The Intruder as a Friend

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Aug 13, 2003
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According to the poll on another thread, almost 25% here believe an intruder did this crime. "Intruder" in this poll also includes someone known by the Ramseys. Over the years, I've read a lot of discussion about Fleet White. Of course, we know little about his knowledge of the crime, as he hasn't been talking (very admirable, BTW, for whatever reasons).

For those who believe F and/or P were involved, what is your theory? How, why, and what known "facts" could back this up?
Nehemiah said:
According to the poll on another thread, almost 25% here believe an intruder did this crime. "Intruder" in this poll also includes someone known by the Ramseys. Over the years, I've read a lot of discussion about Fleet White. Of course, we know little about his knowledge of the crime, as he hasn't been talking (very admirable, BTW, for whatever reasons).

For those who believe F and/or P were involved, what is your theory? How, why, and what known "facts" could back this up?

No, he hasn't been talking, he's been screaming! He and Priscilla have "protested too much".(as in ..they doth...)
sissi said:
No, he hasn't been talking, he's been screaming! He and Priscilla have "protested too much".(as in ..they doth...)

Well, yes and no. I meant he hasn't talked publicly about what actually went on the day after Christmas at the Ramsey's house, or the Christmas Party at his house, or his car ride with Burke to his house, etc...IOW, he hasn't given us much to go on.
Nehemiah said:
Well, yes and no. I meant he hasn't talked publicly about what actually went on the day after Christmas at the Ramsey's house, or the Christmas Party at his house, or his car ride with Burke to his house, etc...IOW, he hasn't given us much to go on.

Yes, Fleet is troubling.
hmmm..I never knew before today that there was a play!!
Who attends these things?


Never the Sinner – John Logan’s drama based upon the 1924 "thrill killers" Leopold and Loeb. Theatre on Broadway, 13 S. Broadway, Denver, 303-860-9360.

The Leopold and Loeb Ransom Note

Dear Sir:

As you no doubt know by this time, your son has been kidnapped. Allow us to assure you that he is at present well and safe. You need fear no physical harm for him, provided you line up carefully to the following instructions and to such others as you will receive by furture comminications. Should you, however, disobey any of our instructions, even slightly, his death will be the penalty.

1. For obvious reasons make absolutely no attempt to communicate with either police authorities or any private agency. Should you already have communicated with the police, allow them to continue their investigations, but do not mention this letter.

2. Secure before noon today $10,000. this money must be composed entirely of old bills of the following denominations: $2000 in $20 bills, $8000 in $50 bills. the money must be old. Any attempt to include new or marked bills will render the entire venture futile.

3. The money should be place in a large cigar box, or if this is impossible, in a heavy cardboard box, securely closed and wrapped in white paper. The wrapping paper should be sealed at all openings with sealing wax.

4. Have the money with you, prepared as directed above, and remain at home after one o'clock. See that the telephone is not in use.

You will receive a further communication instructing you as to your final course.

As a final word of warning, this is an extremely commercial proposition and we are prepared to put our threat into execution should we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have committed an infraction of the above instructions.

However, should you carefully follow out our instructions to the letter, we can assure you that you son will be safely returned to you within six hours of our receipt of the money.

Yours truly,

George Johnson

( interesting as well the other books written by Logan)
TressaRing28 said:
Yes, Fleet is troubling.
Fleet isn't troubling, unless you consider someone with integrity troubling. Fleet was there--He knows the Ramseys are involved in this crime up to their eyeballs. Fleet knows that someday he may be called upon to take the stand and testify against the Ramseys, and until then he will keep all he knows to himself.
So, you are saying that he is keeping his info to himself until he can testify against the Ramseys? I wonder by whom/how he thinks the murder was committed?

What known facts about FW are "troubling"?
Nehemiah said:
So, you are saying that he is keeping his info to himself until he can testify against the Ramseys? I wonder by whom/how he thinks the murder was committed?

What known facts about FW are "troubling"?

I don't think it's so much a case of "keeping the info to himself until he can testify against the Ramseys" as "keeping the info to himself until there is a trial".

There is a difference. Since Fleet White hasn't spoken out full stop, no-one really knows what he knows or thinks.
Well, I have had a few "odd events" regarding FW that I have stated previously a few months ago so I won't go over that stuff again. I do find him troubling despite all of that. His behavior is extremely odd and I have always said the guilty dog barks the loudest.....wonder if this could be true in this instance? most peculiar, to say the least.
twizzler333 said:
Well, I have had a few "odd events" regarding FW that I have stated previously a few months ago so I won't go over that stuff again. I do find him troubling despite all of that. His behavior is extremely odd and I have always said the guilty dog barks the loudest.....wonder if this could be true in this instance? most peculiar, to say the least.

There's nothing odd about the behaviors of Fleet and Priscilla White. They both know a lot about this crime and they're keeping it to themselves, although the BPD likely knows at least some of what the White's know. In fact, it's the Ramseys who are acting strange, probably because they're afraid of what the Whites Know. The cops don't suspect the Whites as the killers of JonBenet, and not even the Ramseys suspect the Whites as the killers. For instance, at the 2000 interviews:

MIKE KANE: "Do you consider Priscilla White to be a suspect?

JOHN RAMSEY: "I never considered either of the Whites to be a suspect. Their behavior post-December '96 was very, very strange. And that -- we were frightened of, pure and simple."

Jayelles said:
I don't think it's so much a case of "keeping the info to himself until he can testify against the Ramseys" as "keeping the info to himself until there is a trial".

