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Correction: most of what was written about Brewer was in chapter 59. But it is actually 3 chapters that take place while the drifter lived at oak beach, chapter 59, 60, and 61.
One thing that jumps out is that his wife and daughter did not like Brewer. The drifter says his daughter told him "Brewer gave her the creeps. And she felt like she needed to take a hot shower after the way he (brewer) looked at her." The drifter describes running into Brewer like this: "One afternoon I was getting a sandwich at my favorite deli in West Islip, when I ran into an old school buddy named Damon Brooks (again fake name, but it is Brewer). Damon was a degenerate drug addict who ran into some money when his father passed away. Damon dappled in real estate, and had houses and apartments for rent in Suffolf County" the drifter also talks about Brewer having a strange fetish for prostitutes: "I knew Damon liked hookers, and he also like to pay strippers to come to his house for sexual favors because I worked as a bouncer, he would come in tweaking on coke, asking me which one of the girls did I think would leave with him. I did speak to one of the strippers that left with him one night, and she told me that all he wanted to do was play with himself as she stripped down to nothing but her high heel shoes. But the one thing I didn't know was how deep his fetish was for prostitutes until I heard some of the stories he told me"
the drifter doesn't really offer up any of these stories other than mentioning the fact Damon (brewer) liked anal sex and "didn't mind talking about it"
The drifter also says that Brewer admitted he would listen to the drifter having sex with his wife in the other room and masturbate. Yea, the drifter does not paint Brewer in a pretty picture in those 3 chapters, in fact he makes Brewer seem very suspicious, this is the last thing he wrote in chapter 59:
"For the most part it was pretty quiet at the beach house, Damon very seldom had people over except the prostitutes and strippers that would come to the house"
That's kinda of interesting, because it goes against Flukeyou saying Brewer had parties all the time and all the neighbors hung out there. Yes very interesting, but its what comes right after it that stands out the most:
"There would be times I would hear "rough play" with Damon and his "guest", but I kept to myself, because of the oath we made to respect each other's privacy. There was one particular night I was awakened by a woman screaming, "No! Please stop! Please don't do that!" And that was followed by a loud thud, then there was silence. I admit that this troubled me, and I truly ed to listen for any more activity, but the only thing I heard was the front door slamming about 15 minutes later. I was up early the next morning, and when I was pulling up in the driveway, Damon was pulling in so I stopped my vehicle to say hello. Damon jumped out with a crazed look on his face and looking all disheveled. He told me he didn't have time to talk and then into the house. I figured that maybe he was just on one of his coke binges"
Even though Brewer is not in the book much, the drifter makes him seem very disturbing and very suspicious.
Dee Dee, yes it's all a big muck. And the more I looked into things and talked to more people the more convoluted it got. But I'm sure most of you here know exactly how that is. I call it the LISK onion, the more you peel back the stranger it all gets.
Hopefully it's ok to post from the drifter book like that. If it's not allowed I'm sure it will be removed. I have one more thing to mention from the book. It comes after Vito (Vito is the name the drifter calls himself in the book) leaves Oak Beach and confronts the drug dealer he had been hiding from. Again, the guy is called Mario, and most of the book is about the drifter's dealings with "Mario". The book makes Mario out to be a very "bad guy", and the last thing said about Mario(it's actually the last thing in the book before the epilogue where Shannan is mentioned) is prety messed up and it also is kind of familiar:
"Mario was a rat himself. I heard he wore wires and signed statements against people he dealt with, one way or another. It also crossed my mind if whether or not he was responsible for putting his buddy Big Tony away for many years. Mario was involved with a big time heroin dealer and only got two years with a rap sheet like his? And remember his girlfriend who ended up dead in her car from an overdose of pills and alcohol? Well, listen to this. I heard from a very reliable source that a "friend of ours" went to Mario's house two days before his girlfriend's apparent "suicide". As he walked to the door, he heard Mario's girlfriend yellng and screaming like she was getting beatin' up. The "friend" of ours knocked on the door, and Mario said, "hold on I'm beatin' up my *****!" When Mario opened the door, he noticed Mario's girlfriend was naked and bleeding from the mouth. When the door opened a little more, she bolted through the doorway and ran down the street screaming, "I'm tellin' the police everything, ya drug dealin', murderin' ****!" Mario and the other guy got into a car to chase her down and eventually got her inside the car and brought her back to the house. Two days later, they found that poor girl dead in her car. You draw your own conclusions to this."
I have no idea where this took place or who Mario really is, but that story sticks out, don't it. The guy who wrote the book often said police never even contacted him, I just don't understand that. It's a very colorful book where everyone's a bad guy. And it's just one more layer to the onion.
Mario was a rat himself....

