The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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Well, we know of at least one suicide, very recently, of the LE officer. We also heard of the other guy who just changed jobs and died on the job... One was a rumor and the other is not.

What LE officer committed suicide? One of the two that were interviewed about the case?
What LE officer committed suicide? One of the two that were interviewed about the case?

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SH where did you find this info, could you please post a link?


IF there is any thruth to that somone placed "timeout dolls" at the GB4 victims "gravesites" ( which I personaly would call dumping grounds) it sure is somthing for the police to look into as soon as possible.

The symbolizm of placing "timeout dolls" at the GB4 victims dumping grounds, would IMHO be that the person who placed them ment that the victims should be punished and regret what they have done, kind of be ashamed of them selves.

Here is one description od that kind of dolls.

A "time out doll" or "corner doll" is (apparently) a large-ish, realistic child-doll that is posed with its hands over its face, intended to be stood in a corner or up against a piece of furniture, so it appears that the doll is a child who is being punished (?) or having a time out (?).

IF, and it's a big IF thise dolls really was placed at the GB4 victims dumping grounds, I do believe that it very well could be the killer, due to it would fit his mocking personality to a T.
Not to mention it would be extremely cruel and scary.

I've read all through this thread and can't find where these "dolls" are referenced in this case - can someone give a brief recap of this aspect with a link and possible pics - is there a pic out there of these dolls at the different memorial sites? Very intriguing...(while previewing this post I found that possibly the doll pics have not yet been made public out of respect for the victim's families, but when they are able to be made public, please DO post them if possible)

Also, it occurred to me the other day out of the blue - is it possible there is a "team" of serial killers working together in the NJ & NY areas - like a two-person duo? There seems to be enough of differences in how the victims were killed and disposed of to be different killers - but there's a lot of similarities that points to one killer - but what if it the killers are working together and trying to out do each other? Kind of comparing their that a possibility that has been considered here at WS?
Under &#8216;covers&#8217;
Cop&#8217;s overnight shifts in my bed: mistress


Last Updated: 4:48 AM, April 30, 2012

Posted: 1:15 AM, April 30, 2012
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The sexy mistress of a Long Island cop says she enjoyed wild romps while he was on duty with his police cruiser parked in her driveway.

Nassau Officer Mike Tedesco allegedly would tell other cops to cover for him while he got out of uniform to get intimate with single mom and Wall Street exec Tara Obenauer &#8212; who said he&#8217;d leave his pistol and gun belt draped over the foot of her bed during their trysts.

&#8220;He would be at my house for hours during his shift, hanging out in his uniform on the couch, watching TV with my kids, taking a nap,&#8221; said Obenauer, who is single. Her children are from a previous relationship; the officer is married with two kids.

&#8220;He was stealing time from the county for six months. He [would ask his pals to] take his calls.&#8217;&#8217;

Obenauer, 42, of Massapequa, said Tedesco, 43, got defensive when she confronted him about his no-show work habits.

&#8220;I did ask him why he wasn&#8217;t out working.&#8221; Obenauer said. &#8220;We argued about it, but I&#8217;m not his mother and I&#8217;m not his supervisor.

&#8220;I&#8217;ve been doing this for 22 years,&#8221; Tedesco bragged, according to Obenauer. a vice president of a global financial firm. &#8220;Let the f--king newbies chase these kids from their parties and go to house alarm calls.&#8217;&#8217;

She said he called the other cops his &#8220;assist *****es.&#8221;

The under-cover operation came to a screeching halt when a suspicious neighbor blew the whistle.

Obenauer cooperated with Internal Affairs and says she&#8217;s afraid he&#8217;ll try to get back at her.

She obtained an order of protection to keep him away.

Both were in court Friday, where it was renewed.

The officer refused to comment when approached in court by a reporter.

&#8220;I&#8217;m very afraid of his retaliation,&#8221; Obenauer said. &#8220;I&#8217;m a prisoner in my own home because of him.&#8217;&#8217;

Tedesco has filed for retirement while the matter is still under investigation. He has not been charged.

Obenauer said the cop had his own key to her lavish waterfront home, where, she said, he&#8217;d spend part of his 10-hour shift from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Averaging at least four hours a night for 100 nights at her home, he may have cheated taxpayers out of more than 300 hours&#8217; pay, an estimated $25,000 of his annual $175,000 salary, Obenauer said.

Tedesco, who lives with his wife and kids, would use his police car to chauffeur her daughter and deliver ice cream for her kids, she claimed.

