The oversized Bloomingdale’s panties.

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Did Patsy lie about the Bloomingdale’s panties?

  • Yes

    Votes: 164 77.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 6.6%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 15.6%

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Heyya UK

make the assumption the defect would have been noted?

"SECTION II] - Guidelines for External Examinations

A. Initial examination procedures are that:

the coroner's pathologist or medical, examiner documents defects of clothing that may
later be correlated with. injuries on the body.

the coroner’s pathologist, medical examiner or designee identifies and collects trace
evidence on clothing and body surfaces as necessary.

the coroner’s pathologist, medical examiner or designee removes clothing.

the coroner's pathologist, medical examiner or designee generally documents clothing
and personal effects verbally or photographically, photographing any traumatic detects."
Not sure
Heyya UK

make the assumption the defect would have been noted?

"SECTION II] - Guidelines for External Examinations

A. Initial examination procedures are that:

the coroner's pathologist or medical, examiner documents defects of clothing that may
later be correlated with. injuries on the body.

the coroner’s pathologist, medical examiner or designee identifies and collects trace
evidence on clothing and body surfaces as necessary.

the coroner’s pathologist, medical examiner or designee removes clothing.

the coroner's pathologist, medical examiner or designee generally documents clothing
and personal effects verbally or photographically, photographing any traumatic detects."

I'm assuming Meyer is following the guidelines properly. Its just that his use of latin terms could be ambiguous, e.g. when JonBenet was redressed in the size-12's, maybe the long johns were put on back to front, thus suggesting JonBenet was asphyxiated face down? With the blood on JonBenet not matching with the bloodstains on the size-12's, maybe Meyer has something up his sleeve, after all, we only know about this due to his verbatim remarks, its not cited in the AR.


Any of the RDI theories could be correct, depending on your perspective, BDI appears to explain more of the evidence than say JDI, with PDI explaining the least.

Personally I think it depends on whether you think JonBenet was being sexually abused, or specific aspects of the crime-scene were staged, e.g. digital penetration?

Patsy could have ligature asphyxiated JonBenet and JR could have redressed and assaulted JonBenet internally, BPD described it as Vaginal Trauma, how cute and neutral is that?

The redressing of JonBenet is interesting since the R's got it so wrong. Assuming a PDI, it looks like Patsy was attempting to wash the balled up turtleneck, but gave up, maybe because, as you suggest, she was running so fast?

Dumping the blood stained pink barbie nightgown into the wine-cellar simply destroys any semblance of an intruder homicide. So the white gap top is placed on JonBenet to match the R's version of events, the size-12's can only be a male mistake, evident by covering them up with the long johns.

On the long johns, or long underwear according to Coroner Meyer, these were urine stained anteriorly over the crotch area and anterior legs.

excerpt, Autopsy Report

So on re-reading the AR I noticed that Coroner Meyer is particular in his location specifications, e.g. anterior, posterior, lateral, etc.

Although the standard explanation for the underwear being urine stained is that this happened when JonBenet was asphyxiated face down?

How do we know that what Meyer describes as the anterior of the long underwear is actually that of the front? Could the long underwear have been put on back to front, maybe it does not matter?

Yet on the size-12's in all of the AR, Coroner Meyer makes no distinction between anterior or posterior, and we know from his verbatim remarks he thinks the red areas of staining on the size-12's do not match bloodstains on JonBenet?

If as Kolar hints, BR exhibits aspects of some behavioral issue, then his response the following morning might be, just what was reported. This can be interpreted variously as representative of Autism, indicative of a Sociopathic Personality, or a simple Lack of Remorse, even Play Acting, with the latter consistent with the parents later admitting BR was present during the 911 call, i.e. why should BR be emotional over that which he has no knowledge, he just woke up!


So, if we want to entertain a PDI situation, we must also assume she was trying to frame John? There's no reason an intruder would bother redressing the body or hiding it in the wine cellar. Even if an intruder would do this what are the odds he knows where the package of size 12s is located?

In a PDI situation, Patsy could just redress the body in any of the normal size panties in JBR's dresser drawer. She could then claim that the normal size panties were what JBR had on at bed time, and that she knows nothing about the events of the night.

So, it would seem either that Patsy is attempting to frame JR, a male who might make the mistake, or that Patsy never put the size 12s on JBR's body.

