The Murder of Darlynn Atrica Foster, 35, La Marque, TX, September 1989

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You are correct info is very limited and if you're convinced it was an act of passion then that would eliminate my father. Gayle's is the only one I feel strongly about. .. I believe he was a serial killer who raped and killed along with 2 other men (sometimes alone) location was the only ironic coincidence.
You are correct info is very limited and if you're convinced it was an act of passion then that would eliminate my father. Gayle's is the only one I feel strongly about. .. I believe he was a serial killer who raped and killed along with 2 other men (sometimes alone) location was the only ironic coincidence.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I know who killed my mom. Please read this thread, as I've provided all kinds of concise details about my mothers murder, newspaper clippings, the investigation, and the findings in the Medical Examiner's report. When you read the details, you might see that the situation of my mom's murder doesn't match that of your mom's assault. However, my mom lived with this man, who was a serial killer. I just happened to live there with them, and thus have inside knowledge of living with a SK, who shot another woman in the head (with witnesses), 'disappeared' another woman after she was leaving him (same circumstance as my mother), and who knows what other women fell victim to him. For what I know, my mom was his only LM victim; the rest were in Houston along I-45 north.

I went to high school and was good friends with Jessica Cain, so I research this for multiple reasons (not only for mom). Also, I'm friends now with the children of the other woman killed by the same man who murdered my mom. I'd love to help them find closure, since she was never found.

However, I'm still curious about your post about how your dad might be linked to the Killing Fields proper? Is that also a location-based guess, or do you have additional knowledge about links that haven't been provided? What was your dad's weapon of choice? Was rape always his goal? Did he have any other types of offenses, like auto theft or B&E? What is the timeline of his imprisonment, and what years was he living in Alabama versus when he resided in Texas? These are all very important questions to answer, in order to make (or eliminate) links to other cases.

In regard to your mom & Gayle: What was their profession? (Meaning no disrespect) Were they on drugs? Did they frequent any particular clubs/bars often?
Yes, I'm pretty sure I know who killed my mom. Please read this thread, as I've provided all kinds of concise details about my mothers murder, newspaper clippings, the investigation, and the findings in the Medical Examiner's report. When you read the details, you might see that the situation of my mom's murder doesn't match that of your mom's assault. However, my mom lived with this man, who was a serial killer. I just happened to live there with them, and thus have inside knowledge of living with a SK, who shot another woman in the head (with witnesses), 'disappeared' another woman after she was leaving him (same circumstance as my mother), and who knows what other women fell victim to him. For what I know, my mom was his only LM victim; the rest were in Houston along I-45 north.

I went to high school and was good friends with Jessica Cain, so I research this for multiple reasons (not only for mom). Also, I'm friends now with the children of the other woman killed by the same man who murdered my mom. I'd love to help them find closure, since she was never found.

However, I'm still curious about your post about how your dad might be linked to the Killing Fields proper? Is that also a location-based guess, or do you have additional knowledge about links that haven't been provided? What was your dad's weapon of choice? Was rape always his goal? Did he have any other types of offenses, like auto theft or B&E? What is the timeline of his imprisonment, and what years was he living in Alabama versus when he resided in Texas? These are all very important questions to answer, in order to make (or eliminate) links to other cases.

In regard to your mom & Gayle: What was their profession? (Meaning no disrespect) Were they on drugs? Did they frequent any particular clubs/bars often?

Time Line
1970- moved to North Houston (but was arrested in Galveston a few times in the 1970's)
Dec 23 1978- March 1985-went to prison. rape, kidnapping, burglary and threats)
1985 (moved to La Marque)was there from 85-99
1999-2004 prison
2004- now (lives in North Houston)

My mother worked as a waitress at the time.. (my mother is mentally ill but no history of drug abuse)
Gayle worked at brown and root as a accountant (both look alike, so I am told)

