The John Ramsey 2012 Roadshow

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That guy's beard looks like it was painted on by Rembrandt!

Also, this is the most sickening interview out of all of them in my opinion for the simple reason that every issue is solved/explained with reference to God/religion/it being a blessing etc.

The tragedies are dismissed through invoking the name of God.

I feel sick.
Is that meant to be the sound of people ringing in their prayers in the background?
The little rings?

Good grief.

Also, these stories are EXACTLY the same as told in every other interview, each prompted by the interviewer.

*pokes eyes out.

"Forgiveness is the gift I gave myself" John Ramsey
Well that's massively convenient isn't it.
Sorry about that, WL, I was considering putting a warning at the end of the post. LOL :D
On the bright side, it appears that the media blitz is slowing down.
Next up will be Tricia’s "antivenom," hopefully.
Since the posts with links to JR's appearances are getting scattered throughout several pages, I placed the full collection over in the Media Links section in a single post.
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During the WS radio show, reference was made to an interview where there was speculation as to what Burke might do at age 40, here is that portion of the interview.

The JonBenet Ramsey Case ... Open or Shut?
By Scott Ross
The 700 Club– Scott Ross interviewed Patsy and John Ramsey in 2000. Read how faith helped the family through their daughter’s death and Patsy’s terminal ovarian cancer.

SCOTT: How is your son Burke? How old is your son?

PATSY: He is 13 .

SCOTT: How is he doing?

PATSY: Well he is a typical 13-year-old.

JOHN: We worry about Burke longer term. We had him spend time with a child specialist. Kids have ways to bury this and it's black and white and they put it aside. Where it is going to affect Burke probably more so is when he is 40 years old and that's when we worry about it, long term.

SCOTT: When he is what?

JOHN: Forty. When he's older.

PATSY: Perhaps when he has a family of his own or when he has a child of his own or when he is able to put together what could have happened. Why was he not taken and she was? All of those questions.

SCOTT: Did he ever accuse you, did he ever distance from you?

PATSY: Oh, no never.

SCOTT: I don't trust Mom and Dad anymore -- they are murderers?


JOHN: We were a loving family. We loved our children. We were a typical American family. The other thing that has happened to us that ought to be an offense to the average, typical American family is that we have been accused of all of these horrible things. We love our children. We would do anything for them, as would most American families, and yet the media has assaulted us and in effect the American family.

SCOTT: Are you bitter, angry, cynical?

PATSY: On days it's yes, yes, yes. Just like normal, you have a good day or a bad, you have a good hour, a bad hour. We were at the beach on vacation and I see all these little families running around playing, little blondes, cute little beach clothes and having fun and frolicking, you know, and I'm bitter because that was taken away from us. I should be enjoying my children -- both of them. You know, that is hard.

SCOTT: Are you able to laugh, is there humor, is there joy in your life?

PATSY: There is a difference between happiness and joy. We have moments of joy. Will I ever be truly happy again, probably not. Not until I'm with all those -- my grandmothers, my great aunts, my grandfathers and my JonBenet -- then I will be truly happy again. Then I will be with the God of the universe, who knows truth and who knows justice. But will I ever be truly happy again, probably not.

SCOTT: How are you living that day by day?

PATSY: I am living just fine. I am not…

SCOTT: What do you mean you live just fine? You can't say that. You know that's a soundbite. Someone will take that and say "I live just fine?"

PATSY: People say, how can you do this, how can you do this? I have a 13-year-old son, I have two wonderful parents, we have a new grandbaby, I have a wonderful husband, wonderful friends and I have a God that knows the truth. I have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to be remorseful over except that I miss my child everyday, every minute of the day.

SCOTT: Did JonBenet understand anything about God?

PATSY: Very much!

JOHN: She was … (starts to cry) … amazing.

PATSY: She was a participant in the Episcopal church, where I learned about the healing. That was called Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd. And it was a learning environment like the Montesorri style of learning, it was for preschoolers. JonBenet took it when she was about 5 or 6 years old. It was an environment where they learned about the Last Supper. They had a little mustard seed where they would learn about faith. They had a little corner of the room where they learned about baptism and christening, and JonBenet's christening gown was a part of that display. They learned about David and they learned about the Apostles. They polished the silver chalice, and they learned about the colors of Advent and Lent and all of that.

