The Hearsay Law

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What would happen if EVERYONE on all of the forums, blogs and discussion boards contacted the Governor of Illinois' office ....all in one day!?? Do you think he would get the message and sign the Heresay Bill??

Tuesay, July 29.....Please....EVERYONE....make a call, send an email, or both. Just please do it!

Drew goes to court on Wednesday, wouldn't it be great if the bill was signed by then and an arrest was made?

Read below to see how you can make a difference!

217-782-0244 or 312-814-2121

Ask the governor of Illinois to sign the hearsay bill and make this a law!

Spend 10 minutes of your time making the call, writing the note, telling your friends, posting it on forums or blogs or myspace, or just sending it to your email list.

We've all spent so much of our time focused on Drew and Brodsky and Len and Paula and Hosey and Ric Mimms (woo hoo) ..

Stacy, Kathy, Kristopher, Thomas, Anthony, Lacy, they all deserve the effort.
From personal experience, Governor Blagojevich is an a$$hat. His idea to "balance our state budget" is to rob Peter to pay Paul, meaning that he tries getting bills that suit HIS agenda passed so he can misappropriate funds from other valid sources to fund his causes.

Hopefully he WILL sign this bill. We shall see.....
What would happen if EVERYONE on all of the forums, blogs and discussion boards contacted the Governor of Illinois' office ....all in one day!?? Do you think he would get the message and sign the Heresay Bill??

Tuesay, July 29.....Please....EVERYONE....make a call, send an email, or both. Just please do it!

Drew goes to court on Wednesday, wouldn't it be great if the bill was signed by then and an arrest was made?

Read below to see how you can make a difference!

217-782-0244 or 312-814-2121

Ask the governor of Illinois to sign the hearsay bill and make this a law!

Spend 10 minutes of your time making the call, writing the note, telling your friends, posting it on forums or blogs or myspace, or just sending it to your email list.

We've all spent so much of our time focused on Drew and Brodsky and Len and Paula and Hosey and Ric Mimms (woo hoo) ..

Stacy, Kathy, Kristopher, Thomas, Anthony, Lacy, they all deserve the effort.

Thank you Peki51! I sent an email to the governor imploring him to sign this bill so that victims' voices can be heard!
From personal experience, Governor Blagojevich is an a$$hat. His idea to "balance our state budget" is to rob Peter to pay Paul, meaning that he tries getting bills that suit HIS agenda passed so he can misappropriate funds from other valid sources to fund his causes.

Hopefully he WILL sign this bill. We shall see.....

Dee..I totally understand what you are saying....crooked politics and all!

I hope EVERYONE will make the call, email, both! All day long!

This is a grassroots effort to get something done and stop the insanity of this case.
What would happen if EVERYONE on all of the forums, blogs and discussion boards contacted the Governor of Illinois' office ....all in one day!?? Do you think he would get the message and sign the Heresay Bill??

Tuesay, July 29.....Please....EVERYONE....make a call, send an email, or both. Just please do it!

Drew goes to court on Wednesday, wouldn't it be great if the bill was signed by then and an arrest was made?

Read below to see how you can make a difference!

217-782-0244 or 312-814-2121

Ask the governor of Illinois to sign the hearsay bill and make this a law!

Spend 10 minutes of your time making the call, writing the note, telling your friends, posting it on forums or blogs or myspace, or just sending it to your email list.

We've all spent so much of our time focused on Drew and Brodsky and Len and Paula and Hosey and Ric Mimms (woo hoo) ..

Stacy, Kathy, Kristopher, Thomas, Anthony, Lacy, they all deserve the effort.

Thanks Peki51!
According to this article, the "Hearsay Bill" is finally on the Gov's desk for signature. I thought all along that it was there a few weeks ago. Perhaps a quick signature and a quick arrest? There is hope!!

Thanks closeobserver! If the governor signs the bill in the next week or so, I wouldn't be surprised if Drew was arrested at his next appearance on the gun. The pre-trial hearing on the gun charge is August 28th, and LE would be assured of a peaceful arrest in the courthouse and away from his residence and children.
The governor's staff said he was reviewing it. How long does he normally take to review before making a decision?
FINALLY! Hope this helps in MANY cases!!! esp, DP.............and maybe mother of the year CZ. IMO
I communicated with one of the sponsors of the bill, Careen Gordon. She told me that something was likely to happen in the veto session, which begins mid November. There was an error in the writing of the bill that would make it not go into effect until next August. Either the Gov will do an ammendatory veto, which will have to again be voted on by Congress, or Congress will ammend the bill and have the Gov sign it.

Either way, it appears stalled until the veto session. I know that seems like a long time to wait, but it will be hear soon enough.
I communicated with one of the sponsors of the bill, Careen Gordon. She told me that something was likely to happen in the veto session, which begins mid November. There was an error in the writing of the bill that would make it not go into effect until next August. Either the Gov will do an ammendatory veto, which will have to again be voted on by Congress, or Congress will ammend the bill and have the Gov sign it.