There is a difference. Since Fleet White hasn't spoken out full stop, no-one really knows what he knows or thinks.

Fleet and Priscilla have let us know, Jayelles. I 100% agree that they are keeping their testimony as untainted as it can be until that magic day arrives.

Some of what we've heard did seem very strange, but some of our
most influential forum people have fiercely defended him, and condemned the woman whistleblower, which always happens to women whistleblowers.

Isn't he the one that sues people right and left at the drop of a hat? I'll bet he could even do it to any of us who'd say anything.
aRnd2it said:
Fleet isn't troubling, unless you consider someone with integrity troubling. Fleet was there--He knows the Ramseys are involved in this crime up to their eyeballs. Fleet knows that someday he may be called upon to take the stand and testify against the Ramseys, and until then he will keep all he knows to himself.

I agree...The only thing that is troubling to me is why is it that the White's seemed to be more concerned with JonBenet's death than her family. Remember Nedra's comment..."She was only molested a little bit," or something along that line. A little bit? Jesus, I can't even begin to tell you what I would do if I found my daughter strangled, molested and left in my basement.
RiverRat said:
Fleet and Priscilla have let us know, Jayelles. I 100% agree that they are keeping their testimony as untainted as it can be until that magic day arrives.


Good for them.
Shock could I suppose explain FW's very unusual reaction when they were all in Atlanta. I suppose.

It was a bit odd that he went into the bathroom to wipe JonBenet. Why didn't John or Patsy do it? He put a pair of Daphne's panties on her, and I think rinsed hers out a bit in the sink, correct? So her longjohns and black velvet pants were off at that time. We don't know if they were put back on her for the ride home, or just her coat.

In another thread, someone said, JonBenet probably put her legs around her father and her arms around his neck when he carried her to the car, which could be where she got the black fibers from his shirt.

What about the Whites' two visitor guys from California who belonged to a Kalli (sp?) club if I remember correctly? What's Kalli? Their girlfriend and, I believe, wife, had stayed home from the party on the 23rd, correct?
I do believe Fleet had taken care of Jonbenet's toileting in the past, but certainly not on Christmas when she had two parents available to her. Nothing has been published to suggest she changed clothing with Daphne.
I'm pretty sure Fleet and Priscilla White know who killed JonBenet, but they can't say because of the court gag order and the Colorado Children's Code that protects the identities of children involved in a major crime. The White's behaviors, IMO, are the result of pure frustration.

For instance, despite the darkness, Fleet knows JonBenet was not in the wine cellar when he opened the door and looked into that room around 6:20 or so that morning. He says he would have seen her wrapped in white in the middle of the room and close by the door, IF SHE HAD BEEN THERE.

Yet, when John opened the door almost seven hours later, there she was in the middle of the room and close to the door. Fleet White KNOWS the body had to have been moved since he looked into that room at 6:20 A.M., and Fleet KNOWS that John Ramsey was the only person who would have moved the body.

The Whites also knew the Ramseys were lying about Burke not owning Hi-Tec boots. Burke owned Hi-Tecs and Fleet White III knew it. How could any kid not remember another kid owning boots with a compass built right into the boots?

What court gag order ?

As a conspiracy theory my money would be on The Intruder As a Friend.
Collusion with the Ramsays would offer opportunity, motive, and method.
And explain all those Ramsay contradictions and bouts of amnesia.

For instance, despite the darkness, Fleet knows JonBenet was not in the wine cellar when he opened the door and looked into that room around 6:20 or so that morning. He says he would have seen her wrapped in white in the middle of the room and close by the door, IF SHE HAD BEEN THERE.

Yet, when John opened the door almost seven hours later, there she was in the middle of the room and close to the door. Fleet White KNOWS the body had to have been moved since he looked into that room at 6:20 A.M., and Fleet KNOWS that John Ramsey was the only person who would have moved the body.

The Whites also knew the Ramseys were lying about Burke not owning Hi-Tec boots. Burke owned Hi-Tecs and Fleet White III knew it. How could any kid not remember another kid owning boots with a compass built right into the boots?

All the above quote is consistent with Fleet White knowing JonBenet was killed at another location !
UKGuy said:
What court gag order ?

..... All the above quote is consistent with Fleet White knowing JonBenet was killed at another location !


THE GAG ORDER: If my BDI theory is close to being right, then the Colorado Children's Code protecting the identity of young children automatically kicked in and would be enforced by a court gag order. The public would not be aware of the order because if the order is made public then that would reveal the involvement of children in the crime. But those persons affected by the order would sure be aware of it.

KILLED AT ANOTHER LOCATION: Possible, but I don't think so. There's no credible evidence of it.

I agree with many of you about Fleet and Priscilla's knowledge of the crime. To me, Fleet's behavior in Atlanta was indicative of "the pot boiling over". He had many suspicions because JB was not in the cellar early that day, he knew the Rams and their "normal" behavior and made a comparison of the two, he was with all the others that morning at the house, he knew JB and Burke quite well, and he finally couldn't stand what he believed he knew. He blew up and CERTAINLY reacted toward John in a clearly protective, paternal way regarding JB. He was the father in that instance. I had been waiting and waiting for John to get angry, do something, act like a father, but he just didn't do it. Yes, I know everybody acts differently, but this kind of scenario produces the innate maternal or paternal behaviors even bears, dogs, cats, etc. expose in life and death situations. Yes, he cried over his child when he brought her upstairs, but that was an easy behavior. Who wouldn't? It's later I don't understand.

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