The Last Happy Hour, book by Charles Joseph Hackett

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I found a copy of the book cover:

[ame=""] The last happy hour: Charles J Hackett: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]


The last happy hour [Hardcover]
Charles J Hackett

Product Details
Hardcover: 255 pages
Publisher: Doubleday; 1st edition (1976)
Language: English
ASIN: B0006CK0C0

Seems to me that this book is more of a fiction/sarcastic/Gallows humor WW2 kind of a book than a autobiographical book.

Are you 100% SURE that this author, Charles J Hackett, is the father of the Oak Beach Dr.?
My friend, who lives in Oak Beach West, told me that he was helping a disabled motorist and that motorist's car was on the shoulder and the good doctor was helping that person and another car slammed into the disabled car and the doctor almost died as a result of this accident. At least one of his legs were amputated. I have never been able to find an article confirming this.
I found a copy of the book cover:
Seems to me that this book is more of a fiction/sarcastic/Gallows humor WW2 kind of a book than a autobiographical book.

Are you 100% SURE that this author, Charles J Hackett, is the father of the Oak Beach Dr.?

You should read the book before stating what it seems to be. That cover is a sleeve, the actual hardcover has no design, the statements on that sleeve are the publishers attempts to move a product. I have read the book carefully as you can imagine and I am completely certain the author is the doc's father. It is the only book the man has written. The book is semi-autobiographical.

the author was a WWII tugboat captain
the nameless narrator is a WWII tugboat captain

the author has one child, CPH, whose mother died after childbirth.
the nameless narrator has one child, "paul", whose mother died after childbirth

the author raised his only child by himself
the nameless narrator raises his only child by himself

the author later became a hospital administrator
the nameless narrator later becomes a hospital administrator

the author's son is allergic to dogs
the nameless narrator's son is allergic to dogs (lol)

the list goes on and on...

The story is the author's life, probably with some fiction mixed in. Read it for yourself, it's palatable. If you know about CJH's life, you will have no doubts that the book is semi-autobiographical.
Truth, this was incredible sleuthing. As far as I am concerned you have solved the mystery of one of the serial killers, if there is more than one. They've got to get this animal off the streets. With the information you have uncovered by bothering to read the book, I now am thinking the mutilation was not for practical reasons, but for enjoyment or to develop and show off his skills. I'm looking back over the list I made of murders from 1982 to present and am counting approximately 25 women who could fit his MO. God knows how many more victims are out there. I'm stunned at what the book revealed. Welcome back. The forum isn't the same without you.
Thank you, Truthspider, for this find. Now to know the mother's manner of death and cause of death.

RE: Ideas about the father/son relationship and their activities.
Perhaps, a son might either team up with his father, compete with his father or pick up where the father left off. I still think that old abandoned hospital in Hemstead should be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Searches show that at some point the father also lived in Oak Beach. Has anyone found proof of the Sr. Hackett's did he die in a nursing home or living in Jr.'s home?

This is some crazy s#%t.
Newsday (Melville, NY)

November 24, 1997

Section: NEWS
Page: A04

Index Terms:

Suffolk's Trauma Care Bruised / Disputes still swirl around ex- director
Author: Elizabeth Moore. STAFF WRITER

Article Text:

Five hours after TWA Flight 800 exploded off Long Island's South Shore, Suffolk County's former emergency medical director said, he asked why the trauma counseling team he had called hadn't arrived.

Dr. C. Peter Hackett said he was told his order had been countermanded by David Fischler, the county's fire, rescue and emergency services commissioner. Furious, Hackett said, he got police to let the team past roadblocks, and in the next several days they debriefed hundreds of traumatized recovery workers in a marathon effort that won the county's emergency medical system a state award Nov. 15.

Fischler, who was in overall command of the scene in those first hours, said he only wanted the counselors to stand by until he could take charge of a chaotic situation. His communications director, Miles Quinn, admitted he may have "miscommunicated" Fischler's order but denies Hackett's account of the conversation between them - "I never spoke to him."

"I think he did a great job," said Dr. Mark Henry, chairman of emergency medicine at University Medical Center in Stony Brook. "He was a patient advocate . . . a physician who was willing to get involved."

"He was an innovator and a progressive person," said Roy Fries, president of the Babylon Central Fire Alarm system. "Maybe the county was going too slow."