Either way, it appears stalled until the veto session. I know that seems like a long time to wait, but it will be hear soon enough.

Thanks closeobserver.................I had hoped DP would be charged before the one-year anniversary of Stacy's disappearance. But, at least we know charges are probably going to be coming as soon as the ink is dry on the final bill and it's a law.

October 7, 2008

Governor Blagojevich Takes Action on Legislation that Allows Testimony of Witness who was Murdered by Defendant
Provides assistance for prosecuting attorneys to get a conviction when the defendant has intentionally murdered a key witness in effort to silence them

CHICAGO – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today acted on legislation that will allow the courts to admit a statement from a witness who was intentionally murdered by the defendant if they determine the murder was to prevent the witness from testifying against the defendant. With support from the bill sponsors, advocates and prosecutors, the Governor used his amendatory veto power to give the act an immediate effective date.

Governor Blagojevich took action at the request of the bill’s sponsors. Without the amendatory veto, the legislation would not take effect until June 1, 2009. The General Assembly will now need to act to accept the amendatory veto and so that the voices of the silenced victims can be heard immediately. The General Assembly is expected to act next month.

“Too often, victims of domestic violence cry out for help, but those cries aren’t heard. In the most tragic cases, victims are murdered by their abusers when they reach out for help, and they are silenced forever. Now the voices of those victims will be heard in the courtroom and justice can be served,” Governor Blagojevich said.

Senate Bill 2718, sponsored by Senator A. J. Wilhelmi (D - Crest Hill) and Representative Careen M. Gordon (D - Coal City), and initiated by Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow, is designed to eliminate the incentive for criminals in Illinois to kill witnesses in an attempt to prevent them from testifying at trial. The legislation allows prosecutors to enter into evidence the relevant statements from witnesses who were killed.

“This legislation will clarify the rules of evidence in Illinois and will prevent defendants from escaping justice by murdering witnesses,” State’s Attorney James Glasgow said. “Prosecutors at the federal level, as well as in other states, have been using this rule of evidence for years to secure convictions against dangerous criminals.”

The new law will allow a judge to decide at a pretrial hearing whether the court will consider a hearsay testimony. At the pretrial hearing, a judge will determine if the defendant murdered the witness and the murder was intended to make the witness unavailable for testimony, if the unavailable witness’ statements are reliable, and if justice is best served if the statements will be admitted into evidence.

For the statement to be admissible, the trial court judge must make specific findings that each of the following criteria has been met:
· Specific intent by the defendant to make the witness unavailable by murdering the declarant.
· Reliability of the statement.
· The interests of justice will be best served by the admission of the statement into evidence.

“The ability for one to testify against a perpetrator of a crime is an instrumental element of our judicial system. Criminals should not benefit when they try to stifle our system of justice by murdering a key witness. I want to thank Governor Blagojevich for supporting this bill and giving those who can no longer be with us a voice,” said Senator A.J. Wilhelmi.

This new law is supported by the recent Supreme Court decision of Giles v. California which upheld the common law doctrine called “the forfeiture of wrongdoing,” which states that the defendant forfeits his/her rights under the Sixth Amendment to confront the witness if the defendant has caused the witness to be unavailable. Senate Bill 2718 codifies the common law doctrine to make it enforceable in Illinois. This doctrine has been made into law in more than a dozen other states, including Maryland, California, Connecticut, North Carolina, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Hawaii.

“I am proud to sponsor legislation that allows the court to hear testimony from those that criminals have tries to silence. This law will help bring a bit of peace to victims’ families and assist prosecuting attorneys in convicting those who would kill in order to prevent a witness from testifying against them,” said Representative Careen Gordon.

“In order to bring justice, courts need to be able to hear the testimony of key witnesses. Unfortunately in Illinois, courts could not hear from many victims of domestic violence, because their spouse murdered them to keep quiet. I thank the Governor for standing up for these victims of domestic violence,” said Barbara Shaw, Director of the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority.
THIS bill is soooo important..........goes back to the OJ case and so many cases where women tell people they know husband intends to kill them! IMO, hurry up!!!
I communicated with one of the sponsors of the bill, Careen Gordon. She told me that something was likely to happen in the veto session, which begins mid November. There was an error in the writing of the bill that would make it not go into effect until next August. Either the Gov will do an ammendatory veto, which will have to again be voted on by Congress, or Congress will ammend the bill and have the Gov sign it.

Either way, it appears stalled until the veto session. I know that seems like a long time to wait, but it will be hear soon enough.
It passed the Senate today in the Veto session. Hopefully the House tomorrow....arrest soon

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