The ransom note

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Holdontoyourhat said:
How can the R's be denying something that is only supposed? The idea that JBR ate pineapple when she got home is only a supposition.
It is supposed that she ate the pineapple when she got home; but it is not "supposed" that she ate pineapple at some point. That is a fact. The pinapple was on the table next to the tea. Both glass and bowl had Berke's prints and the bowl also had Patsy's.

I am saying it is pretty fair argument that she ate some of that pineapple. Maybe she did walk in the house as the Ramseys 'FIRST' stated and grabbed some out of the bowl. But I hate guessing like that. Somehow she got the pineapple.

I am just wondering if anyone has any ideas on why the Ramseys would lie about that. We know they lie. They lied about Berke being up that morning.
Holdontoyourhat said:
That she ate pineapple is evidenced by the autopsy. At what point that night, and where she was that night when she ate it, isn't resolved. I'd guess it was in the basement.

And it's brought back up? Doesn't make much sense.
SuperDave said:
And it's brought back up? Doesn't make much sense.
Why are they adamant that she did not have any???????
Because it didn't fit in with their lie about her being alseep when they got home.
Holdontoyourhat said:
That she ate pineapple is evidenced by the autopsy. At what point that night, and where she was that night when she ate it, isn't resolved. I'd guess it was in the basement.


I'll go along with what you say here, also very importantly JonBenet's fingerprints were not on the bowl.

Which suggests she was served some in another bowl or plate. If she had used her hands I would guess there would be pineapple stains on her white gap top?

I'd guess it was in the basement.

A better guess is the kitchen since thats where the pineapple was discovered, there is nothing in the basement to suggest otherwise.

narlacat said:
Because it didn't fit in with their lie about her being alseep when they got home.
Precisely, narlacat. They had to give the impression they spent little, if any, time with her the moment they got home. It was like the moment they got home, JonBenet was in bed in five seconds flat.

Another thing I've always thought was a lie about that night was John making a big point of saying that him and Burke did some model thing together when they got home.

All Burke would have wanted to do was play his new Nintendo!!!!!
He didn't even want to go to the White's party because he had wanted to stay home and play with his new Christmas present, the Nintendo.

It's like they wanted to make out they were the perfect family....John spending time with his son building some model...

I don't believe that Burke would have wanted to do the model instead of playing his Nintendo and I pretty much think those kids got their own way most of the time...
Makes me wonder about Toltec's Nintendo cord theory....
narlacat said:
Another thing I've always thought was a lie about that night was John making a big point of saying that him and Burke did some model thing together when they got home.

All Burke would have wanted to do was play his new Nintendo!!!!!
He didn't even want to go to the White's party because he had wanted to stay home and play with his new Christmas present, the Nintendo.

It's like they wanted to make out they were the perfect family....John spending time with his son building some model...

I don't believe that Burke would have wanted to do the model instead of playing his Nintendo and I pretty much think those kids got their own way most of the time...
Makes me wonder about Toltec's Nintendo cord theory....


How about if it ever went to court, it would also mean JR and BR had an alibi, but guess who is left without one?

I hate to be a party pooper but, Teralee is a brand new poster, welcome Teralee, and this thread was started by her.

Thread is called 'Ransom Note'.

Somewhere posters have gotten OFF topic of the ransom note.

Perhaps the moderator could sort this all out and relocate the deck furniture to a NEW thread called pineapple er something similar and let us ransom note folk have Teralees topic back.


To get back to the thought brought up in post #31, about the movie 'Ruthless People' and the verbage used in that 'kidnapping' that is so like the R note.

The movie was an adaptation of an O'Henry short story. It does seem that that particular story is included in the book of O'Henry Short Stories. SO many short stories in there.

The movie itself was produced in 1986, and unless someone in the R house has a copy of it, what is the chance that Burke would ever have seen it, IT DOES HAVE an R rating!! Would John Andrew ever have seen it either, would he at the age of approx 10 years of age when the movie came out have been allowed to see IT?

OR someone who read the O'Henry short story collections in college, OR OR who saw the movie.

I do believe that someone OLDER wrote the note, like PR OR JR who as many have speculated 'dictated the note', OR was written by a REAL murderer as yet unidentified.

The movie is very funny, as IS the O'Henry short story. "The Ransom of Red Chief".

Old Broad said:
One thing I've always wondered about with there being so much in the ransom note about being watched and how JonBenet would be killed if they called the authorities, they seem to not have hesitated to do just that along with contacting everyone else they could think of. In no time at all there were tons of people coming to the house. Was there anything said by the Ramseys about trying to keep their contact with police low key?
I wonder about that, too. I would be too frightened to do anything except call the police and explain exactly what the note said and ask for advice. With that note's instructions in hand, I would feel like I was holding a ticking timebomb, and dropping it (disobeying the instructions) would endanger my daughter's life.

(I don't know very much about this case, but find everyone's posts very interesting.) I'm now remembering seeing an interview a few years ago with a female police officer who was on the scene, and she said that she found it very suspicious that the ransom note said the kidnappers would call the Ramseys at a certain time, and yet neither of the Ramsey's seemed to notice when that time frame came and went. (This is probably all old hat to most of you.) Unless they had already found JonBenet's body, how could the parents not have been anxiously awaiting that phone call? I'm not saying the Ramsey's are guilty (although you guys are convincing), but I would be frantically re-reading that ransom note word for word, obeying it every step of the way, doing everything I could to hopefully ensure the safety of my daughter.
Thank you Camper. I think that the writer of the note would have to read something with the ransom note and maybe also see the movie. I am trying to remember all the books and movies that the ransom note reflects. I know that several other movies have been brought up. I wonder if there is a list somewhere of all the similiarities that have been noted.
Yuck - what a vision....

