The Phone Calls in the early morning of Dec.18, 2013 (both PayPhone & cells)

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Until J4H sees this, I'll chime in. I believe the camera you're thinking of is at the Estate of Pixie Dust *R* Us. It is .8 miles OR LESS from there to PTL. When I drove by it, that camera appeared as though it pointed downward, toward the short driveway, outside the gate. Wherein, if someone pulled up to visit, and called the home to be let in through the gate, the person on the other end of that call could verify the visitor's identity, via the camera. My concern is if that is its purpose, I'm not sure that, at that angle, it would catch anything more than (MAYBE) a passing car's tires. Emphasis on the parenthetical "MAYBE."

I have been there as well and your description matches how I would describe it. Pointed downward - specifically there for the purpose of being able to see whomever is at the gate.

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I just don't see the M's calling themselves with Heather's phone. Why would they would want SM to be the last person called by a missing person? That is pointing suspicion right at him. Surely the M's could get their hands on two cell phones to call each other without using Heather's.

That bothers me too. Why use their phones at all if this was planned in that way. They would be placing themselves in a suspicious situation when there were a dozen other ways.

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That bothers me too. Why use their phones at all if this was planned in that way. They would be placing themselves in a suspicious situation when there were a dozen other ways.

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3:16 am Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone with no response.

3:17 am .. Heather calls Sidney's phone and has a 4:15 minutes conversation with Sidney. Heather is at her home at this point. Sidney is at his home which is approx. 3 miles from the boat landing.

3:38 am.. Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone.

bbm I do not see the word cell used....

I have a landline phone number, a skype number, a google voice number, and my kids have phone numbers for their ipod touches.

eta: Heather's data stopped at 3:41. And, there are always call forwarding options

It wasn't clear to me if you had checked out the station (2995 10th Avenue Ext N, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577) Jersey Girl mentioned above. Not that I am saying this is where the payphone sm used was here, but did you go to this one and does it have a payphone and or camera?

Technically, though, if it was the circle K sm called from that address is not on 10th ave. So, while the media has not said the exact address of the sm payphone would that not be ruled out as the location? MOO - it is the same location as the receipt in Heather's car, if the 2995 10th Avenue Ext N, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 does not have a payphone.

I checked the Kangaroo at 2995 10th Ave Ext N on Saturday but it doesn't have a pay phone. I did a full sweep drive around the parking lot just to be sure and saw no sign of one anywhere.

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cujenn81, I just wanted to say thank you for running out and checking the payphones on 10th Ave N. Did you guys come to a conclusion yet which payphone Sidney called from? I did a google map search and only 3 gas stations are located on 10th Ave N. Do they all have payphones? In one of the reports on tv, video was taken that showed a payphone in it, many people thought that was the payphone that was used. We know that the payphone was located at a gas station, right? Do any of those on 10th look like what was in that news video?

I don't think we've come to a conclusion because there's no way to know for certain if the two non-working phones were working on December 18th. However, of the three pay phones I found on 10th Ave N, the only one currently working is at the Circle K. I'm not sure if its been confirmed the call came from a gas station phone, so I would def need to go back and check on that. None of the 3 phones I found look like the one they displayed on the news that day... I think they probably filmed one nearby or used previous footage of a pay phone they already had on file.

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I don't think we've come to a conclusion because there's no way to know for certain if the two non-working phones were working on December 18th. However, of the three pay phones I found on 10th Ave N, the only one currently working is at the Circle K. I'm not sure if its been confirmed the call came from a gas station phone, so I would def need to go back and check on that. None of the 3 phones I found look like the one they displayed on the news that day... I think they probably filmed one nearby or used previous footage of a pay phone they already had on file.

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Re my bold

Per her brother, Sidney called from a gas station payphone. I posted the screencap (& others) for Salem to look over and write a description for each.
I kind of think it goes without saying they have her heading to PTL in her car. There had to be tons of cameras that caught her. Does anyone know if those cameras are ever clear enough to identify who is in the car?

Except that its a dark road. Wild that throw off visibility to the camera? I'm thinking if the camera isn't directly pointed toward the cars traveling that main road the the visibility for those occupants we be obscure. Maybe.
J4H....I thought that you had driven by and said that there was a gated community with a camera that Heather would have driven by on her way to PTL ? Am I remembering this right?

Also, is that camera pointed toward the main road or is it pointed toward the entrance to capture cars entering & exiting the community?

Also, I remember somebody at the beginning say there was a full very Brit moon that night. Anybody remember that? That would help visibility, right?
Until J4H sees this, I'll chime in. I believe the camera you're thinking of is at the Estate of Pixie Dust *R* Us. It is .8 miles OR LESS from there to PTL. When I drove by it, that camera appeared as though it pointed downward, toward the short driveway, outside the gate. Wherein, if someone pulled up to visit, and called the home to be let in through the gate, the person on the other end of that call could verify the visitor's identity, via the camera. My concern is if that is its purpose, I'm not sure that, at that angle, it would catch anything more than (MAYBE) a passing car's tires. Emphasis on the parenthetical "MAYBE."

This answered my last question. Thanks. :seeya:
I checked the Kangaroo at 2995 10th Ave Ext N on Saturday but it doesn't have a pay phone. I did a full sweep drive around the parking lot just to be sure and saw no sign of one anywhere.