But any attempt to frame JR would have to include a sensible reason for JR to redress her in panties, and then make the mistake of using the wrong size. I see no reason for JR to redress the body in any size panties (nor any reason for Patsy to do so either). I favor the explanation that Patsy gives to the police; that JBR asked for Jenny's panties and they were in the drawer for JBR to wear. Why make up such a fantastic story when she already knows the police have searched and knows whether or not the police found a package of size 12s in the drawer?
I don't really think of PR as a cold-blooded murderer, and I don't think her first reaction was being calm. I do see her potential for being manipulative, controlling, and abusive, especially if the right buttons are pushed. I could see her viewing JBR's toileting issues as rebellion against what PR wanted for her. The fact that PR is the one who always cleaned up after them and dealt with them could also make an accident feel like a personal attack.

This article is from 1993 - very sad read - and explains how commonly toileting issues cause abuse and death in children:

If this is really what happened that night, I imagine PR being upset, crying, and panicking. I don't think she ever wanted her daughter to die, and after the fact I think her sadness was pretty genuine.

I've heard of incidents like that. "You did that on purpose!" and such like. And I agree: PR was no cold-blooded killer. Something set her off, and she regretted it the rest of her life.

At the same time, once that initial blow happened, PR had to decide what to do next. Call 911 and explain what happened or lie about what happened? That's what most parents would do, but I don't think PR was like most parents. The blow was so bad, she may have thought JBR was already dead, heading that way, or that she would never be the same (vegetable). In the middle of the night, exhausted and stressed as she was, now faced with this awful scenario, I think she decided to stage a cover-up rather than deal with the repercussions of her actions and have her dark secret (her abusiveness) exposed. I can see her collecting herself, going into action, finding some sort of sick satisfaction in staging things and thinking about getting one over on was CYA for PR, and she was going to make it work. Realistically, IMO, I don't think it would have worked if she didn't get lucky with LE and DA.

JMO! Didn't address everything that was brought up, but I think so much of it depends on our own personal perspectives, what we accept, and our knowledge or personal experiences. All very good conversation!

Wow. Amazing post.
So, if we want to entertain a PDI situation, we must also assume she was trying to frame John? There's no reason an intruder would bother redressing the body or hiding it in the wine cellar. Even if an intruder would do this what are the odds he knows where the package of size 12s is located?

In a PDI situation, Patsy could just redress the body in any of the normal size panties in JBR's dresser drawer. She could then claim that the normal size panties were what JBR had on at bed time, and that she knows nothing about the events of the night.

So, it would seem either that Patsy is attempting to frame JR, a male who might make the mistake, or that Patsy never put the size 12s on JBR's body.

But any attempt to frame JR would have to include a sensible reason for JR to redress her in panties, and then make the mistake of using the wrong size. I see no reason for JR to redress the body in any size panties (nor any reason for Patsy to do so either). I favor the explanation that Patsy gives to the police; that JBR asked for Jenny's panties and they were in the drawer for JBR to wear. Why make up such a fantastic story when she already knows the police have searched and knows whether or not the police found a package of size 12s in the drawer?

Well, Dynamic88, they say there's no honor among thieves. But I'm of the mind that JR handled most, if not all, of what happened to JB's lower half.
I hope we 'entertain' many theories here. This case isn't solved. The thought of Patsy trying to frame John is interesting. It would be better on the PDI thread.
Has it been discussed that maybe the size 12 panties were for BR, Not JBR? I mean-he had some weird bathroom things going on too, and his medical records are blocked....and it seems that with all the attention JBR received with the parents, etc. that BR could have been extremely the point of wearing girl's underwear??? Could he have taken them from a friend's house to wear, and PR didn't want to admit it?
I'm assuming Meyer is following the guidelines properly. Its just that his use of latin terms could be ambiguous, e.g. when JonBenet was redressed in the size-12's, maybe the long johns were put on back to front, thus suggesting JonBenet was asphyxiated face down? With the blood on JonBenet not matching with the bloodstains on the size-12's, maybe Meyer has something up his sleeve, after all, we only know about this due to his verbatim remarks, its not cited in the AR.

thus suggesting JonBenet was asphyxiated face down? - UK

yep UK
I was thinking about this progression of thought, as well....wrt the long johns.
thus suggesting JonBenet was asphyxiated face down? - UK

yep UK
I was thinking about this progression of thought, as well....wrt the long johns.

Well, guys, I realize I'm just the prosaic PDI dinosaur of the lot, but how does this scenario hit you:

the long johns are pulled down and JB is penetrated (with what is not important right now); the size 12's are put on and both they and the long johns are pulled back up; JB is flipped onto her stomach where the cord is applied; she expels urine into the clothing.
So, if we want to entertain a PDI situation, we must also assume she was trying to frame John? There's no reason an intruder would bother redressing the body or hiding it in the wine cellar. Even if an intruder would do this what are the odds he knows where the package of size 12s is located?

