the question phase continues: Arias on the stand for the 18th day #85

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Can someone tell me what time court is today? Thanks so much- I feel like such an idiot having to ask! :)
Don't, Frigga, it often changes. I believe its 10:30 expected start time today. Key word, expected. ;)
Hubby just called to remind me of a few things that need done around the house before I have to be in court at 1:30. bwahahaha!:great::great:

Oh, so you got one of those. Same like me.....hahahahha
One thing from yesterdays defence team.

St Patrics Day was not yesterday!
Maybe there were hopes for some magic leprechaun luck because thats all they had left.
Probably easier than getting the truth from Jodi
Is that all we know? Did any roomies confirm that she cleaned there or when or if it ended? I'm having trouble with the idea that he would pay her to clean..she owed him money and, why have her be there more rather than less?

One of travis friends said that when travis would return from a date or out and about! Travis would find JAin the closet! Stalker behaviour. He also told his friend that sometimes he'd find her asleep in his bed when he returned. Or after cleaning his house shed get in his bed.
I enjoyed how her definition of "ground" kept changing. It's not the ground if a bath mat is present;)

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Lol! That was one of her best! Destined to be included in the "Jodi's Greatest Hits" album.
Y'all stop wrecking your houses testing the ridiculous theory of JA stepping on the shelf to reach the gun that was never there. The gun was brought with JA on her homicidal mission & Juan will leave no doubt in the mind of any jurors.

Right on noZme!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I imagine if anyone in the LDS church thinks JA is actually a Mormon at this point and not a convert of convenience, then they would easily believe I'm the Queen of Sheba. She had no problem sending a veiled threat to the church in her rejected plea that implied she would "regret" having to trash it or the reputation of TA to save her life.

This whole trial to me is Travis v. Travesty.

That is sad for any religion to be subject to the cruelty of a person so jealous and obsessed then not getting her way from the prosecutor and courts.

How sad. *shakes head*

If all the wounds (29 stabs, slit throat and gunshot) each took one second to carry out then only 31 seconds are left for a confrontation or any other actions... then Travis standing at the sink also decreases that 31 seconds...
I wonder if some of the stabbing was before the gun shot, say as he saw what she was up to and tried to get the knife away. Then mortally wounded he was shot. Then in a continuation of her narcissistic rage she went back to stabbing him - accounting for the almost "slicing" wounds on his back.

I remember Jodi saying in her earliest interview that, "this didn't have to happen." Whatever took place in the 45 or so seconds between Travis' torso picture (which might have even been inadvertent as she stepped back from the shower) to the picture of the ceiling, is where the truth of this matter is hidden.

The belief that Travis was going to be with Mimi triggered it all - the secret phone sex recording, the angry text from Travis that Jodi had crossed that final boundary, the impetuous road trip, and the final fight. If only she knew that Mimi had turned him down (in her mind) would have changed everything - "this didn't have to happen."
well I tend to agree with you but...let's say it cannot be proven she brought the murder weapon with her, which it cannot be if it's the knife. Then we have a garden variety knife fight. The gun did not kill him and was used last, after he was dead, or maybe as a way to put him out of his suffering when he was near death.

So far, this is the State's case, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why because that is not murder one.

That's kind of like saying that a pig hung upside down and slaughtered has engaged in a knife fight with the butcher. Ma'am have you seen the autopsy photos?
When does trial resume this morning??

Most likely 1:47 ET...followed by a 15 minute sidebar session...then a 22-minute break to fix some electronic equipment. Back at it for 17 minutes, while Nurmi objects approximately 28 times, leading to 4 "quick" sidebars before breaking for lunch. Lunch will last about and hour and 58 minutes, followed by 32 minutes of real action, several sidebars (of course) then a break for the afternoon. Upon resumption, there will be only about 43 minutes left before the extended weekend break.
Type in #websleuths for the channel

Thank you but the screen that usually pops up to put your nickname and channel didn't come up this time. I can't even find a spot to type in the channel name.

ETA. Found it. Thanks for your help.
I keep hearing on HLN Christi Paul say that court resumes in less than half an hour, but I could have sworn the judge said 10:30am yesterday at the end of court. And you guys seem to also think 10:30am... so confused! :waitasec:
Awe, my cat just tried to get in a basket of laundry and, instead of jumping in clean, he tried to leverage himself on the basket edge, resulting him the basket springing to it's side and raining socks and underwear on him. My first thought? "Just like Jodi and those closet shelves..."

Aww. Imagine if one of us humans tried to do what your cat did! Jodi is full of it if she thinks what she says is the truth as heard by others! IMO Jodi had the gun and the knife as she was taking pictures!
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