John Ramsey reminds me of Bill O'Rieley.

narlacat said:
Thanks Tricia.
I remember John kneeling down in his underwear, ooohh what a horrible thought :p
So, did John touch it?
As if he wouldn't have just knelt down and scooped it up as quick as he could...
Mitty said:
Yuck - what a vision....

John Ramsey reminds me of Bill O'Rieley.

---->>>Another little tidbit that popped up this past week on the LKL re run show of olde Ramsey interviews, John R said, in response to Larrys Q about the note, "I handed the note to the officer."

So much for the all four kneeling in yer underwear deal.

PR stepped over the note, and leaned over IT to NOT read it all, then goes upstairs to scream and PUSH open JonBenets door, and PR and JR were sorta ambivalent about Larrys question on whether they checked on Burke, then JR is kneeling in his underwear sorta NOT reading it either? HOW'd it get on the FLOOR? Seems I remember JR shuffling it to the floor with a foot, am I right er? Then when did he get brave enough to pick it up and hand it to the officer?

I taped the program, but have not gotten to sit down again and watch it like a 'cat' looking at a mouse/meal.

The two R's were so busy 'jointly' attacking Steve, that when Larry asked a question, my observation was that they often were at a loss for a good response, being caught off guard.

They were softer when Larry asked them a question, not so defensive.

I found the response about the note enlightening, about handing it to the officer. Anyone else remember JR saying he handed it to the officer in any other coverage of the note in the booksor media?

Should have been assorted JR fingerprints on that note. WHEN did JR PICK up the note to hand it to the officer?

DID JR hand it to him at the door, or take him to the note, wouldn't the officer have asked him NOT to touch it or WHETHER he had ever touched it, nah probably not, ya think?

Welll for the note writer to have the dialog of the kidnapping from 'Ruthless People' so down pat, WE can suspect that the 'perp' likes FUNNY MOVIES. Wonder what movie the three young men in GA saw on Christmas night of 1996, that they still had their own three ticket stubs 3 months later when they put their 'common' alibi together for 'that' night?

I am remembering that it was about three months into the case when the GA alibi came into view for us common folk.
Correct me if I err in memory on that.

txsvicki said:
Thank you Camper. I think that the writer of the note would have to read something with the ransom note and maybe also see the movie. I am trying to remember all the books and movies that the ransom note reflects. I know that several other movies have been brought up. I wonder if there is a list somewhere of all the similiarities that have been noted.

Here is a website that analyzes the ransom note and compares it with various movies. Just scroll down along the left margin for the comparisons

The above website has a link to the text of the ransom note in "The Ransom of Red Chief":

Ebenezer Dorset, Esq.:

We have your boy concealed in a place far from Summit. It is useless for
you or the most skilful detectives to attempt to find him. Absolutely, the only
terms on which you can have him restored to you are these: We demand
fifteen hundred dollars in large bills for his return; the money to be left at
midnight to-night at the same spot and in the same box as your reply--as
hereinafter described. If you agree to these terms, send your answer in
writing by a solitary messenger to-night at half-past eight o'clock. After
crossing Owl Creek, on the road to PoplarCove, there are three large trees
about a hundred yards apart, close to the fence of the wheat field on the
right-hand side. At the bottom of the fence-post, opposite the third tree,
will be found a small pasteboard box.

The messenger will place the answer in this box and return immediately to

If you attempt any treachery or fail to comply with our demand as stated,
you will never see your boy again.

If you pay the money as demanded, he will be returned to you safe and
well within three hours.

These terms are final, and if you do not accede to them no further
communication will be attempted.

"John Ramsey reminds me of Bill O'Rieley."

No, no, no. The two should not be mentioned in the same sentence.

"I would be frantically re-reading that ransom note word for word, obeying it every step of the way, doing everything I could to hopefully ensure the safety of my daughter."

But they didn't, Saffron. That's part of this whole problem.
The comparative-ness between the O'Henry short story and the movie Ruthless People is this.

O'Henry story kidnappers actually kidnap, and the kidnapped child is such a menace, that ultimately the parents of the boy who was kidnapped want to be paid by the kidnappers to TAKE the boy back.

Ruthless P movie, wife is kidnapped, but the husband had already made plans to have her 'killed', and HE did not bend to the nappers wishes, cuz he did not want her back. Ultimately the husband had to pay 2.? million to get her back, which he did not get her anyhow, interesting twist ending to both stories, O'Henry and RP movie.

Mitty said:
Yuck - what a vision....

John Ramsey reminds me of Bill O'Rieley.

HAHAHA, I had a t-shirt on once with John & Patsy behind bars with a quote "In a perfect world" that someone had made up for me. I went to the store and the clerk asked me if that was Bill O'Reilly. He does sort of look like Bill.
Thorkim said:
HAHAHA, I had a t-shirt on once with John & Patsy behind bars with a quote "In a perfect world" that someone had made up for me. I went to the store and the clerk asked me if that was Bill O'Reilly. He does sort of look like Bill.

Oh, man! That kills me!
I agree, that JR and Bill O'Reilly look alike. But O'Reilly is a much more irritating personality. I don't want to see either one of them squatting in their underwear!!

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