The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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All I can tell you is I saw it on the Internet and can't find it anymore. Many pics, brochures, and write-ups, etc., He was into the Russian Bride business, too. Took pics with his gals, etc. As far as the Reality Show, I seem to recall that one. Maybe some 'interested' parties pushed it back to the back of the Internet Bus. Feingold is dead so he didn't do it.

Let me tell you this - I have been tracking these guys for a long time. I found two different companies related to these guys. Both had the names of the owner changed in the snap of a finger. One is a mortgage company, the other is a Investigation company. The mortgage company has a CEO/President on their Website. You can't find his name anymore. That company is located in Nassau County. In the office right next to him is a lawyer that is very closely connected to the pols mentioned above.

It might be noteworthy you can't find the Feingold and his stable of gals on the Internet because we all iknow it never goes away unless someone makes it go away.
All I can tell you is I saw it on the Internet and can't find it anymore. Many pics, brochures, and write-ups, etc., He was into the Russian Bride business, too. Took pics with his gals, etc. As far as the Reality Show, I seem to recall that one. Maybe some 'interested' parties pushed it back to the back of the Internet Bus. Feingold is dead so he didn't do it.

Let me tell you this - I have been tracking these guys for a long time. I found two different companies related to these guys. Both had the names of the owner changed in the snap of a finger. One is a mortgage company, the other is a Investigation company. The mortgage company has a CEO/President on their Website. You can't find his name anymore. That company is located in Nassau County. In the office right next to him is a lawyer that is very closely connected to the pols mentioned above.

It might be noteworthy you can't find the Feingold and his stable of gals on the Internet because we all iknow it never goes away unless someone makes it go away.

I have to agree with that........I have seen many things just dissapear on the internet. ..or deleted from msn articles. ....without explanation in cases I have followed..
Hawkshaw, I'm rather proud to say that my own suspicions are right along with yours for the most part. But what makes you say that the victims were killed so close to where they were dumped?

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I have to agree with that........I have seen many things just dissapear on the internet. ..or deleted from msn articles. ....without explanation in cases I have followed..
Including Burke in a dress.
All I can tell you is I saw it on the Internet and can't find it anymore. Many pics, brochures, and write-ups, etc., He was into the Russian Bride business, too. Took pics with his gals, etc. As far as the Reality Show, I seem to recall that one. Maybe some 'interested' parties pushed it back to the back of the Internet Bus. Feingold is dead so he didn't do it.

Let me tell you this - I have been tracking these guys for a long time. I found two different companies related to these guys. Both had the names of the owner changed in the snap of a finger. One is a mortgage company, the other is a Investigation company. The mortgage company has a CEO/President on their Website. You can't find his name anymore. That company is located in Nassau County. In the office right next to him is a lawyer that is very closely connected to the pols mentioned above.

It might be noteworthy you can't find the Feingold and his stable of gals on the Internet because we all iknow it never goes away unless someone makes it go away.

I also had some links to back up what hawkshaw is saying, but they were on a computer that died and even though I thought I posted some of them here, have I mentioned how *impossible* it is to find anything in the private section of the site? (I can figure out which topic thread they might be in, but most of these are 93 pages long. )

Unfortunately "link rot" is a real thing- most of the older news links in threads here 404. Sometimes you can find archived versions of those pages by searching on the text snippets or headlines and sometimes they are gone forever. At least for the general public : /

I'll try to dig around if I have a ton of free time some day this summer. hawkshaw, do you happen to have the exact date Feingold died?
1 7 2011 in NYC ii think. Maybe another date but soon after bodies were found
I also had some links to back up what hawkshaw is saying, but they were on a computer that died and even though I thought I posted some of them here, have I mentioned how *impossible* it is to find anything in the private section of the site? (I can figure out which topic thread they might be in, but most of these are 93 pages long. )

Unfortunately "link rot" is a real thing- most of the older news links in threads here 404. Sometimes you can find archived versions of those pages by searching on the text snippets or headlines and sometimes they are gone forever. At least for the general public : /

I'll try to dig around if I have a ton of free time some day this summer. hawkshaw, do you happen to have the exact date Feingold died?

Yeah had no reason to doubt Hawk...I was just curious if he had any links...... and yes they all seem to dissapear into cyberspace after awhile. ....... so dont biggie...

Yeah that date of death is correct Hawk.
Wasnt CPH due in court today? Does anyone know what happen?
Yeah had no reason to doubt Hawk...I was just curious if he had any links...... and yes they all seem to dissapear into cyberspace after awhile. ....... so dont biggie...

