The Ramseys are Cleared

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Okay here is what I found out. As you all may or may not know having followed this case for years and working in the Biotech industry I have direct access to very bright people who know a lot about DNA. Touch DNA is just a fancy term (one they never heard of and probably dubbed by the media they said) for a small or incomplete DNA marker. Such as a single cell found on clothing, which is what we have here according to Lacy in 3 places , she states: the presence of the same male DNA in three places on the girl's clothing convinced investigators it belonged to JonBenet's killer and had not been left accidentally by an innocent party.

According to several of the Ph.D.'s I spoke with this is significant because the odds of it being in so many places and linked directly to the blood found in her panties, does in fact point to a third party. Again these markers are incomplete hence (my favorite Pasty Ramsey word) the word Touch DNA. It's a small sample, again where they can exclude someone but not link someone directly to the crime. So what are the odds this DNA is similar in 3 places on her longjohns? Probably more significant then finding them on her outer clothing. The consenes was by my group, THIS IS HUGE. Is the statement then accurate or too bold for Lacy to say the parents are vindicated? The group here thinks there was a third party in that house. I'm stunned.

Excellent post - unless you're an unabashed Ramsey basher.
They never refused to help. From the beginning, the prosecutor thought they Ramseys were guilty and much disinformation was put forth. This dna in two different places is conclusive. They didn't do it.
When did you learn about this case????
Wouldn't surprise you? Oh My....Patsy was a victim of the one in a bazillion odds that her daughter's murderer had the exact same handwriting that she did.......:waitasec:

"....exact same handwriting"???? You're making up facts.
Media, ITA.

...and in addition, 'this intruder' had the audacity do 'all of this' and also
to frame the R's in the process by exact replication of PR's handwriting, syntax, etc in the RN and by placing 'known' special items to JBR on and near her 'for comfort' to implicate her parent(s). Darn this guy was Good...Yeah Right.
Not really, the idiot forgot to call and get the ransom money :doh:
Here's another question.....

if an intruder wasn't wearing gloves at one point.... why aren't there touch cells found on MANY, MANY locations of her clothing & just in a few spots that they managed to test?

That makes no sense to me.

No touch dna on the letter.... none on the glass in the kitchen?

We don't know that there isn't. But this is conclusive and there really isn't a need to try to find more proof.
And you know her precise state of mind how? Were you a close and personal friend?

No - were you?

I know that she was zapped with some pretty powerful Experimental cocktails that put her briefly in remission. I know that she made the choice to dress her little girl up as a sexual adult. I know that she lied through her teeth without batting an eye and that she was a Pro in Marketing and PR.......I just know that Patsy was not to be trusted and was excellant at covering up for someone as the fake ransom note reveals.

I never caught one glimpse of sincerity from that woman, maybe you can point some out to me?
Media, ITA.

...and in addition, 'this intruder' had the audacity do 'all of this' and also
to frame the R's in the process by exact replication of PR's handwriting, syntax, etc in the RN and by placing 'known' special items to JBR on and near her 'for comfort' to implicate her parent(s). Darn this guy was Good...Yeah Right.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me.

If this was a pedophile who wanted to abduct JonBenet, then why didn't he? Why when he got her out of the bedroom didn't he take her? The theory that he 'couldn't wait' and so he started abusing her in the house doesn't fly w/me because she wasn't raped. And this had happened--a pedophile who planned to abduct her, but couldn't wait, and then killed her in the house--wouldn't this pedophile leave, rather than hang around and write the ransom note? Or, the alternative theory that he was already in the house waiting and wrote the ransom note still doesn't explain why the sexually motivated criminal is increasing the odds of being caught by touching and moving all of these objects when what he really wants is the little girl.

Similarly, I don't believe a 'kidnapper' who accidentally killed his victim would stick around and create a fake sex crime, I think the kidnapper who accidentally killed his victim would do what was done in the Lindbergh case...take the body and try to get the money or, call it a night and leave.

This crime mixes and matches details of the sex crime and the kidnapping for money which to me is more than enough evidence that it was staged by neither a sex criminal intruder or a kidnapper.

And all of this evidence doesn't even get into the behavior of the Ramsey's which is totally inconsistent with ever having believed their daughter was kidnapped.
"....exact same handwriting"???? You're making up facts.

Excuse me?! Don't you dare accuse me again of making up anything, there is a wonderful example that I have included in every post I make here, but go ahead and stay blind to right is in front of your eyes.
Not really, the idiot forgot to call and get the ransom money :doh:

Oh yeah! Oops. Humm... maybe he tried to call but the R's didn't have call waiting and he kept getting a busy signal with PR calling all her friends to come over and such...

Excuse me?! Don't you dare accuse me again of making up anything, there is a wonderful example that I have included in every post I make here, but go ahead and stay blind to right is in front of your eyes.

Citation to an exact handwriting match?
Not going to happen as I took the blinders off long ago when John and Patsy sat down with CNN before they did so with the investigators. Sorry, I'm just not easily fooled by a corrupt judicial system, but it's good to see that all of their hard work was not wasted on everyone! Sympathize with the Scamseys all you want - I will remain on the side true victim and the ones on the sidelines that were also victimized by this paid for innocence.

Funny how all of a sudden - just like with the BS with John Mark Karr - something soooooo questionable has people brushing aside the facts of this case........

You are wrong on your facts. John & Patsy didn't sit down with CNN before investigators.
No - were you?

I know that she was zapped with some pretty powerful Experimental cocktails that put her briefly in remission. I know that she made the choice to dress her little girl up as a sexual adult. I know that she lied through her teeth without batting an eye and that she was a Pro in Marketing and PR.......I just know that Patsy was not to be trusted and was excellant at covering up for someone as the fake ransom note reveals.

I never caught one glimpse of sincerity from that woman, maybe you can point some out to me?

You "know"?
You are wrong on your facts. John & Patsy didn't sit down with CNN before investigators.

How do you know what they did or did not do? Published reports state that John & Patsy had not sat down to answer questions with the BPD investigators for 4 months after JB's body was found.

They were on CNN just 5 days later...
My recollection is that the Ramsey's NEVER agreed to talk to investigators separately, and that yes, they did talk to the media prior to talking to the investigative team because they were still trying to impose their terms--written questions in advance/not being interviewed separately--which the BDP didn't agree to.

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