The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

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I won't be able to pour over statements anytime soon, but, would like to know if another WS can answer a quick one for me...

In the last statement released by Tow-Yard-Guy, does he give clear indication of the contents of the trunk more so than was in the first released statement? IOW, IIRC, in the first statement, he recalled the smell and related to his personal previous experience of decomp from prior suicide, & George commenting on missing daughter/gdaughter, T-Y-G/George pulled the white trash bag out, peered in to see pizza, flies & papers, and tossed it over to the dumpster.

Did T-Y-G make any statement regarding any other contents in the trunk at all? Empty besides the blue crate? Other bags present?

Couple of questions about the car:

1) Do we know for certain that only Casey was driving/using it around the time it was abandoned?

2) Did the tow company notice/and or note the strong stench from the car when they towed it?

3) Do we know for certain that it was out of gas?


It was out of gas. KC was the only one driving it. Two employees, including the manager, complained about the stench. The tow truck driver didn't, but he said he had a heavy cold.
Ok, pardon me it this has been covered before BUT, why didn't Casey tell anyone about the car?? Why not, "Hey Mom and Dad, I ran out of gas" or "I left the car at xxxx and I need you to get it home"?????
My kids know to call auto club if they need something for one of the cars, no charge to them, all they need is our auto club info. They don't need to get in touch with me to take care of a car on our policy.
The Anthony's look pretty tightly wrapped, I'd be willing to bet they have similar coverage.

LE said they think KC hoped the car would just disappear into the impound yard.

It didn't happen.
Carrying the following post over from another thread as it is relevant speculation as to why & how the Pontiac was in temporary storage @ Amscot...

I think Casey definitely wanted to get the Pontiac also.I'm not going with the theory that she wanted it to get towed or stolen.But, was it left there on purpose that day so she could borrow TONE's and because she had to take him to the airport and she didn't want him in her car for obvious reasons.Did she have unfinished business? Things left in the car? or is this simple she obviously needed a car.??

That's absolutely brilliant, WAISI! :clap:

  • Casey knew Tony didn't like her driving his Jeep GC
  • Casey KNEW <6/27 he'd EXPECT her to drop him @ the airport 6/30AM
  • Casey HAD to come up with a way NOT to take Tony to the airport in the Pontiac owing to the smell & he'd want to put his stuff in the trunk (no body, just smell)
  • Casey had to ENSURE the Pontiac alibi to Tony would jive with her not retrieving the Pontiac <6/30, hence, she tells Tony its broken-and-Dad'll-get-it vs. outta gas. Casey may run it outta gas just to ensure it won't start if Tony wants to try it himself when he rescues her 6/27.
  • Casey didn't rush to gas up the Pontiac before 6/29 since she didn't want it back until 6/30 and her story to Tony was that George would handle it, so, she must've given him some story about needing his Jeep 6/29AM to go get something...she couldn't enlist his help for gas cans again...that would've busted her story.
Casey's plan didn't account for Amscot paying attention to the car.

Brilliant, Whyamisointerested, absolutely brilliant! I'm carrying this post over to the Pontiac thread for convenience. :bowdown:
Carrying the following post over from another thread as it is relevant speculation as to why & how the Pontiac was in temporary storage @ Amscot...

That's absolutely brilliant, WAISI! :clap:

  • Casey knew Tony didn't like her driving his Jeep GC
  • Casey KNEW <6/27 he'd EXPECT her to drop him @ the airport 6/30AM
  • Casey HAD to come up with a way NOT to take Tony to the airport in the Pontiac owing to the smell & he'd want to put his stuff in the trunk (no body, just smell)
  • Casey had to ENSURE the Pontiac alibi to Tony would jive with her not retrieving the Pontiac <6/30, hence, she tells Tony its broken-and-Dad'll-get-it vs. outta gas. Casey may run it outta gas just to ensure it won't start if Tony wants to try it himself when he rescues her 6/27.
  • Casey didn't rush to gas up the Pontiac before 6/29 since she didn't want it back until 6/30 and her story to Tony was that George would handle it, so, she must've given him some story about needing his Jeep 6/29AM to go get something...she couldn't enlist his help for gas cans again...that would've busted her story.
Casey's plan didn't account for Amscot paying attention to the car.

