The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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John Ray had a press conference after filing suit against Hackett. It was at that time he claimed (according to Mari) Hackett said Shannan left with Michael Pak. If Hacketts phone was spoofed then it would have to be by someone who learned of the name Michael Pak. How many people in OB learned of his name in such a short time? Brewer would know. He and Shannan left his home and went for a drive. Who did he introduce her to? Did Shannan mention her drivers name?
John Ray had a press conference after filing suit against Hackett. It was at that time he claimed (according to Mari) Hackett said Shannan left with Michael Pak. If Hacketts phone was spoofed then it would have to be by someone who learned of the name Michael Pak. How many people in OB learned of his name in such a short time? Brewer would know.

If Dr. H. was "spoofed" then someone in OB KNEW Shannan was missing OTHER than Brewer.
The boys (Diaz and Pak) actually were in Oak Beach handing out flyers and looking for Shannan BEFORE Dr. H's alleged phone call to Mari.
you know it's a small community and word spreads quickly there.

Maybe Mari's phone number was on the flyer that Alex and Pak were handing out.
It was someone who had Barbara Hackett's number though, I can tell you that.
Know anyone who hated the Hacketts?

John Ray's intentions are good - no doubt about it.

If he had so much
UNIMPEACHABLE EVIDENCE against Dr. Hackett - how come the cops just laugh all his evidence off?
John Ray had a press conference after filing suit against Hackett. It was at that time he claimed (according to Mari) Hackett said Shannan left with Michael Pak. If Hacketts phone was spoofed then it would have to be by someone who learned of the name Michael Pak. How many people in OB learned of his name in such a short time? Brewer would know.

the one that should have been sued for wrongful death is Michael Pak.
If he had any integrity - he would have WAITED for the cops and searched for Shannan that morning with the sun shining on Oak Beach,
instead of running away.

What was he running from anyway that he got out of there so fast? huh?
how come he couldn't be a man and DEMAND that the cops SEARCH for Shannan right then and there at 6am when they finally arrived?

What was he running away from? hmmmmmm????

The cops?
Well, his BUSINESS PARTNER was just screaming that they were trying to kill her and she was running for her life.
Now, if his PRIORITY isn't his BUSINESS PARTNER - then he's a real sc&&&&&mbag, and to me, that's EXACTLY what he is.

A real

Shannan is DEAD because of PAK.

So - if you put TWO AND TWO TOGETHER - who has more motive than PAK to point the finger at someone else like a DR.

Pak is phone savvy - what makes you think he didn't spoof the good doc?

And - the ORIGINATION of the call that went to Mari at 1:42pm at May 3, 2010
is NOT from OAK BEACH, it's from the Ellenville Area.
I'll assume Pak was given Barbaras phone #. The second call was made from Jersey? Pak also? But why would Pak call Mari and say "Shannan left with her driver Pak"?
Would a phone savy killer from OB drive to the Ellenville area and Jersey to call Mari? He would if he thought cops would check the towers. Set up Hackett. If all else fails then make it look like Pak. Its someone that knows the marsh. Yes Pak is a scu----g.
Would a phone savy killer from OB drive to the Ellenville area and Jersey to call Mari? He would if he thought cops would check the towers. Set up Hackett. If all else fails then make it look like Pak. Its someone that knows the marsh. Yes Pak is a scu----g.

If you WERE to get the phone records,
the call at 1:42pm to Mari from Hackett's wife's phone

ORIGINATES from the Ellenville area. It states it right on the bill.

HOW can that BE?
If the call originated from OB it would state - Babylon or West Islip - or a tower close by.

WHY is the call ORIGINATING from the Ellenville area?

Who was setting the doc up? you don't need Barbara Hackett's phone to SAY a call is coming from that number.
Pak is a pimp - and he was Shannan's business partner.

Why did he RUN out of OB? huh?
WHY? What was he running FROM?
Pak is phone savvy? How do you know? I could have sworn a few weeks ago you were saying how Hackett was ****ed..atleast thats how I interpreted it. They were certainly people other than Brewer who knew Shannan was missing. The drifter. The Canning's who claimed they saw her footprints end...

think about it....Pak arranges a date way out in the middle of LI in the middle of the night. He drives Shannan all the way out there (is he really just her driver and Alex her pimp?) There is no ****ing way he is going to just leave her there in a gated community....but she IS running for her life FROM HIM. Why? Pak might be holding Coke, other drugs, a handgun, have a he might take off and plan to pick up Shannan once the cop leaves. Please expand upon what you are saying Kill
If you WERE to get the phone records,
the call at 1:42pm to Mari from Hackett's wife's phone

ORIGINATES from the Ellenville area. It states it right on the bill.