In what context can that be taken. ....was the drifter an informant... Zero...any thoughts?
so you remember the video with the chainsaw photo? what was the deal with it still up?

Yeah..... this THY dude had added a few videos to his youtube account and in one titled Etopic pregnancy there was a part that had a picture of what we would now describe as a dismemberment. ....... to find it ..... go to google search and type in vito sarafati... to explain???...... somewhere there scroll down through all posts attributed to will have a link to the youtube advertisment of the book and contain links to the comments.....just click on the link attributed to THY and it should take you to any youtube posts he has liked/posted will find it there...

I honestly dont know what to make of it....

Lol....someone on the old LISK site apparently came in gun blazing saying that the blog writter was going to be sued or something to that affect.....claiming this was my brothers school project........which would be kinda strange given the video was posted on youtube well after his school age days.....and he doesn't actually have a brother....

We know or can at least assume this person is real...... has a verified through school records...has friends who went to E Islip H School..........sheesh would have to made 100s of FB pages to make himself up as a character otherwise...

Lyndsay.....its a want your drifter....this person is supposed to be friends with him...
Puggle, I kinda started that one in mid context, lol. Right before the drifter talks about Mario being a rat the drifter writes that Mario was telling people the drifter was a police informant. I really don't know if that is true. When it comes to LI LE I'm not even gonna pretend I know what's going on.
IF...and I throw that around loosely.......if this drifters book has any ounce of facts.....thanks to Zero for getting the there any chance.....seems slight ..but maybe Hawk can comment........Would there be any chance that the DA and DEA would want to keep Shannans tape...911 call private....if she named someone they have been investigating..???

Surely enough years gave gone by now..?..not sure how these things work....

If Shannan was found face up......she didnt drown.....

What is the problem in releasing her tape?....
Without getting in to too much speculation I think we can safely say there is something on the tape they don't want you to know. I do know it bothered them so much they got a detective that was soon to retire to write a letter to Newsday saying he heard the tape and found no evidence SG was in peril. We now know this isn't true. I also know the same detective was assigned to the murder of a police witness on 9/24/03. That witness was giving the police information on Burke's neighbor. That poor fellow only lasted 3 weeks after he was brought to Burke's office.

Maybe it means nothing, but how many times can you say 'coincident' before you start raising red flags.
Suffolk county as a rule does not release 911 calls. But there is a chance....!Suffol...ful-Death-Case/c135o/568bef380cf223ef44ca6c7b
....that the transcript will be ordered released.

I'm just adding content from mcme's link (and highlighted what I consider the really important part :))

The County Law at issue is contained within Article 6; titled "Enhanced Emergency Telephone System Surcharge" (see County Law §§300-309), County Law §308(4) provides that:

"Records, in whatever form they may be kept, of calls made to a municipality's E 911 system shall not be made available to or obtained by any entity or person, other than that municipality's public safety agency, another government agency or body, or a private entity or person providing medical ambulance or other emergency services, and shall not be utilized for any commercial purpose other than the provision of emergency services."

The Court here concluded that "the matter sought by the claimant in the subpoena duces tecum is material and relevant to the issues involved in this claim." Pp. 2.The Court saw "the language of County Law §308(4), [the County Law at issue here,] as generally prohibiting entities and private individuals from accessing 911 tapes and records…However, the statute is not intended to prohibit the disclosure of matter that is material and relevant in a civil litigation, accessible by a so-ordered subpoena or directed by a court to be disclosed in a discovery order." Id. (citations omitted). In sum, the Court orders the production of such material Id. (citations omitted).

