The last person to have seen Kyron

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But it was well after June 7th when LE stated that Terri was the last person to see Kyron...presumably after interviewing all of those who indicated they had seen Kyron.
But it was well after June 7th when LE stated that Terri was the last person to see Kyron...presumably after interviewing all of those who indicated they had seen Kyron.

Yes, Shelby was referring only to school officials, with the last to have seen him being earlier in the morning in a classroom.
just throwing this out there.... I have quite a few SAHM friends who have school aged kids. Many, esp those without littler ones, also serve as substitute teachers for the school system in addition to volunteering in their kids classrooms (obviously not on the same day) but as a result, a child who just saw one of them in the school building would not have necessarily known which they were that day MOM or teacher.

Substitute teaching is a pretty good gig for a SAHM .. the pay is decent, SAHM's don't usually need bennies, and it doesn't interfere with their primary mothering/homemaking job. Around here, anyway, if you wish to sub for the public school, the job is yours for the taking, especially if you have even a little bit of college.
just throwing this out there.... I have quite a few SAHM friends who have school aged kids. Many, esp those without littler ones, also serve as substitute teachers for the school system in addition to volunteering in their kids classrooms (obviously not on the same day) but as a result, a child who just saw one of them in the school building would not have necessarily known which they were that day MOM or teacher.

Substitute teaching is a pretty good gig for a SAHM .. the pay is decent, SAHM's don't usually need bennies, and it doesn't interfere with their primary mothering/homemaking job. Around here, anyway, if you wish to sub for the public school, the job is yours for the taking, especially if you have even a little bit of college.

I did this ; I have a couple of degrees in Math, and I taught elementary level algebra and geometry My kids loved it. I also want to say that I've chaperoned Science Fairs just like Kyron's. Those mornings are hectic ; only the first day of school is busier IMO

This came up again recently, so bumping this old thread for you guys to review and perhaps update.
I have theory about the LE statement re: TH being the last to see Ky alive.

Early on, as discussed in this thread above, there were a couple of reports of Ky sightings, without TH, touring the fair. TP (the child whose grandmother allow him to be interviewed) also claimed he saw TH leave without Ky.

Did the police discount these statements? Or do they know full well TH left long before she claimed? And every time they say, “TH was last to see him,” they’re sticking it to her … because if she really DID see Ky at 8:45, given her alleged timeline, then she is, indeed, the last one to see him.

IMO, LE knows Ky was seen, say, between 8:25 and 8:35 (the first bell) without TH. They know she’s lying about when she left the building. But … okay, lady, if say you last saw Ky at 8:45, we’ll roll with that. Whatever you say.
Reading over this thread, I am reminded that TH had her baby daughter with her that day. So if she left with Kyron, that would have been a bit of a parade, and hardly likely to have gone unseen by anyone. I don't know what happened to this dear little boy, but I continue to believe that he couldn't have left there with his stepmother. The timeline just doesn't make sense.
Reading over this thread, I am reminded that TH had her baby daughter with her that day. So if she left with Kyron, that would have been a bit of a parade, and hardly likely to have gone unseen by anyone. I don't know what happened to this dear little boy, but I continue to believe that he couldn't have left there with his stepmother. The timeline just doesn't make sense.

I've never imagined that the three of them walked out a doorway together. I have imagined other scenarios in which the three of then ultimately ended up back in the truck together though.

I've considered that 1. she could have sent Kyron back to the truck where someone, a, co-conspirator was waiting. 2. She could have sent him out to the truck alone and told him to get in and wait for her. 3. She could have gone into a bathroom with all three of them, rendered Kyron unconscious and somehow smuggled him out in the stroller with baby K (I think this is less likely) 4. She could have sent him out one door and herself gone out another to meet him. 5. If she had a co-conspirator she could have had that person waiting right outside the door that she sent him out.

I imagine any of these scenarios involved waiting until all the kids were in their classrooms and the bell had rung, or almost rung. I'm sure she timed her plan so that she was not likely to be seen, and I'm sure she also was lucky that her plan worked and she had an opportunity and a clear shot to do it (send him out unseen… or whatever she did)

I'm sure he would have done whatever she told him to do, especially if she was using a cover story that involved a doctor appointment that was arranged for a deliberately confusing date.