HOW can that BE?
If the call originated from OB it would state - Babylon or West Islip - or a tower close by.

WHY is the call ORIGINATING from the Ellenville area?

Who was setting the doc up? you don't need Barbara Hackett's phone to SAY a call is coming from that number.
Pak is a pimp - and he was Shannan's business partner.

Why did he RUN out of OB? huh?
WHY? What was he running FROM?

What reason would Pak have to be in Ellenville? Did Alex and him drive all the way up there to meet Mari? I doubt it. Maybe it's someone else with connections to the area? Someone who is watching Shannan's little sister...?...who could appear to be "biracial" like Melissa's little sister?
The FBI needs to sort this out. Pak took one polygraph. The feds should give him another one. With a whole new set of questions.
Pak is phone savvy? How do you know? I could have sworn a few weeks ago you were saying how Hackett was ****ed..atleast thats how I interpreted it. They were certainly people other than Brewer who knew Shannan was missing. The drifter. The Canning's who claimed they saw her footprints end...

think about it....Pak arranges a date way out in the middle of LI in the middle of the night. He drives Shannan all the way out there (is he really just her driver and Alex her pimp?) There is no ****ing way he is going to just leave her there in a gated community....but she IS running for her life FROM HIM. Why? Pak might be holding Coke, other drugs, a handgun, have a he might take off and plan to pick up Shannan once the cop leaves. Please expand upon what you are saying Kill

THATS a good point - she was running from HIM. (pak)

but please go to the court and get the phone records for May 2010 to MG.
you will see - the "hackett" call ORIGINATES from Ellenville. It says it on the bill.

SO WHO called either
a) from the actual phone of Barbara Hackett
b) spoofed Mari and it says it is BH phone calling Mari. and then someone gave Mari this speech
that it was Hackett - and some wayward rehab or something.

Whatever.....the reality is - Mari said the call came in and it said what it said. or he said what he said.

but why does the call tower state that it is from the Ellenville tower?
That he had to run OUT of there when the sun came up.

So, the fact is - he is a convicted felon. If you watched the FIRST episode of 48 Hours, you saw Robin Sax state that Pak is a convicted felon
and she stated the facts behind what he was convicted for.

So - Pak transported SG to Oak Beach. Well, he would not be arrested by the SCPD for that. He could Lie and say this or say that a party and
she went running and I can't find her please help me find her, she's a good friend and my business partner.

But - no - Pak did nothing of the sort.

Shannan was scared sh******less of PAK. For some reason.
Maybe there were other girls at the party - and one recognized Pak. Maybe Pak took some wanky drugs and turned into a psycho and HE was trying to kill SG.
Actually - I think that is what we have heard; that Pak was accused of trying to kill SG.

Maybe Pak is LISK and no one ever put that together. Maybe he gets psychotic under certain influences and SG never saw that side of him until that night in OB.

Why would she go to Long Island on a Saturday night in May when NEW YORK CITY is the mega of millions of dollars for prostitution with all the swanky high end hotels?
Why would you need to drive out 2 hours to the end of no where to work? hmm? NYC is the golden goose for prostitution. Seriously folks.

She was scared for her life - and she was scared of HIM (pak)
Something terrible happened at that party and Pak was scared too. So scared, that he ran for his life too, or he found her and silenced her and covered it up
with that call to Mari from CPH to take any blame away from him. To totally frame the good doc.
That he had to run OUT of there when the sun came up.

So, the fact is - he is a convicted felon. If you watched the FIRST episode of 48 Hours, you saw Robin Sax state that Pak is a convicted felon
and she stated the facts behind what he was convicted for.

So - Pak transported SG to Oak Beach. Well, he would not be arrested by the SCPD for that. He could Lie and say this or say that a party and
she went running and I can't find her please help me find her, she's a good friend and my business partner.

But - no - Pak did nothing of the sort.

