The HW or WH belt evidence at gilgonews

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In fact, Shannen Gilbert attorney John Ray, in LISK podcast that I included link to in previous post, alludes to the possibility that the WH/HM belt could be linked to Burke in the podcast’s Season 1 Bonus Episode titled “911 Call Released”.
Ray theorizes that the initials on the belt match the initials of a long time girlfriend of Burke’s; it has previously been alleged that the two were connected to a prostitution ring that was run out of a shared house.
Thanks for responding. Even when I follow the path you did and download the images to my computer, the file names are shortened to beltpic1.png and beltpic2.png.

That being said, @Fabra has proven that the URL that includes the full filenames is still valid.

So Barnes it is. Who would've thought the release of these images would reveal this much and not due to the photograph itself but rather the name of the file.

Also, if you zoom in on beltpic1.png aka "belt pic Barnes 10-658464 ME10-4485 black2noglove.jpg" and look on the left side of it, there are two distinct and clear circles most of us recognize as being from the "Blur" tool. Why would SCPD alter the photo and blur this section out? And why would they do do it in such a crude fashion to make the blurring more obvious? It looks like they used the largest brush size available as opposed to using a tiny on and making a series of dots to blend it in, it's really a sore thumb.

If you look through the blur, it appears there are are 3 slash marks equidistant from one another and all going in the same direction. Why is this significant enough to blur out?

The blur tool is actually used on the entire left side of the belt along the edge from those obvious blur stamps you mentioned down to the bottom of the image. If you play around with the sharpness, texture, and clarity tools as well as the color effects, you can see the little rings all along the edge. I do wonder why they decided to blur whatever it is out. My guess would be that they want the public to focus on the letters and not get distracted by whatever it is that's there. Also at the bottom of the pic, you can see that the black leather is completely degraded.’s strange that they would not show the entirety of the belt, including different angles, to create a fully contextual illustration, if in fact the goal is to help the public identify ownership...
That’s part of what makes me think that there is another reason for the release of these images; it might very well be an appeal to a specific individual...and also, they may just no longer have it and this is all they’ve got left.
The blur tool is actually used on the entire left side of the belt along the edge from those obvious blur stamps you mentioned down to the bottom of the image. If you play around with the sharpness, texture, and clarity tools as well as the color effects, you can see the little rings all along the edge. I do wonder why they decided to blur whatever it is out. My guess would be that they want the public to focus on the letters and not get distracted by whatever it is that's there. Also at the bottom of the pic, you can see that the black leather is completely degraded.
Because you see the spacing in the wear consistent with carry equipment on the belt. You'd likely see the type of equipment/holster/scabbard and could likely deduce handedness (as some of us have done)
Because you see the spacing in the wear consistent with carry equipment on the belt. You'd likely see the type of equipment/holster/scabbard and could likely deduce handedness (as some of us have done)
And wouldn’t releasing that detail be more helpful in narrowing the pool of potential owners, along w. accompanying language like “...we believe that the belt was handled by the killer, and strongly suspect that the owner is left-handed...” etc.?
Strange that SCPD would go out of their way to not share that information if the intent is to hope member of the public can help identify ownership, no?
And wouldn’t releasing that detail be more helpful in narrowing the pool of potential owners, along w. accompanying language like “...we believe that the belt was handled by the killer, and strongly suspect that the owner is left-handed...” etc.?
Strange that SCPD would go out of their way to not share that information if the intent is to hope member of the public can help identify ownership, no?
Maybe that’s not actually their intent?
Maybe that’s not actually their intent?
Yes, exactly...deductive reasoning re: very basic analysis of the images contradicts the official reason announced publicly by SCPD as to why they released them (...”asking public to help identify”). Go back in the thread and check my previous posts: They know EXACTLY who that belt belongs to, and the release of the images, if it is an appeal for assistance from public, is a very targeted appeal to specific indivdual(s), whose identities are also known to SCPD/FBI, in order to validate ownership of their specific POI, or to elicit some type of response from their POI, or someone else connected to it.
Yes, exactly...deductive reasoning re: very basic analysis of the images contradicts the official reason announced publicly by SCPD as to why they released them (...”asking public to help identify”). Go back in the thread and check my previous posts: They know EXACTLY who that belt belongs to, and the release of the images, if it is an appeal for assistance from public, is a very targeted appeal to specific indivdual(s), whose identities are also known to SCPD/FBI, in order to validate ownership of their specific POI, or to elicit some type of response from their POI, or someone else connected to it.