I have a folder that I wish I could show you. Its hard to explain in writing.. Someone else pointed me to your blog, its much more then a hunch. as for as the TKF its based on interviews with my fathers family, police reports and "quotes" that his victim reported. Hospital records from my mothers attack, skip tracing reports that include the men that he has lived with over the years. some in prison for rape and murders, his connections to other suspects and gang involvements. Because of the rules on here I am limited what I can say.. giving names etc).. I only reached out to you as a suggestion of someone else.. my only objective was to see if we could find a possible connection. Only because the man I am researching lived 2 miles from the location of your mothers attack. I was looking for a connection in the case of your mother and my mothers attacker... I apologize for any confusion..
I'm just asking for details, not rebuffing your communications. I understand why you can't list names on here, I'm just trying to get as much information as possible so I can start thinking of possibilities, too. Don't apologize for contacting me; I'm just trying to help.
I'm just asking for details, not rebuffing your communications. I understand why you can't list names on here, I'm just trying to get as much information as possible so I can start thinking of possibilities, too. Don't apologize for contacting me; I'm just trying to help.
Okay I was afraid I came off sounding as if I knew a for sure connection. I have been told by family that my father was part of a gang (for hire) that would do anything from arson to murder for a fee (only a rumor and not confirmed) Do you know where Maple st is in La Marque? ?
As for as weapons of choice according to police reports ge has used a gun, Knife and in one instance choked a woman (she got a way)

Yes other then rape he was charged with burgarly, Assault with a deadly weapon theft, theft by Bali, public intoxication and Dwi.
Okay I was afraid I came off sounding as if I knew a for sure connection. I have been told by family that my father was part of a gang (for hire) that would do anything from arson to murder for a fee (only a rumor and not confirmed) Do you know where Maple st is in La Marque? ?

Yep, Maple is near Avenue B (where my aunt lived during the late 70s) closer to the refineries, aunt lived on Ave B right before she moved into the house where my mom got killed.

Do you think he spotted your mom while she was at work as a waitress? Or just a chance encounter?

Also, I want to mention that when I went through this stuff when I was just starting to reach out about learning more about my mom's murder & the links to other crimes (with people asking me questions about details, etc) it was really stressful, and it is easy to get defensive because it was hard to remain objective with people (read: strangers) asking prying questions about my mom & the circumstances in which she was killed. I even had to take a pretty significant break from it, because it started consuming me. If I ask any questions that you're uncomfortable with, let me know. However, withholding something will only hinder developments being made. Its better to just say you're not comfortable answering something, instead of answering 'no' when the answer is yes... Just saying this bc I also went through it...

Now that I've included that disclosure, did your dad by any chance sell weed or any other dope? My mom smoked weed like Cheech, and we lived on Ross Street (and a few other places) during the time your dad was on Maple. Across Highway 3, basically.
I think he may have somehow knew my mother. I am not sure and when asking family what they remembered I get different stories. All three of the laddies in North East houston (Gayle, my mother and the one that escaped were all on foot) this was in Oct of 1978... My mother was none to be very trusting and hitched hiked everywhere. Gayles car was in the shop (the last time she was seen alive)

Dec 23 1978 is when he got caught in Freeport Tx (he asked a husband and wife for a ride) they reported that he was very friendly and seemed safe... He turned on them and started to attack them but somehow he did not succeed. a few days latter he busted in their home and said I think you "owe me money" according to the victim. thats when he raped the wife in-front of the husband, waiving a gun.. He told them how he would kill them "I could throw your body in a canal, and get away with it" He kidnapped the husband and got on 288 heading towards Houston but turned around and parked under a bridge near a bait and tackle store where he again told his victim "I should kill you".

I said all that to say that in this case he got to know his victims first before he attacked. So it is very possible that he knew my mother...

As for as a selling drugs.. yes.. he claimed "I never did drugs but sold them"
Also thank you for your understanding my defensiveness is mainly the fear of coming across as "crazy" trying to pin a murder because I want revenge on what he did to my mother.

It is my opinion that he and the other men attempted to kill my mother and a few months later attempts the same thing with a couple combined with the events of Gayles murder, I believe there were many more victims. On maple street that home I am referencing had a few men who used that address for years! that had a history of violence. a few of those men all shared address throughout the area.. a condo on Glacier is another place that my father reported living at with other convicted rapists.
I think he may have somehow knew my mother. I am not sure and when asking family what they remembered I get different stories. All three of the laddies in North East houston (Gayle, my mother and the one that escaped were all on foot) this was in Oct of 1978... My mother was none to be very trusting and hitched hiked everywhere. Gayles car was in the shop (the last time she was seen alive)

Dec 23 1978 is when he got caught in Freeport Tx (he asked a husband and wife for a ride) they reported that he was very friendly and seemed safe... He turned on them and started to attack them but somehow he did not succeed. a few days latter he busted in their home and said I think you "owe me money" according to the victim. thats when he raped the man in-front of the wife, waiving a gun.. He told them how he would kill them "I could throw your body in a canal, and get away with it" He kidnapped the husband and got on 288 heading towards Houston but turned around and parked under a bridge near a bait and tackle store where he again told his victim "I should kill you".