I don't pretend to know exactly what happened, but I don't find it at all impossible that she had a plan in mind, she hoped for an opportunity to make it work and the opportunity presented itself and when no one was looking, she took it.

I will say, that even early on, but more so as time passes, I struggle with her having a co-conspirator. It's hard for me to imagine why anyone would agree to help her with a crime of this nature. On the other hand, I've read enough news stories about pairs of people committing heinous crimes together that I know it does happen: the skylar neese murder, the columbine high school shootings, Jaycee Dugard&#8230;. So, there are times when two people will work together to do something awful. <shrug> that doesn't prove she had help, it just keeps me from ruling it out altogether.

I don't know what happened, but it's not impossible, in my mind, that she persuaded Kyron to leave the building somehow unseen and that the three of them drove away together.
IMHO she sent Kyron out that door near his classroom.

No one was really paying specific attention to TMH. The next time you are at an event with people coming and going and lots of kids around, you will realize how little people actually notice when they are involved and participating in the event itself. What other parents are doing would not really stick out unless it was something totally bizarre. TMH was not doing anything to draw attention to herself.
I don't think they have any idea who last saw Kyron, as well as many other things I don't think they (LE) have any idea about. I don't believe that a child's recall would be taken as the final say-so on something this vital to an investigation. I think they aren't saying because they can't say.

I want to know who the last ADULT was that saw Kyron. Who took attendance for 1st period? Was he there? I have read that Teri told a teacher that Kyron just came to see the science fair and was leaving to go to a dr's appointment.The child who saw Kyron could have seen him earlier at the science fair and was wondering as the class assembled where his best friend was. As far as I can tell the last person to see Kyron was Terri. I think LE is on Terri but only have circumstantial evidence. Unless someone talks or Kyron is found, we may never know. MNSHO=My not so humble opinion.
(Sheriff Dan) Staton personally called the FBI. He said the circumstances -- Kyron disappeared from school on a busy morning -- prompted him to ask for help from the feds. "I wanted them involved because the last time this child was seen was inside a school," he said. "This was not a child walking away from their home or getting lost in the woods. This is a child who got lost inside a school with faculty there. That was the last time the child was seen."

A child who got lost in a school with faculty there...and one stepmonster
Mrs. Porter wasn't telling Tanner to calm down, she was telling the chaperone to calm down. The chaperone was upset that there were only five kids when there should have been six.

I read that Kyron was marked absent that day. Terri mentioned that she took him to the fair that day. I also read that Terri spoke to his teacher during the fair that stating that he had a dr appt. and just came to see the fair.
This is what the school has said all along, isn't it? That he was last seen by school staff with his stepmom?

Portland Public Schools spokesman Matt Shelby said two teachers saw Kyron with his stepmother from article June 7, so early on.

And he's saying that 'now', LE has interviewed all the other people, and they have a better picture of what happened. So to me, that means the interviews surfaced that, as LE stated in the presser, at 9am a child they interviewed saw Kyron. Child not, of course, being school staff.

Am I missing something here? I saw this referred to as a bombshell, but it's the same info we've had.

Too bad they didn't have cameras at the exits. I also read that Terri parked at the side exit of the school that day. The area she parked in is down some stairs next to the soccer field. It is a somewhat secluded area and not easily seen from the school. Why would she park there and hike up those stairs with a sick baby and a small child and his science project? Why Why Why??? It makes no since. Unless you didn't want to be seen. Also...isn't that the exit door nearest Kyron's classroom? Interesting thing is, that is the last place Terri claims to have seen Kyron.
Reading over this thread, I am reminded that TH had her baby daughter with her that day. So if she left with Kyron, that would have been a bit of a parade, and hardly likely to have gone unseen by anyone. I don't know what happened to this dear little boy, but I continue to believe that he couldn't have left there with his stepmother. The timeline just doesn't make sense.

