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O/T Very cool. Didn't this guy post on this forum a while back?

Oh I don't know svpernin. I wouldn't be at all surprised though. I'm sure that LE, news reporters, PIs all monitor WS for info. As well as LISK.


Oh I don't know svpernin. I wouldn't be at all surprised though. I'm sure that LE, news reporters, PIs all monitor WS for info. As well as LISK.



It was last spring some time, his username was skhunter or skcatcher or something similar to that (if it's the same guy). When I get time, I'll go back to the old threads and look. He posted all about that computer program and what he discovered about those murders. He was rather knowledgeable and could be really helpful here... if you're reading this, skhunter/catcher/?? come join us again.
It was last spring some time, his username was skhunter or skcatcher or something similar to that (if it's the same guy). When I get time, I'll go back to the old threads and look. He posted all about that computer program and what he discovered about those murders. He was rather knowledgeable and could be really helpful here... if you're reading this, skhunter/catcher/?? come join us again.

here are his posts:
thanks PC! :rocker:

Can you refresh our memories on this event? TIA


i was just driving through the woods with a few friends that live in Manorville and we came across a group (8-12) people in a circle. No kids drinking beers, no trucks...Just adults looking at the ground. I remember seeing something similar to this when I was exploring the woods by Kings Park Hospital late one night. I'm not saying this is some weird cult thing, just something I found strange. Also, Manorville is really strange IMO. Just that whole area strikes me as a 'free for all'. Just google map it. Then take a visit. =)

With the people in the woods, someone else had a more in depth story several months ago. I don't remember who it was though.
i was just driving through the woods with a few friends that live in Manorville and we came across a group (8-12) people in a circle. No kids drinking beers, no trucks...Just adults looking at the ground. I remember seeing something similar to this when I was exploring the woods by Kings Park Hospital late one night. I'm not saying this is some weird cult thing, just something I found strange. Also, Manorville is really strange IMO. Just that whole area strikes me as a 'free for all'. Just google map it. Then take a visit. =)

With the people in the woods, someone else had a more in depth story several months ago. I don't remember who it was though.

That's funny, I found that post on bygoneli and posted it here. Then, Voila! Here you are. So you say a pale full of red painted rocks with numbers on them? Does anyone have any idea what this could be?
That's funny, I found that post on bygoneli and posted it here. Then, Voila! Here you are. So you say a pale full of red painted rocks with numbers on them? Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

Nothing with rocks, I don't know who said that.
07-30-2011, 03:52 AM
This is from a thread about strange people in Manorville. If you go to the third page nocturnal396 posts a google maps link and it appears that the location of this story is right by Halsey Manor Road.

08-09-2008, 11:46 AM
Last night my friends and I were doing some off roading in mannorville at around 1AM when we stumped upon a long row of CARS at the end of a trail. Needless to say, this was pretty weird being that we were having slight trouble getting through the puddles in a lifted jeep on 33's so there was really no way in hell a fwd kia would be making it through. We thought it was really weird but I figured there must have been a different trail that we missed that gave much easier access. Anyway, I figured it was a bunch of kids hanging out but I was mistaken. I decided to go up to the group of people, who seemed to have stopped what they were doing and huddled in a group looking at us when we stumbled upon them, and ask them how they got in. I was kind of thrown off to see that it wasn't a bunch of kids, but actually what appeared to be mostly adults i'd say from early 40's to possibly early 50's, all wearing ALL black and some in what seemed like fairly nice clothing for a woods. I talked to them briefly about how they got in the trails and they seemed nice enough. They really didn't give me any incite as to what they were doing, not that they had to or should have but...

Then we noticed that on the ground, scattered out throughout the area were red painted rocks with numbers on them. I think more than a few had the number 20 on them and one that I saw had the number 30 painted on it. Im pretty sure these rocks had something to do with the people there as I have never seen the rocks before and the people had a large bucket next to the car which may have been used to hold the rocks.

Anyway, im not one to pass judgment. I mean, any paranormal investigation team or group of urban explorers can easily look like a bunch of weirdos to somebody else and im not going to jump to conclusions saying it was a cult or satin worshipers. They seemed like nice people. Just wondering if anyone knows what they may have been doing, if anyone has any idea what red numbered rocks relates to? I really should have just asked them point blank but I just sensed that they really didn't want to tell me. Didn't want to put them on the spot just out of respect as they were being helpful in telling me about the trails and where to go ect... Curiosity is getting the best of me now. (

Weird. So a few people have seen this mysterious group meeting in the woods
Thanks. I never saw that before. Any idea what the rock thing could be about?

Anyone on the board live close enough to the area to do some drive by's?
You def saw it before. You made the next post in the bizarre manorville thread..
i was just driving through the woods with a few friends that live in Manorville and we came across a group (8-12) people in a circle. No kids drinking beers, no trucks...Just adults looking at the ground. I remember seeing something similar to this when I was exploring the woods by Kings Park Hospital late one night. I'm not saying this is some weird cult thing, just something I found strange. Also, Manorville is really strange IMO. Just that whole area strikes me as a 'free for all'. Just google map it. Then take a visit. =)

With the people in the woods, someone else had a more in depth story several months ago. I don't remember who it was though.