Tedesco, 43, was suspended after cops compared the neighbor reports with GPS records from his squad car. They showed at least 57 visits, sources said.

Obenauer said that when Internal Affairs detectives showed up at her home Feb. 9, she at first though Tedesco had been shot.

But the news they delivered was nearly as bad. They said her boyfriend &#8220;was a fully married man&#8221; with no intention of divorcing his wife.

&#8220;I was devastated,&#8217;&#8217; Obenauer said. &#8220;It had been years since I had let a man into our lives. This was an extreme level of betrayal. It was all lies.&#8217;&#8217;

Tedesco later called her to ask what she told Internal Affairs, she said. &#8220;He screamed at me, &#8216;You f--king tell them that I&#8217;m just a friend who stops by once in a while,&#8217; &#8221; Obenauer said. &#8220;I told him, &#8216;They have your GPS records, you moron. I&#8217;m not perjuring myself for you. We&#8217;re over, and I want my key.&#8217; &#8221;

Obenauer said the relationship began last July, while she was struggling with breast-cancer chemotherapy, when another cop came to her home for a routine call and told Tedesco she was good-looking.

Later, he allegedly used a story about loud music coming from her house as an excuse to return.

About a month later, they began a relationship.

Tedesco, who is getting a full pension, was on the Nassau force for 17 years.

Before that he had been a New York Housing cop for about four years.

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Did the rumor say anything about when he died?
Suicide? murder? illness?

Suicide. Non-LE.

Check out Riverhead Topix. I'm not posting the name. It is still a rumor and could be untrue.
Suicide. Non-LE.

Check out Riverhead Topix. I'm not posting the name. It is still a rumor and could be untrue.

I did a bit of research on this guy, and he commited suicide the very day after Shannan Gilbert's body was found!
He is also seriously connected to landscaping.
Some people on the net is stating that he has been a suspect in the GB4 case for quite some time, but wheter it is true or not, I dont know.
There is more that IMHO make him a viable supsect, well time will tell I guess.
police officers and dentists are the 2 professions that have the highest rate of suicide.
Suicide is the #2 cause of death of people under 25 years of age, after car accidents.

Learn the signs of of Unipolar Disorder/Depression in yourself and your loved ones.
This rumor is completely untrue. It is just that a rumor. The families of the victims will be the first to know when they find the killer.
Suicide. Non-LE.

Check out Riverhead Topix. I'm not posting the name. It is still a rumor and could be untrue.
Suicide is the #2 cause of death of people under 25 years of age, after car accidents.

Learn the signs of of Unipolar Disorder/Depression in yourself and your loved ones.
Prayers to them and their families. God Bless

It just occurred to me that the well known web fact and semi-urban legend of cops having the highest rate of suicide among any profession is a misleading and faulty metric. Maybe it's becuase they have loaded guns with them all the time, I think the study is biased. Maybe if professional bowlers carried loaded weapons 24/7 as part of their jobs, they would have the highest rate, or amateur web detectives. Man this train of thought really makes me worry about dentists.
ElizaAvalon posted:

Suicide. Non-LE.

Check out Riverhead Topix. I'm not posting the name. It is still a rumor and could be untrue.

I did a bit of research on this guy, and he commited suicide the very day after Shannan Gilbert's body was found!
He is also seriously connected to landscaping.
Some people on the net is stating that he has been a suspect in the GB4 case for quite some time, but wheter it is true or not, I dont know.
There is more that IMHO make him a viable supsect, well time will tell I guess.

On Topix several posters are stating that an official announcement on who the LISK is will be made tomorrow.
Since it is only a rumor lets call him Mr. X

Ok, so IF it turn out to be true that the police will release an official announcement tomorrow
May 1st 2012, that Mr.X is the Long Island Serial Killer, then the police have chosen the exact
2 year anniversery of Shannan Gilberts disappearence which was May 1st 2010!!!
That combined with the fact that, Shannan Gilbert's body was found Dec 13, 2011 on the
1 year anniversery of when 3 of the Gilgo Beach murder victims was found Dec 13, 2010.
And then Mr.X commited suicide Dec 14, 2011, the very day after Shannan Gilbert's body was found, kind of make you go hmmmmmm... what a lot of "coincidental anniversaries"
And there has been reports that the police, in mid Dec 2011 (could that have been Dec 11, 2011, the 1 year anniversery of the 1st GB4 murder victim was found Dec 11, 2010), reviced a tip on where Shannan Gilbert's body could be found , so now I wonder WHO that tipster might have been???
Could it have been Mr. X himself that anonymously gave the tip?