They learned about prayer, and they would have a prayer time in a prayer circle. I have this vivid recollection, this picture in my mind of JonBenet, blowing out this candle. She is kneeling in front of the pint-size altar, blowing out her candle and watching the smoke rise. She would tell me that that is her prayer going up to heaven. She was very spiritual.

SCOTT: Looking at JonBenet, the little girl in that outfit parading there seems to be an exploitation of a child?

PATSY: It wasn't. It was absolutely not. It was something that she and I enjoyed doing together not unlike hundreds of mothers and daughters across this country that do it every weekend of the world. I was driving this weekend to a friend's house and pulled up at a stoplight and in the car next to me were all these pageant clothes hanging there, and I knew where this mother and child had been this afternoon. This wasn't a novelty.

JOHN: We had a very simple approach to our children, we wanted them to try different things and be very good at one thing whatever it was. So we let our kids do a lot of different things. JonBenet took violin lessons, she was going to take rock climbing lessons, she took piano lessons, she took French, she took acting lessons. JonBenet was a performer. If there was a microphone it was in her hand and she was singing and dancing or doing something that was just her genes.

SCOTT: The latest little deal to come out, it hit the press a few days ago, was the fact that you have now gone to a psychic?

JOHN: Not true.

SCOTT: Well … I have the article right here …

JOHN: Read it in the paper has to be true! Let me dispel your image of that.

SCOTT: There it is. You put out a $100,000 reward to find this guy, and it's on your website.

JOHN: Our investigators control the web site. They put that picture on there. We did not contact a psychic as has been reported. The sketch that appeared on the web site that our investigators use was provided by Dorthy Allison on a television program a year or so ago. Our objective is to keep this alive in the public's mind, in hopes that the one lead that we are waiting for will come through.

SCOTT: So you allowed it to be used?

JOHN: We don't control the web site. The information that was put on there was put on there by our investigators, what they think is appropriate.

SCOTT: The reason why I raise the question because you claim to be Christians and you know, or I hope you know or have been taught, biblically, God doesn't look with whole lot of kindness on psychics or their practices.

PATSY & JOHN: Right. I know.

SCOTT: It's considered to be witchcraft ...

PATSY: Demonic.

SCOTT: And demonic. Now that might not make a lot of psychics happy, but I'm sorry, get over it. But that is what you have been accused of now and there is a distortion again?

PATSY: People look constantly for things to accuse the Ramseys about. This is just another one. Suffice to say -- the investigators, this was their doing -- they had the sketch.


JOHN: You can not convince a cynic of anything. America is getting to be kind of -- at least the media system is a pretty cynical operation.

SCOTT: The bottom line, below the bottom line, people will ask me, "O.K., you've come out of this, confidentially, what do you think? There is also a side not only as a journalist, but being an ordained minister in the church, to say to other pastors, if they ask me, "Would you recommend to let these people come to my church?"

JOHN: Let me ask you this? What if we were murderers? Would we be denied access to a church? I hope not.

PATSY: That's the people who need to be there. Aren't we "preaching to the choir" as they say.

SCOTT: Well, they still say that.

JOHN: That is a problem we Christians have in our churches.

PATSY: We need to welcome everyone.
During the WS radio show, reference was made to an interview where there was speculation as to what Burke might do at age 40, here is that portion of the interview.

The JonBenet Ramsey Case ... Open or Shut?
By Scott Ross
The 700 Club– Scott Ross interviewed Patsy and John Ramsey in 2000. Read how faith helped the family through their daughter’s death and Patsy’s terminal ovarian cancer.

SCOTT: How is your son Burke? How old is your son?

PATSY: He is 13 .

SCOTT: How is he doing?

PATSY: Well he is a typical 13-year-old.

JOHN: We worry about Burke longer term. We had him spend time with a child specialist. Kids have ways to bury this and it's black and white and they put it aside. Where it is going to affect Burke probably more so is when he is 40 years old and that's when we worry about it, long term.

SCOTT: When he is what?

JOHN: Forty. When he's older.

PATSY: Perhaps when he has a family of his own or when he has a child of his own or when he is able to put together what could have happened. Why was he not taken and she was? All of those questions.

