The Rev. Richard G

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I agree with you. I watched the 3 shows mid December and each time he was asked "can you tell us what Caylee was like" or something like that, instead of saying "sadly I hadn't seen much of her for the last couple years, but when she was a baby I remember....blah, blah, blah." Instead he made it appear he had taken a father-role and was very close to Caylee her whole life. He broke up with Casey in May/06....Caylee would of been 9 months old. The picture of him holding her was possibly the most recent he had. Casey/Caylee lived in the Anthony house throughout the entire time and Jesse lived with his parents - they never lived as a family together.

To me these are honesty issues....he lies but why? To look good? Casey continually told lies for her personal gain and I can't help but wonder if Jesse is not just like her.

I agree. At one point Jesse said that the first thing Caylee did when she was taken out into the back yard was run for her play house, yet he had not been to the Anthony home since before Caylee could walk, let alone run. I tend to believe that there is something to Cindy's story about Jesse's temper. Most young men, IMO, would react sheepishly when asked by a parent to remove themselves from a girl's bedroom. They would not argue and fight about it.
He apparently knew about Casey's other men, she introduced him to TonE. I don't believe for a second that he did anything to help Casey before, during or after Caylee's death, but I'm sure Cindy would appreciate your speculation, as it seems quite in sync with hers. She will jump right on it like white on rice when she reads it here. Exactly why he hired an attorney IMO.

Oh yes, he knew about TonE. But there were others and TonE was not exclusive, when he was gone a few days to Boston Casey was not simply doing her nails. Some of this information is included in the most recent transcripts released.
I agree with you. I watched the 3 shows mid December and each time he was asked "can you tell us what Caylee was like" or something like that, instead of saying "sadly I hadn't seen much of her for the last couple years, but when she was a baby I remember....blah, blah, blah." Instead he made it appear he had taken a father-role and was very close to Caylee her whole life. He broke up with Casey in May/06....Caylee would of been 9 months old. The picture of him holding her was possibly the most recent he had. Casey/Caylee lived in the Anthony house throughout the entire time and Jesse lived with his parents - they never lived as a family together.

To me these are honesty issues....he lies but why? To look good? Casey continually told lies for her personal gain and I can't help but wonder if Jesse is not just like her.

I don't know if I would go as far as to say he "lied". I think it is more of an ommission than a lie. He didn't say he was fully involved in Caylee's life...he just didn't say he hadn't been around her for quite a while. I just felt like the interview left the impression that he was essentially Caylee's dad, not legally or biologically, but for all practical purposes. That may have been true when she was first born, but it hadn't been true for quite some time. I will add that this impression was not entirely fostered by him...the media played a major role in that with the questions they posed and the way they presented the interview.
How will an entertainment attorney help him in his dispute with Cindy?

Chilly, I wasn't aware that he was an entertainment attorney. Perhaps since RG was in the entertainment business it is someone he knows. Either way, I didn't mean help him with Cindy, I meant to help guide and advise him. He is the #1 person that the A's have tried to throw under the bus and he can't win for losing, that's obvious on this thread. My son in law is an attorney, but does work outside of his field of expertise too. I don't think JG is doing any of this for profit and he is getting slammed with NO proof of that. If that is the case, I would have to revisit my opinion. For now, whether anyone agrees with me or not, I believe he has spoken from the heart and is another casualty of Casey.
I agree. At one point Jesse said that the first thing Caylee did when she was taken out into the back yard was run for her play house, yet he had not been to the Anthony home since before Caylee could walk, let alone run. I tend to believe that there is something to Cindy's story about Jesse's temper. Most young men, IMO, would react sheepishly when asked by a parent to remove themselves from a girl's bedroom. They would not argue and fight about it.

I agree. The Anthonys have their faults, but I can't blame them for not liking Jesse because of the bedroom incident.

GA said in one of his interviews that it bugged him that Jesse was always over at the house and Jesse/Casey were making no plans for their future together, both lived under the roof of their respective parents.

Two peas in a pod I say.
The point I was going for, was that there was no hesitation on his part to take one. So seems like he had nothing to hide....unless he's an expert poly faker. :crazy:

There has been no confirmation from LE that JG has taken a poly given by them. There has been confirmation that TL has though. JG is free to say he has taken one and passed, as he is well aware LE will not contradict him because it is inadmissable and could have been administered by his own attorney, which is common..