Shannan was scared sh******less of PAK. For some reason.
Maybe there were other girls at the party - and one recognized Pak. Maybe Pak took some wanky drugs and turned into a psycho and HE was trying to kill SG.
Actually - I think that is what we have heard; that Pak was accused of trying to kill SG.

Maybe Pak is LISK and no one ever put that together. Maybe he gets psychotic under certain influences and SG never saw that side of him until that night in OB.

Why would she go to Long Island on a Saturday night in May when NEW YORK CITY is the mega of millions of dollars for prostitution with all the swanky high end hotels?
Why would you need to drive out 2 hours to the end of no where to work? hmm? NYC is the golden goose for prostitution. Seriously folks.

She was scared for her life - and she was scared of HIM (pak)
Something terrible happened at that party and Pak was scared too. So scared, that he ran for his life too, or he found her and silenced her and covered it up
with that call to Mari from CPH to take any blame away from him. To totally frame the good doc.

Are you sure you read the phone bill right? What phone bill were you looking at? I've never seen a phone bill that lists where a phone is pinging from. It says where the # is a 917 number it would say New York. So you are claiming it has Barbara Hack's number but says from Ellenville, NY? That wouldn't mean whoever made the call was from would mean the number that the call was actually made from was registered to Ellenville number despite being spoofed as Hackett's LI number. Am I totally wrong here anyone?
Why would she go to Long Island on a Saturday night in May when NEW YORK CITY is the mega of millions of dollars for prostitution with all the swanky high end hotels?
Why would you need to drive out 2 hours to the end of no where to work? hmm? NYC is the golden goose for prostitution. Seriously folks.

Dur..Maybe Brewer was only one who wanted to hire Shannan at 2 am or whtever? There's so many prostitutes posting on Backpage & CL they arent all going to be booked solid 24/7.....
I dont think the cops should rule out OB residents. They should look at the one who has a vendetta against Hackett. Hes the one who yelled the loudest. Probably did a deposition with JR.
Are you sure you read the phone bill right? What phone bill were you looking at? I've never seen a phone bill that lists where a phone is pinging from. It says where the # is a 917 number it would say New York. So you are claiming it has Barbara Hack's number but says from Ellenville, NY? That wouldn't mean whoever made the call was from would mean the number that the call was actually made from was registered to Ellenville number despite being spoofed as Hackett's LI number. Am I totally wrong here anyone?
A call was also made from Jersey. I guess it shows where the call was made from. Im just guessing.
Prominent? A disgraced former medical examiner, a coke head loser and a drifter w a penchant for strippers.....real prominent

I was pretty sure the "quotes" I used around the word prominent, would imply that I was being facetious. Guess that was lost on some.
Don't think 15 minutes is enough time to get to CVS and back but maybe. The story was the ride was inside the confines of Oak Beach community. It's former Nymag reporter btw. What I don't get it is at what point does Hackett give Shannan a sedative? She flees from Gus house with Pak chasing her...does he catch her and holds her down while hackett administers a sedative? That doesn't make much sense to me. Or does Shannan knock on Hackett's door and he lets her in and gives her a sedative to calm her down..Zanax? Neither of these scenarios make sense to me. This whole thing doesn't make. The whole story is missing

The Nearest CVS that's open that late isn't too far from where they were. A short car ride away. I'm sure 15 minutes is just an estimate. It's possible if they knew what they were getting there, that they went there and back in 15 minutes and it's Xanax not zanax.
Are you sure you read the phone bill right? What phone bill were you looking at? I've never seen a phone bill that lists where a phone is pinging from. It says where the # is a 917 number it would say New York. So you are claiming it has Barbara Hack's number but says from Ellenville, NY? That wouldn't mean whoever made the call was from would mean the number that the call was actually made from was registered to Ellenville number despite being spoofed as Hackett's LI number. Am I totally wrong here anyone?

I agree. Shannon found out something about Pak while in Brewers house. That's why she wouldn't leave and was on phone with 911. Maybe she received a phone call from someone who told her something or the conversation with Brewer led her to learn something. Pak was who she was running from. The fact Mari was called that night, makes me wonder because as you said Shannon did not live with her mother in over 20 years. Why did Pak have Mari's number on speed dial? Clearly, Shannon did not stop in the middle of running for her life and hand out her mother's phone number.

What is Pak's relationship with Mari and the Ellenville area is the question.
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