SCOTT: Did he ever accuse you, did he ever distance from you?

PATSY: Oh, no never.

SCOTT: I don't trust Mom and Dad anymore -- they are murderers?


JOHN: We were a loving family. We loved our children. We were a typical American family. The other thing that has happened to us that ought to be an offense to the average, typical American family is that we have been accused of all of these horrible things. We love our children. We would do anything for them, as would most American families, and yet the media has assaulted us and in effect the American family.

SCOTT: Are you bitter, angry, cynical?

PATSY: On days it's yes, yes, yes. Just like normal, you have a good day or a bad, you have a good hour, a bad hour. We were at the beach on vacation and I see all these little families running around playing, little blondes, cute little beach clothes and having fun and frolicking, you know, and I'm bitter because that was taken away from us. I should be enjoying my children -- both of them. You know, that is hard.

SCOTT: Are you able to laugh, is there humor, is there joy in your life?

PATSY: There is a difference between happiness and joy. We have moments of joy. Will I ever be truly happy again, probably not. Not until I'm with all those -- my grandmothers, my great aunts, my grandfathers and my JonBenet -- then I will be truly happy again. Then I will be with the God of the universe, who knows truth and who knows justice. But will I ever be truly happy again, probably not.

SCOTT: How are you living that day by day?

PATSY: I am living just fine. I am not…

SCOTT: What do you mean you live just fine? You can't say that. You know that's a soundbite. Someone will take that and say "I live just fine?"

PATSY: People say, how can you do this, how can you do this? I have a 13-year-old son, I have two wonderful parents, we have a new grandbaby, I have a wonderful husband, wonderful friends and I have a God that knows the truth. I have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to be remorseful over except that I miss my child everyday, every minute of the day.

SCOTT: Did JonBenet understand anything about God?

PATSY: Very much!

JOHN: She was … (starts to cry) … amazing.

PATSY: She was a participant in the Episcopal church, where I learned about the healing. That was called Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd. And it was a learning environment like the Montesorri style of learning, it was for preschoolers. JonBenet took it when she was about 5 or 6 years old. It was an environment where they learned about the Last Supper. They had a little mustard seed where they would learn about faith. They had a little corner of the room where they learned about baptism and christening, and JonBenet's christening gown was a part of that display. They learned about David and they learned about the Apostles. They polished the silver chalice, and they learned about the colors of Advent and Lent and all of that.

They learned about prayer, and they would have a prayer time in a prayer circle. I have this vivid recollection, this picture in my mind of JonBenet, blowing out this candle. She is kneeling in front of the pint-size altar, blowing out her candle and watching the smoke rise. She would tell me that that is her prayer going up to heaven. She was very spiritual.

SCOTT: Looking at JonBenet, the little girl in that outfit parading there seems to be an exploitation of a child?

PATSY: It wasn't. It was absolutely not. It was something that she and I enjoyed doing together not unlike hundreds of mothers and daughters across this country that do it every weekend of the world. I was driving this weekend to a friend's house and pulled up at a stoplight and in the car next to me were all these pageant clothes hanging there, and I knew where this mother and child had been this afternoon. This wasn't a novelty.

JOHN: We had a very simple approach to our children, we wanted them to try different things and be very good at one thing whatever it was. So we let our kids do a lot of different things. JonBenet took violin lessons, she was going to take rock climbing lessons, she took piano lessons, she took French, she took acting lessons. JonBenet was a performer. If there was a microphone it was in her hand and she was singing and dancing or doing something that was just her genes.

SCOTT: The latest little deal to come out, it hit the press a few days ago, was the fact that you have now gone to a psychic?

JOHN: Not true.

SCOTT: Well … I have the article right here …

JOHN: Read it in the paper has to be true! Let me dispel your image of that.

SCOTT: There it is. You put out a $100,000 reward to find this guy, and it's on your website.

JOHN: Our investigators control the web site. They put that picture on there. We did not contact a psychic as has been reported. The sketch that appeared on the web site that our investigators use was provided by Dorthy Allison on a television program a year or so ago. Our objective is to keep this alive in the public's mind, in hopes that the one lead that we are waiting for will come through.

SCOTT: So you allowed it to be used?

JOHN: We don't control the web site. The information that was put on there was put on there by our investigators, what they think is appropriate.