In a PDI situation, Patsy could just redress the body in any of the normal size panties in JBR's dresser drawer. She could then claim that the normal size panties were what JBR had on at bed time, and that she knows nothing about the events of the night.

So, it would seem either that Patsy is attempting to frame JR, a male who might make the mistake, or that Patsy never put the size 12s on JBR's body.

But any attempt to frame JR would have to include a sensible reason for JR to redress her in panties, and then make the mistake of using the wrong size. I see no reason for JR to redress the body in any size panties (nor any reason for Patsy to do so either). I favor the explanation that Patsy gives to the police; that JBR asked for Jenny's panties and they were in the drawer for JBR to wear. Why make up such a fantastic story when she already knows the police have searched and knows whether or not the police found a package of size 12s in the drawer?

Dynamic, I addressed some of these points in a prior post on this thread, and for me the answer is that PR was just looking for clean panties and those were the only ones in the house other than her own (JBR's were urine and fecal-stained).

We have to remember that LE did not initially and was later barred from doing a thorough search of the house (search warrant requests that were denied or stalled), that evidence was allowed to be removed from the house by family while it was still an active crime scene, and that the interviews in which PR cagily avoids saying with any confidence that the panties could have been in JBR's drawer was conducted with the benefit of PR and her legal counsel reviewing evidence and the interview questions beforehand. Frankly, I don't buy PR's interviews for a second. Like you said, why wouldn't she just say that those were in JBR's drawer and JBR might have picked them out to wear? If it wasn't pertinent to what went on that night and PR didn't know the significance, why would she be so evasive or forgetful about them?

What we know for certain is that when the package of panties was mailed to BPD months later it was intact as if new except for the Wednesday pair that had been used. There is debate about whether the package of panties was ever in JBR's drawer or were collected from the basement with the other wrapped and partially unwrapped Christmas presents. There always will be debate about that and everything else that follows with the panties because we are unable to know some things for certain.

If there was staging, then it was done to point away from the person who committed this crime (otherwise, why bother?). IMO, everything that happened in that basement points further and further away from something that PR, the doting mother, would do. PR is even absent in the RN (interesting that the practice RN included them both, but the final version was addressed only to JR - potentially another clue that PR was distancing herself in every conceivable way). Following that, if you believe that the panties were part of the staging (I do), then you have to question the motive for using those panties in particular.

I have toyed with the idea that JR was complicit in the cover up because PR blackmailed him. IMO it is easier to fathom a father molesting his daughter than a mother abusing her daughter over toileting issues. The way everything was staged, PR may have threatened JR that she would turn on him if he didn't go along with her plan, and she was much more likely to be believed. This is a purely speculative line of thinking and I'm not tied to it, and if it's correct I still don't think the oversized panties are part of the blackmail.

If the package was in JBR's underwear drawer, why would JR open the package and pick that day of the week instead of grabbing any other available pair? All of the panties in that set, including the Wednesday ones, were previously unworn and unlaundered...even to someone who doesn't normally dress JBR, that would be obvious and certainly raise more suspicion. And if JR picked an incorrectly sized pair of panties because he's the dad and doesn't know any better, why would he take care to pick out the correct day of the week? Further, as posters have proven with experiments and photographs, there is no way that someone put JBR in those panties and didn't realize they were HUGE. To me, all of that points to the Wednesday panties being essential because they were clean, and the only reason the panties' cleanliness would matter is if the urine and fecal stained ones were also unacceptable because the toileting issues provide some insight into the crime.

Also, If the panties were changed for the purpose of blackmailing JR, why not leave her original ones on if they had evidence of sexual abuse? Changing the panties means hiding evidence of what was in the original panties, so you're left with wanting to cover up sexual abuse or a toileting accident. If it's sexual abuse, then why remove that and then stage the crime scene to look like she died from sexual assault and torture anyway? If it's a toileting accident, then why would you want to hide evidence of that unless it was the trigger point for the murder?

As you can tell, I've spent a lot of time thinking about these panties! When I try to find a logical way to explain them that doesn't contradict other evidence, I keep coming back to PDI over a toileting accident that night.
Has it been discussed that maybe the size 12 panties were for BR, Not JBR? I mean-he had some weird bathroom things going on too, and his medical records are blocked....and it seems that with all the attention JBR received with the parents, etc. that BR could have been extremely the point of wearing girl's underwear??? Could he have taken them from a friend's house to wear, and PR didn't want to admit it?