The grounds keeper stated that he saw another woman in the truck while it was parked by the soccer field. He stated that it wasn't TH. So did she take the baby into the school or not. No one has mentioned the baby being with her. So then, who was with the baby? Was she in the truck with mystery woman? Why was she parked so far away from the school. She had to climb stairs to get to the closest door (which is a side door). No one else was parked down there so it wasn't a lack of parking spaces I have so many questions. I would have loved to be in Dr.Phil's shoes. Of course it would have looked more like and episode of Jerry Springer.
Reading over this thread, I am reminded that TH had her baby daughter with her that day. So if she left with Kyron, that would have been a bit of a parade, and hardly likely to have gone unseen by anyone. I don't know what happened to this dear little boy, but I continue to believe that he couldn't have left there with his stepmother. The timeline just doesn't make sense.

That is not a's normal activity for an elementary school. Younger siblings quite often tag along to school events and Kiara had been to Kyron's school before. No one would look twice because it's not anything unusual. The timeline does make sense. Terri had both the opportunity and the motive to make Kyron disappear, and she had ample time to dispose of Kyron. Terri was missing in action for over an hour with no proven alibi. It doesn't take long to kill a small child and toss the body into the woods somewhere. Terri probably was riding around....but not because Kiara had an earache, She was looking for a dump site. IMHO she drugged him and that method left no forensic evidence in the truck.
That is not a's normal activity for an elementary school. Younger siblings quite often tag along to school events and Kiara had been to Kyron's school before. No one would look twice because it's not anything unusual. The timeline does make sense. Terri had both the opportunity and the motive to make Kyron disappear, and she had ample time to dispose of Kyron. Terri was missing in action for over an hour with no proven alibi. It doesn't take long to kill a small child and toss the body into the woods somewhere. Terri probably was riding around....but not because Kiara had an earache, She was looking for a dump site. IMHO she drugged him and that method left no forensic evidence in the truck.

If baby K had such a terrible earache was she screaming and crying at Kyron's school? If so, maybe people would remember if she was there with TH. Also LE should check out baby K's medical history to see if TH made an appt. or recently had an appt. with baby K's dr. How did TH know it was an ear infection? If an ear infection is that bad typically that bad it you would need antibiotics to cure it. Not a thing you wait and see about because it can cause a host of problems. You don't just give a baby Tylenol and hope it goes away. They really should vet this because it supports or dissolves her alibi.
I held my 6 year old son as he fell asleep last night, thanking God. Then slipped into the bathroom and had a good cry for Kyron. I wish that I could wrap my arms around his mom and tell her that it will be ok, but it won't. If she can't have that then she should at least get justice!
Where are you Kyron...
The grounds keeper stated that he saw another woman in the truck while it was parked by the soccer field. He stated that it wasn't TH. So did she take the baby into the school or not. No one has mentioned the baby being with her. So then, who was with the baby? Was she in the truck with mystery woman? Why was she parked so far away from the school. She had to climb stairs to get to the closest door (which is a side door). No one else was parked down there so it wasn't a lack of parking spaces I have so many questions. I would have loved to be in Dr.Phil's shoes. Of course it would have looked more like and episode of Jerry Springer.

When did the groundskeeper say he saw another woman in the truck that was driven by TH? I thought I followed this case closely but missed that entirely. How did he know it was the Horman's truck?
When did the groundskeeper say he saw another woman in the truck that was driven by TH? I thought I followed this case closely but missed that entirely. How did he know it was the Horman's truck?

He didn't. This is Dave Stensen, he stated for certain that he saw no white truck, let alone another woman in the truck.
Guess I need to put IMO since I can't link to a MNS article. I have this in my notes from articles at that time.
He didn't. This is Dave Stensen, he stated for certain that he saw no white truck, let alone another woman in the truck.
Guess I need to put IMO since I can't link to a MNS article. I have this in my notes from articles at that time.

Thanks, that's what I recall as well.
If you Google the above, there are many hits, several of which are 'groundskeeper said he saw no white truck' (or similar). As I recall, he was not interviewed immediately, and he changed his story at least once.

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