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peepers20056 said:
:confused: rocky i found this thread by accident and i want to say how BLESSED that I feel i did. your words are so hopeful today especialy with with all that, IS going on in our world right now.Ifeel that that is what,s missing for our children.Igrew up with something to look forward to.but today to me sometimes if you even mention the word GOD people & our children think were crazy&at times people just cringe by beingwhen they see walk into aroom,they are so afraidyou will start talking about reliogn From the time i was very young ijust Knew that there is only ONe GOd. skin color to me didnot matter & i alwayswas aware that miracles do happen.i know alot people that will call it lucky . there are so many sign,s today all ascross the world so very obovies but there are so many people today especially our young folk who think religion is a fantasy or myths .I feel really sad for them including my own 3 son,s that have been to universty & one lives in korea but he has to many far place he is a profressor nowIam always blowen away when he tell,s me IT IS JUST A JOB MOM.he usually tell,s me this when i tell him how very proud iamof his sucessin life. icame from a family of 13 children iam the 13th & my 2 lder son,s were the first to go university,but their attitudes &not just my son,s alot of their friend,s as well & again Iam amazed how they managed to to some where not learned any thing about GOD.they must feel loss rocky . SAD when you think about it don,t you think.

well, the part that surprises most people that know me is I am not a very religious person, I don't go to church every Sunday, I concider myself Spiritual.

Imagine me being the one who is chosen to deliver God's mesages?

Yes I am King of 70 million people in the heart of the Middle East,
Yes I am a relative of the father of our country,
Yes I am a relative of Scandinavian Royalty
Yes I am a relative of the King of StoneHenge

but why would I be chosen to lead Islam towards peace?

I am the one to deliver the truth about the 11 1:11 Muhammad isn't the false Prophet, he didn't know how to write, it was those who wrote his words that were the "False Prophet" The 1335 year trial is over, the Day Iran's Holy Quran burned was the anniversary.

I have some tough truths to share with Islam, when I first told Muhammad about what Islam had evolved into, he was shocked and called Ali forward, and slapped him upside the head and said look at the trouble you've gotten us into.

Ali stayed behind in the darkness all 11 Amoms did...

They feel now that I am sharing the truth with the world that Islam will once again rise back into the light.

I'm not so sure they should have that much faith in my abilities.
The President of Iran says he is going to be the one that brings the Mahdi to Iran, he might be right if he gives Kurdistan their land back, I'll go and shake his hand...
What an amazing thread to come across by accident.
Rocky, why did you stop posting?????
What an amazing thread to come across by accident.
Rocky, why did you stop posting?????

I was working behind a firewall that blocked me from the site...

I'm glad you liked the thread, is everyone ready for me to continue?

I'm working on an invention that will give our cars good enough economy that we won't need foreign oil any longer...

If I could get a Major Manufacturer to pick it up right now, it could be in full production in our automobiles by 2015.

Iran is still building a nuke, Turkey is moving forward towards the stone ages...

McCain, the candidate that got up and sang "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb iran" is about to take over where Bush let off...

I have plenty more to say...
What an amazing thread to come across by accident.
Rocky, why did you stop posting?????

Imagine being a dreamer, that not only can see the past, but can look forward into the future.

Imagine in a dream being able to ask questions, and get answers...

I asked how we would stop global warming, and they brought me to an automobile, with my engineering background, I studied it closely.

The concept is so simple, I woke myself up laughing, we have the technology today to make it happen with a few modifications.

Our Government wants to turn our economy from gas to hydrogen, they don't like the idea of autos not being able to be taxed...

so sue me, I think everyone deserves free energy.

the efficiency actually gets so good in our autos that they are small generators that plug in and discharge once they reach the destination...

That is our future...
I cant believe Rocky posted again- I was thinking of him the other day and wondered where he was--- kinda scary actually- :eek::eek:
Rocky, whenever someone claims to be receiving special messages from the spirit realm in the form of numerous dreams filled with specifics about the future, as well as having conversations with other people that all seem to be part of that same stream of communication…..that is a person who is struggling unnecessarily in their daily life.

One could give examples of others throughout history known for their special insight or “enlightenment” during their time. But what did they all have in common? Their goal was change. They each shared their messages as a way to affect change. And those changes they sought and the messages they shared both fit within the framework of their particular spot in history.

Buddha saw the suffering around him, gave up his wealth, and used his enlightenment to cause others to have a higher sense of purpose and peace. He used his words to produce change.

Jesus saw the heavy burden his people were carrying imposed on them by the Jewish Priests, a burden that, at its’ most basic level, many of them could simply not afford. He used his perceived position in a way that offered an option, not previously considered, as a method for having a relationship with their same God apart from the corrupt Priests.

Mohammed claimed to hear from Allah and dedicated his life to writing about a method for achieving stability and peace in the highly volatile environment of the Middle East.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. Then he acted on it, and dedicated his life right up to the point of his assassination, to achieving those goals on behalf of others who were living within the framework that slavery had produced.

