The Possible Abuse of Caylee REVISIT

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Let's try to remember that this is only ONE doctor's opinion. It is possible that another doctor seeing the exact same records, reports, etc. would come up with a completely different opinion.

I would think that the Dr. who did the original examination would have made some comment or notation about this abnormalty if he felt it was necessary. He did not, just noted that "the posterior hallf of the sagittal suture appears to be in the beginning stages of premature synostosis"

He does not state it IS in the beginning staged, he says it appears to be.......there is a big difference there. I don't think this should be taken as a 'fact', it is only the opinion of one doctor.
Let's try to remember that this is only ONE doctor's opinion. It is possible that another doctor seeing the exact same records, reports, etc. would come up with a completely different opinion.

I would think that the Dr. who did the original examination would have made some comment or notation about this abnormalty if he felt it was necessary. He did not, just noted that "the posterior hallf of the sagittal suture appears to be in the beginning stages of premature synostosis"

He does not state it IS in the beginning staged, he says it appears to be.......there is a big difference there. I don't think this should be taken as a 'fact', it is only the opinion of one doctor.
Totally agree. While the whole theory is interesting at best, it is a stretch for me and far too many variables unanswered. Not nearly enough information to support the hypothesis based on the theory as it stands.jmho of course.
I hate it when she calls the JB crew the "dream team". Please. Nightmare team maybe

Uh Oh - flashbacks from the OJ trial. They were the first dream team:(

To get back OT about abuse. I think she was abused. The purple eyes did it for me. Either lack of sleep, overmedication, too much crying. I've never seen such eyes in a child so young -- unless they were very ill.


was there anything new on the show? if not I will merge the threads on abuse because it gets to confusing to have parallel discussions going on.
Does anyone feel strongly that this thread should standalone? let me know and I'll check back later.
was there anything new on the show? if not I will merge the threads on abuse because it gets to confusing to have parallel discussions going on.
Does anyone feel strongly that this thread should standalone? let me know and I'll check back later.

No, JBean, the teaser was the only new thing ~ and there were no facts (nor even abuse mentioned) to back it up.
Well no, the article actually says the opposite:

"'Discovery that was given to us last week has substantially important things in it from Melich that they've held back from us since August 2008,' said Cheney Mason, with Casey Anthony's defense.

Mason said the discovery concerns cell phone pings and new witnesses they want to talk with but he stopped short of calling them suspects."

. . . and they accuse the state of having held back important evidence.

This article was certainly more informative (truthful? I donno) than the JVM show tonight! moo, of course.
Sorry...this video report here...

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Media Links - *** NO DISCUSSIONS! ***[/ame]

Sorry again...can't get it to work.
Wow, I never thought of that. It does seem like someone would have to have suggested it, given the teaser. . . I like your phrase "seeded by JB."

It is just that JVM went soft on JB since he agreed to appear on the show ... so you never know. Is that because JVM will stick to softball questions or also favor the Defense by seeding propaganda as needed.

Suspicious minds.
I just want ICA to tell what she's done for the 1-1 1/2 years she told RG she hired a nanny. Where did she go all day since we know now she had no job?
Where was Caylee while ICA was doing what she was doing? We found out Caylee used to share a bed with her so called mother and her boyfriend du jour.

In step new friends and ICA steps this up a notch. CA adamantly stated Caylee never slept away from her home, yet she much did CA ignore? She confessess to her "avoidance" tendencies, she threatens to take custody but doesn't.

That report has lots of scenarios that could account for this defect he noticed. Where is the document? Is it in a discovery dump? Will this DSims person be arguing this? Hard to prove, I feel..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
As terrible as those photos with the bruise under the eye look, I hesitate to site them as proof of abuse. Little kids get bumped & bruised all the time. When one of my sons was about the same age, he fell at school & had an absolutely enormous bump on his forhead. The bruise took forever to fade. As horrified as i was that he had it, I was grateful that it happened at school so that there was no way we could be cast into suspision. All my kids have had their share of accidental bumps, bruises & abrasions because they are so active. I'm not saying that her bruises WEREN'T caused by kc, only that they don't stand well on their own as proof. JMHO.

What is much more alarming to me is the revelation that KC allowed Caylee to sleep with her and her boyfriend(s). Then there is the story of Ricardo (I think?) waking in the night to see that Caylee was gone, and KC told him that she brought her home. IIRC, CA didn't indicate that Caylee was home at all that night or morning.

Then there are the stories from friends who claim that KC brought Caylee to parties that the child slept blissfully through.

Then there were the autopsy records stating some sort of fusion of Caylee's skull, or a mis-shapeness that experts are saying were likely abuse-connected (like being made to lay in one place for long periods of time).

Do I think she was abused by KC? yeah, I do. I wonder if there's enough evidence to support it. I wonder if the detective knows something that I don't.
IMO, I know that children get bumped and bruised, but Caylee in the care of is questionable what kind of care she gave her
I would love to know what LE has that we will not know until it's released (if ever). Could it be this

Oh Mrs.Norris thank you:angel: I read this on the Hinky Meter about a week ago.I later decided to post it as very interesting but couldn't find the page again! I have been looking and looking! When the case goes into the autopsy report it will be very interesting.Dr.G. knows what she is doing! Nore.
I noticed the hair thinning in her last picture verses her Eater photo.
Very interesting on hinky meter site.
I'm astonished by the exhausting momentum of the posts on the JVM facebook page, which I will go discuss now in the members only thread, as they are really disturbing to me.
Casey has proven herself to be a vicious vicious person just by observing how she treats her mother especially, family, and friends. It would be impossible to believe that she didn't abuse a little helpless toddler. All possible explanations for the suture closing early were probably done to Caylee. We've seen one pic of her in football jersey sleeping in an unnatural position on a bed. Most of the abuse probably happened during the day while Casey was alone at home with Caylee. People think it's awful that Caylee might have slept over at boyfriends' homes or went to parties with Casey, but at least she wasn't likely to have been abused with these other young adults around. The look in Caylees eyes in so many pics, the questioning, uncertainty, and the video where she is being forced to mess up Cindy's window shades and jump on the bed proved to me long ago that she was being emotionally badgered by a vicious manipulative person. Most of these pics were taken in the home.
I also always wondered what was ICA doing with that blowup bed. Did she place Caylee in the trunk to sleep while she partied hearty? Did she sedate her, hold her head in place with duct tape previously??? Why was Caylee hair thinning on that one side?

Too bad, we will never know the truth for this family doesn't know it! As JSS once said about ICA, it can be put to her entire family...The Anthony family and the truth are strangers...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I am re-watching YM at the bond hearing and he addresses the abuse allegation as coming from a witness (hair dresser) who reported seeing Caylee with bruises on her arms, legs, body and the mark under her eye. BTW, the bond hearing is even more fascinating now than when I first watched it. JB is , well there are no words...LOL
I am re-watching YM at the bond hearing and he addresses the abuse allegation as coming from a witness (hair dresser) who reported seeing Caylee with bruises on her arms, legs, body and the mark under her eye. BTW, the bond hearing is even more fascinating now than when I first watched it. JB is , well there are no words...LOL

It's been so long, I can't remember but, did that hairdresser ever give a deposition?
I'm looking, but don't recall the name of this witness. Anyone?
Me neither...but I do remember Cindy asking about her...Casey denies having gone to the hairdresser for quite some time. It would be interesting if this person pops up on a list.
For some reason, I thought it was the Tatoo Artist, not a hairdresser. It's been so long...

Anyone remember that? Maybe I am thinking of a different case?

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