The killer is still alive

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Nedthan Johns

New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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I can't believe I am saying this. But I changed my theory based on the evidence and information provided on tonight's show.

I’m watching The Case of JonBenet Ramsey, which I think we all have been hoping for, for 20 years. Probably the best analysis of the case I have seen so far and I have learned new things from this show along with the Dr. Phil interview on Burke Ramsey. I think I am swaying more and more towards the Burke Ramsey did it theory, which I dismissed early on.

The Dr. Phil interview really perturbed me. Burke is not only socially awkward, but he made some unbelievable statements and some statements that were really bizarre. In addition to his inappropriate smiles and looking down when asked certain question, His lack of empathy for his sister was evident. He flat out lied when asked if he had ever read the ransom note in it's entirety. This kid is almost 30 years old and he has never read the note? He said he stops on page 1 and can't get through anymore?

The biggest revelation is that Burke Ramsey admits to being up that night and sneaking down to play with his Christmas toys. HUGE admission! His prints are on the bowl of pineapple. He also admitted to hitting JonBenet on the head once before with a golf club hard enough to cause a mark on her chin. The bowl of pineapple was found on the table and the flashlight was found on the kitchen countertop.

Dr. Werner Spitz lines up that flashlight perfectly with the head wound, and now I have no doubts that is the object that struck her. NONE at all.

If it's clear that Patsy Ramsey said in the background of the 911 tape, What did you do? That then removes her as the killer and places the blame on John or Burke. The 911 operator also states she heard Patsy say, We called 911, now what? This whole event is being orchestrated by John.

Furthermore when both John and Pasty state they did not kill JonBenet, it is convincing to everyone including the Linguist. That leaves one person left, and the convincing fact from Dr. Spitz called in a 10 year old boy to inflict the same type of wound to a skull as JonBenet was. The wound was almost an exact match! Also JonBenet was hit on the side of the head. I now can convincingly draw a conclusion that Burke woke in the middle of the night, perhaps woke JonBenet as well to play with their presents, both ate Pineapple, and at some point an altercation took place and Burke struck JonBenet with the flashlight to the side of the head.

Burke's reactions or non reactions on Dr. Phil and his odd behavior tells me something is not right with this child. His statements to the child psychologists about 'it's time to move on', and his disconnect and unsympathetic reactions to her murder disturb me. His reconstruction of what he thinks happened by raising his hand and bringing it down, also is suspicious along with him not identifying the pineapple when he is shown the photo, all show he is hiding something. This biggest factor for me, is that Burke Ramsey admitted to being up that night. The cover up was a joint effort on behalf of Patsy and John, which only makes sense why they covered for each other. When asked to draw a picture of his family, he drew his mom, dad and himself, not JonBenet. I think this child was jealous of his sister, the attention she received. I now view his as the likely culprit. Since the 911 call and ransom note cannot be dismissed as evidence, there is no sense in discussing any intruder theory, it doesn't exist.

I say there is ample evidence to make an arrest in this case. I now think Burke Ramsey is the culprit. This is now the only thing that makes sense on why both Patsy and John united to protect him. His interview with Dr. Phil and the interview with the child psychologist were very telling. And HI to all the old gang! Boy it's been years! It's sad we are still talking about this after all this time. If anything positive has come out of this case, is that JonBenet's murder was a wakeup call to police and investigators everywhere, and that NO ONE, not even wealthy people should be above the law.
Dear Nedthan Johns,

This is quite a moment.

I am thrilled you have changed your mind.

I have to say, my mind is all seems so obvious now.
Just now watching a wrap up of Dr. Phil's show, who states only a small percentage of the population think the Ramsey's did it. My God this man is a joke!
I have to say, my mind is all seems so obvious now.

I am really impressed by the team they put together and the effort they put into solving this case once and for all. It was jarring to see a little boy volunteer to hit a skull with a flashlight, but I think they had to because nobody would ever believe it unless they saw with their own two eyes.
I completely agree Just the facts. There is no way anyone can entertain an intruder theory, the evidence presented tonight put an end to that once and for all. It's clear the Ramsey's lied about Burke being awake that morning, it's clear that Burke stated he was up and played with his presents that night. It's clear that Patsy, Burke and John were heard on the 911 tape. It's clear that Patsy Ramsey could not be excluded as the writer of the note. It's clear that the flashlight is the weapon that caused the skull fracture. To discuss anyone other then the Ramsey's is a complete waste. What's sad is that this team of experts wasn't put in place 20 years ago, but then again, this murder has taught us all how not to run an investigation.
I've believed Burke did it since 1997. And I always felt someday it would be obvious to most others as well.

