The Rev. Richard G

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I think RG just knows much about that family from what KC told them....such as LA and GA abusing KC. I think he's just letting the G & C know that there's much he could say but won't at this time until they find Caylee. He's none too happy that the A's are throwing his son under the bus.
Only problem with this is Casey lies. Hour after hour of her "venting" to the Rev. was lies, lies, and more lies.
So if he starts telling all, all he will be telling is second hand lies. Not a good thing for a Rev. to do, imo.
A little O/T..I gave up my daughter for adoption 40 years ago this Christmas and I hope she is loved as you have loved your child all these years. God bless you! :blowkiss:

Thank you for doing that. I can't put into words what a gift an adopted child is to somebody who can't have children.
Didn't they do a liot of free babysitting of Caylee during that time also?
I can see where he has a VERY vested interest in this child. As for what he has to say, maybe it's something that has nothing to do with this case but with the skeletons in the Anthony closet.

I will NOTa crucify this man for carying about a little girl whose own blood relatives appear not to care about her.
IIRC, it was he who didn't want Casey to bring Caylee over anymore for that free babysitting thing. Casey came up with zanny the nanny at that time. It's the first time she mentions it. Their rejection of her and Caylee was the beginning of the story of Zanny the Nanny. IIRC Casey started bringing Caylee over there more because Lauren, IIRC, found out Casey lied about having a job so she quit, so she went to the Grunds, which didn't last very long. Mr. Grund feels guilty for not being there for Caylee especially after hearing all the stories Casey told, which I expect he believes are true since he is promising to repeat them at some furture date. Why would he tell all if he thought they were made up lies after all? unless? Unless he is one more opportunist in this story full of's just a question, not an accusation, and jmo. time will tell.
A little O/T..I gave up my daughter for adoption 40 years ago this Christmas and I hope she is loved as you have loved your child all these years. God bless you! :blowkiss:

Dolly, I did the same, but 29 years ago. I have reunited with her and I do know that she is/was loved just as much as if she would have been, from me. It gave me great relief to know that. I hope you know the same!
FYI I am an adoptive parent and love my adopted child as if he were my blood. However, I raised him and lived with him for years. The Rev. G had no viable relationship with the A's. I still say he should mind his own business.

And thank you, for loving him. I have a special place in my heart for adoptive Mom's, as you can see from my prior post. :)
Personally, I think Mr. G. is overstepping his bounds. He has no blood relationship to Caylee or Casey. Hurt or not, he should butt out. As for defending his son, I think he should butt out of that too. His son is an adult, let him handle it on his own.

He may not have a blood relationship but at one time he was led to believe that he did. He learned this when Caylee was born, which is the time normal people immediately bond with a child. I couldn't imagine bonding with a child that I was led to believe was my grandaughter only to find out she wasn't. If JG was my child I would so the exact same thing that he is doing. IMO it is a natural thing to protect your child no matter how old they are. JMO.
He may not have a blood relationship but at one time he was led to believe that he did. He learned this when Caylee was born, which is the time normal people immediately bond with a child. I couldn't imagine bonding with a child that I was led to believe was my grandaughter only to find out she wasn't. If JG was my child I would so the exact same thing that he is doing. IMO it is a natural thing to protect your child no matter how old they are. JMO.

I agree with you...There's nothing wrong with a father wanting to stand up for and protect his son (whatever age)...However, I must admit that he's starting to frustrate me too. He's gone "public" and has chosen to appear on various television shows. He has a myspace page where he openly talks about the case...If he has a means to bring things into the light...What is he waiting for? If he thinks that its more appropriate to wait for the trial then...maybe he should stay silent and wait for the trial. He alludes to a lot of things but really hasn't clarified anything. Just more cloudiness in an already cloudy and horrid situation. Put up or shut up is how I'm starting to see this one!

(Don't forget the whole blog about the family dog that was born - and died - as a result of incest. Was that freeaken weird or what? Say it outright or be quiet already!)

The Rev G. has been close enough in this situation to make it personal and he has every right to voice his opinion, especially on his own MySpace profile. As for his religious beliefs, thank God we have freedom to express that in this country also!

Personally, I would be deeply incensed if CA were trying to blame one of my boys unjustly. I'll bet Amy's parents are just as angry, as they ought to be!
Only problem with this is Casey lies. Hour after hour of her "venting" to the Rev. was lies, lies, and more lies.
So if he starts telling all, all he will be telling is second hand lies. Not a good thing for a Rev. to do, imo.

Excellent point. I do hope he knows better than to believe anything KC ever said (to him or to Jesse) but I'm not so sure that's the case.
I agree with you...There's nothing wrong with a father wanting to stand up for and protect his son (whatever age)...However, I must admit that he's starting to frustrate me too. He's gone "public" and has chosen to appear on various television shows. He has a myspace page where he openly talks about the case...If he has a means to bring things into the light...What is he waiting for? If he thinks that its more appropriate to wait for the trial then...maybe he should stay silent and wait for the trial. He alludes to a lot of things but really hasn't clarified anything. Just more cloudiness in an already cloudy and horrid situation. Put up or shut up is how I'm starting to see this one!

(Don't forget the whole blog about the family dog that was born - and died - as a result of incest. Was that freeaken weird or what? Say it outright or be quiet already!)


