The Re-Ordered American Girl Doll..

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A poster at FFJ stated that 'JBR ended up just like the My Twinn Doll with a rope around her neck...'

Oh my goodness... This is a horrible thought.

JBR hated the new My Twinn doll and PR knew it. This is one of those awfully sick ironic twists that screams there is an answer here...somewhere inside the irony. yuck.

The MY TWINN doll didn't have a rope around her neck. That is the doll that JB got for Christmas that year, that she hated. Its the American Girl Doll that has the rope around its neck, for whatever reason. Have you read about the tan fibers yet?
Hey, when you guys click on that link....does MY NAME show up at the top right hand corner? After I posted it, and clicked on again to copy Tricia's post, it said..."WELCOME AMES". If it does...then after you guys head over there and read, I am going to delete it from my post...because I don't want people (like IDI's...LOL) going into my profile.

I don't think it does BUT if anyone wants to go into your profile, can't they just click on your name & read??:confused:

Btw, also interesting in that thread was a list of what JB was buried with:


And at the last minute, her stuffed cat.
The MY TWINN doll didn't have a rope around her neck. That is the doll that JB got for Christmas that year, that she hated. Its the American Girl Doll that has the rope around its neck, for whatever reason. Have you read about the tan fibers yet?

I think my head is going to explode, Ames... OK... JBR had both American Girl Dolls and she got a, (as in one) My Twinn doll for Christmas, which she hated. Prior to Christmas 1996 she had never had a Mt Twinn doll, correct? The 1997 doll which reportedly was ordered and arrived at Access Graphics in January of 1997 was an American Girl Doll, correct? (According to FFJ Thread and what you guys have explained to me...Right?)

I know why the Lord gave me sons instead of daughters. I could never have handled the hairbow thing and the doll mess...Thanks so much, Ames! I'd plant a big wet one on your cheek and hug you HUGE if you were here right now!!! I seriously appreciate this.:)

On now, to tan fibers...
Hey, when you guys click on that link....does MY NAME show up at the top right hand corner? After I posted it, and clicked on again to copy Tricia's post, it said..."WELCOME AMES". If it does...then after you guys head over there and read, I am going to delete it from my post...because I don't want people (like IDI's...LOL) going into my profile.

Nope, on mine it says Welcome Angelwngs. I think it changes to the member's name if it is saved to their computer, so when I clicked on your link, my computer automatically signed me in at FFJ again and I can't see your profile.

(OK, the posts about tan fabric on the body of the American Girl doll... is that leading up to the tan fibers???)
This is sort of off topic, but I can't imagine paying $100 for some doll that required a big piece of duct tape on it's back to cover cords. You'd think the company could sew on a little piece of matching material to enclose the cords or figure out a way to get them inside the doll. It's totally disgusting that the doll and other evidence not only wasn't tested, but was allowed to be taken away and handled.
I don't think it does BUT if anyone wants to go into your profile, can't they just click on your name & read??:confused:

Btw, also interesting in that thread was a list of what JB was buried with:


And at the last minute, her stuffed cat.

Yeah, they can...I just didn't want anybody to go in and change anything. LOL
I think my head is going to explode, Ames... OK... JBR had both American Girl Dolls and she got a, (as in one) My Twinn doll for Christmas, which she hated. Prior to Christmas 1996 she had never had a Mt Twinn doll, correct? The 1997 doll which reportedly was ordered and arrived at Access Graphics in January of 1997 was an American Girl Doll, correct? (According to FFJ Thread and what you guys have explained to me...Right?)

I know why the Lord gave me sons instead of daughters. I could never have handled the hairbow thing and the doll mess...Thanks so much, Ames! I'd plant a big wet one on your cheek and hug you HUGE if you were here right now!!! I seriously appreciate this.:)

On now, to tan fibers...

Right. Now I don't know how many American Girl dolls she had...I know she had at least one...(probably more)...and then she got the My TWINN doll for Christmas...and she hated it.

And you are welcome!
Btw, also interesting in that thread was a list of what JB was buried with:


And at the last minute, her stuffed cat.