Apart from your claim to be the “King of 70 million people in the heart of the Middle East”, a “relative of the father of our country”, “a relative of Scandinavian Royalty”, as well as a “relative of the King of Stonehenge”….you are also indicating that you are receiving messages from the spirit realm that have the purpose of foretelling the future. It also seems that these messages are coming to you almost immediately before they actually happen in real life.

Can you figure out why these spirit messengers would need to alert you to an important event without giving you either the time or the power to do anything about it at all? Other than creating anxiety and possibly an ulcer over the worry that our President may be assassinated, what have these messages done for you or anyone else so far?

Another thing to consider is that after taking the time and especially rare effort to deliver these messages to you, these same spirit beings failed to offer one single suggestion about what to do with them. Given the fact that there are 8 threads about Brittany Spears, my guess is that the CIA is not relying on Websleuths for their military intelligence information.

My hope is that you become willing to look at the nature of these “messages” and determine whether or not they are designed to cause some sort of actual change. You can also start with just how limited these messages seem to be in the area of transportation technology in comparison with real revolutionary technology that will eventually be needed to not only slow global warming, but to address the currently left on the shelf future problem of congestion, a problem that will make arguments about the type of fuel itself obsolete. Your first posts on this thread were in 2005, and that is a very long time to struggle with something that has left you without any avenues of change and without any clear answers about your purpose in this life.
And Rocky, I apologize for my rude comment about the Pharmacy. It was a knee-jerk response that was void of empathy and substance. But mostly it was just a jerk of a response.

And Rocky, I apologize for my rude comment about the Pharmacy. It was a knee-jerk response that was void of empathy and substance. But mostly it was just a jerk of a response.


no need to apologize, I smiled when I read it.

Since this first began, I had the same question as all those you mentioned, why me.

Why would I be chosen as a mouth peace to deliver a message to those who were taught never to listen?

I don't think what I wrote in this thread is to convince anyone other than myself, I'm lucky to have what none have before me, a time stamped electronic trail...

I have watched some changes over the years since I started writing, but the countdown to Iran has started, the moderates have lost control so now the Supreme Leader has complete control over the country. Worse yet, Turkey has stumbled into a position of soon answering to Iran's Ayasolla, they are the second largest Military in the Middle east.

While Americans are worried about economics, the middle east is slipping deeper and deeper towards chaos... I'm one who knows pulling out of Iraq too fast will create a vacuum that would trigger a global war, I would like to see the Saudis and Jordanians step forward now in full diplomatic relations and financial support in Iraq.

This invention could be in every automobile in production by 2015, right now America is sitting on the biggest surplus of oil in history, if our cars averaged 40MPG, we would never need a drop of foreign oil.

The world has a lot of mouths to feed, and farmers that used to grow food crops, are now making fuel for our cars. There will be a point where that isn't the answer, only a patch.

Saudi is pumping money into their economy to be prepared for when their wells run dry in 2080.

This invention, used in every automobile could stretch that date for a thousand more years...
It doesn't cost energy to make like Fuel cell cars, it just creates its own power and uses the gas engine as back up power when needed.

Used in school buses, enough gas would be saved that our schools could still have art and music classes, our English teachers wouldn't have classes of 50-60 kids...

Cops would get paid what they're worth so they have more money for donuts if it wasn't all going into their tanks...

Lots of reasons why I need to hurry and get it into production.
I know it is just my timing of when I post, but Turkey, Jordon and the Saudis are meeting with Condolesa and Cheney...

The Saudis announced a meeting of the top religious leaders that believe in one God...

al Sadr is back in the news again this week with the violence in Basra, but I just want to remind people of a few simple facts.

al-Sadr's father and brother were shot in front of his eyes by Saddam's thugs. He has come forward and said he wants to talk to stop the violence in Basra, he is actually a friend of the US, but because of the people he is leading, needs to stand up once in a while and beat his chest and rattle his Sabre to show he is not weak.

He has a voice that is listened to by Iran and the US...

His mentor is Sistani, one of the most peace loving Ayatollahs in the middle east. He has millions of followers that would take a bullet for him, that is a true sign of a leader.

He has the respect of the Kurds.

Let him represent the Shiites, that is only 1 of the 3 states in Iraq.

Who is going to step forward as the Sunni Leader?

Find that man, and the US can leave...

For those of you who don't like everything Bush has said or done, let me ask you a question, if you needed to take a bullet for him would you do it for the good of the country?

I understand he has been part of an unfolding prophesy written thousands of years ago, the Ram's horns, (Iran and Iraq's battle between Shiites and Sunni) are tangled with the bush holding them in place until the white Goat appeared from no where and snapped off the horns.

What if I said Sadr is the white goat, that is going to step in and stop the tension between US and Iran?

What if this little firebrand Cleric, is the one that is going to stop the wars in the middle east?

The Garden of Eden is in Iraq, when the weapons are finally laid down, it will grow into one of the most incredible places on earth...

We will see it in our lifetime...
I've moved my discussion down to the Private forum on a very urgent matter...

click the bottom link in my address to find it...

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