Brilliant, Whyamisointerested, absolutely brilliant! I'm carrying this post over to the Pontiac thread for convenience. :bowdown:

Except for the "out of gas" business (which I'm not sure on), I completely agree. I have never believed that she was abandoning the car and I always felt that she was finding a way to NOT have to drive Tony to the airport in it. I think she intended to go back for it but waited too long. In my own twisted little way, I get such a kick out of looking at the pings for the 30th when she leaves Amy's, drives by the Amscot, heads up to Tony's then comes back again and over to Amy's. She must have been chitting her pants!

(Hey Bond, I said this a while ago but I never got that little "bow down" siggy...:crazy:)
Except for the "out of gas" business (which I'm not sure on), I completely agree. I have never believed that she was abandoning the car and I always felt that she was finding a way to NOT have to drive Tony to the airport in it. I think she intended to go back for it but waited too long. In my own twisted little way, I get such a kick out of looking at the pings for the 30th when she leaves Amy's, drives by the Amscot, heads up to Tony's then comes back again and over to Amy's. She must have been chitting her pants!

(Hey Bond, I said this a while ago but I never got that little "bow down" siggy...:crazy:)
Ok great were on the same page!!
In other threads mentioned we talked about gas. I think if we go with this idea all the gas was for the cars, and because she didn't have $4 a gallon for gas., not for anything else, is what I'm thinking . What are you thinking about the "out of gas" business?
In my own twisted little way, I get such a kick out of looking at the pings for the 30th when she leaves Amy's, drives by the Amscot, heads up to Tony's then comes back again and over to Amy's. She must have been chitting her pants!

(Hey Bond, I said this a while ago but I never got that little "bow down" siggy...:crazy:)


:) Hey Pink. Sorry I missed it...I'm slow. If you'll's one :bowdown: and with some acrued interest :bowdown: :)

...I hafta admit there are a few scenes in that little movie that runs in my head (narrated by the voices) I quite enjoy my-own-twisted-self...Yes...affirmative on the soiling of said pants...and if she did laundry @ Amy & Ric's that day well, we know :)

Also enjoy Amy's shot back 'bout not having the gas cans outta storage yet [cause Casey'd been leading her on about moving in] ouch...that one bit her in the arse, dint it?!?

Tony surely having Casey's phone 7/15 ~9:30PM after he just called Amy on it when both Andy F & Will W text. bwahahaaa...Casey had some 'splainin' to do...and prolly why she was desperate to get Tony's # in that call w/ Lee from jail. silliness...carry on!
That's absolutely brilliant, WAISI! :clap:

  • Casey knew Tony didn't like her driving his Jeep GC
  • Casey KNEW <6/27 he'd EXPECT her to drop him @ the airport 6/30AM
  • Casey HAD to come up with a way NOT to take Tony to the airport in the Pontiac owing to the smell & he'd want to put his stuff in the trunk (no body, just smell)
  • Casey had to ENSURE the Pontiac alibi to Tony would jive with her not retrieving the Pontiac <6/30, hence, she tells Tony its broken-and-Dad'll-get-it vs. outta gas. Casey may run it outta gas just to ensure it won't start if Tony wants to try it himself when he rescues her 6/27.
  • Casey didn't rush to gas up the Pontiac before 6/29 since she didn't want it back until 6/30 and her story to Tony was that George would handle it, so, she must've given him some story about needing his Jeep 6/29AM to go get something...she couldn't enlist his help for gas cans again...that would've busted her story.
Casey's plan didn't account for Amscot paying attention to the car.

Brilliant, Whyamisointerested, absolutely brilliant! I'm carrying this post over to the Pontiac thread for convenience. :bowdown:

I agree...brilliant.

This is probably the most far-thinking KC did in this whole case. Isn't it kind of neat seeing the best-laid plans utterly fall apart?
I agree...brilliant.

This is probably the most far-thinking KC did in this whole case. Isn't it kind of neat seeing the best-laid plans utterly fall apart?

My best laid plans falling apart never looked like this! Ha. :doh:


  • car.bmp
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On NG tonight during GA's interview with LE he was telling the story we have all heard about going to the car to get a wedge out to rotate Cindy's tires. This was the day that KC shoved the gas cans at him so he couldn't get close to the trunk.

He said something to the effect of "I really ratchet those bolts down"(sic) in the trunk. He was relating to LE how he tightens the bolts down in the trunk on the wedges and how KC wouldn't be able to get it out of the trunk...this talk about ratcheting the bolts down is not what he was saying to KC, he was simply stating this to LE.