I guess this is what is meant by a 'message from the grave'...
This is sort of off topic, but I can't imagine paying $100 for some doll that required a big piece of duct tape on it's back to cover cords. You'd think the company could sew on a little piece of matching material to enclose the cords or figure out a way to get them inside the doll. It's totally disgusting that the doll and other evidence not only wasn't tested, but was allowed to be taken away and handled.
the tape has been said to be not very wide...about 3/4 inch if I recall correctly.At least the ones on the dolls are about that size.I don't know the length.
trixie, i'm sorry. It is a lot of questions, but I really, really do want to know the answers to them...Dagnabit...

Thanks for the information, even if it is net myth it is interesting. Was it in the livingroom in a chair in Boulder on the 26th or in Atlanta after JBR's funeral? If this is in reference where the doll was after JBR' death, when the R's lived in Atlanta, it speaks volumes about PR, IMO.

It has been said that JBR was not fond of it or as excited about it as PR wanted. For PR to give this doll a special place in her home to see every day is a bit odd, but what about PR's behavior wasn't?
that's the $64,000 question!
at least they didn't bury her with a doll she didn't like.
angelwngs said:
If the My Twinn's eyes indeed were manufactured to remained open when lying down

Okay, I just checked both my catalogs for American Girl and My Twinn. In neither of them do I see an option to order for the eyes to remain open while lying down. How did Patsy arrange that? I know money talks, but...
Okay, I just checked both my catalogs for American Girl and My Twinn. In neither of them do I see an option to order for the eyes to remain open while lying down. How did Patsy arrange that? I know money talks, but...

No... A poster on FFJ knew 1st hand both dolls. She read DOI and found PR's 'premonition', worded by PR to the effect: 'when the My Twinn doll arrived, I quickly opened the box and saw...' blah..blah...blah... adjective...adjective...adjective...' and it looked as if it were JBR lying there in a coffin. I was so disturbed that I had to look away...' (not her exact wording, but words to this effect...)

This was written by PR after JBR was murdered, mind you...

Now, the poster at FFJ actually tested both dolls lying down and the My Twinn doll's eyes remain open when she was laying down...which if correct with all My Twinn dolls, would make PR's 'premonition' totally a figment of a psychotic, overly dramatic, journalistically starved mind...IMHO
No... A poster on FFJ knew 1st hand both dolls. She read DOI and found PR's 'premonition', worded by PR to the effect: 'when the My Twinn doll arrived, I quickly opened the box and saw...' blah..blah...blah... adjective...adjective...adjective...' and it looked as if it were JBR lying there in a coffin. I was so disturbed that I had to look away...' (not her exact wording, but words to this effect...)

This was written by PR after JBR was murdered, mind you...

Now, the poster at FFJ actually tested both dolls lying down and the My Twinn doll's eyes remain open when she was laying down...which if correct with all My Twinn dolls, would make PR's 'premonition' totally a figment of a psychotic, overly dramatic, journalistically starved mind...IMHO

You have to wonder if the doll delivered to access was only purchased to remove the cord and/or tape to the one at another location?

Interesting point. But the cord as it comes on the doll is not nearly as long as the cord used on JBR. And the dolls don't come with tape. It is suggested by the doll's manufacturer to put a piece of duct tape in the back of the doll over the cord around the doll's neck.
Interesting point. But the cord as it comes on the doll is not nearly as long as the cord used on JBR. And the dolls don't come with tape. It is suggested by the doll's manufacturer to put a piece of duct tape in the back of the doll over the cord around the doll's neck.

From what I have read some cords are much longer than others and the tape could have been purchased long prior to JBR's death and the entire roll already used. (or it could have been thrown into a golf bag and taken out of the house by a sister...)
There was also the theory that black tape might have been used on the back of the paintings that were removed from the house.
The American Girl doll company was sold to Mattel in 1998. The My Twinn dolls were a popular alternative then, but they were never as popular as the American Girl dolls.

The pre-Mattel dolls were of a higher quality, and they definitely had a drawstring neck (soft stuffed body hard head) but I can't imagine anyone accessing that string.
It's issues like this that point to something premeditated in my mind - ?? Do any of you have a theory as to why/what of this doll situation - just in and of itself? There's so much information in this gets confusing to me...thanks!
I've never been able to come up with a viable reason for that second doll being ordered/sent. Maybe someone was trying to get a message to John - we know you killed your daughter??? But when was the doll ordered? Has that ever been established?

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