I never heard about the dog incest blog. Was the RG comparing Caylee to the dog in his blog and incest being the reason she died? If he knew something almost three years ago he should have called someone to investigate because that type of incest wouldn't have started when Casey was a teenager. It would have probably been going on for years and Caylee could have also been in danger. Not that I believe any of it or have any reason other than something Casey said, which could have been lies or mentall illness psychotic delusions.
I met the man.....................and I do not care if you think it is childish..... I could not help but laugh at the black hair...... My husband used to use that stuff and I even laughed at him.
What does the color of Rev. Grund's hair have to do with Caylee?
IMO not very nice....
What does the color of Rev. Grund's hair have to do with Caylee?
IMO not very nice....

Probably a good thing we posters can't see each other then, cause I have a feeling we are a very diverse group. I think that's a great thing. I could be a 51 year old tattooed grandmother with pink and green hair! I'm not...OK, I am 51 and a grandmother and do want a small tattoo, but you just never know! :)
Probably a good thing we posters can't see each other then, cause I have a feeling we are a very diverse group. I think that's a great thing. I could be a 51 year old tattooed grandmother with pink and green hair! I'm not...OK, I am 51 and a grandmother and do want a small tattoo, but you just never know! :)

Im a 57 year old grandma with a tattoo, nose pierced, getting another tattoo in 2 weeks, dye my hair and I'm not the lightest marshmallow in the bag! Ain't life Grand! LOL
Im a 57 year old grandma with a tattoo, nose pierced, getting another tattoo in 2 weeks, dye my hair and I'm not the lightest marshmallow in the bag! Ain't life Grand! LOL

You got that right! Don't judge a book by it's cover! My Mom tells me all the time that I am the unconventional one. She doesn't really mean it as a compliment, but I take it as one! Haha! :woohoo:
You got that right! Don't judge a book by it's cover! My Mom tells me all the time that I am the unconventional one. She doesn't really mean it as a compliment, but I take it as one! Haha! :woohoo:

You're mom sounds nice. Mine tells me I should walk into a room backwards because I look better from behind! LOL
I've always thought that RG has a big grudge against Cindy and George or that there were some past troubles and arguments over their kids. Unless RG knows something firsthand or witnessed something, I don't think there's much he as a pastor should be telling against the family. Casey is a known liar and also had her parents believing that Jesse was obsessed with her and could be capable of doing something. If the past ending of the relationship and possible lies about Jesse were that bad then I don't blame Cindy for suspecting everyone at the beginning. Also, I thought Jesse's family knew from the beginning that Casey was pregnant and showing, that there was no possibility the baby was his because he hadn't even known her or been with her that long. IMO, RG should just give his views and knowledge to the court and LE and otherwise stay out of it.

My thoughts, exactly.

And, since LE doesn't consider Jesse a suspect, nor does anyone else for that matter, isn't Jesse's dad's public involvement unnecessary?
Bold is mine. How do you know this? I was under the impression that there was always a ? about who the father was from the start.
Just curious.

Jesse's interviews, KC did NOT want the DNA test done. As in a "what? you don't believe me? how can we be married if you don't have faith in me? We have to trust each other, yakkity, yakkity, yak. Will you love us less?"
My thoughts, exactly.

And, since LE doesn't consider Jesse a suspect, nor does anyone else for that matter, isn't Jesse's dad's public involvement unnecessary?

Rev Grund was re-introduced into the picture recently because of the FBI tape where GA threw him under the bus telling the FBI about an argument CA and RG had. When he went on NG this last time it was to defend himself, not Jesse. Before that he was only doing what we all want to do, Find Caylee. He went along with TES to search for little Caylee and was asked by TM to do a small Sunday prayer service before the search began on Nov 9th.
FYI I am an adoptive parent and love my adopted child as if he were my blood. However, I raised him and lived with him for years. The Rev. G had no viable relationship with the A's. I still say he should mind his own business.

They took Caylee and Casey in and gave them shelter when Casey didn't want to be in her own family's home -- and this AFTER they knew Caylee was not Jesse's child. You can't be around a baby so much and NOT fall in love with her, regardless whether there is any blood relation. They didn't need a current or "viable" relationship with the As in order to be personally hurt by Caylee's disappearance and death and by Jesse's being wrongly accused for it.

I strongly assert that his son IS his business. This isn't a case of your kid getting a speeding ticket and making them stand up for it on their own. He was being accused of MURDER, for heaven's sake! You would not stand up for your child if he were accused of murdering a baby (or anyone else)?!?

Now, I personally do think Mr. Grund is odd, and at least in a couple of instances, his writings seemed to be about how certain things happened because he needed to learn a lesson (as if he's so special that those things were meant for him instead of others or no one at all)...a bit self-centered, IMO, and yeah, maybe a bit of a publicity hound, too.

However, first and foremost, he is a FATHER whose son was accused of the most heinous act imaginable -- murder, and murder of a child he once believed to be his own, a child that Jesse would always love! I certainly would not sit by and twiddle my thumbs while the As accused my INNOCENT child of murder, regardless whether he were 10, 30 or 60 yrs old!

I think RG and Jesse both have shown incredible restraint in what they've said. Jesse, bless his heart, going over there trying to HELP the As, even after all Casey had done to him and knowing the family didn't like him. He's a good-hearted young man. Just trying to help, and all the while they were trying to figure out a way to pin it on HIM.

That's one reason I have so little sympathy now for the As. Of course, I will always feel sorry for them for their loss and pain; but I can't feel sorry for someone who would try to pin a murder wrap on an innocent young man -- especially one who was trying his hardest to help them -- just to save their own kid from what she's done.

You might be content to let your adult son suffer it on his own, but I would NEVER butt out of defending my son from disgusting and malicious allegations of being a baby-kidnapper/murderer.
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