The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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Are you talking about **** *******? Apparently he does, or did, direct Snuff Rock Music Videos. Some lunatic was rambling over at the LISK site about having his iTunes account hacked by the guy, and that's why he was ratting him out as the killer. I laughed it all off initially. Then I typed the guys name into Google and found out he's a music teacher at Eastport/South Manor Junior-Senior High School. And guess where that's located? Manorville. Coincidence?

Why is it that I can't drop a name that someone else has previously mentioned pertaining to this subject, but someone whom will go unnamed can openly call Dr. Hackett, by name, a serial killer without any kind of consequences? Makes no sense.
Are you talking about <modsnop>? Apparently he does, or did, direct Snuff Rock Music Videos. Some lunatic was rambling over at the LISK site about having his iTunes account hacked by the guy, and that's why he was ratting him out as the killer. I laughed it all off initially. Then I typed the guys name into Google and found out he's a music teacher at Eastport/South Manor Junior-Senior High School. And guess where that's located? Manorville. Coincidence?

Snuff rock music videos - now that's a new one for me. Just curious, did you see these "snuff rock music videos" yourself? All I found was some IMO cheesy videos with a character who allegedly claims to be/portrays herself as a dominatrix. IMO, she's just wearing cheesy metal gear. If you did not see these videos yourself, I wonder if someone, far less thick-skinned than myself perhaps, saw these and saw the outfits, the "metal" music, and just made assumptions and/or exaggerated.

FWIW, I can't imagine anyone hoping to advance their music career with a real "snuff" video. Something staged and fake? Sure, but would typically be rather underground music. I've seen it, and own an old tape with such a fake snuff music video. So far, I have not even found anything like that related to this person, but maybe I just haven't looked hard enough. I doubt there is reason to look further, considering where you said you heard that info.
Why is it that I can't drop a name that someone else has previously mentioned pertaining to this subject, but someone whom will go unnamed can openly call Dr. Hackett, by name, a serial killer without any kind of consequences? Makes no sense.

In order to name someone on WS; I belive the rule is that they first have to be mentioned by the mainstream media.
Some 50 something lawyer here in the states claims he found the video of this murder and he reported it to several law enforcement agencies and they blew him off. it wasnt until after hands and feet started showing up in the mail that they made the connection.
Some 50 something lawyer here in the states claims he found the video of this murder and he reported it to several law enforcement agencies and they blew him off. it wasnt until after hands and feet started showing up in the mail that they made the connection.

Might I ask, to which case are you referring, Samantha Spade? Doesn't sound familiar. Just curious.
Rotten Dingo

This luka magnotta guy. S I C K O!

Im not sure how accurate this news source is, but the story about this canadian fruitcake can be found all over the net.

Thanks so much, Samantha Spade. I had somehow not heard about this. So very disturbing.

I know there are tons of faked films out there. but it would have taken very little time from any of the LE people to at least take a look when first notified. Maddening!
Rotten Dingo,
I first heard about it here too, when UFO posted about it.
What I found particularly funny, but not in a good way, was the alledged quote from the officer: (who would do something like that and video tape the evidence?) or something like that.
Who would kill another human being for fun? These things dont always make sense or follow a logical pattern!
Rotten Dingo,
I first heard about it here too, when UFO posted about it.
What I found particularly funny, but not in a good way, was the alledged quote from the officer: (who would do something like that and video tape the evidence?) or something like that.
Who would kill another human being for fun? These things dont always make sense or follow a logical pattern!

I saw UFO's post too, but didn't know what it was referring to. And I noticed that same quote in the article! Ridiculous that they would not investigate just because it didn't seem logical. What would they investigate, if it had to first appear logical?! urgh.
I too have heard rumors that Shannon and JB knew each other before hand. Pretty solid rumors.
I too have heard rumors that Shannon and JB knew each other before hand. Pretty solid rumors.
There are 2 JB s of interest to me. One is a cop and the other is the one most of u know. According to independant sources both of them are sick puppies.
maybe we refer to the lesser known JB as JJB, sticking with the initials method.

