I have some thoughts and comments I'd like to share as I've been following case for a while now. I will just add them in numerical order below. I hope it's easy to follow/understand.
(1) Melissa's sister, the one who recvd calls said the caller referred to her sister as a *advertiser censored*.
(2)Maureen's friend, Sara claimed to have received some calls stating that Maureen was seen in a whorehouse in Queens.
(3)Bodies were found in some of the following locations: Mamaroneck, Hempstead, Gilgo, Close to Queens area...
In the suitcase of Cheeries, I believe there was a note or message tucked inside written in Spanish.
(4)Ludwig Paz, (I believe is of Hispanic background) the retired detective who was arrested for running a slew of brothels (aka WhoreHouses)...one of which was out of Queens and Long Island areas...
(5) I believe in order to get these girls to leave their personal belongings behind, i.e; purse and esp. **phone...the caller would def have to convince them he was in need of COMPLETE anonymity. He would call late at night when he knew they were high(er) & more vulnerable and perhaps emphasis only giving them the $1500.00 if they left all of their belongings behind...or else he would NOT pick them up.
He may have mentioned he was a Cop leaving them to feel safe enough to do so and to understand keeping phones away.
(6) Shannon- From what I can see she ran anytime anyone even mentioned the word "Cop" or "Police" With police scanners...any COP with a scanner could have picked up on the calls and when over there. We have no idea bc the 911 transcripts have not been made public.
Can THE 911 Operator(s) be subpoenaed? who took Shannon's calls?
I've read before that a missing victim could not testify bc she was found dead and that the 911 Operator had testified to what the victim had said during her 911 call. Again...other girls stated that they have entertained COPS - over and over...and Shannon was clearly deadly afraid of anyone mentioning COPS to her.
Is WhoreHouse the name of their Club/ Cult...etc "WH" The belt's initials do not really come off as personal initials but more of a type of Membership or an initiation of some sort? IDK I could be wrong but wanted to share.
But...In Closing...Does anyone know if Ludwig Paz has ever been investigated for Gilgo? Or any of his cronies?
Here is his story (including his wife and the other cops below)
Any thoughts? Thanks for reading!
Retired NYPD detective, wife plead guilty to running brothels, gambling ring