That day is now.
I just can't fathom a wife covering for a husband or visa versa. Also the fact that we know that Burke was up from the 911 recording, and he and his parents lie that he was in bed, he also said in his Dr. Phil interview, that he was asleep, but then said he heard his mom crying saying My Baby, My Baby. Now wouldn't ANY 9 year old kid wake up at this point and ask what is going on? The Ramsey's first reaction was to remove him from the house.
I just can't fathom a wife covering for a husband or visa versa. Also the fact that we know that Burke was up from the 911 recording, and he and his parents lie that he was in bed, he also said in his Dr. Phil interview, that he was asleep, but then said he heard his mom crying saying My Baby, My Baby. Now wouldn't ANY 9 year old kid wake up at this point and ask what is going on? The Ramsey's first reaction was to remove him from the house.


To shut him up, imo. All the weird stuff around BR has been to keep his mouth shut. Saying he was in his room, he didn't know anything, he went to bed very quickly that night, etc, it was all to fully remove him from the equation and make sure he could always claim ignorance. I bet that pineapple stuff, claiming neither kid had any, was to keep BR's mouth shut too. They removed EVERYTHING that night that happened that involved Burke.
I can't believe I am saying this. But I changed my theory based on the evidence and information provided on tonight's show.

I’m watching The Case of JonBenet Ramsey, which I think we all have been hoping for, for 20 years. Probably the best analysis of the case I have seen so far and I have learned new things from this show along with the Dr. Phil interview on Burke Ramsey. I think I am swaying more and more towards the Burke Ramsey did it theory, which I dismissed early on.

The Dr. Phil interview really perturbed me. Burke is not only socially awkward, but he made some unbelievable statements and some statements that were really bizarre. In addition to his inappropriate smiles and looking down when asked certain question, His lack of empathy for his sister was evident. He flat out lied when asked if he had ever read the ransom note in it's entirety. This kid is almost 30 years old and he has never read the note? He said he stops on page 1 and can't get through anymore?

The biggest revelation is that Burke Ramsey admits to being up that night and sneaking down to play with his Christmas toys. HUGE admission! His prints are on the bowl of pineapple. He also admitted to hitting JonBenet on the head once before with a golf club hard enough to cause a mark on her chin. The bowl of pineapple was found on the table and the flashlight was found on the kitchen countertop.

Dr. Werner Spitz lines up that flashlight perfectly with the head wound, and now I have no doubts that is the object that struck her. NONE at all.

If it's clear that Patsy Ramsey said in the background of the 911 tape, What did you do? That then removes her as the killer and places the blame on John or Burke. The 911 operator also states she heard Patsy say, We called 911, now what? This whole event is being orchestrated by John.

Furthermore when both John and Pasty state they did not kill JonBenet, it is convincing to everyone including the Linguist. That leaves one person left, and the convincing fact from Dr. Spitz called in a 10 year old boy to inflict the same type of wound to a skull as JonBenet was. The wound was almost an exact match! Also JonBenet was hit on the side of the head. I now can convincingly draw a conclusion that Burke woke in the middle of the night, perhaps woke JonBenet as well to play with their presents, both ate Pineapple, and at some point an altercation took place and Burke struck JonBenet with the flashlight to the side of the head.

Burke's reactions or non reactions on Dr. Phil and his odd behavior tells me something is not right with this child. His statements to the child psychologists about 'it's time to move on', and his disconnect and unsympathetic reactions to her murder disturb me. His reconstruction of what he thinks happened by raising his hand and bringing it down, also is suspicious along with him not identifying the pineapple when he is shown the photo, all show he is hiding something. This biggest factor for me, is that Burke Ramsey admitted to being up that night. The cover up was a joint effort on behalf of Patsy and John, which only makes sense why they covered for each other. When asked to draw a picture of his family, he drew his mom, dad and himself, not JonBenet. I think this child was jealous of his sister, the attention she received. I now view his as the likely culprit. Since the 911 call and ransom note cannot be dismissed as evidence, there is no sense in discussing any intruder theory, it doesn't exist.

I say there is ample evidence to make an arrest in this case. I now think Burke Ramsey is the culprit. This is now the only thing that makes sense on why both Patsy and John united to protect him. His interview with Dr. Phil and the interview with the child psychologist were very telling. And HI to all the old gang! Boy it's been years! It's sad we are still talking about this after all this time. If anything positive has come out of this case, is that JonBenet's murder was a wakeup call to police and investigators everywhere, and that NO ONE, not even wealthy people should be above the law.