Maybe geocachers or letterboxing?
I think I have finally figured out what is on top of Gilbert's remains....after studying that darned photo til I'm blue in the appears to be a vehicle oil pan.

Now I'm wondering if Gilbert was run over that night.
I think I have finally figured out what is on top of Gilbert's remains....after studying that darned photo til I'm blue in the appears to be a vehicle oil pan.

Now I'm wondering if Gilbert was run over that night.
All due respect, the photo you are working with does not provide the resolution required to provide an accurate analysis.

If SG was run over, the autopsy might be able to confirm that.

However if a vehicle loses its oil pan, the engine will seize and the vehicle will be unable to travel. I would estimate one or two miles to be the max a vehicle could travel without an oil pan.

All due respect, the photo you are working with does not provide the resolution required to provide an accurate analysis.

ur right...i'm's driving me batty
I didn't find anything concrete to work with back when that came up here, and it seemed unfair to drag some artists prettying up a community into the mess. The only thing I saved were a couple of images ... because of the resemblance of the two.

This is my first post here. I gathered some info on google image - I don't know whether this info is relevant or not but the image from cbsnews is very similar to PB's image that comes on google image search-"img_0343a.jpg".

Also PB along with his friends, Kev** and Reb***** did the murals on gilgo beach and Reb** has a blog about that. Also another striking similarity with the cbsnews image could be PB's friend Kev** (gligo_braginoandcorcoran.jpg and gligo_meandcorcoran.jpg on google image search) I have all these images and if anyone wants them i can message you. Don't know whether it is against the TOS to attach images who may be innocent.

On PB's facebook page he has some likes - one on his and kev's artist gallery-studio (in downtown NY-LI) where they and others draw live models.

The other like is a farm in Connecticut and on the farm's FB page I saw photos of burlap sacks for growing mushrooms hanging from trees. I am not sure but there are other photos where it looks like PB's friend Kev** might be working in the farm. (the business card for the farm was designed by PB)

Another interesting point is Reb**** has a hobby for making jewelry. This crossed my mind because on LISK website earlier there was a someone with id as "sickitten" and i found on google - a blog and FB page with interest to jewelry. So, i don't know whether sickitten is same as Reb** or not.

So to recap, LISK website has pictures which 'could' have been made by some artists. PB along with his friends did the murals on Gilgo. He and his friend both resembles that cbsnews picture. They have a artist-gallery where they draw live models (info on FB page). PB's friend Reb is also artist and has a hobby on jewelery. PB likes a farm in CT where they use burlaps for growing mushrooms. PB's friend Kev** might also be connected with the farm.

This information may be useful or may be junk but I am relating to the cbsnews image link.
This is my first post here. I gathered some info on google image - I don't know whether this info is relevant or not but the image from cbsnews is very similar to PB's image that comes on google image search-"img_0343a.jpg".

Also PB along with his friends, Kev** and Reb***** did the murals on gilgo beach and Reb** has a blog about that. Also another striking similarity with the cbsnews image could be PB's friend Kev** (gligo_braginoandcorcoran.jpg and gligo_meandcorcoran.jpg on google image search) I have all these images and if anyone wants them i can message you. Don't know whether it is against the TOS to attach images who may be innocent.

On PB's facebook page he has some likes - one on his and kev's artist gallery-studio (in downtown NY-LI) where they and others draw live models.

The other like is a farm in Connecticut and on the farm's FB page I saw photos of burlap sacks for growing mushrooms hanging from trees. I am not sure but there are other photos where it looks like PB's friend Kev** might be working in the farm. (the business card for the farm was designed by PB)

Another interesting point is Reb**** has a hobby for making jewelry. This crossed my mind because on LISK website earlier there was a someone with id as "sickitten" and i found on google - a blog and FB page with interest to jewelry. So, i don't know whether sickitten is same as Reb** or not.

So to recap, LISK website has pictures which 'could' have been made by some artists. PB along with his friends did the murals on Gilgo. He and his friend both resembles that cbsnews picture. They have a artist-gallery where they draw live models (info on FB page). PB's friend Reb is also artist and has a hobby on jewelery. PB likes a farm in CT where they use burlaps for growing mushrooms. PB's friend Kev** might also be connected with the farm.

This information may be useful or may be junk but I am relating to the cbsnews image link.
WELCOME BelieveinUFO. Glad you are here for the ride :rollercoaster:

Reading back in this thread there was a guy named Red_i_. Is that the same guy as Reb___? Is he one of the artists in PB's crew? I absolutely love the style of their artwork BTW.

The 10 skulls did it for me ~ too spooky, I mean what are the odds?

Thanks for your post as it got me a thinkin'. Might I ask, are you local?

ETA: The skull mural is the 7th choice. Now I see 13 skulls!!!
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