The GB4 and Shannan Gilbert-Connecting the dots #2

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Verified Insider-Roy Moore
Sep 10, 2008
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This thread should concentrate on discussion of the GB4 and Shannan Gilbert and how the cases are intertwined and may relate to one another.

GB4 -
Maureen Brainard Barnes
Megan Waterman
Melissa Bartholemy
Amber Lynn Costello

Shannan Gilbert - Shannan's disappearance while running from a john's house in Oak Beach while on a distress call to 911 (May '10) subsequently led to the search (Dec '10) which discovered the remains of 4 women wrapped in burlap at Gilgo Beach.

We can sleuth how the GB4 may be related to one another and how/if Shannan's disappearance could be connected.

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Why didn’t LE help the addict?! If she was heavy on drugs and an informant... they could have helped her
  • Why didn’t LE help the addict?! If she was heavy on drugs and an informant... they could have helped her
    . Like they saved Jake Feinberg from killing himself with drugs. They must have had a party when they found out he was dead.
I believe the property is up for sale at "8 The Fairway Oak Beach, NY 11702" 4b/2ba $2,400 square feet. $500,000 asking price.

What interests me the most is the property location. He had a better scouting position that Gus Colletti did. You can see Oak Beach Road and over that road to Ocean Parkway (right at the turn around) where drops could be made. The opposite view, there is a clear view of the ocean, as well.

I do not believe the house had HVAC and only wall heaters and air conditioning units in the windows.

Can anyone go check to see whether Brewer was cooking meth or cutting cocaine in there? There should be residue in the walls and insulation. Under the stove and in the grout.

Maybe Pak went to get cold medicine for Brewer, batteries or had to pick up baby laxative to cut the cocaine?

I don't think the house had the ventilation capabilities to be a place that cooked methamphetamine, but cutting cocaine or heroin is another story.

At CVS there could only be OTC items purchased, that late. Cold medicine and batteries would be for meth, and meth has a VERY strong permeating smell. He could not conceal that kind of operation from SCPD. Baby laxative would be purchased for cocaine, baking soda for cooking crack cocaine. Painkillers and opiates would be to cut heroin, however, once again, the pharmacy would not have been open that late.

I do believe Brewer could have been Brewing.

The book "Lost Girls" says the odor noticed from his home smelled like "cats". One component of "cat urine" is ammonia.

I have no idea if ammonia is used to cook drugs, but it is possible. Maybe MDMA?

Update: Manufacturing ecstasy requires several toxic chemicals, including formaldehyde, mercury, and ammonium chloride. Could that give off the "cat" urine smell? Please advise?

Also, Brewer may have gotten upset with Shannan first. She reportedly brought up whether he had accidentally booked a transgendered escort and this is when the altercation started.

Is there any chance Shannan knew about John Doe? Brewers reaction was to get her out of the house because he suspected her of being transgendered. I think he may have thought she was wearing a wire. I think Brewer got triggered. I think his reaction could have reasonably triggered Shannan to be in fear for her life if she knew about other disappearances.
Just FYI, the pharmacy was open 24/7 at that CVS. I, myself, was in Good Sam hospital ER and would go to CVS at any hour to pick up prescriptions.
Just FYI, the pharmacy was open 24/7 at that CVS. I, myself, was in Good Sam hospital ER and would go to CVS at any hour to pick up prescriptions.
Based purely, I suppose, on Pak's statements, they weren't gone nearly long enough to get across the bridge, buy whatever, and get back. An in-neighborhood coke pick-up is much more likely.
Based purely, I suppose, on Pak's statements, they weren't gone nearly long enough to get across the bridge, buy whatever, and get back. An in-neighborhood coke pick-up is much more likely.
I agree. Even speeding, it would take awhile to get there and back. I am not sure how they determined that they actually left Brewer's. And if they did leave how do we know how long they were really gone? Are we only going by what Brewer and Pak state? B/c who can believe anything they said?

Something else has been on my mind...who is to say that SG was the only female there that night? How do we know what was really going on in that house since no one even truly investigated? There could have been others already dead or being held captive there. Why didn't they search his house that night or within the first few days? Plenty of time to hide evidence.

Do they have any evidence of the GB4 being dumped at the same time or at all different times? Similar to Atlantic City murders as far as distance from one another.