SCOTT: The reason why I raise the question because you claim to be Christians and you know, or I hope you know or have been taught, biblically, God doesn't look with whole lot of kindness on psychics or their practices.

PATSY & JOHN: Right. I know.

SCOTT: It's considered to be witchcraft ...

PATSY: Demonic.

SCOTT: And demonic. Now that might not make a lot of psychics happy, but I'm sorry, get over it. But that is what you have been accused of now and there is a distortion again?

PATSY: People look constantly for things to accuse the Ramseys about. This is just another one. Suffice to say -- the investigators, this was their doing -- they had the sketch.


JOHN: You can not convince a cynic of anything. America is getting to be kind of -- at least the media system is a pretty cynical operation.

SCOTT: The bottom line, below the bottom line, people will ask me, "O.K., you've come out of this, confidentially, what do you think? There is also a side not only as a journalist, but being an ordained minister in the church, to say to other pastors, if they ask me, "Would you recommend to let these people come to my church?"

JOHN: Let me ask you this? What if we were murderers? Would we be denied access to a church? I hope not.

PATSY: That's the people who need to be there. Aren't we "preaching to the choir" as they say.

SCOTT: Well, they still say that.

JOHN: That is a problem we Christians have in our churches.

PATSY: We need to welcome everyone.

PATSY: She was a participant in the Episcopal church, where I learned about the healing. That was called Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd. And it was a learning environment like the Montesorri style of learning, it was for preschoolers. JonBenet took it when she was about 5 or 6 years old. It was an environment where they learned about the Last Supper. They had a little mustard seed where they would learn about faith. They had a little corner of the room where they learned about baptism and christening, and JonBenet's christening gown was a part of that display. They learned about David and they learned about the Apostles. They polished the silver chalice, and they learned about the colors of Advent and Lent and all of that.

They learned about prayer, and they would have a prayer time in a prayer circle. I have this vivid recollection, this picture in my mind of JonBenet, blowing out this candle. She is kneeling in front of the pint-size altar, blowing out her candle and watching the smoke rise. She would tell me that that is her prayer going up to heaven. She was very spiritual.
For me this is an example of Patsy augmenting JonBenet's profile.

JOHN: Let me ask you this? What if we were murderers? Would we be denied access to a church? I hope not.

PATSY: That's the people who need to be there. Aren't we "preaching to the choir" as they say.
You must let us in we want to meet all the other sinners, OK pal!


For me this is an example of Patsy augmenting JonBenet's profile.
I agree, similar to...

"Throughout it all, she steered her daughter through the world of child beauty pageants, a time-consuming effort that fueled the shared dream of Patsy and her mother and sister that JonBenét might someday grab the gold ring that Patsy and Pam had missed and become Miss America. My profile of Patsy led me to believe that she had gone beyond living vicariously through her daughter. She was enhancing JonBenét’s pageant resumes with such things as violin and French lessons, and was even attributing highly improbable quotes to the child, such as how the world would be a better place if we planted daffodils. Just to have JonBenét win titles didn’t seem to be enough for Patsy. It seemed to me that she sought perfection."
JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation, Steve Thomas, page 92
And it begins…

March 9, 2012—John Ramsey, father of murder victim JonBenet Ramsey, will release his new book next week while on a full media tour with ABC. The Other Side of Suffering, by John Ramsey with Marie Chapian (FaithWords/Hachette Book Group 2012) will be featured on several programs on the ABC network, including Good Morning America, The View, Nightline, GMA Weekend, in addition to an ABC Radio Network tour. Ramsey will also be a guest on Anderson Cooper’s new daytime show Anderson, CBS This Morning, CNN’s Starting Point and the weekend FOXNEWS program Huckabee.

Good Morning America:
Katie Couric discusses the importance of colon cancer prevention; author and nutritionist Heather Bauer (Bread is the Devil); Jon Benet’s father, John Ramsey, on his new book, The Other Side of Suffering.

The View:
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The legendary Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog are here! Plus: Author John Ramsey, and Rita Rudner in "Joy's Comedy Corner".