Hackett's departure was the culmination of two years of increasingly ugly conflict
that worsened after Hibberd, his strongest ally, was pushed out last spring in a dispute with County Executive Robert Gaffney. By the end, officials confirm, Fischler was meeting with senior county officials to air allegations that Hackett had abused his cellular phone, falsified his time sheets, and even caused spinal injuries to three men he helped to rescue from the wreckage of a caved-in water tank at Long Island MacArthur Airport.


- Defibrillators: By August of this year, Hackett was complaining to Bradley about a "dreadful lack of cooperation" from volunteers in his highly praised, county-financed program to equip Suffolk police with defibrillators. The program aims to speed help to heart-attack victims in the critical first minutes; by the time Hackett left, some 60 cars were so equipped.

Newsday File Photo by John H. Cornell Jr.-Dr. C. Peter Hackett,

Copyright (c) 1997 Newsday, Inc.
Record Number: 963248187
Has anyone found proof of the Sr. Hackett's did he die in a nursing home or living in Jr.'s home?
This is some crazy s#%t.

Newsday (Melville, NY)
September 13, 1997

Section: NEWS
Page: A27

Index Terms:
Charles Hackett, Administrator
Author: John J. Giuffo. STAFF WRITER
Article Text: Charles Joseph Hackett, a retired administrator at Hempstead General Hospital, died Tuesday at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, West Islip. He was 87. Mr. Hackett had been admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital for four days in early August after suffering a stroke. Mr. Hackett had a wide variety of occupations throughout his life, including that of banker, tugboat captain in World War II, hospital comptroller, poet, author and administrator. Mr. Hackett was born in Flatbush in 1909. He attended Columbia University and worked as a banker at Brown Brothers Harriman in Manhattan before enlisting in the Army in 1941. While in the Army, he rose in rank from a private in field artillery to a major in military intelligence. Before leaving the Army, he served as a trial judge advocate and as provost marshal of the 11th Airborne, where he prosecuted German war criminals, among others. Having served in the European theater for four years, he stayed in Biarritz, France, after the war to pursue graduate study at the American University there. He returned home in 1946, attended Columbia's graduate program in hospital administration in 1952, and was soon employed as the comptroller of the Hackensack Medical Center in Hackensack, N.J. It was there during the early 1950s he met his future wife, Maryellen. They were married in February, 1955. She died a year later from complications arising from the birth of their only son, Charles Peter. Mr. Hackett later moved to Marysville, Ohio, where he was the vice president of the Scott Lawn Seed Company. He left Ohio a year later and moved to Ogunquit, Maine, in 1960, where he lived for two years as he wrote a novel, "The Last Happy Hour," about a hospital administrator bringing up a son by himself. "My father would never admit that any of it was anything but fiction," said his son, who lives in Point Lookout. In 1962, Mr. Hackett moved to West Islip, and to Point Lookout in 1969. In 1991, he moved to Oak Beach, where he remained until his death. He was the executive director of Hempstead General Hospital from 1962 to 1986, and a professor of hospital administration at the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University from 1974 to 1984. "He was a consummate gentleman. A man of very old traditions," his son said. Mr. Hackett would often attend the yearly Breadloaf Conference in Middlebury, Vt., where he would study poetry with the likes of Robert Frost and Jack Kerouac. He also ran five to 10 miles a day until the age of 80. "He was very dedicated to the quality of health care, both in the region and in the country," said his son, and he often spoke out for equal access to health care for all Americans. He was Hofstra University's Man of the Year for 1977. Mr. Hackett was also president of the Hempstead Chamber of Commerce from 1972 until 1974. In addition to his son, Mr. Hackett is survived by two granddaughters and a grandson. Services were held Wednesday at the O'Shea Funeral Home in Wantagh. Mr. Hackett was buried Thursday at the Maryrest Cemetery in Mahwah, N.J.
Copyright (c) 1997 Newsday, Inc.
Record Number: 964427837

when it comes to the authenticity of this obituary, you may want to read my previous post.
Wow..... simply wow.

Ditto, Reannan!

The Sr H's dad was VP of a Lawn Seed Co. Wonder if it came in burlap? Human beings are creatures of habit ya know! (I wear an apron when I cook to this day because that is how I was raised.)

The Jr has a counter island in his home which doubles as a hospital table? WTH? I've never heard of such a thing in all my life!!!

I am speechless about all this info..................which is rare! :D

Thanks truthspider for all the info.

CPH reminds me of someone who I thought could be the SK. This person was a pathological liar and over embellished every story that he ever told. CPH seems to be the same type of person. Constantly tooting his own horn and thinking that he is above everyone else.

I found this sentence very interesting in the article above:
"The counter island at his Oak Beach home was built to double as an examining table where, Hackett said, neighbors' fingers have been reattached and heart problems treated."