Of course, the SCPD attorney has already argued that SG's death is part of the "open" investigation into the deaths of the other bodies and thus they can't disclose the 911 call. AFAIK the judge has not made a ruling soooo there's still a smidgen of hope. (Sadly, I'm not holding my breath as we all already know the cronies and corruption within SCPD LE and politicians).

Can anyone tell me anything about the judge in this case? Does he have a remarkable history with Burke, Bellone, and/or Spota?? (Can you tell us anything Hawk??)
Is there a statute that prohibits the process of identifying dead mothers and their babies?
One can listen to almost any police radio transmission in the entire USA with the use of a computer. Many of those transmissions come from the result of a 911 Call. I can understand how A 911 call is not the same as a radio call simply because it is a matter of privacy. I doubt if SG even gave her name to the operator. She is now dead and that call has become a matter of public interest. The law is a County Law, not a state law. IMO, it was crafted for the sole purpose of hiding the truth.
I was watching the wire and a serial killer who targets the homeless (in this case a fake one) figures heavily. But the FBI profiler says it's very rare for a SK to target homeless men...which I thought what strange. Considering the LISK targets males who appear to be possibly homeless, and the Sarasota victim who seems like a homeless male as well...(dumped within a few miles from the woman with the breast implants)
SG had the presence of mind to get out of Brewer's house. She had the presence of mind to take out a cell phone and make a 23 minute call to 911. Think about it - she stays on a cell phone for that long and is running around the neighborhood looking for help. Was she hysterical? What would you be if you believed someone was trying to kill you - real or imagined?

well, we know she wasn't 'hysterical' because Detective Stephans wrote to Newsday that he heard the call and she didn't sound hysterical to him. BUT, the Chief of Detectives said he heard the call and she was HYSTERICAL.

While she is doing all of this she must be getting cut and bruised because she is running through such thick brush and bushes she is having her clothes ripped off her body. Oh, and did I mention the cops found four other bodies not far from where SG was found and they were all prostitutes? Nah, it must be a coincidence? Maybe they should play the tape so we don't mistrust our police of hiding something.
I was watching the wire and a serial killer who targets the homeless (in this case a fake one) figures heavily. But the FBI profiler says it's very rare for a SK to target homeless men...which I thought what strange. Considering the LISK targets males who appear to be possibly homeless, and the Sarasota victim who seems like a homeless male as well...(dumped within a few miles from the woman with the breast implants)

Agree that some of the male victims could have been homeless. How weird of the FBI profiler to say that though- there's been *quite a few* serial killers who target the homeless even in the last decade (and one they just caught two days ago:

As I have always said: I always was concerned more about how the 'investigation', or non-investigation was being conducted than who actually killed the gals. If you start thinking about it you should ask yourselves why did SC Executive Steve Bellone take the extraordinary steps of going to Spota's office and have a press conference stating Spota was running a "CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE".

CE BELLONE didn't say Spota engaged in selective prosecutions, he said Spota was running a Criminal Enterprise! We already know that his longtime friend, chief investigator, former Chief of Police James Burke has been sitting in a federal jail awaiting sentencing after he plead out to obstruction of justice by getting subordinates to lie for him.

We know that Spota was instrumental in having Burke being made Chief of Department. We also know that when Burke was moved out of the district attorney's office we know that Spota replaced him with a fellow named Madigan. We know that within a matter of a year Madigan became Chief of Detectives of the SCPD, and, therefore had direct control of the LISK case. We also know that Madigan had suddenly retired from the SCPD when he was at the highlight of his career, and did so without real explanation. If that doesn't raise some curious eyebrows then I don't know what will.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time understanding why the murder victims who have medical implants can't be identified more easily.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time understanding why the murder victims who have medical implants can't be identified more easily.
Medical implants have identification #s that lead back to the Dr. that ordered them. They know what patients they were implanted in. It is a matter of record. Except the screws I guess.
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