Look at thise dates, pretty amazing if you ask me...cant wait to see if an announcement will be made tomorrow May 1st!?

May 1st 2010 Shannan Gilberts disappear
Dec 11, 2010 1st Gilgo Beach murder victim was found
Dec 13, 2010 3 more Gilgo Beach murder victim were found
Dec 11, 2011 Possible tip of where Shannan Gilbert could be found
Dec 13, 2011 Shannan Gilbert's body was found
Dec 14, 2011 Mr. X commited suicide
May 1st, 2012 Possible official announcement that Mr. X is the LISK

Could this all be a coincident?
Sure it could, but maybe not?!
Hmmmm, that would be a something. But why would LE wait since Dec. to say anything about a possible dead suspect? You would think if they had some good stuff in their hands, they would want to comfort the families and the public at large with at least a mention of a suspect. I guess we will see. It would be great to put an end to all this. Give the families the closure they deserve.
Hmmmm, that would be a something. But why would LE wait since Dec. to say anything about a possible dead suspect? You would think if they had some good stuff in their hands, they would want to comfort the families and the public at large with at least a mention of a suspect. I guess we will see. It would be great to put an end to all this. Give the families the closure they deserve.

The guy was a rich, high ranking Long Island citizen, business, kind of entertainment, politics etc. more or les everyone on LI knows him, not personaly but they know of him, for what he has accomplished of good things in life and for the community.
Several members of his family are also kind of prominent people.
So, IF the rumor is true, and due to the above, plus that the guy did commited suicide, which is already a VERY hard task for his loved once to cope with, he has parents, wife, 3 children, I guess the police want to have a VERY VERY VERY solid case before they go public accusing this man of beeing a serial killer.
BUT it STILL may very well be just a rumor.
On Topix several posters are stating that an official announcement on who the LISK is will be made tomorrow.
Since it is only a rumor lets call him Mr. X

Ok, so IF it turn out to be true that the police will release an official announcement tomorrow
May 1st 2012, that Mr.X is the Long Island Serial Killer, then the police have chosen the exact
2 year anniversery of Shannan Gilberts disappearence which was May 1st 2010!!!
That combined with the fact that, Shannan Gilbert's body was found Dec 13, 2011 on the
1 year anniversery of when 3 of the Gilgo Beach murder victims was found Dec 13, 2010.
And then Mr.X commited suicide Dec 14, 2011, the very day after Shannan Gilbert's body was found, kind of make you go hmmmmmm... what a lot of "coincidental anniversaries"
And there has been reports that the police, in mid Dec 2011 (could that have been Dec 11, 2011, the 1 year anniversery of the 1st GB4 murder victim was found Dec 11, 2010), reviced a tip on where Shannan Gilbert's body could be found , so now I wonder WHO that tipster might have been???
Could it have been Mr. X himself that anonymously gave the tip?

Look at thise dates, pretty amazing if you ask me...cant wait to see if an announcement will be made tomorrow May 1st!?

May 1st 2010 Shannan Gilberts disappear
Dec 11, 2010 1st Gilgo Beach murder victim was found
Dec 13, 2010 3 more Gilgo Beach murder victim were found
Dec 11, 2011 Possible tip of where Shannan Gilbert could be found
Dec 13, 2011 Shannan Gilbert's body was found
Dec 14, 2011 Mr. X commited suicide
May 1st, 2012 Possible official announcement that Mr. X is the LISK

Could this all be a coincident?
Sure it could, but maybe not?!

Police started searching the area the week before. Her purse was found on December 6th.
The guy was a rich, high ranking Long Island citizen, business, kind of entertainment, politics etc. more or les everyone on LI knows him, not personaly but they know of him, for what he has accomplished of good things in life and for the community.
Several members of his family are also kind of prominent people.
So, IF the rumor is true, and due to the above, plus that the guy did commited suicide, which is already a VERY hard task for his loved once to cope with, he has parents, wife, 3 children, I guess the police want to have a VERY VERY VERY solid case before they go public accusing this man of beeing a serial killer.
BUT it STILL may very well be just a rumor.

I would love to be able to figure out who this Mr X is. I can't think of any "prominent" LIer that committed suicide in December

Never mind, I found it. I've know some of his businesses but I had never heard of him.
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