The GB4 and Shannan Gilbert-Connecting the dots

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Does anyone know offhand when Craig's List stopping posting ads for escorts?
Does anyone know offhand when Craig's List stopping posting ads for escorts?

September 2010, according to their Wikipedia page:

Advertisements for "adult" (previously "erotic") services were initially given special treatment, then closed entirely on September 4, 2010, following a controversy over claims by state attorneys general that the advertisements promoted prostitution.[36][37]

Craigslist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Has anyone found any contradictory statements made by Dave Schaller?

Here's some things that stick out for me:

1) He was the last to see Amber.

2) Amber was the last known victim.

3) He's really into fishing given his picture with the largest striped bass I've ever seen (myspace link below). That picture is in front of Northeast Bait & Tackle in Huntington (which is on the opposite shore of Long Island). But, he lived with Amber in West Babylon on the south shore and would almost definitely be familiar with Captree/Ocean Parkway area if he was into stripped bass fishing. Burlap is used extensively on charter fishing boats.

4) Amber's disappearance was never reported to police, as far as I can tell. Dave asked her sister, Kim Overstreet, if she knew where she was (the next day, Sep. 3), and she reportedly said "Don't worry about it". That's it??? You're not going to report her missing!!! So police might have a chance in hell of finding her??? C'mon, man.

He had some type of verbal crutch that he used on the A&E special (kept repeating something, I forget, but I think is was something like "Know what I mean?" or "Ya know?"). Is anyone expert on the verbal and non-verbal cues of lying that can analyze his behavior (hands in pockets? etc. etc.)? I always heard that repeating questions was a sign.

He's definitely made some weird statements in his 48 hours interview:
“I walked out the front door with her,” Schaller recalls. “I was like, ‘Be safe.’ She gave me a hug and a kiss….and she left.”

Using a phrase "...I was like..." sounds like he's fabricating the scenario.

Can someone swing by Northeast Bait & Tackle in Huntington and see if they have burlap bags on hand for bringing home huge fish???

Also, does anyone find these two statements kind of odd?

1) "She knew what she was doing was just like degrading, just despicable
2) “Exactly,” Schaller says, “like a lion smells a dying gazelle

According to this The Daily Beast article, Dave Schaller called Amber Costello's sister, Kimberly Overstreet in the am of September 3. He says she told him not to worry. Here is the link:

In this New York Magazine article, Kimberly Overstreet states her reasons for why she didn't report her sister missing in the 1st paragraph. Here is the link:
Facebook. I know Char Jr worked at Captree and I'm almost postive Dave Schaller did also. This isnt new info folks, go back and read thru the old threads...
Facebook. I know Char Jr worked at Captree and I'm almost postive Dave Schaller did also. This isnt new info folks, go back and read thru the old threads...

Again, where are your quantifiable, verifiable facts to support your assertion. Facebook and being almost positive doesn't cut it.
Again, where are your quantifiable, verifiable facts to support your assertion. Facebook and being almost positive doesn't cut it.

What FACTS do we have in this case!? Everyone involved has been caught in nothing but lies! GC Lies, MP Lies, DR HACKETT Lies, JB Lies, THE POLICE LIE!

If Char hackett Jr says he works at Captree Marina on facebook, he must be lying too
I don't know for sure if DS and CH worked together at Captree but, as Sherlock said, CH does indicate on FB that he works/worked on charter fishing boats out of Captree ("Captree Star")

and I found this:

which seems to indicate that DS at least once fished on the "Laura Lee" out of Captree (just do a search on the page for his name) but then again, Captree is a huge fishing hub so I'm just going to chock this one up to actual coincidence unless we find proof that they worked on the same boat at some point or something.
Has anyone found any contradictory statements made by Dave Schaller?

Here's some things that stick out for me:

1) He was the last to see Amber.

2) Amber was the last known victim.

3) He's really into fishing given his picture with the largest striped bass I've ever seen (myspace link below). That picture is in front of Northeast Bait & Tackle in Huntington (which is on the opposite shore of Long Island). But, he lived with Amber in West Babylon on the south shore and would almost definitely be familiar with Captree/Ocean Parkway area if he was into stripped bass fishing. Burlap is used extensively on charter fishing boats.

4) Amber's disappearance was never reported to police, as far as I can tell. Dave asked her sister, Kim Overstreet, if she knew where she was (the next day, Sep. 3), and she reportedly said "Don't worry about it". That's it??? You're not going to report her missing!!! So police might have a chance in hell of finding her??? C'mon, man.

He had some type of verbal crutch that he used on the A&E special (kept repeating something, I forget, but I think is was something like "Know what I mean?" or "Ya know?"). Is anyone expert on the verbal and non-verbal cues of lying that can analyze his behavior (hands in pockets? etc. etc.)? I always heard that repeating questions was a sign.

He's definitely made some weird statements in his 48 hours interview:
“I walked out the front door with her,” Schaller recalls. “I was like, ‘Be safe.’ She gave me a hug and a kiss….and she left.”

Using a phrase "...I was like..." sounds like he's fabricating the scenario.

Can someone swing by Northeast Bait & Tackle in Huntington and see if they have burlap bags on hand for bringing home huge fish???

