The novel

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Nothing was ever confirmed in regards to the book connection. I've always believed that he did read or know of the book but it's possible that "Lyle" is the only one who knows why he chose to use that name, so we may never know if it's a coincidence or not.
I'm sure you guys already did but I just found out who he was with a name and a photo.
From what I know, I'd say he read the book in school and felt a connection with the character. Imo, I don't know.
**Rest in Eternal Peace Christian*** You are so loved****
I'm sure you guys already did but I just found out who he was with a name and a photo.
From what I know, I'd say he read the book in school and felt a connection with the character. Imo, I don't know.
**Rest in Eternal Peace Christian*** You are so loved****

I saw this online as well, and the photo of him in life .. this story has always been on my mind
I have always wondered too if there was more to the alias he choose. IMO I doubt it's a coincidence due to Lyle not being as common a name and the fact there is a suicidal character in the book.

I have never personally read the book but here is what I found on it:
You Must Remember This is a 1987 novel written by Joyce Carol Oates. Lyle Stevick (spelling in the book) actually isn't a main character. He is a married family man in the 1950's who owns a used furniture store. He has four children who all have seemingly disappointed their parents in someway. The youngest, Enid, is one of the main characters who starts an incestual relationship at 14 with her uncle, Lyle's half brother Felix. Lyle dislikes and envies his brother. When Felix starts to ignore her, Enid becomes suicidal and this toxic waltz goes on for 4 years. It gets to the point commonplace things evoke her suicidal thoughts. After a suicide attempt, her family members look the other way and assume it was just an accident. Also they don't even imagine a incestuous relationship between her and Felix even though there is signs.

This quote from a summary article stuck out to me. 'Lyle' wasn't close to his family at the time, could this be why he identified with Lyle Stevick?

"Beyond Enid and Felix, the members of this family circle each other endlessly and rarely touch. Oates creates the disjunct nature of family by changing point of view from character to character. Through their interior monologues, we realize how alienated these individuals are from one another. They don't get close. They live by appearances."

One thing we do know is 'Lyle' had endogamy in his family which could be compared to the niece-uncle relationship in the novel. The suicidal character's motive was being ignored by her uncle. Could this transfer to 'Lyle' feeling ignored by his family? Or could even he have been a victim of incest and his family looked the other way like with Enid? Think about it, if this is the reason then it makes total sense why his name was never officially released. Holly Glen and Jimmy Reymer were suicide victims that names were released for example. Although 'Lyle's' family do have the right to decide not to release; however.

In my personal opinion it may not even be that deep. It could have been the last book he read and the name was still fresh in his mind. He could have even thought of it as a association to suicide being that is what he planned when he checked into the hotel. It's all very sad.
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The novel is mostly about suicide. The book focus is the incestuous relationship between Felix (a professional boxer) and his much younger niece Enid.
Enid becomes depressed after the relationship fails and attempts suicide.

I doubt the alias was a coincidence. Our now identified "Lyle" committed suicide and has several close relatives involved in boxing. A close relative even owns a boxing gym.
I think it is too much of a coincidence.
The novel is mostly about suicide. The book focus is the incestuous relationship between Felix (a professional boxer) and his much younger niece Enid.
Enid becomes depressed after the relationship fails and attempts suicide.

I doubt the alias was a coincidence. Our now identified "Lyle" committed suicide and has several close relatives involved in boxing. A close relative even owns a boxing gym.
I think it is too much of a coincidence.
How did you find out 'Lyle's' relation to boxing? I wonder why he picked Lyle as an alias and if there is any significance to why he picked that particular character.
I have only just now seen the photo and learned of his name. Apparently people knew back in December. I can't believe it.

I feel terrible that his family's wish for privacy was not honoured but grateful to have seen a picture of him in life. I hope at the very least he will be now be known by this photo instead of the others, and that the rumours surrounding other names people threw out there over the years can be laid to rest.
It's very obvious his parents are/were elderly, but were also trying to find him. The post on his fathers FB made my eyes tear up, he just didn't know we were all out there at the same time, trying to identify his son. I do think his policeman brother found him shortly after putting his appeals online, and never told the parents as to not hurt them. If I'd loved my parents maybe I would have done the same. I do wish they released living pictures of "Lyle," of him smiling, or at least living. I do hope one day his siblings will realize the care and thoughts their brother had after he died, and will be willing to share at least a picture. Many people are still thinking of him. I'm just glad to find out what I did. But some people want to see him smiling. Was he even ever alive.
Did "Lyle" ever have a connection to dentistry or writing, anyone know? tia.
How did you find him and his picture?
AFAIK, some people from Reddit banded together and personally searched through every 1994 yearbook in Alameda County until they found a match...

That's what I heard happened, anyway.
AFAIK, some people from Reddit banded together and personally searched through every 1994 yearbook in Alameda County until they found a match...

That's what I heard happened, anyway.
Any idea how I can access some 1920-1933 yearbooks for a very old unidentified case? They may be a coast guard or sailor. Had some tattoos but that’s as far as I’ve found
Any idea how I can access some 1920-1933 yearbooks for a very old unidentified case? They may be a coast guard or sailor. Had some tattoos but that’s as far as I’ve found
In which state, may I ask?

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