The man who sued his wife for birthing an ugly baby

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ugly ducklings turn into swans..............the man is crazy!
this guy is so shallow its not funny. his wife should sue him for imitating a human. i'd say more but i like it here at WS and don't want a time out nor a ban.
She may have birthed it ... but HE made it! lol.

I was going to post this story -- but wasn't sure where it should go, so I'm glad you did!!

Can you believe this guy?

That poor little girl, having him for a dad.. :(
She should sue him for defective swimmers or, at least, plumbing. ;)
All babies come out wrinkly. What was this guy thinking, his kid would be born looking ready to pose for the cover of Vogue?

Though, I gotta say. Someone who has the need to spend 100,000 on cosmetic surgery as the article states this woman did, is probably going to have some difficulties attracting anyone with decency beyond the surface. If one goes to that extent to look good, and then marries someone who values only that type of look, what does one expect in a partner?
I gotta say, I'm going to use this to tease my daughter:) I can't imagine the poor child having to read about this when she's a teenager. Can you imagine any father looking at their child and thinking she's ugly? That's beyond words.
All newborns come out looking like little old men. Most of them grow out of it. This guy is looney toons.
I gotta say, I'm going to use this to tease my daughter:) I can't imagine the poor child having to read about this when she's a teenager. Can you imagine any father looking at their child and thinking she's ugly? That's beyond words.

Most babies have moments of ugly. I think parents are delusional if they say all babies are beautiful. If you have a truly ugly baby, how can you not see that? (not you-you, I mean you in general)
Has anyone looked at the 60 thousand pounds makeover that the mom had? If this man married his wife with the understanding that she was unaltered ... and then discovered that she was completely repackaged ... I think he has some justification for believing that he was deceived. When his baby was born, he didn't believe it was his because it didn't look anything like him or his wife. DNA proved that is was his child ... and then he learned about the extensive plastic surgeries.
i'm kinda doubting the credibility of this story
1.) She wasn't ugly to begin with 2.) I want to see a picture of the father.
I want to see a picture of the father too.

I'll step out and be totally honest - the woman he married is GORGEOUS by world standards, and before all that surgery she isn't. She's not disfigured, but she doesn't meet any standards of beauty. If she were laughing in the pic, and had a bright eyed joy to her face, she could be fine. So it's subjective. The "before" is unattractive, the "after" is model-gorgeous. Part of her looks is the totally bored lifeless expression on her face in the early photo. And in the post surgery photo too, actually, but her eyes have been surgically changed to give them a fake bright expression. So.

I've seen the one circulated picture of the baby (looks to be about 8 months old) - and I have to say, she's not a beauty BUT she doesn't look like the pics of pre-surgery mom. Pre-surgery mom has tiny eyes, very narrow, and tiny lips. The baby has larger than typical eyes and enormous lips and appears a bit pudgy compared to the mother who was thin.

I don't know where this baby got her looks from - she doesn't seem to bear resemblance to the mother's DNA, IMHO.

Again, where's Daddy's photo?
This story sounds made up. $100,000 in cosmetic surgery would imply the bride came from a VERY rich Chinese family, the average income in China is about $200 a month.

I just don't believe rich Chinese marry on the spur of the moment without vetting each others families and such. China is still a pretty conservative country in many ways, a marriage is about more than just good looks. This story sounds like hooey to me.
OT, but I always wondered if people who have had plastic surgery are surprised when their children still have big noses, bad teeth, whatever...or if they somehow believe they will transmit their new look to their

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