The Note Page

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Also, Arizona doesn't use daylight savings, so for part of the year it is 3 hours different from the East Coast.
If I looked at the time zone map correctly, California and Nevada are in a different time zone than Arizona?
I am new to this thread, but lurked here forever - I think the "Toren" note actually says "to rent." The last "t" looks like it got meshed with the circle around it.
While searching the notes page for a few more leads I decided to check out Ben Perkins Jr again. Found this business listing through California Secretary of State. I know that because he was an attorney he was listed as a registered agent for different businesses but this business has the same address as Mr. Perkins law office. Maybe his name on her note had something to do with real estate. Oh geez, who knows! This case really drives me crazy. :gaah:
I don't recall if this has been posted before - from the Arizona Criminal Justice Information Directory, 1982. Since 818 is written on a different line than 356-7300, it's always possible it isn't a complete phone number, but two separate notes.. I'm not sure how strongly I feel about this, just thought it was interesting, and fits in with the subject matter a lot of the notes and numbers seem to relate to.


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The longer I look at this scribble page of notes the more I think it will provide no useful clues to her identity. I hate to throw cold water on everyone's scenarios but here's a "what if" that I don't think has been suggested: What if this was written at a time when FLEK was looking for employment? She could have gotten most of these numbers from advertisements in the newspaper. No one alive remembers her but if she just called about a job or submitted an application and they never called her? Why would they remember her? She has written "adm" near the telephone company names--maybe she had experience as a phone operator and was trying to find admin work with one of the phone companies. Maybe Ben Perkins Jr was looking for someone to work in the "records" department of his law firm (assuming this was written prior to his disbarment). Maybe he didn't have work for her but gave her the name of a relative in Dallas "Jennifer Perkins" to call (or vise versa--Jennifer Perkins in Dallas told FLEK to call her relative in Hollywood and ask if he had "records" work to do). We don't know WHERE she was when she wrote these notes. She was clearly interested in working with Kathleen Jueng and Lish in Hollywood. The "these eyes" could have been a casting call for models for a photo shoot. All things a normal teenager or young 20-something woman in the 80's would dream of doing--going to Hollywood, finding a job as a model or actress and being "discovered". Or maybe she just wanted to be a photographer's assistant/make-up artist/production assistant and meet famous people. Everyone wants to think something nefarious happened to her because she had the N. Hollywood Police number written down but even that could have been an advertisement for a dispatcher or secretary job. There are reasons to call the police station that don't involve crime. It was the general number not the emergency number, correct?

As for why she kept the page..Perhaps she kept it to remind herself of when she struggled to find work or her dreams of making it big in Hollywood. Perhaps she did find a lead on a job from one of these numbers and kept it for sentimental reasons? There are so many crazy conspiracy theories for this page of notes. I tend to think it is more simple than most the stories people are making up. JMO.
The longer I look at this scribble page of notes the more I think it will provide no useful clues to her identity. I hate to throw cold water on everyone's scenarios but here's a "what if" that I don't think has been suggested: What if this was written at a time when FLEK was looking for employment? She could have gotten most of these numbers from advertisements in the newspaper. No one alive remembers her but if she just called about a job or submitted an application and they never called her? Why would they remember her? She has written "adm" near the telephone company names--maybe she had experience as a phone operator and was trying to find admin work with one of the phone companies. Maybe Ben Perkins Jr was looking for someone to work in the "records" department of his law firm (assuming this was written prior to his disbarment). Maybe he didn't have work for her but gave her the name of a relative in Dallas "Jennifer Perkins" to call (or vise versa--Jennifer Perkins in Dallas told FLEK to call her relative in Hollywood and ask if he had "records" work to do). We don't know WHERE she was when she wrote these notes. She was clearly interested in working with Kathleen Jueng and Lish in Hollywood. The "these eyes" could have been a casting call for models for a photo shoot. All things a normal teenager or young 20-something woman in the 80's would dream of doing--going to Hollywood, finding a job as a model or actress and being "discovered". Or maybe she just wanted to be a photographer's assistant/make-up artist/production assistant and meet famous people. Everyone wants to think something nefarious happened to her because she had the N. Hollywood Police number written down but even that could have been an advertisement for a dispatcher or secretary job. There are reasons to call the police station that don't involve crime. It was the general number not the emergency number, correct?

As for why she kept the page..Perhaps she kept it to remind herself of when she struggled to find work or her dreams of making it big in Hollywood. Perhaps she did find a lead on a job from one of these numbers and kept it for sentimental reasons? There are so many crazy conspiracy theories for this page of notes. I tend to think it is more simple than most the stories people are making up. JMO.