I said all that to say that in this case he got to know his victims first before he attacked. So it is very possible that he knew my mother...

As for as a selling drugs.. yes.. he claimed "I never did drugs but sold them"

Yeah, I read the report about the home invasion/rape in Freeport, and thinking how dark & isolated 288 was back then... how frightening.
Since there's a possibility he knew your mom (or at least was acquaintances with her), I'm wondering if there a link between your mom & Gayle, aside from living in the same area & hitchhiking? <<Sidenote: it blows my mind how many people used to hitchhike!>> Maybe the restaurant? I wonder if Gayle ever went into the restaurant your mom worked at? Would you happen to know which restaurant it was? Or which main road it was on? What was the distance from the restaurant & the auto shop that Gayle's car was in that day?

Do you happen to know what kind of car he drove back in the 80s & 90s? (In my mind, he had to have a car, since he seems pretty mobile & committed crimes in areas that don't have much public transit available).
It was in Jacinto city which is near I 10 and 6:10 East Houston. It's a very old family owned Italian restaurant it is still in existence very very small. PazziniZ. I'm pretty sure that is not the correct spelling but its right behind Capital Bank. She also works a second job at champs that is at I 10 and federal road. Unfortunately that establishment is no longer around.
All I know about the vehicle is that he drove a truck. Is there a way but I can find out the actual vehicles that he drove? I have his drivers license number date of birth and social security number. I know that one of the men that on one of the homes he love that drove a 1995 Jeep Cherokee.
yes he must have had a car.. Galveston county has a number of traffic violations for him from 1989-1999
yes he must have had a car.. Galveston county has a number of traffic violations for him from 1989-1999

Hey now - that's really good information.

I've personally earned quite a few traffic violations in Galveston in the 90s... all records show the VIN #, color, make, model of the car. (Even if the ticket was dismissed).

You might be able to pull those records from Galveston County?
Hey now - that's really good information.

I've personally earned quite a few traffic violations in Galveston in the 90s... all records show the VIN #, color, make, model of the car. (Even if the ticket was dismissed).

You might be able to pull those records from Galveston County?
I will try again, I possibly didn't ask the right questions. They have this information online but anything other than criminal offenses, they destroy.

I'm going to try again I'll call them right now.
I will try again, I possibly didn't ask the right questions. They have this information online but anything other than criminal offenses, they destroy.

I'm going to try again I'll call them right now.

Good point about them not keeping records; plus I believe Galveston lost a lot of information during Hurricane Ike... You might try that, or you might try to see if there were cars registered to him via TXDPS (although that won't account for borrowed or stolen vehicles not registered to him), since TXDPS registration dept is based in Austin...
Good point about them not keeping records; plus I believe Galveston lost a lot of information during Hurricane Ike... You might try that, or you might try to see if there were cars registered to him via TXDPS (although that won't account for borrowed or stolen vehicles not registered to him), since TXDPS registration dept is based in Austin...