Also, does anyone find these two statements kind of odd?

1) "She knew what she was doing was just like degrading, just despicable
2) “Exactly,” Schaller says, “like a lion smells a dying gazelle

I confirmed last year (saw it with my own eyes); green crabs (used for bait for blackfish) are kept at tackle shops in the burlap bags they are delivered in. Also all of the boats at Captree receive green crabs in burlap.
Thank you for that link! I've read that article before, but I just read it again, and something jumped out at me:

Still, the others can’t resist a question or two. “Can I just ask you,” says Overstreet, “did he sound husky, or brusky, or what?”

“No, he didn’t have an accent,” Amanda says. “He was white.”

“Did he sound like a New Yorker?” says Overstreet.

Amanda struggles to answer. “Not *really. It was just kinda plain. You know, he was white, probably in his thirties, forties, maybe.”

“So he’s not from New York?” Cann asks.

Amanda shrugs. “Maybe,” she says. “He could have been.”

The questions come faster now: Was he angry, happy, nasty, mocking?

“He was calm, in control,” Amanda says. “He knew what he was doing.”

It's interesting to me that Amanda stated that the caller didn't sound like he was from New York, but also says that he didn't have an accent. One of the things that is really difficult to discern (for most people-especially those who aren't speech therapists, language teachers or dialect coaches) is the accent/pronunciation pattern from your native area. It often takes years and relocation to another area where the speakers have a different accent, to be able to understand what your local accent really sounds like.

Amanda states that he sounds plain and doesn't have an accent. To me, this says that he IS a New Yorker. She is a young person, who (I think) has lived her entire life in the same area. The majority of the speakers that she hears are most likely those with New York accents, so to her, he will sound plain/non-accented. It's not going to break the case, but to me, it does kind of reiterate that we are most likely looking for a local.

Sorry if this seems pointless or trivial-I work in the field of language learning, so I'm always very much aware of speech patterns/accents/writing styles.
I have not figured out what to make of that statement from Amanda.

Have any of you heard the accents from her family?

They are from Buffalo.

As far as accents go, the Western New Yorkers sound anything but like typical New Yorkers. Their accents are more close to what we hear from Pittsburgh or Cleveland than anything we ever hear from the Long Island, NYC or anywhere along the coast.
I think Char Hackett Jr worked at Captree Marina with Dave Schaller

DS also worked and fished on many charters out of Captree both before and after ALC went missing. Many of his posts are missing now, but he went by the handle "TunaKiller" on where he posted photos and reports of many of his fishing trips.

If you visit this link and search by author for all time periods under his username you can see his collection.
I don't think Amanda is not old enough or experienced in life to be able to discern the subtleties of accents. Too much to expect of her and puts her on the spot. IMO. I know I would not have been able to answer that question at her age.
There was some hints by "Mari" about SY on LISK. I know that doesn't mean much, but she seemed to imply that Dr. H might be withholding info out of fear. If Mari really thought Hackett was the killer, she might have been a little more apprehensive about going into his home with Jim Jones. If SY was the cawler to Melissa's sister, she might be able to recognize his voice from the youtube commercial of him.
I don't think Amanda is not old enough or experienced in life to be able to discern the subtleties of accents. Too much to expect of her and puts her on the spot. IMO. I know I would not have been able to answer that question at her age.

Good point! you are probably right. I don't think at that age I would have been able to discern the subtleties either. I was in my early twenties when I first noticed (college in the Niagara area), but I'm also from southern ontario where we have another accent altogether... at least that's what I've been told :)
Another thing to add...SY is the only person in this investigation who has his own wikipedia page...that means alot in this day and age lol

Here's from the discussion page of his wiki :)

Steven Yohay → Stephen Yohay – Stephen recently went through old records and discovered that his birth certificate reads 'Stephen' and not 'Steven'. (talk) 14:47, 18 August 2011 (UTC)
@ the writer of posts #327, #330 & #336 of this thread-

Here is a definition of Fact from Wikipedia:

“A fact (derived from the Latin Factum, see below) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is whether it can be shown to correspond to experience.”

Here is the link:

Please explain how what you assert is posts #327, #330 & #336 meet the definition of “Fact” provided above.

Even If what you say is true regarding this exclamation, “Everyone involved has been caught in nothing but lies!”, why should the posters here at WS accept unverifiable statements as substitutes for facts?

"It’s been widely reported that Gilbert and Brewer, the john, linked up through Craigslist that night. But Brewer hinted that those reports are incorrect. He would only say that he was on a “social networking” website and saw a photo of a woman’s face, a face that later did not match Gilbert’s.

Her boyfriend, Diaz, said if she didn’t use Craigslist, she would have used, an online marketplace where customers can book an escort, a stripper or dominatrixes, transsexuals or specialists in fetishes.

Gilbert may have gone by the name “Madison” or “Angelina” and described herself as 21 and either German, French or Italian, Diaz said. But Gilbert wasn’t any of these. She was older and biracial. "

To me the only significance of pointing this out is that you may find cached pages of with some of Shannan's ads instead of finding them at Craig's List.

I wonder if Shannan ever posted on Sexy Jobs? Later today I'll try to do a search on the names "Madison" and "Angelina". Maybe something will come up for her there.
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