people have said, do grandparents wanting custody discover a theft, have a screaming fight in the backyard, fight the next day, then just leave the child with an angry desperate person and not answer repeated calls. Bizarre.

Yes, the idea that Casey planned on moving out to "bond with" Caylee was never believable to me.

IF everything was fine before Casey left the house.... there is NO LOGICAL reason that Casey would get away with not letting anyone see or speak to Caylee for a month..... her parents would have been suspicious MUCH sooner that something was wrong & wonder how Caylee was doing now that she was out of the only home she ever had.

IF her parents KNEW Casey was pissed off, they'd expect her to 'punish' them by keeping Caylee away.... it wouldn't set off any alarm bells & they'd be more likely to give her time to cool off.

IMO, it's guilt over NOT making sure Caylee was ok for a full month that is killing the Anthony family.

That's why it's so important to pretend that some nanny/kidnapper/friend/alien took Caylee..... as long as they can blame someone besides Casey then they can continue to pretend Casey is also an innocent victim who just lost track of her kid.
I have to admit that I, too, call like a maniac when I'm trying to get in touch with my mom and she doesn't answer. I seriously look like a stalker or something. I call my parent's home phone, then her cell, then her work number, then my dad's cell, then my brother's cell (he still lives at home), then I go back to the home phone, my mom's cell, etc. for a while. I do this almost every time I attempt to reach my mom and can't.

This isn't because something is urgent, it's just because I feel like talking to her and I get slightly irritated when she doesn't answer. If I get in touch with my dad or brother in the process, I ask them where the heck she is so I can attempt to reach her that way. I realize it sounds strange (and almost crazy), but it's just something I do...

Anyway, I was thinking about this the other day (during one of these rampage calling periods) and realized that I'd look suspicious if ever a crime were committed and I was just "innocently" attempting to talk to my mom.

In addition, if I go through the calling frenzy for a while and don't reach her... I'll call someone else... like my sister in Florida, my mother-in-law, my friend... just because I guess I'm in the mood to talk to someone. Agh, I feel crazy just writing this down!

I don't in any way think that Casey is innocent. I feel deep down that Caylee is gone from this world, and that makes me really sad. But, I'm just explaining that the calls may mean nothing (they could also mean something)... If you checked my phone records, you'd think I was insane.
Ok, here is my little theory on the flurry of calls. Cindy and George had kicked Casey out after the huge argument about Casey stealing money from her grandfather, she has OBVIOUSLY gone too far this time and really ticked Cindy and George off.. They kick her out and change the locks. Meanwhile, Casey is close to running out of gas and knows her parents aren't home, so she heads to their home to "steal" some cash or credit cards.. she realizes the locks are change and starts calling her parents. Cindy and George have a pretty good idea as to why she's calling and ignore her calls. So Casey breaks into the shed, steals the gas and takes off... If Caylee was still alive or not at this point I'm not too sure.. This is just my theory on the calls..

Make sense? What do you think??
My daughter is almost the same age as Casey. She has made what could be interpreted as a "flurry of calls" on any number of occasions. She always calls my cell first, if I don't answer she will wait a minute or two and try again as she knows that I don't carry it to the laundry room, mailbox, etc. with me. If I still don't answer, she will call the house phone, and if I don't answer that she would then try the cell again in a few minutes. If for any reason, she didn't reach me within about 10 minutes of trying, she would then call her dad because she would be worried about me. So....the flurry is not something I find unusual. The first thing to do would be to look at her records over a number of months to see if this is a normal thing for her to do, not just at the 4 weeks of interest in this case.
I just had a wild thought about the flurry of calls, the argument, and eventually the gas cans. Since we've now learned that the theft from the grandmother had taken place previously, could CA have been calling because George siphoned the gas out of the vehicle so Casey couldn't leave and get far with Caylee as she had threatened. This could lead to angry flurries of calls
That is such a good question. I would love to know the answer to that aswell.
Some people do call and call just to get ahold of someone.
Me I only make flurry of phone calls if I am in a panic and I cannot get ahold of say Dh then I call my mom then dad and start all over.
For ex: yesterday well making supper, babe was crying 6 uear old was yapping away, 3 year old was singing.:crazy:
I was slicing veggies on the mandelin and sliced the side of my index finger, well I paniced and started calling people, dh, mom, dad, because I was wozzy, and felt faint and alone with three kids.