I had suggested some months back that maybe BR was using the size-12 panties. I didn't think they were bought for him or given to him, but that maybe he used them for his own purposes and/or for something that might have transpired between him and JBR that night.

Putting too-large panties on her is something I could see a kid doing if he redressed her, although WHY he would do it I have no idea. Any parent (male or female) would realize they were too large for JBR, plus the parents had access to the rest of JBRs underwear if they wanted to redress her.
Well, guys, I realize I'm just the prosaic PDI dinosaur of the lot, but how does this scenario hit you:

the long johns are pulled down and JB is penetrated (with what is not important right now); the size 12's are put on and both they and the long johns are pulled back up; JB is flipped onto her stomach where the cord is applied; she expels urine into the clothing.

Something along those lines.

So if we are going to assault JonBenet internally, why do we need to mask it by redressing her in clean size-12's, red flag there, and clean long johns?

So consider Coroner Meyer's verbatim remarks about the mismatched bloodstains, might this not suggest the redressing was in response to an already internally injured and bleeding JonBenet?

The bloodstain on the pink barbie nightgown presumably sources to JonBenet bleeding, so was the nightgown removed to make way for the long johns and size-12's, bear in mind that the long johns are a critical part of the R's version of events.

So any PDI really needs to account for the internal assault which appears to precede the redressing and asphyxiation. Rather than staging was it part of an initial assault upon JonBenet.

One scenario might be for whatever reason, e.g. staging, Patsy internally assaults JonBenet, leaving her bloodstained. Along comes JR who wipes her clean and redresses her in the size-12's?

I had suggested some months back that maybe BR was using the size-12 panties. I didn't think they were bought for him or given to him, but that maybe he used them for his own purposes and/or for something that might have transpired between him and JBR that night.

Putting too-large panties on her is something I could see a kid doing if he redressed her, although WHY he would do it I have no idea. Any parent (male or female) would realize they were too large for JBR, plus the parents had access to the rest of JBRs underwear if they wanted to redress her.

My instinct here is that if BR was using size 12 panties for himself, then these Wednesday panties wouldn't have been unlaundered and unused prior to being on JBR's body that night, someone's DNA other than hers would have been found in/on them, and the package for the remaining set would not have been intact.

I guess there is the possibility he just came up with the idea that night. Some say the package of panties was among the Christmas gifts in the basement - would BR have known about these and opened them? PR says many months later that *maybe* they were in JBR's drawer - would BR have realized these were bigger than JBR's other panties and chosen them for that reason?

I have mulled these questions over and over - the only reason to change the underwear is to hide what was in the underwear she had been wearing. It makes no sense to change her into something other than panties from her drawer - least of all panties that were much, much too large for her - unless her other panties were not suitable because they were all urine and fecal stained...if that's the case, then why does the staining matter? The only answer I can come up with there is that her toileting accidents are somehow connected to her murder. JMO, but honestly I am struggling to find any other suitable scenario that raises more questions than it answers.
Something along those lines.

So if we are going to assault JonBenet internally, why do we need to mask it by redressing her in clean size-12's, red flag there, and clean long johns?

So consider Coroner Meyer's verbatim remarks about the mismatched bloodstains, might this not suggest the redressing was in response to an already internally injured and bleeding JonBenet?

The bloodstain on the pink barbie nightgown presumably sources to JonBenet bleeding, so was the nightgown removed to make way for the long johns and size-12's, bear in mind that the long johns are a critical part of the R's version of events.

So any PDI really needs to account for the internal assault which appears to precede the redressing and asphyxiation. Rather than staging was it part of an initial assault upon JonBenet.

One scenario might be for whatever reason, e.g. staging, Patsy internally assaults JonBenet, leaving her bloodstained. Along comes JR who wipes her clean and redresses her in the size-12's?


I am PDI and think that JBR was wiped down and her panties changed because she had an accident that night.

If there was a sexual assault and the panties were changed to hide evidence of that, why would the crime scene then be staged to look like sexual assault took place? Isn't the point of staging a crime scene to cover up and divert attention from what actually happened?
I am PDI and think that JBR was wiped down and her panties changed because she had an accident that night.

If there was a sexual assault and the panties were changed to hide evidence of that, why would the crime scene then be staged to look like sexual assault took place? Isn't the point of staging a crime scene to cover up and divert attention from what actually happened?

There was an assault, JonBenet was left bleeding internally, with bloodstains on pink barbie nightgown and the size-12's which did not match any blood located on JonBenet, this led Coroner Meyer to suggest JonBenet had been wiped down?