*neither moniker should be confused with BJ or BBJ
There are 2 JB s of interest to me. One is a cop and the other is the one most of u know. According to independant sources both of them are sick puppies.

It's funny but only the other day I was with a retired veteran detective of the SCPD. One thing he did concede is the JB I am talking about seems to had issues with 'mistreating' prostitutes. He was also aware of 'my' JB holding a prostitute hostage under gunpoint and it forced a police response.

Mr.Brendt says these things need to be proven. OK, so lets do a FOIL for the JBs personnel records. You won;t get it. Good chance it is now been destroyed because JB is clearly in a position to have it removed. Kind of tough to prove something when you can't get the facts.

A police personnel record goes back to when you applied for the job. It includes all records of your history. It has your marriages, your divorces, your civil litigation and criminal matters, and anything that goes before the Family Court. It also has your internal and external personal investigations.

If a police officer was required to give child support for a child out of wedlock it could be important. It could even be more important, in fact, relevant if the child came about from a liasion with a prostitute. It opens up the possibilites the person has a problem with prostitutes.
It's funny but only the other day I was with a retired veteran detective of the SCPD. One thing he did concede is the JB I am talking about seems to had issues with 'mistreating' prostitutes. He was also aware of 'my' JB holding a prostitute hostage under gunpoint and it forced a police response.

Mr.Brendt says these things need to be proven. OK, so lets do a FOIL for the JBs personnel records. You won;t get it. Good chance it is now been destroyed because JB is clearly in a position to have it removed. Kind of tough to prove something when you can't get the facts.

A police personnel record goes back to when you applied for the job. It includes all records of your history. It has your marriages, your divorces, your civil litigation and criminal matters, and anything that goes before the Family Court. It also has your internal and external personal investigations.

If a police officer was required to give child support for a child out of wedlock it could be important. It could even be more important, in fact, relevant if the child came about from a liasion with a prostitute. It opens up the possibilites the person has a problem with prostitutes.

Only it's a long way from problems with prostitutes to being a serial killer or a professional killer for some sex trafficking organization, whose existence is as of yet unproven as well.
huh? i donut understand

OH, it's just another initial for yet another strange person of interest. Actually, you can pick a letter--any letter--and arrive at the doorstep of a person with that same initial, with some twisted past, that leaves more questions than answers.

Just curious: Where is CPH now?
I can't blame cman for thinking I'm a nutter, I am a tad abnormal I suppose. I have a tendency to end up associated with murderers of one sort or another (prior to their incarceration of course) and who in their right mind owns a surveillance vehicle? (I didn't buy it to surveil sk's btw) I guess I was just brought up not to fear anyone or anyplace and like everyone on this forum I am drawn in by the "madness". If cman took the time to read my answers to his quiz: the court doc outlining the medical neglect against minors (2 minors is a pattern people) and the addiction and substance abuse rehabilitation, as well as the Newsday article clearly depicting the rumors of hurting people that swirled around the poi as well as his pathological lying, which I doubt he did, he would be saying to himself, "this insane person actually knows what he is talking about".

Crime is my family's business (not committing, defending) and often murder was just another topic of conversation at the dinner table. "Remember your friend **** from junior high?" "he wasn't my friend but yeah..", "I'm representing him, he got jammed up the other night and accidentally shot his friend during a narcotics transaction", "oh that's too bad, he was great at kickball, can you pass the potatoes.."

If he wants to call me insane for knocking on Jack the Limpers door to see if I could borrow some milk for my coffee that's fine. I probably shouldn't tell him that in high school we would go to pilgrim state to play hackey sack while on hallucinogens. All that madness aside, when it comes to this case I am intensely interested in the truth, so cman you can just consider me an abnormal rogue reporter who is willing to say the things that the residents and reporters are afraid to.

No, you are not insane. You should write novels. You're the best writer on here. I am sure many readers concur.
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