Interesting theory, but personally I don't buy it. If she were looking for a job the numbers would be more likely to be in one specific area not all over the country and in a variety of different fields. Remember this is before the internet. Somebody looking for an admin position wouldn't generally look for a job from a distance. And those kinds of jobs were only advertised locally, companies don't need to recruit from out of town for general admin/secretary type jobs. If somebody is looking for an admin job they wouldn't limit the search to phone companies. They would apply to all different kinds of companies. Admin jobs are not industry specific.

How is it clear that she was looking to work with Kathleen Jueng and Lish in Hollywood? I can think of so many reasons she could have been trying to contact them.

I do agree that the notes page is unlikely to provide any clues as to her identity, unless one of the people listed remembered her.
I disagree..... I remember being in a snit with my parents and making plans to run away to another town. I found generic info about it for jobs and started applying from a distance. The jobs that were available around the same time sound like those that could be those potentially listed on her note page. Am I making any sense?
I disagree..... I remember being in a snit with my parents and making plans to run away to another town. I found generic info about it for jobs and started applying from a distance. The jobs that were available around the same time sound like those that could be those potentially listed on her note page. Am I making any sense?

Makes sense to me. Before the internet people looked for jobs via the local newspaper. If she wanted to move to Hollywood all she needed to look for a job was a copy of the L.A. Times, sold in most major cities. Plus in the early 1980's there was a recession. People took jobs where ever they could find them. It's not like she had a family to relocate with her. She just need to buy a bus ticket or could even have hitchhiked (which used to be much more common). JMO.
How is it clear that she was looking to work with Kathleen Jueng and Lish in Hollywood? I can think of so many reasons she could have been trying to contact them.

I do agree that the notes page is unlikely to provide any clues as to her identity, unless one of the people listed remembered her.

Sorry, All just my opinion. YMMV. Earlier posters found evidence that Jueng and Lish worked together at one time...regardless if they did when the page of notes was written they were beginning to be well known, working in an overarching industry that involved "show business" (for lack of better term) and maybe FLEK saw a commercial or read a newspaper article about them. Again all just my own speculation. I'm open to hearing your theories on why she would be trying to contact them if not to work with them. I think the more I think about this case the less I know for certain.
Sorry, All just my opinion. YMMV. Earlier posters found evidence that Jueng and Lish worked together at one time...regardless if they did when the page of notes was written they were beginning to be well known, working in an overarching industry that involved "show business" (for lack of better term) and maybe FLEK saw a commercial or read a newspaper article about them. Again all just my own speculation. I'm open to hearing your theories on why she would be trying to contact them if not to work with them. I think the more I think about this case the less I know for certain.
Your last sentence. Nailed it for me!

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As for why she kept the page..Perhaps she kept it to remind herself of when she struggled to find work or her dreams of making it big in Hollywood. Perhaps she did find a lead on a job from one of these numbers and kept it for sentimental reasons? There are so many crazy conspiracy theories for this page of notes. I tend to think it is more simple than most the stories people are making up. JMO.

The reason she kept the sheet of paper might be for a very simple reason, so simple no one has thought about it: it was shuffled into a stack of other pages at some point, & thus found its way into the locked box. Any one who has dealt with lots of paper has had this happen to them.

And why did it survive LEK's purge of her other papers? Maybe she had forgotten about it entirely. Or maybe she stumbled across it in those last, dark days of her life, & in a petty pique of revenge thought, "They've always wondered who I was. I'll leave them this page of scribbling that means nothing & let them waste time trying to use it to identify my birth name. That'll teach them."

I've not mentioned these ides because it really would admit that finding her pre-LEK identity is not possible. That she succeeded in taking her birth name to the grave with her as her final act of revenge against the Ruffs. It's just too pessimistic, & would discourage any further attempts to identify her.
By no means am I a handwriting expert.... but based on some Google searches, FLEK's handwriting on the notes page indicates carelessness (jumbled), anger (lots of angles) and arrogance (tall capital letters).
By no means am I a handwriting expert.... but based on some Google searches, FLEK's handwriting on the notes page indicates carelessness (jumbled), anger (lots of angles) and arrogance (tall capital letters).

This is where I should be the voice of rationality & point out that using handwriting to determine a person's personality is considered bunk. Except that you are likely right. Reading between the lines of her resume, I get that same impression of LEK: lots of typos (carelessness), & comparing her "Objective" to her brag points below I can't help but infer some anger about not being appreciated for her talents -- which, in the computer industry aren't all that impressive (arrogance).

Have I mentioned that my impression of LEK is that she was likely hard to get along with? Even if you weren't part of a close-knit Eastern Texas family?

I decided to take a closer look at the handwriting of the scribble page and the only other handwriting sample we have of FLEK's--the handwriting on her passport application.