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Thank you very much for the reply. So, if we are doing a process of elimination and the media and or LE was saying 10th ave. N, I think sm called from the Seaboard location. I do know the phone was not working when you checked recently. Although, from what I remember from past experience long ago, it was not uncommon for payphones to be out of order a lot. If it was the Circle K, I think they would have used the street address on Kings Highway, but it remains a slight possibility. Final analysis is a payphone was used, but I was just curious about the exact location. FWIW I would have to say Seaboard / 10th ave N is the most likely location of the sm call.
I just don't see the M's calling themselves with Heather's phone. Why would they would want SM to be the last person called by a missing person? That is pointing suspicion right at him. Surely the M's could get their hands on two cell phones to call each other without using Heather's.

I was thinking that if it were possible they did do that, then maybe it was done to back up their alibi that Heather wouldn't stop calling, that Sidney only answered one of her six calls, that he only called her once to tell her to leave him alone.
I have been to this area many times and it does not seem creepy to me at all. I have stopped at this station to get gas. It is across from a shopping center that houses TJ Maxx and Target. I have been at the shopping center many times and never felt fearful at all. I am not a local, so maybe they would be more attuned?

I wouldn't really call that gas station creepy but there have been several times I've stopped there and a man has been hanging around by the door asking for money. It makes me uncomfortable... that's all.

The Circle K, on the other hand, is NOT somewhere I would stop if I could help it. And I know it's not just me. I used to be quite the regular at the local bar (Bumstead's) located right behind that gas station and the doorman always walks women to their cars when they're leaving alone. Also--the plaza directly across the street from the Circle K... where the Family Dollar is located... has had several night clubs come and go in it and shootings have occurred at nearly all of them.

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Thank you very much for the reply. So, if we are doing a process of elimination and the media and or LE was saying 10th ave. N, I think sm called from the Seaboard location. I do know the phone was not working when you checked recently. Although, from what I remember from past experience long ago, it was not uncommon for payphones to be out of order a lot. If it was the Circle K, I think they would have used the street address on Kings Highway, but it remains a slight possibility. Final analysis is a payphone was used, but I was just curious about the exact location. FWIW I would have to say Seaboard / 10th ave N is the most likely location of the sm call.

I agree w/ you and think that's the most likely one too.

ETA: FWIW--the Kangaroo pay phone looked like it was in good shape... like it should work... (which is also why I was shocked to find that it wasn't) whereas the pay phone that didn't work at the Family Dollar looked busted... for lack of a better word.

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And speaking of the "no longer owns a phone" text, I find it interesting HRE texted back a single period. Is that text-language for "stop?" As in, stop texting me? Or is it just an acknowledgement like, Roger that, message received?

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JulesInVA, the period could have been "neutral" symbol, almost seemingly accidental, in order to test TM and to see if she was bluffing about SM no longer having his phone? Does anyone remember if HE responded immediately or was her response delayed? TIA, there are so many minor details in this case it's hard to keep them all straight
Thank you very much for the reply. So, if we are doing a process of elimination and the media and or LE was saying 10th ave. N, I think sm called from the Seaboard location. I do know the phone was not working when you checked recently. Although, from what I remember from past experience long ago, it was not uncommon for payphones to be out of order a lot. If it was the Circle K, I think they would have used the street address on Kings Highway, but it remains a slight possibility. Final analysis is a payphone was used, but I was just curious about the exact location. FWIW I would have to say Seaboard / 10th ave N is the most likely location of the sm call.
Well, could be the BP Station on 10th (called Mr. Joe White Ave. there) and 17 bypass... drive by it every day.. never noticed a payphone... but, not looking for one... or could be the newer gas station on that same intersection... either way, at night you could go 17 bypass to 707 (Socastee Blvd)... and be at the murder scene in 10-15 mins...
I keep wondering if there is an inside pay phone at any of those places and if SM went inside and snuck a call with Heather while the old ball and chain was in the truck.

And then he got busted and it went downhill from there.
I was thinking that if it were possible they did do that, then maybe it was done to back up their alibi that Heather wouldn't stop calling, that Sidney only answered one of her six calls, that he only called her once to tell her to leave him alone.
Exactly my thought too. When Heather called his phone after receiving the call from the pay connected them unexpectedly. They had to continue the ruse after she was gone by calling his phone which was left on purpose at home.
I kind of think it goes without saying they have her heading to PTL in her car. There had to be tons of cameras that caught her. Does anyone know if those cameras are ever clear enough to identify who is in the car?
From experience in our neighborhood with burglars and their vehicles caught on camera, sometimes yes, sometimes no. One set of cameras were clear enough to get an accurate description of the driver and the license number of a vehicle that was parked several houses from the one broken into. It probably depends on how new the cameras are, how expensive and high tech they are, and where they are pointed at.
Re my bold

Per her brother, Sidney called from a gas station payphone. I posted the screencap (& others) for Salem to look over and write a description for each.
Thank you for that. Was there anything in his post that said how he knew it was a gas station? (like BW said Heather said so, he got the info from LE, anything like that?) I only wondered since there is also a pay phone at the water park on the north side of 17 on 10th st.
Thank you for that. Was there anything in his post that said how he knew it was a gas station? (like BW said Heather said so, he got the info from LE, anything like that?) I only wondered since there is also a pay phone at the water park on the north side of 17 on 10th st.

I have the screen shot and yes it was said that Heather received a call from a gas station payphone. It was not exactly clear how he got this info about the phone.

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