Can anyone confirm that all of the victims were missing shoes?
Suffolk PD is quick to publicize anything good they do. Can’t tell joy how many cats, dog, ducklings, boaters, etc. they save each year, BUT the cop and his trusty dog BLU hardly get a mention. It is a perfect feel good story for the public to read AND we hear little about them.
Based purely, I suppose, on Pak's statements, they weren't gone nearly long enough to get across the bridge, buy whatever, and get back. An in-neighborhood coke pick-up is much more likely.
This has probably been pointed out before by someone but—
There is absolutely no proof of anything—no video, no eyewitness sighting etc., no receipt—that Brewer and SG went ANYWHERE that night, like Pak and Brewer both claim. And we all KNOW that Pak, or Brewer, OR BOTH, are liars.
Based purely, I suppose, on Pak's statements, they weren't gone nearly long enough to get across the bridge, buy whatever, and get back. An in-neighborhood coke pick-up is much more likely.
This has probably been pointed out before by someone but—
There is absolutely no proof of anything—no video, no eyewitness sighting etc., no receipt—that Brewer and SG went ANYWHERE that night, like Pak and Brewer both claim. And we all KNOW that Pak, or Brewer, OR BOTH, are liars.
I believe that each of these girls were being stalked. By someone who liked the idea of getting them and then killing them. I believe that he is a wealthy person. Could be in the Entertainment business. He tells the girls he might get them a better job. Like modeling or in a music video. Offers them high pay. Has a nice car. Then gets them kills or tortures them. And dumps them. I think SG might have discovered what this person had in mind. JB and her went somewhere for 15 minutes. Maybe JB was paid to get SG for him.
I was watching a video the other day from a comedian named Lance Krall. He does prank calls and such. He does one where he pretends to be the assistant to Christopher Walken, and then he does his Christopher Walken impression (Very good too, I must say). Then today it hit me. We have been speculating why the GB4 would trust a John and leave their cells ( in some cases) and/or just get in the car with someone. Maybe he is acting like a personal assistant to a famous person, politician, ect... offers big money and demanding discretion. He says he will pick them up at set time and location, takes them to LI where celebs often live (from what I hear). I see this as a plausable ruse. Opinions?
That is what I have thought about this case. LISK is someone all of them trusted. They knew he had money. And most of them wanted a better life. Like being a singer or owning their own beauty salon.
JB was known to have parties. With known escorts. It is also known that he likes to invite wealthy men to these parties. Could LISK have been to these parties. And be following and stalking these women. In order to find his victim of choice. These women usually go to the same places. And many are friends with each other. Maybe he found the women he killed. By hanging out with JB.
with the GB4....letting their guard down, or not telling anyone who the john was, or leaving their phones behind, it almost seems these girls were extremely *anxious* to see this john...they must have known he had lots of $$$, fancy car, big house, business owner or something. Although I've always felt JB was responsible, I think I'm leaning away from that now. I can't imagine anyone being anxious to see

And I can't imagine the ladies being anxious to see CPH at all either. I think the killer has got to be someone more debonair...better looking...more confident, etc. And I think it's possible that even though SG couldn't tell the 911 operator exactly where she was, that she had probably been to that community the killer's home, and that's probably where she headed when she went down Anchor Way. I've been researching more of the residents in the southeastern vicinity of that community & found one who hires prostitutes left & right. I've emailed Suffolk County about him...we've briefly discussed him here before.
I think JB was unknowingly used by LISK. I believe that this killer. Knows through his friends about these girls. And he gets them to give him information on them. He is probably a rich easily recognized singer. I think he is into sick rock music. Wears makeup and is into devil worship. He likes European clothes. And has friends in the Hamptons and has a house on the East Coast and one on the West Coast. All the girls had one thing in common. The almighty dollar. Shannon wanted to buy her mother a gift. One of them had a drug problem. And another was getting ready to be evicted. LISK had to be a man they knew could pay. And maybe do more for them.
I believe that the night Shannon ran. She had come face to face with SK. When JB and her went away for 15 minutes. She is part of the four girls. But SK did not line her up with them. Because she caught on. The SK did not get the chance to toy with her like his other victims. When she was running and hiding. SK found her and had to end her life quickly. So she could not give his identity away. He only wanted the girls he probably tortured in his collection. Of burlap bodies.
I find it hard to believe that he would let Amber use his house as a place of prostitution just because they are friends. Sure. Wouldn't you help out a friend? I did think his sadness over her death was real. Neither he or Amber's sister called LE to report her missing because they had too much to hide. Sad.
I read in the book that Dave was addicted to drugs. And Amber was his and Kim's main money source.
My take on this case is all the girls knew LISK. He probably bought them things and treated them good in order to gain there confidence. I don't think Shannon knew LISK. He saw her add and wanted her. He was probably friends with JB. Ask him to get her to his house so he could meet her. He waited at the CVS. Where JB and Shannon went. When Shannon got into his car. He probably told her to ditch JB and go with him. When she refused. His true self came through. He might have had a gun. Anyway he says he is going to kill her and her driver when she leaves her Johns house. That's why she didn't want to leave the house she was at. And why she didn't want to go with MP. She feared he would follow her home. When she last ran. LISK probably saw her on the road. In his anger choked her and dumped her body. He slipped up. Because most of his victims. Went with him with no problem. And he made a collection of them because he had time to enjoy the killing of them.
My take on this case is all the girls knew LISK. He probably bought them things and treated them good in order to gain there confidence. I don't think Shannon knew LISK. He saw her add and wanted her. He was probably friends with JB. Ask him to get her to his house so he could meet her. He waited at the CVS. Where JB and Shannon went. When Shannon got into his car. He probably told her to ditch JB and go with him. When she refused. His true self came through. He might have had a gun. Anyway he says he is going to kill her and her driver when she leaves her Johns house. That's why she didn't want to leave the house she was at. And why she didn't want to go with MP. She feared he would follow her home. When she last ran. LISK probably saw her on the road. In his anger choked her and dumped her body. He slipped up. Because most of his victims. Went with him with no problem. And he made a collection of them because he had time to enjoy the killing of them.
Could be…it’s a very interesting theory.

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