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I didnt mean it negatively-there just seems to be some confusion in some of the posts as to if there are deciding life in prison or death during these deliberations so just thought I would clear it up....and believe me, I'm hoping for a guilty verdict and then a death penalty sentence....
Nevermind, my bad. Just got home from work a little while ago, hoping they had made a decision last night after I had left for work. Been trying to survive on way too little sleep this last two weeks and I admit I'm tired and grumpy and I should not have snapped on you like that. I'm sorry for that.

Now I really am going to get a bite to eat, give my puppies a hug and get my grumpy a$$ off to bed. Hopefully when I wake up this afternoon it will be to find they came to a guilty verdict.
May 5, 2009, the world lost three beautiful people.

Not only have Sheri, Garett and Gavin touched the lives of their family and friends but they have touched the lives of many that never had the pleasure to meet them in person.

God bless you, Sheri, Garett and Gavin, you will always be remembered!!!
@ChrisPilcic Chris Pilcic
Coleman just left the courthouse. He's returning to the jail while jury deliberations continue. @fox2now #colemantrial.
4 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® Favorite Retweet Reply
Good Morning!

Fox2 has confirmed that they will break into regular programming and broadcast the verdict when it happens.

Also, I forgot this and this could explain the already 4 hours of deliberations with more to come... there is an ex-Public Defender on the jury. Assumptions are he is the one that is possible gearing the discussions and raking through the evidence. We shall see... it worries me a bit.

An ex- Public Defender? Oh my, that's scary.
@ChrisHayesTV Chris Hayes
#colemantrial suspect Chris Coleman has come & gone from the courthouse as jury continues deliberation (in 5th hour). @fox2now
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply
He is guilty beyond any doubt in my mind. If I were on the jury I would have to go for the DP. He is a cold blooded killer and deserves to be put to death.
Hello All,

Hey Brian, can you tell our dear TallCoolOne is fairly emotional today AND downright tired :(

TCO, in the event you haven't fallen asleep yet. Brian is with us all the way and the sweetest kinda guy. He wasn't being negative in his post or disputing with you at all :)

Mercy girl, you are not your typical graceful pink cheeked self today. :) Please pleasure your body with something to eat, then take a wonderful restful sleep while we hold the fort down for you. When you wake up, we'll have a nice cup of your fave bev just waiting for you!

To all that do not know...

Brian is one of our members who came to WS as a result of this event. It happened right in his neighborhood, very close to him -- practically on top of his home and family. His family and he have a 24/7 reminder of Chris Coleman and this whole horrible event because they live in the very presence of the home that Sheri and the children once brightened. They cannot get away from thinking of what CC did and you can be they are waiting for justice.

As Brian wrote:

"and believe me, I'm hoping for a guilty verdict and then a death penalty sentence.... "

TCO, your writing above has encapsulated what so many of us have felt. We were here in the beginning, we did not forget what Chris did, we have not gone away -- we have been forced to wait until Chris Coleman is PUNISHED!

Let's hope and pray that there is no foolishness in that jury. The only thing that jury lacks is actually having stood and watched Chris do what he did -- the videos, the threats, the evidence is blatantly clear.

I want to hear the words "Guilty" from the jury foreman and 12 voices saying that this was their vote. Two years is far too long to have had to wait for justice. I'm tired of waiting, we all are -- let's get the show on the road.

The jury started deliberating again about 45 minutes ago. Let's hope we hear word soon.

Here is the link to the live webcam, I hope it has the live report.
The PD bothers me - he's probably talking the rest of the jurors through every minute detail. Hope he remembers he's not defending Chris.

Me too who! For some reason he has me really, really worried.

"But if there was more we didn’t know, I’d like to know why the defense was just reaching for straws yesterday afternoon." I really liked this quote from this article. Seems everyone that sat through the testimony pretty much agrees this should be an easy decision. Patiently awaiting....
Did you see the tweet from Nick Pistor?
Nicholas J.C. Pistor
I measure the reach of a news story by two factors: if it makes the London newspapers or is on Entertainment Tonight. #colemantrial

Is ET really there?

I took this to mean either in the London paper OR on ET, and he said it's in the London paper. I could be wrong though.
Hello MnM84,

Thanks so much for posting that article, it is a good one.

The author of the article wrote at the end:

>>But if there was more we didn’t know, I’d like to know why the defense was just reaching for straws yesterday afternoon.<<

Exactly. Excuse me Mr. defense, we were all just sitting at the card table. If you had cards to play, the time was at the table when everyone was waiting for you to play them." What a joke!
The live news on the web is reporting. They said they will be back live when the jury's decision comes down.
fox 2 said CC is back at the courthouse?
Stella - bet your watching same channel as me :)
Always fox2 since i have a little crush on chris hayes lol... sorry for typos etc 1handed rocking baby may
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