Anderson Cooper:
Friday, March 16, 2012
Fifteen years after her death, John Ramsey, father of murdered child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey, joins Anderson to discuss what he thinks happened to his daughter, how he’s coped with losing his wife to ovarian cancer, and how he has found love again.
In a candid and emotional interview, John talks openly about the fateful night that JonBenet was killed, the media circus that followed, and what he’s doing to keep his daughter’s memory alive

Here’s a preview of what to expect:

John Ramsey - 49 Tongues in 36 Seconds - YouTube

Licking your lips after saying something is a strong sign of deception. When people get nervous, their saliva glands cease to produce saliva, and our mouths become dry. There are two reasons why a person could lick their lips after saying something. They are either nervous, or are uncomfortable with what they just said.

See the appearances here:
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Or they have medical conditions that make them dry. Not that I'm defending JR, but dry mouth effects a lot of people - and not just the elderly.
I agree, similar to...

"Throughout it all, she steered her daughter through the world of child beauty pageants, a time-consuming effort that fueled the shared dream of Patsy and her mother and sister that JonBenét might someday grab the gold ring that Patsy and Pam had missed and become Miss America. My profile of Patsy led me to believe that she had gone beyond living vicariously through her daughter. She was enhancing JonBenét’s pageant resumes with such things as violin and French lessons, and was even attributing highly improbable quotes to the child, such as how the world would be a better place if we planted daffodils. Just to have JonBenét win titles didn’t seem to be enough for Patsy. It seemed to me that she sought perfection."
JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation, Steve Thomas, page 92

Absolutely, I try not to confirm my own theories wrt RDI, but on this aspect, I keep being reminded how Patsy was likely projecting absent features of her own personality onto JonBenet. Whilst its not impossible, a spiritually developed JonBenet at six years old, takes some believing.

Or alternatively, Patsy was masking JonBenet's interior pain, with claims that JonBenet she was so developed, we should focus upon her achievments?

I don't post here often because this is one of the saddest and most emotionally complicated cases I've ever known. And because we don't know what was going on in Jon Benet's life behind closed doors (chronic sexual abuse) it is hard to cast suspicion on any one person when everyone is suspect 'til the real truth is known. It's hard for me to hurt innocent people in the quest for the truth for Jon Benet, but I simply HAVE to ask this question:

Are there many people who consider the possibility that it was Patsy herself that sexually abused her daughter? I ask this because, taking into consideration the prior implications that Patsy was herself a victim of sexual abuse, it is possible her own sexuality became twisted. Some perpetrators of sexual abuse do it under the guise of 'punishment'. Maybe this was part and parcel of Patsy's use of Jon Benet as a living projection of herself?

And to change subjects, I have never given much weight to the observation that Patsy was wearing the same outfit she had the night before for this reason: they were getting up very early the next morning and doing the absolute minimum necessary to get in flight. No one at their destination would even know she wore it the evening before. If she DID have social plans for the evening of arrival, she probably planned to shower and change before then anyway. I just don't see this issue as being a convincing one for guilt. It could simply have been her 'method' of travel. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean she's NOT guilty either.
.... but I simply HAVE to ask this question:

Are there many people who consider the possibility that it was Patsy herself that sexually abused her daughter? ....

Steve Thomas, in his book about JonBenet's death, seems to believe that Patsy was responsible for the injuries sustained by JonBenet. He called it corporal punishment.

Since Thomas was a detective privy to evidence, I still have to go with his theory over anything else I've read or heard.
I don't post here often because this is one of the saddest and most emotionally complicated cases I've ever known. And because we don't know what was going on in Jon Benet's life behind closed doors (chronic sexual abuse) it is hard to cast suspicion on any one person when everyone is suspect 'til the real truth is known. It's hard for me to hurt innocent people in the quest for the truth for Jon Benet, but I simply HAVE to ask this question:

Are there many people who consider the possibility that it was Patsy herself that sexually abused her daughter? I ask this because, taking into consideration the prior implications that Patsy was herself a victim of sexual abuse, it is possible her own sexuality became twisted. Some perpetrators of sexual abuse do it under the guise of 'punishment'. Maybe this was part and parcel of Patsy's use of Jon Benet as a living projection of herself?