My friend that lives in Oak Beach West did say that her son received stitches from CPH on the center island in his kitchen.

This guy is definitely a little over the top!

Thanks for all the additional info which indeed backup your claims.
Great reseach!
Granddad is survived by two granddaughters and a grandson... so CPH has children?
I have a question... when did CPH receive his leg injury? Was that before his activities that are mentioned in Truthspider's article? He was physically very active when he was climbing down ladders to rescue people and swimming out to plane crash victims.
That's the big question we haven't been able to find so far, date and circumstances of his injury, dates of rehab, dates of drug rehab if there was any.
I have a question... when did CPH receive his leg injury? Was that before his activities that are mentioned in Truthspider's article? He was physically very active when he was climbing down ladders to rescue people and swimming out to plane crash victims.

The best I can offer, from looking at the picture of him in shorts in front of the flagpole with his son, is that the boy appeared to be 6 or 7 in that picture. Very young, anyway. So how old is the son now? Mid 20's? So he had to have had the artificial leg in the mid 1990's, I'm assuming. Right? Or is my math whack?
Granddad is survived by two granddaughters and a grandson... so CPH has children?


Truth's new info on the doc and his odd history sheds a lot of interesting new light on the doc. If this article is totally accurate it seems that....

1. He has a history of lying and is possibly a pathological liar. The story about him flying with the coast guard to the airplane crash site so he could jump into the oily water to examine a body would strike probably anyone as outlandish.

2. He's a polarizing figure. Some love him, some hate him. This could be caused by splitting, a trait that is not unusual for sociopaths.

3. He has delusions of grandeur. He seems to operate by his rules and laws. The incident with the men trapped in the tank illustrates this, I think. He operated fully on his own, ignoring regular protocol and was upset when one of the men was put in a neck brace. Oh, and all his boasting lies.

A lot of the doc's characteristics are on par with some of the doctors I've known. Extreme self confidence is common amongst doctors (which is a good thing). Some are so arrogant that they do seem to have minor delusions of grandeur (not always a good thing). With the extreme self confidence comes the belief that you alone know the answer, which would make one feel entitled to controlling a situation. So not everything about the doc is by itself weird.

What is weird is the lying. He seems to want people to see him as heroic. And why do so many people thing he's great, while many others don't trust him?

He certainly seems to be an odd character.
JMO, but am having a little déjà vu here on the following snippets:

Hackett said he does not recall any such conversation …

Hackett angrily confronted Fischler, saying he had never seen the memo before and was being sabotaged by his own staff …

Hackett said he doesn't recall that exchange...

"I feel hurt by all of these things," Hackett said …

All just sounds, well … mean ;)

Dr. Do-Good seems to relish being in the thick of things, at any cost:

Hackett asked to keep his job on a part-time basis, without pay if necessary

Oh, who to believe?
Truth, thank you again for sharing the additional research. I now understand why you promised to video yourself eating a pig's head if you are proven wrong about CPH being the LISK.

Question/suggestion: did you look fot any editorials that speak even more frankly than this news article? also, the EMS and fire departments on LI have a newsletter or magazine that probably mentioned his curious ways in more than one issue.
Welcome back. Excellent sleuthing! Even if it turns out that he is not the LISK, you basically uncovered one of the reasons why he is so strange. Add to that tough childhood the trauma of losing his own leg and it's understandable why he is not normal.

I would love for you to uncover what exact event caused him to lose his leg.

After reading that first investigative article from 1997 on CPH's lack of truthiness, im certain the traumatic event would be described differently by him then by the other witnesses. Im ready to assume the local rumour that he was helping someone is more heroic hot air.

That flight 800 lie is the mark of a person who is significantly detached from reality. He seems to be living some of his time in a fantasy world.......kind of like I can't wait for the slew of detached lies when he is charged. I wonder if his last creative alibi will top Dr Jeffrey Mcdonald's tale of the band of acid tripping hippys that murdered his family yet allowing him to live. I now know why he loves cartoons, he is looney toons...
If it is Hackett, it either means they dont have anything on him or they are trying to cover something up, or there are just more incompetent cops out there.

I agree with you on this except I would change your "or"s into "and"s.
I think its all 3. Jack the Limper a former police surgeon, mocking the police for being let go... And they can't charge him yet.... Ouch ouch ouch. Think of the lawsuits against any organization that hired this misfit and turned a blind eye at his damaging acts.... All hell is going to break loose eventually. Warm the popcorn.

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