I actually do not believe he is complicit in the matter of Caylee's death; but I do believe he was less than forthcoming about his true relationship with KC, and while I cannot say I blame him, a lie is a lie and must be checked out.

eg: why show up at LE with your phone records in hand sans the text messages? Why did he have a false sense of security they were unaware of them?
Oh yes, he knew about TonE. But there were others and TonE was not exclusive, when he was gone a few days to Boston Casey was not simply doing her nails. Some of this information is included in the most recent transcripts released.

And so for that reason you believe that he helped Casey? After 2 years?Seriously, she would have put it all square on his shoulders by now. BTW, TonE was in New York, it was Ricardo in Boston and yep, she was with 'em all.
I agree. At one point Jesse said that the first thing Caylee did when she was taken out into the back yard was run for her play house, yet he had not been to the Anthony home since before Caylee could walk, let alone run. I tend to believe that there is something to Cindy's story about Jesse's temper. Most young men, IMO, would react sheepishly when asked by a parent to remove themselves from a girl's bedroom. They would not argue and fight about it.

Are you saying you trust Cindy's account of this confrontation? LOL. I remember hearing her talk about this and I thought it seemed very weird - almost unbelievable to me. I find it far more likely that she exploded on Casey and he tried to defend her in some way. Not to say he shouldn't have minded his own business and left her room - but I just flat refuse to take Cindy's word for what happened. This is the same woman who said Casey
broke down and was lying on the floor crying when she finally admitted the babysitter took Caylee. Cindy calls 911 immediately and when Casey gets on the phone she is completely dead pan. So was she really crying and lying on the floor? I doubt it.
He certainly doesn't stress that on his website.
I thought someone posted it when it was questioned before. Am I thinking it was another attorney representing this cast of characters? I'll go look. (It's absolutely no fun getting old!)
Did you notice this?

Founder & Director of SRT the Supernatural Response Team - a Christian paranormal investigations team.

Must not be very good at it......
He's from my neck of the woods...a New Yorker...that explains A LOT!!
I thought someone posted it when it was questioned before. Am I thinking it was another attorney representing this cast of characters? I'll go look. (It's absolutely no fun getting old!)

Sorry, my fault. It is mentioned on his web site that he is also a criminal attorney but it's obvious that his focus is on entertainment law.
Are you saying you trust Cindy's account of this confrontation? LOL. I remember hearing her talk about this and I thought it seemed very weird - almost unbelievable to me. I find it far more likely that she exploded on Casey and he tried to defend her in some way. Not to say he shouldn't have minded his own business and left her room - but I just flat refuse to take Cindy's word for what happened. This is the same woman who said Casey
broke down and was lying on the floor crying when she finally admitted the babysitter took Caylee. Cindy calls 911 immediately and when Casey gets on the phone she is completely dead pan. So was she really crying and lying on the floor? I doubt it.
That's when Lee got her to tell the "truth" at home. Casey didn't even want to talk to the 911 operator.
Are you saying you trust Cindy's account of this confrontation? LOL. I remember hearing her talk about this and I thought it seemed very weird - almost unbelievable to me. I find it far more likely that she exploded on Casey and he tried to defend her in some way. Not to say he shouldn't have minded his own business and left her room - but I just flat refuse to take Cindy's word for what happened. This is the same woman who said Casey
broke down and was lying on the floor crying when she finally admitted the babysitter took Caylee. Cindy calls 911 immediately and when Casey gets on the phone she is completely dead pan. So was she really crying and lying on the floor? I doubt it.

ITA with this! Also, Lee's version of the incident (right before the 911 call) was that Casey started crying, "but not balling" (his words in his interview) and Cindy says she broke down lying on the floor. Wonder if they were in the same room?
And so for that reason you believe that he helped Casey? After 2 years?Seriously, she would have put it all square on his shoulders by now. BTW, TonE was in New York, it was Ricardo in Boston and yep, she was with 'em all.

My mistake you're right. New York it was. Thank you.

No I wouldn't say that was "the reason". But I do believe Jesse may of thought he was in line to be the "next" one. He did say he and Casey had a short reconcillation Nov/07.

For what purpose do you think that Jesse talked on the phone/met with Casey, particularly during the last two weeks in June.
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