Great summary! From what I remember the 911 operator didn't hear Patsy say "We called 911, now what", it was more that was her impression she got from Patsy's demeanor. I could be wrong though.
I honestly used to be Team Ramsey (ugh, I know), but I a, now firmly RDI. Seeing that a child could In fact cause the injury to the skull that JonBenet had and listening to the linguist analyze statements they made and the cutting off of friends and the 911 operator and 911 call...yeah, someone in that house killed JonBenet.
The first time Burke ever crossed my mind was while watching an old interview with the R's where they say they forgive the killer or something along those lines. I didn't think if either adult did it, they would be stupid enough to say they forgive. All the "moving on" stuff makes more sense too if a child did it. I think any adult that killed their child and covered it up would never say these sort of things because it's too obvious. In this show they also highlighted a quote from the R's book about how a strong adult had to have inflicted the head blow. With Burke in mind I bet a lot of things will be more obvious now.
Burke's "what did you find?" on the 911 call (said to have been there all these years) always sounded to me like a kid who did something wrong and is feeling out the situation. He sees his parents are not happy and he goes back to bed to hide.
I'm still a little confused about John's involvement. I think some of the staging is meant to say "an adult did this" be it an intruder or even one of the adults in the house. I think they were willing to go that far (a lot of IDI's speculate someone staged to set up the R's) I was beginning to drift back to PDI recently myself. I think Patsy may have done a lot of the staging as a form of denial about what happened.
I honestly used to be Team Ramsey (ugh, I know), but I a, now firmly RDI. Seeing that a child could In fact cause the injury to the skull that JonBenet had and listening to the linguist analyze statements they made and the cutting off of friends and the 911 operator and 911 call...yeah, someone in that house killed JonBenet.

There ain't no shame in that, snowflakes! If anything, you should commend yourself on maintaining an open mind and being open to go where the evidence goes as opposed to fitting the evidence into a pet theory.
I honestly used to be Team Ramsey (ugh, I know), but I a, now firmly RDI. Seeing that a child could In fact cause the injury to the skull that JonBenet had and listening to the linguist analyze statements they made and the cutting off of friends and the 911 operator and 911 call...yeah, someone in that house killed JonBenet.

:welcome: to Websleuths!
I missed the program. Is it inferred that Burke also strangled her?
Wasn't strangulation the COD.
Jo, the only thing that has been implied by the show so far is that Burke hit her on the head, nothing about who strangled her. That's probably on tonight's show. They did point out how unnecessary and staged the garrote was, though. Imo they'll accuse a parent of doing the garrote to distract from the head wound. Which also happens to be exactly what I think happened.
Back when the murder first happened I thought it was Burke who killed his sister and I even remember saying I thought the 9 year old brother did it and that Patsy wrote the 3 page ransom letter...essay...which screamed she was covering up for her only living child. Burke stated that he never read the ransom letter? How in the heck is that possible. If my sister was killed in the house we lived in I would be scared to death that the killer would be waiting to come after me. In all the videos after the murder Burke never appeared to be scared of any killer coming back for him from seeing him in those interviews right after the murder. Also what normal kid is just going to stay in their room alone when their mother is yelling where her baby is? I seriously doubt any kid would stay in their room unless they knew exactly what had happened in which Burke knew. I know I never wanted to really study this case much because it seemed there were just way too many crazy theories and there was no intruder. Sadly I believe Burke did kill his sister at the young age of 9 because maybe he felt he didn't get enough attention? Not really sure why but I don't think she was sexually abused. I always felt really bad thinking Burke was the murderer and plenty of folks over the years voiced their opinions that Burke being the killer was utterly impossible so I just really let my thoughts go and never really thought much else about the case until now. IMO
Jo, the only thing that has been implied by the show so far is that Burke hit her on the head, nothing about who strangled her. That's probably on tonight's show. They did point out how unnecessary and staged the garrote was, though. Imo they'll accuse a parent of doing the garrote to distract from the head wound. Which also happens to be exactly what I think happened.

What I got from the show was that they thought she was brain dead after the hit on the head but her heart could have been still beating because it has an additional independent mechanism for that. So I'm thinking brain dead but not dead yet. Hence the garrote.
So, where did the "accidental" murder take place? Where (location) did he hit her. In the dining room, in the kitchen, in the basement? Could they have been arguing over the pinapple and he cracked her? I think BR realized JBR was in bad shape and ran up to get his dad. The rest was staging by PR and JR. But the paintbrush bothers me. If John staged that, that tells me he knew BR was molesting JBR. And I can't help but think JR confided in his friend previously that he was afraid this was going on plus the fact BR was hitting her. The friend instinctively KNEW what had happened. Unfortunately, he could not convince JR to come clean with the whole charade. (during their argument in the house). And I'm sure that's why they've never spoken again.

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New here. Been following the case for a very long time. Used to be IDI, then a fence sitter. Now, it's just blatantly obvious something tragic went down that night and a massive cover up was staged after. It almost makes this whole thing that much more tragic and disturbing.

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