My question: WTH is he talking about? There are no wedges bolted down in the trunk!! I wasn't 100% sure so I asked my car engine guru DH and he said no. There are aftermarket rubber wedges and such but there isn't any such thing as wedges or wheel chocks that bolt in the trunk of any car he knows of.

On NG tonight during GA's interview with LE he was telling the story we have all heard about going to the car to get a wedge out to rotate Cindy's tires. This was the day that KC shoved the gas cans at him so he couldn't get close to the trunk.

He said something to the effect of "I really ratchet those bolts down"(sic) in the trunk. He was relating to LE how he tightens the bolts down in the trunk on the wedges and how KC wouldn't be able to get it out of the trunk...this talk about ratcheting the bolts down is not what he was saying to KC, he was simply stating this to LE.

My question: WTH is he talking about? There are no wedges bolted down in the trunk!! I wasn't 100% sure so I asked my car engine guru DH and he said no. There are aftermarket rubber wedges and such but there isn't any such thing as wedges or wheel chocks that bolt in the trunk of any car he knows of.


I caught it too Cocoamom! I think I know what he is talking about. The spare tire sits under a tire cover in the center of the trunk where the stain is. You loosen a screw in the center of the cover to lift the cover to enable you to get the spare tire out of the wheel well. I think that's where Caylee was. That must have been how the stain got there. The chucks are "wedges", usually made out of wood or plastic that you put behind your wheels to keep it from rolling. That's where one of the chucks was and that is what GA was telling KC he could get by himself. She was going to do what she had to - to keep GA from getting into that trunk, so she diverted him with his (expletive) gas cans. Caylee was in the wheel well!!!! I'd bet money on it.
First, LE did not wait 2 days to pick up the car. The A's had it home on the 15th and it was towed away after KC's arrest on the 16th. Prior to it being towed away, an officer had sealed it with crime tape. Not even 24 hours passed since LE arrived and the car towed.

Second - for all of you medical types out there, please answer this question for me:

If someone losses a little chunk of scalp due to an injury to the head, will the hair attached to that piece of scalp display a death band as the tissue decomposes?

Just wondering.
Maybe GA stored the chuck in the wheel well?

He described "torqueing" something down in the trunk tonite on NG and that is where the chuck was, according to GA. You torque the screw down on the wheel cover in a Pontiac Sunfire where the spare is stored.

That had to be what he was talking about. There are pic's of a Pontiac Sunfire wheel well on here somewhere that Gigi2009 had put on here. I'll try to find it and bring it over.
I do not think George had anything to do with helping in Caylees death. I think the dates are wrong in estimates of Caylees death by LE or George has the dates wrong when Casey came by, or he would have smelled the car, and also why didnt Tony smell it too that day he picked her up?
You know Cindy knew what she was doing by washing the cloths in the car. Who would wash cloths out of a car that smells like a dead body when you havnt seen your daughter or granddaughter in a month. Nobody would bother with doing laundry at a time like that! When did she wash them, before she called 911? Would she really wash cloths that smell like a dead body or would she throw them away or have George take and dump them somewhere on his way to work?
I caught it too Cocoamom! I think I know what he is talking about. The spare tire sits under a tire cover in the center of the trunk where the stain is. You loosen a screw in the center of the cover to lift the cover to enable you to get the spare tire out of the wheel well. I think that's where Caylee was. That must have been how the stain got there. The chucks are "wedges", usually made out of wood or plastic that you put behind your wheels to keep it from rolling. That's where one of the chucks was and that is what GA was telling KC he could get by himself. She was going to do what she had to - to keep GA from getting into that trunk, so she diverted him with his (expletive) gas cans. Caylee was in the wheel well!!!! I'd bet money on it.

I am thinking the same thing. I think she might have been in a vacuum type bag as well and was there when George picked up the car. :eek: He found her and did what he could so Casey wouldn't go to jail. jmo
I do not think George had anything to do with helping in Caylees death. I think the dates are wrong in estimates of Caylees death by LE or George has the dates wrong when Casey came by, or he would have smelled the car, and also why didnt Tony smell it too that day he picked her up?

I think Tony never got close to the car,Casey was already standing out by it when he pulled up and she just got in.
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