Mark Beckner reckons what they call the Vaginal Trauma was staging, so like you say why stage then clean it all up and redress JonBenet just like she went to bed?

This is one aspect I'll be listening out for in the forthcoming Doc's, no explanation for the internal assault must mean they have not looked very far.

There was an assault, JonBenet was left bleeding internally, with bloodstains on pink barbie nightgown and the size-12's which did not match any blood located on JonBenet, this led Coroner Meyer to suggest JonBenet had been wiped down?

Mark Beckner reckons what they call the Vaginal Trauma was staging, so like you say why stage then clean it all up and redress JonBenet just like she went to bed?

There was clearly assault that night and prior, but I am just not convinced that it was sexually motivated and am open to the possibility that PR was abusing JBR for toileting accidents. I believe that the vaginal trauma inflicted with the paintbrush was part of the staging that, along with other elements of the crime scene, was made to look like a sexual assault had taken place. If the paintbrush was part of the cover up and not part of the assault, then there was some vaginal trauma that night being concealed, and it doesn't make sense to hide sexual assault with sexual assault. Which leads me to believe the motive for the murder wasn't sexual at all.

I am anxious to see if these oversized panties come up in the docs in addition to a more definitive consensus about what caused the internal injuries. I think that is what results in so many different theories: the vaginal trauma was either sexual or not, and many theories can follow from there.
There was an assault, JonBenet was left bleeding internally, with bloodstains on pink barbie nightgown and the size-12's which did not match any blood located on JonBenet, this led Coroner Meyer to suggest JonBenet had been wiped down?

RSBM for focus


While the autopsy was being performed, with witnesses present such as Det. Arndt, a black light was used. That is how it was determined that JonBenet's thighs has been wiped.

Additionally, when the Coroner arrived at the scene at the Rs home, while JB was under the Christmas Tree, he removed forensic evidence from her and her clothing items that was easily visible. The piece of plastic evergreen from her hair may have been such a specimen removed on site.

reintarnation, I concur that the new undies were clean and they were handy. They were wrapped in a package intended for the niece. New Wednesday panties were better than old stained undies. We know that within days of the crime, a forensic specialist entered JBs bedroom and reported that all of the panties in the drawer were stained. The Days of the Week panties never were in JBs lingerie drawer.
I figure the Christmas gifts were taken out of the house by PRs sister in the form of a wrapped gift. We have seen pics from the basement of the wrapping paper on some of the Christmas presents as being torn. Patsy said that was likely Burke looking for his birthday present. Yeah, right.
Just a couple of points I have to comment on, DeDee...

While the autopsy was being performed, with witnesses present such as Det. Arndt, a black light was used. That is how it was determined that JonBenet's thighs has been wiped.
There was that, and there was also the dark fibers found on her genitals indicating she had been wiped. Also dried and “semiliquid” blood was found remaining within the folds of tissue in three different places.

Additionally, when the Coroner arrived at the scene at the Rs home, while JB was under the Christmas Tree, he removed forensic evidence from her and her clothing items that was easily visible. The piece of plastic evergreen from her hair may have been such a specimen removed on site.
I don’t think Dr. Meyer removed any evidence from her or her clothing while in situ on the floor. Hell, he didn’t even take her body temperature or do any of the other things that would have established a more accurate TOD. He was only in the house for less than ten minutes. His only purpose (in his mind) was in his capacity as the coroner to officially pronounce her dead so her body could be removed and taken to the morgue.
Something along those lines.

So if we are going to assault JonBenet internally, why do we need to mask it by redressing her in clean size-12's, red flag there, and clean long johns?

I think they were repulsed by what they had just done and didn't want to look at it anymore. Also, I think reintarnation is onto something: maybe that's all they had to use.

So consider Coroner Meyer's verbatim remarks about the mismatched bloodstains, might this not suggest the redressing was in response to an already internally injured and bleeding JonBenet?

Okay, you've got me interested. What are you thinking?

The bloodstain on the pink barbie nightgown presumably sources to JonBenet bleeding, so was the nightgown removed to make way for the long johns and size-12's, bear in mind that the long johns are a critical part of the R's version of events.

So any PDI really needs to account for the internal assault which appears to precede the redressing and asphyxiation. Rather than staging was it part of an initial assault upon JonBenet.

I'd have to hear more before I can account for it.

One scenario might be for whatever reason, e.g. staging, Patsy internally assaults JonBenet, leaving her bloodstained. Along comes JR who wipes her clean and redresses her in the size-12's?

Maybe so. I just assume JR handled that part of it. But I'm open to discussion. That's why I'm here!

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