I just faxed in an open records request.. Now I will wait for a response...
Just some information that may need to be included on the map involving the Killing Fields. Many years ago I lived and worked in the Galveston County area for several years and being in the restaurant and bartending industry. You hear a lot of potential rumors and/or gossip. In the 90's I had bartended a party and then gone to a bar that is no longer there. I was talking with friends that worked there and a man came in and he wasn't or didn't seem to be a local. Myself and my friends we knew a lot of locals either by knowing personally or knowing someone who knew them. He didn't act local and later after about 30-45 mins of sitting in a huge booth that sat 8-10 people and he was alone. He moved to the bar and eventually myself and my friends working there started talking to him and about an hour late he started talking directly to me asking if I was local, what I did for work, was I married, he asked my friends also. I have people watched my whole life and from the minute I saw him walk in the bar until he sat down two seats over from me I get that feeling that gut feeling about someone when I know or can sense they are a good person or a bad person and something told me to NOT talk to this guy or have my friends talk to him. There is a difference of staring at someone you may think is attractive but this man wasn't looking like he was attracted he was looking like he was sizing us up and talking to get more information about each of us. Very intense, direct stare when he talked to each one of us his eyes never went back and forth you know normal looking around a bar, checking out the band playing. He was too interested and intense when he looked at you. Long story short the longer he sat there and talked and then started steering the conversation to me the more my stomach starting feeling very unsettled. Not as in unsettled from drinking too much or illness but that feeling of "gut feeling" that there was no way in he-- I was leaving by myself or letting my friends leave with HIM or before or after him. He kept trying to involve me in a more one on one conversation trying to steer it to a two person conversation to that big booth way in the back he sat at. I told him no thanks we're good here we were talking. Then he started buying us drinks and after 2-3 he was in mid sentence just B.S. conversation and he looked right at me and my friends were serving other people and he said in a completely different tone of voice "Come on let's go for a ride". I told him no thanks and I swear as God is my witness the person he had been up until that moment was him playing a part and when that veil lifted and I saw the look I saw in his face and his eyes I KNEW. I just KNEW this guy was not just BAD but this man was 1000% Evil. I could feel it, I SAW it and when I refused to go with him when he tried to reach to hold my hand and turn on the charm BEFORE he changed once I rejected him I swear if that Bar had not been so packed and had a off duty police officer, I KNOW that man would have either punched me, raped me or killed me. This happened in the 90's I believe it was 94 or 95. He started screaming at me and telling me "We all know that is why your sitting here alone that you're a Prostitute and a ----e" and he said it again "I said Let's GO" his teeth were clenched and was so pissed he was shaking, breathing heavy. I motioned for my friends our "Secret Signal" for go get the Security Officer and Bar Manager. He came and just acted like he was saying Hi and then the Security Officer did too (they'd been watching at other end of bar) and this whole time his insults go from minor ones to ones that were starting to scare the hell out of me. He was yelling at me then them and the whole time his eyes never left him looking at me like if he could KILL me dead he would have. The off duty Officer/Security Guard told him "Hey they've done nothing to you and aren't interested take a hint. Either get out, get in your car or walk it off, call a Taxi or your going to jail". As, soon as jail was mentioned that veil came back down and he went from being what looked almost Homicidal to being completely calm, apologetic and he almost ran out the door. The Officer/Security went to get his Tag Number but he did not turn on the lights on car until he was too far down the street and he couldn't make out the State or Tag Number. My friend that was Bartending she turned completely white and said "----- cusswords He NEVER even told us HIS name". Within 5 minutes of him being gone that "Gut Feeling" eased up like I'd never had overwhelming and uncomfortable, high alert feeling I had from the minute he came in until he left. I've never seen this man to my knowledge again and my friends working there over the years until they shut the place down and tore it down and built something else said they had NEVER seen him again come into the Bar or saw him any other Bar/Restaurant or Catered Party we'd worked in that area. Looking back now, the path my life has taken with my work in Research and locating Missing/Endangered and Murdered persons I know without ONE doubt if I had left with that man I'd have disappeared or worse someone probably would have found me deceased somewhere. I know without one doubt in my mind that particular man was either a Sexual Predator or possible Serial Killer. It has been over 20 years and the looks he gave me they have been burned into my memory since we encountered him. I can remember what he looked like, what he was wearing, scents, expressions. I've prayed no one has been hurt or worse by him and that if so he was caught, locked up and never let out in prison.
I left out a point ....sorry in the early 90's around 92-94 there were rumors of more than one girl/young woman that had been Raped in or around Crystal Beach or near Pelican Island near a Texas A&M University I believe. I remember hearing from a friend in Medical Field that a woman had been found strangled and partially buried at Crystal Beach. I believe she had been a visiting tourist with her family. The rapes it was rumored and later turned out to be LE Officer and others in LE that were using girls both Prostitutes and Non-Prostitutes for Sex or they'd be arrested. Instead they were driven to very isolated areas made to have Sex and left in the middle of nowhere or threatened with more Rapes or their Families being harmed or killed. Again, this is strictly Rumored and/or Gossip information. I do know that corruption can be in any LE department in any State and City in the US. I no longer live there and haven't for many many years but in smaller cities and towns all over the US there can sometimes be what I call the "Good ole boy network". Those that find out about these type of crimes and they "protect" those committing them and make them go away and nothing is ever done.

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