And to change subjects, I have never given much weight to the observation that Patsy was wearing the same outfit she had the night before for this reason: they were getting up very early the next morning and doing the absolute minimum necessary to get in flight. No one at their destination would even know she wore it the evening before. If she DID have social plans for the evening of arrival, she probably planned to shower and change before then anyway. I just don't see this issue as being a convincing one for guilt. It could simply have been her 'method' of travel. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean she's NOT guilty either.

Respectfully, I see the clothing issue in the opposite light. First PR was not the kind of person who was used to wearing the same clothes two days in a row -as far as I know. I suppose everyone is different, but I can't go to bed w/o a shower -on rare occasions when I do, I feel absolutely "groady" when I get up and must immediately shower.

Some people are used to not showering daily, and it's actually not so bad if one doesn't have a strenuous job or strenuous activity like golf or tennis. But someone in PRs social/economic level, probably showers daily and changes daily, perhaps even changing more than once a day. Even if she didn't feel the need for a shower wouldn't she be likely to change underwear? And if one is going to bother changing underwear, why put "dirty" clothes back on- It's not like she didn't have anything else to wear.

Wearing the same clothes doesn't prove she's guilty, but it raises a red flag. IMO.
One reason I find it suspicious that Patsy was wearing the same outfit two days in a row is that you would think someone would want to wear a more casual outfit for a plane ride, than they wrote for a Christmas party. The purpose of each day was so different, that they pretty much require a different outfit.
Respectfully, I see the clothing issue in the opposite light. First PR was not the kind of person who was used to wearing the same clothes two days in a row -as far as I know. I suppose everyone is different, but I can't go to bed w/o a shower -on rare occasions when I do, I feel absolutely "groady" when I get up and must immediately shower.

Some people are used to not showering daily, and it's actually not so bad if one doesn't have a strenuous job or strenuous activity like golf or tennis. But someone in PRs social/economic level, probably showers daily and changes daily, perhaps even changing more than once a day. Even if she didn't feel the need for a shower wouldn't she be likely to change underwear? And if one is going to bother changing underwear, why put "dirty" clothes back on- It's not like she didn't have anything else to wear.

Wearing the same clothes doesn't prove she's guilty, but it raises a red flag. IMO.

You make a good point and I have always felt this issue to be a valid one. I wish there had been more commentary on this from JR himself. However, it should also be considered that PR may have showered and dressed late in the day specifically for the night time party and might have only worn that outfit a short time. In her circumstances, tired, sick, and trying hard to carry on an image for the outside world, she may have simply taken the easy route and chosen to put the same outfit back on. I would not doubt that she had done this before under similar circumstances, less laundry, less hassle, and a way to take the outfit without packing it.

My personal opinion is that it is more likely she was up all night that night and never changed out of those clothes, BUT in all fairness I believe the clothing is a weak argument, especially without forensic evidence that SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAKEN AT THE TIME. grrrr. In fact, could THAT be the very reason why she was wearing those clothes, to keep them from possibly being taken for testing? Did John put on the same clothing HE had on the night before? :what:
One reason I find it suspicious that Patsy was wearing the same outfit two days in a row is that you would think someone would want to wear a more casual outfit for a plane ride, than they wrote for a Christmas party. The purpose of each day was so different, that they pretty much require a different outfit.

Again, I would agree with you under average, ordinary circumstances. But I have to consider that Patsy was VERY much into image and appearances, was groomed for that to be a high priority from her youngest childhood years. I don't really recall any footage of her ever wearing very casual outfits. I tend to think that she always had her 'pageant wave' and 'judges smile' ready to flash in an instant. I'm guessing the only time she let that down was in the wee hours of the night when the rest of the world was sleeping soundly and she was awake alone pondering deep travesties that gnawed at her and caused unresolved resentments. But that is just my guess.
I believe Patsy never went to bed that night. That is why she was in the same clothing. She was also in her full makeup and hairset at 6 am.
However, it can be argued that simply putting on the clothes from the night before (but only the black velvet pants and red sweater, not the fleece jacket she also wore to the party) is not proof she stayed up all night. She could have decided to wear them for the plane trio to Charlevoix, as an appropriately festive holiday outfit, as she was planning to meet her stepdaughter's fiance for the first time. BUT....
Taken as a whole with the fibers from the red sweater in such an integral part of the crime scene (and for which no innocent explanation holds water), I believe she was up all night. I believe she wrote the note and participated in the staging.