Yeah that date of death is correct Hawk.

They disappear with a little help by those that want them to disappear. There are programs designed just to do that. This Feingold fellow had a lot of links that still should be there but it is not.

When I was trying to follow up on information that Burke was a neighbor of Careccia I used sites like Searchbug and Zabasearch. At that time those sites gave a ton of information for free- now they charge you. Burke was clearly at #2. His age etc., was a perfect fit. Careccia was at #12. It satisfied me Burke and Careccia are fellow criminals. Every so often I revisited the site. Oh, my gosh, the Burke at #2 is listed at early-mid 20' must be a mistake what I saw earlier, i.e. Burke the cop. Then when you go back it all disappeared. Tom Spota's name disappeared from Zaba.

I don't believe these things disappear all by themselves.
A bit off-topic (sorry)
Some sites do allow people to scrub their info (and that's the site's business model- it's like extortion really)
Some of the other sites hooked people into getting that info for free and then went to a subscription model to keep them coming back. *All* of the sites that I used to use to trace the full history of domain names and website ownership by name, email, associated sites etc. have all changed over to the subscription model recently. That will teach me to screen cap everything from now on. If anyone comes across any older links I've posted in these threads to, say, names associated with various adult websites and strip clubs they'll just have to take my word for it. :/
Whenever anyone comes across something that might be 'removed' in the future, we should save it to google drive under an alias. All online info should be archived as I see this happening all the time. Do you know what you previously searched for to find this information that is now missing? Might this help?
Thanks PC, that's a good tip and a useful advanced search section!
I hope CPH does not settle in this case. A gag order would follow. Anything we learn would only come from a trial.
When it comes to the LISK case it is hard to tell connections from coincidence. I keep reading about H. Feingold being involved in Russian mail order brides. A certain Fluke has had 2 mail order Russian brides. Coincidence or connection?
Hawk I agree with your points, but then it would mean Shananan was killed and left where she was found. And that would mean her body was there all along. Because if she was killed at another location by the same killed Eller she would have most likely left near the other GB4. Unless (and this is just one theory) Shannan was dumped in the marsh before the others were found in hopes Shannan would be found and labeled an accidental death and people would move on before other bodies were found. Still doesn't quite fit to me. I just have a hard time understanding why Megan and Amber would be placed near Maureen and Melissa yet Shannan someplace else. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't LE speculating Shannans death was an accident before she was found?
The PD didn't just speculate, their police commissioner opined she was did by accidental death that was probably caused by drowning. He managed to do all this even before the ME ruled on it. The ME has yet to determine a cause of death, BUT Dormer knew this. He also said her tight fitting jeans probably came off when they were hooked onto the brush and bramble. It might also help if we could hear the 23 minute tape. Just sayin.
I totally agree. The fact that Dormer was calling it an accidental drowning before they even found Shannan's body (much the same of Natasha J.) Is very troubling. But you add the fact that they won't release Shannan's 911 call even after ruling her death accidental (the only good reason I can think of to still hold the call back is if it is evidence of a crime or can help solve a crime, and yet they say no crime was done) well it just doesn't add up. Clothes removed for any reason by Shannan really doesn't make sense. Then found (rumored nicely folded) 2 years later after so many had searched the area. I mention connection and coincidence a lot when writing about LISK, but there is other c words that seem to get harder to ignore. Corruption, cover-up, and conspiracy. The actions of Dormer and Burke don't add up with out these things. My opinion of course. An obvious shared opinion that I didn't always share. But like I said it's getting harder to ignore.
When it comes to the LISK case it is hard to tell connections from coincidence. I keep reading about H. Feingold being involved in Russian mail order brides. A certain Fluke has had 2 mail order Russian brides. Coincidence or connection?

Zero can you please explain who fluke is or at least who you think fluke is ....I have read the nicknames (usernames) on some other sites....
but gave up reading as they messed with my brain cells...

I also saw the mention of a J Jnr alot and found that odd ... would have thought the snr would have been more of interest due to his age and previous occupation....
I know what person that usually gets it right is Gus is actually someone that was reported dead some time ago and in a different neighborhood using a different name. How is that for confusion?
I know what person that usually gets it right is Gus is actually someone that was reported dead some time ago and in a different neighborhood using a different name. How is that for confusion?

Confusion is right...... sorry Hawk, you completely lost me with that post.??
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