First, compare the two words Dallas: The D's are different and though both samples use capital A's in the middle of words, the capital A's are different as well. One is more rounded at the top and one more pointed.
Second, compare capital M's--very different. One has rounded peaks like a lower case M and center line of the m reaches the bottom of the letter. The note writer's M's are pointy at the peaks with high center swoop line.
third, compare B's. There is only one B on the application but it appears to be written like a 3 with a line in front of it--two sections disconected. The B's on the note page are written more in one fluid motion and all connected.
Fourth, compare lower case y's. On the application the y's have a rounded hook. On the note they are angular.

Finally, compare the "These Eyes" to everything else. I flipped it 90 degrees to make it easier to compare. It has been noted before in these threads that the "These Eyes" has those curly capital E's in the middle of the word and FLEK used those capital E's in her writing. The rest of the note does not have those capital E's. The y in "These Eyes" is also a hook style like used in the application, not like the rest of the note.

The main thing these writings have in common, IMO, is using a mixture of capital and lower case letters for the middle of the words.

After this analysis, I'm prepared to theorize that the majority of this note was NOT written by FLEK--it may have been written by someone close to her (parent, sibling, etc.), however, who had a similar style of mixing capital and lower case letters.

ETA: After posting this I also noticed the note-writer uses capital N's. FLEK's passport application does not have any capital N's.

I posted this in the main discussion thread but it quickly got buried. I hope it's okay I posted it here too.
I just had an aha-moment while I studied the notes page. I think someone was harassing her and she was like, "that's it! I am calling the police!" And the police instruct her to get a lawyer. And being scared, she thinks she should change her phone number too.....
I believe I know the meaning of the "CNA" and the "ours 303-293-2333" notations on the scratch paper from Jane Doe's lockbox. I think the fraud lawyer and oil company identifications previously mentioned are most likely red herrings.

I searched Google Books for the string 303-293-2333. On my computer, the second result was snippet views from the following book:

How to find missing persons: a handbook for investigators/ Ronald George Eriksen 2 [sic] (Loompanics; Port Townsend, Washington, 1984), pages 83 and 84.

This book exists in at least three versions: a staple-bound "true first edition" published by Loompanics in 1981 in their original Mason, Michigan location; the 1984 edition I refer to above; and a 1994 2nd edition, revised and expanded.

I was able to get my hands on the 1994 edition, but had to request a scan of the relevant Chapter 19 (Telephone Records) of the 1984 edition from a public library. Luckily, they came through quickly. See the attached two-page PDF (handwritten notes are mine).

The author explains "[f]ortunately, Ma Bell has secret telephone numbers called "C.N.A. Service numbers" which you call, give the number in question, and you will be told the name and usually the address which correspond with that number." He further explains that the numbers are changed "at regular intervals" and that the information he gives is good "as of the first of 1984."

Following is a table of area codes, with the corresponding C.N.A. numbers. The number 303-293-2333 matches seven area codes (note that Google Books only indexes two of them). According to Wikipedia, all seven were in the batch of original area codes instituted in 1947, and most served the entire referenced state until the 1990s or 2000s.

208 Idaho
303 Colorado
307 Wyoming
406 Montana
505 New Mexico
602 Arizona
801 Utah

My interpretation of Jane Doe's notes is that "ours" refers to her own area code sometime in the 1980s, possibly prior to her name changes. I lean toward Idaho or Arizona due to other elements in the story, but of course, I'm not sure.

Just to be clear, I am also not sure at all that Jane Doe used this particular book as a reference. I do think, however, that her notes almost certainly refer to the Customer Name and Address Service.

Thank you for an awesome post! In thinking about the CNA info and my theory that FLEK did NOT write the note, I was thinking, what if this note indicates that someone else was checking up on Lori's calls? Since CNA numbers seem to be useful in find out who called a person or who a person called, perhaps someone (a boyfriend, husband, parent) was stalking her/trying to prevent her from leaving them. She found the note and took it so they would not have that info anymore after she left. Just another theory and I have no evidence of this but it would fit with the idea she changed her identity to escape some form of abuse.
Like most things in this case this part is perplexing. My best two theories regarding the note, I think she was looking for someone, OR I think she might have come across someone doing some research on her. She seemed to have been a pretty obsessive person, if she found this in someones possession maybe she just wanted to keep it to refer back to. I wish we knew if other documents existed that have not been released. If my son/daughter brought home a groom/bride and they were very evasive with me, it would send a red flag to me and I would do some investigation, maybe even hire someone to do it for me. Another thought, FLEK told her husband to never open that box, that does not mean he followed her instructions or if a nosey mother did it for him. JMO of course.

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