Wearing the same clothes in order to prevent police from taking them into evidence as they SHOULD have, wouldn't have been a deterrent for police that followed proper procedure. They would simply have demanded she remove them and hand them over.
However, the police did NOT follow proper procedure and never asked ANY of the family for the clothing they wore that night until much later. I don't know how much time elapsed, but I know they did not take clothing into evidence that day before the Rs left for their friends, the Fernie's.
I think by that time, the Rs had already moved to Atlanta and police said that the clothing they had been sent seemed either brand new or laundered.
John Ramsey in a interview with Scott Ross (CBN) says they're just a typical American family. Sorry, but I don't think so.

JonBenet had a very busy life for a six year old. Singing and dance lessons three times a week. Piano, acting, violin and french lessons, was going to take rock climbing. All that on top of school. She was six years old for Gods sake. That's cramming a lot in any child's life. But then again we're talking about a mother that says what ever it takes, I'll pay.

Did Burke have the same schedule of lessons and classes? Or was all that grooming just for JonBenet?

That Ramsey money sure pays for a lot. They have their own little cottage industry going on. Lawyers, (not just one, but several) private detectives, media control consultants, handwriting specialist,and the list goes on and on. Get us off, what ever it takes, I'll pay. We're just a typical American family.

Jon and Pasty sure wanted it to be known in that interview, that neither one of them had sought out a psychic and they had no control over their own website, that it was controlled by their investigators and what they thought was appropriate. I find that hard to believe for these two hands on people.

Pasty had full make-up on that morning. Pasty had the same clothes on from the night before and they were the same as the person who killed/staged JonBenet's body with John. Pasty was all about Pasty. The house keeper tells about Pasty changing purses once a week and that she had around forty of them. In PMPT when Pasty got to Boulder, she didn't just get boots to be a cowgirl. She got black boots with rhinestone. Pasty loved glitz and glamour. Pasty had an image of herself and she was bound and determined to keep that image of herself as a perfect mom, perfect wife, perfect family. Perfect victim.
I don't post here often because this is one of the saddest and most emotionally complicated cases I've ever known. And because we don't know what was going on in Jon Benet's life behind closed doors (chronic sexual abuse) it is hard to cast suspicion on any one person when everyone is suspect 'til the real truth is known. It's hard for me to hurt innocent people in the quest for the truth for Jon Benet, but I simply HAVE to ask this question:

Are there many people who consider the possibility that it was Patsy herself that sexually abused her daughter? I ask this because, taking into consideration the prior implications that Patsy was herself a victim of sexual abuse, it is possible her own sexuality became twisted. Some perpetrators of sexual abuse do it under the guise of 'punishment'. Maybe this was part and parcel of Patsy's use of Jon Benet as a living projection of herself?

You're not the only one, OneLove. My brother and I were talking a few years ago, and he definitely believes that someone in Patsy's family was subjected to sexual abuse. Or, to quote you what he said to me, "Guv, haven't you ever wondered why a beautiful woman like Pam Paugh never got married, never had children and let her looks go to waste so badly?" I have to admit, I'd never looked at it that way before.

And to change subjects, I have never given much weight to the observation that Patsy was wearing the same outfit she had the night before for this reason: they were getting up very early the next morning and doing the absolute minimum necessary to get in flight. No one at their destination would even know she wore it the evening before. If she DID have social plans for the evening of arrival, she probably planned to shower and change before then anyway. I just don't see this issue as being a convincing one for guilt. It could simply have been her 'method' of travel. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean she's NOT guilty either.

To that, I will only say this, OneLove: the fact that she had the same outfit from the night before MAY be significant due to the statements of people who knew her that such a thing was repellent to her. BUT, even if it is not significant in and of itself, when you couple a lot of other elements together, it adds up.
Were John or Pasty ever asked about the bruises on JonBenet's arms?

Why not ask him now.

How did they get there John?

Did you grab your daughter by her arm with enough force to leave bruises.

Not once but several times?

Can't say it was an intruder that left them can he?

JonBenet was abused and exploited and he let it happen.
I know his answer to that already.....

"it was 15 years ago, I don't remember every bruise a little girl gets."


"Kids will be kids, they play rough and things happen."

Wouldn't go anywhere and easy to dismiss unfortunately.

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