Fully agree, here. Ownership and significance of the relationship between owner and POI are already understood by LE.

Release of the belt had a two-fold purpose. First, seeking out any non-participant who has some information or previous knowledge, exposure or recognition of the initials and/or font (“I had an ex- who had a similar belt…”, “I recognize the markings…”). This would simply be additional corroboration on the ownership of the belt and help establish a link between the owner and a POI. Second, it was done to ‘rattle’ anyone who has intimate knowledge and understanding of the significance (“what else did I accidentally leave behind…”, “that is MY belt…”, “what do I need to do now…”) which might evoke new actions by the perpetrator(s) and/or accomplice(s).

Remember the oversight reference to a glove in the original images on the Gilgo News website? How about the “photoshopping”? It is all discussed in detail earlier in this thread. Bottom line the ORIGINAL image name included “glove” and was very soon renamed without the reference. The image always appeared to have been photoshopped, but not to hid anything about the belt. The alteration was to remove the glove in order not to reveal the true size of the belt.

There has been so much churn about hiding marks on a garrison belt that might divulge left- or right-handedness, a holster mark or handcuff case, etc. A gloved finger or thumb or even full palm print would actually reveal the width of the belt is relatively narrow. A women’s belt and not a garrison belt.

Much was discussed here in December and early January about two issues. First, the possibility of “HM” (if in fact those are the initials versus ”WH” which the SCPD said was also possible – and who save those intimately proximate would actually know?) being HM who has been described both as an intimate partner and a business partner of the JB.

Release was simply to “rattle” the guilty and/or acquire corroboration.
There has been so much churn about hiding marks on a garrison belt that might divulge left- or right-handedness, a holster mark or handcuff case, etc. A gloved finger or thumb or even full palm print would actually reveal the width of the belt is relatively narrow. A women’s belt and not a garrison belt.
You'd have a tough time convincing me that is anything but a garrison belt; especially when coupled with the chatter that PC Hart indicated the belt as 1.5" wide. If anyone has a clip of that audio, I'd love to hear it.
Fair enough 3Patriots. I, too, recall inferences that LE had stated it was a 1.5" garrison belt but have never been able to find actual citations to back that up. I am perfectly open to that possibility. I've just not been able to find a hard attributable resource. My belief then was that (garrison belt) leaning began as simply to further the belief that LE is implicated in the crimes. I am NOT trying to deflect from LE. I, personally, have no doubt that LE is very deeply involved in the crimes themselves. Just my opinion.
You'd have a tough time convincing me that is anything but a garrison belt; especially when coupled with the chatter that PC Hart indicated the belt as 1.5" wide. If anyone has a clip of that audio, I'd love to hear it.
I just reviewed a pile of press releases from Hart and Sini etc, the only reference to a measure of the belt was when they first released the lettering, she answered a question of one of the pressers about the size of the lettering being one half inch by one half inch. Other than that the only other info that she shared was that it was found at one of the crime scenes and believes that it was handled by the suspect and was not any of the victims. I mean I can be missing a bunch of other discussions on this, but from the main ones, so far I can't find anything on the width of the belt being released.
If the belt size is that of a large male, as Hart mentions, and the lettering is one half inch by one half inch, think of how ridiculously small those letters would look in contrast to the size of belt...
There’s only one reason that I can think of why someone would do that: to ensure that their belt is not confused with someone else who has the same ‘standard issue’ size belt, as in part of a standard issued uniform of some type.
Heather Malone should be a major discussion over and over with this. Kudos to Guy Malone her ex husband for breaking silence in recent time and doing the right thing.

Heather Malone and Burke ran a prostitution ring for many years in the late 90s/early 00s. She would recruit women as a hair dresser that she found naive & vulnerable to groom into what they needed. Most of these women were between 18-30 years of age. I had an affair with a woman who is now a high level medical practitioner as a manger of a hospital department on LI who they attempted to recruit. The more insane part about all of that is quite a few other law enforcement individuals knew of this and were clients of this ring. From my investigation on LI and work in the industry over the years a large percentage of clients of these women are law enforcement, councilman, doctors, lawyers, politicians and prominent businessmen. People outside of LI need to understand this is bigger than what you could imagine. People only talk about the corruption of the SCPD but they really don’t know how deep this all goes and why many people stay silent. In fear of the livelihood, reputation, their careers, beliefs, conceived realities and well life.

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