So I really think the flurry of phone calls that KC made was because she was panicing because something happened to Caylee.
Ok, here is my little theory on the flurry of calls. Cindy and George had kicked Casey out after the huge argument about Casey stealing money from her grandfather, she has OBVIOUSLY gone too far this time and really ticked Cindy and George off.. They kick her out and change the locks. Meanwhile, Casey is close to running out of gas and knows her parents aren't home, so she heads to their home to "steal" some cash or credit cards.. she realizes the locks are change and starts calling her parents. Cindy and George have a pretty good idea as to why she's calling and ignore her calls. So Casey breaks into the shed, steals the gas and takes off... If Caylee was still alive or not at this point I'm not too sure.. This is just my theory on the calls..

Make sense? What do you think??

I agree....This is my theory exactly!
They know why she's calling...She's in a rage & no one is answering.
The first thing to do would be to look at her records over a number of months to see if this is a normal thing for her to do, not just at the 4 weeks of interest in this case.
Right. We can't conclude that an action is unusual or suspicious if we don't know the established behavior. Considering that she called not only her parents but Lee and Jesse, however, one is led to believe that something was amiss. There certainly seems to have been a sense of urgency. When you add to that the timing, immediately following the date Caylee was last seen, well, kinda makes one go hmm...:waitasec:
I just had a wild thought about the flurry of calls, the argument, and eventually the gas cans. Since we've now learned that the theft from the grandmother had taken place previously, could CA have been calling because George siphoned the gas out of the vehicle so Casey couldn't leave and get far with Caylee as she had threatened. This could lead to angry flurries of calls
Hey, that's a good theory. But why not just hide the distributor cap. That's what my father used to do when I was about 18 or 19 and he didn't want me to go out. Do cars still have distributor caps? (Yes, I'm clueless about modern cars.)
I agree....This is my theory exactly!
They know why she's calling...She's in a rage & no one is answering.

BINGO! I would love to know if Cindy and George were calling each other during Casey's flurry.... Bet we'll never find out..
I was just wondering if anyone asked Casey WHY did she make so many calls to her parents during the time Caylee supposedly went missing...To me, that would be a great question to ask - "Hey Casey, by the way, we've received a flurry of calls from you on the 15th, 16th & 17th...What did you want?"

:)It seems like the detectives didn't ask a lot of things and when they did ask a question, they often didn't allow a response or cut off Casey's train of thought. That didn't make sense to me. I have not been through the documents but have been through most of the threads and I don't remember anyone saying they heard questions and responses to lots of things ie.

Cindy "Now that you know you last saw Caylee on the 15th, how did you come to be with her on that date. Was Casey with you? Did you see Casey on the 15th? What time did you argue with Casey? Did she leave immediately after that? Did she take Casey with her?

Casey Why are there so many consecutive phone calls to your parents?
Did you ever get in touch with them at that time?

Cindy/George Why were you unavailable to take Caseys call? Did you talk to her that day at all? The next day?

Casey You said the last time you saw Caylee was the 9th. Why do you think it was the 9th? What day of the week was that? Were you still living at home? Were you living somewhere else? Had you spoken to your mother during that time? Where was Caylee staying before she went missing?
How often did you leave her with others? Did she sleep over often with sitters?

So many questions that they could have gotten simple answers to. It seems like the grilling they did, did not offer information that they could go back and piece together a better timeline. She wasn't answering their questions concerning something happening to Caylee. She may have answered general questions about Caylee before she went missing and maybe could have come up with a better date for Caylee going missing if they had challenged the date more. This may have provided more clues.

I personally am interested in hearing more about Carmen since Nate mentioned he was at TonE's at the last time he, Nate, saw Caylee. Also, I believe Nate and Carmen saw Caylee sometime around 6/13 at TonE's when TonE himself said he last saw Caylee on June 2nd. Even the time line at boyfriend TonE's apartment does not add up.

LE did not ask enough general questions and did too much interrupting.
LE did not have the phone records or the video from Father's Day when they questioned Casey. The didn't know about the date change until just before the bond hearing, iirc.
I have a question about cell phone records. Would ALL calls show up on the bill even if the calls aren't answered and a message wasn't left? I was thinking that they didn't...but I must be mistaken.

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