The Rumor Mill -- unsubstantiated, yet possible relevant information

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Hypothermia is when you get too cold. That's not what happened here.

Hyperthermia would be an explanation for her removing her clothes. They temp regulation signals go wacky and people who are freezing to death sometimes feel like they are burning up. But again, I'm not sure it was chilly enough, even though she may have been pretty wet, for that to have happened. Also from what I've read, people who remove their clothes are usually found curled up beside them or burrowed into something nearby, at that stage they aren't continuing to move about any distance.
It seems I'm not the only one who isn't an easy sell.

We can all theorize, but without additional facts... it's all just educated/non-educated guessing. (Something many of us have been doing for years)
If you want to go with the drug-induced psychotic break - drowning in a marsh theory, how do you account for all the other dead bodies of escorts found in the same area? Are you theorizing that they all had a drug-induced psychotic break in the same exact location throughout the years?
Just going to address this last point of yours. (I don't pretend to understand, nor want to understand, the feud between Fluke and Gus. Just not helpful to trying to learn what really happened that night.)

The confidentially of 911 calls varies from state to state. And New York's is tough. It's pretty clear cut. What else do you need to know

What is clear cut is you DON'T understand the spirit of that rule. We hear 911 calls being replayed almost every week on various Crime/News TV shows. We are not hearing it because they don't want you to hear it ! ....for whatever reason.

It doesn't seem to bother you that a SCPD detective took it upon himself to write a well constructed letter to Newsday telling us he heard the tape and said he didn't believe her life was in danger. We now know that isn't true because persons higher up the ladder have told us otherwise.

IMO, there is NO reason to keep the tape out of the public view now this case is 5 years old. Hardly a week goes by when you watch a show like 48 Hours not playing a 911 call.

It's one thing not to play the tape, it's another to lie about what was on it.

New York
NY County Law § 308(4)
4. Records, in whatever form they may be kept, of calls made to a municipality's E911 system shall not be made available to or obtained by any entity or person, other than that municipality' public safety agency, another government agency or body, or a private entity or a person providing medical, ambulance or other emergency services, and shall not be utilized for any commercial purpose other than the provision of emergency services.
What else do you need to know?
The conditions members of LE encountered in the marsh were probably left over from hurricane Irene.
Sarra Gilbert was indicted by the grand jury for killing her mother.
What else do you people need to know. That rule about the 911 Tapes does not apply to this situation. There isn't a week that goes by when you don't watch a TV Crime News show like 48 hours or Dateline where they don't play a 911 call. What could it hurt 5 years after the case blew up that they wouldn't want you to hear the tape?

The very idea they had a SCPD Homicide detective write a letter to Newsday stating he heard the tape and could find no sense of fear or urgency in Shannan's voice is pure horse manure. We now know this isn't true because others, including the former chief of detectives contradicted the letter.

IMO, eliminating Brewer as a suspect when you have no clue what really happened is impossible.........that is unless you know something we don't know, or who the killer is, or how these gals came to be found dead in Oak Beach.

How do you eliminate a Brewer, and I am not saying he did it, but he sure brought her to his home in the middle of the night to do what, play Canasta?

This Brewer fellow doesn't seem to be a bad looking guy and so why is he engaging with prostitutes that have to be brought to his home from NYC, in the middle of the night?

Had Shannan been there before? How well did he really know her? Who else used her services in years preceding?

Maybe Shannan did die from exposure. Who really knows because the M.E. doesn't seem to know. Why would the commissioner opine she probably drowned when there is no stated COD?

Maybe the other 4 murdered gals happened to die and were buried at OB is nothing more than a coincident.

Maybe LE knows what the game is out there and it would open up a scandalous can of worms that can't be closed.

Maybe Brewer convinces them they know what is going on at OB and all they need to do is call some of their own cops and pols and they will tell them we don't kill the girls, we just party with them.

Remember that Brewer was quoted in Kolker's book that if this case is ever closed it will give cause to 'put a lot of pie on the cops.' You think he doesn't know what he was talking about.

Who cares how she died because she died because she went there to meet a John, heard screaming leaving his house and now she is dead.
If Shannon being a small girl was able to get herself in there, then surely someone of a larger build was able to drag her in there - tearing her clothes as she was dragged- and dumped all her belongings by her so they wouldn't be found either. I can't imagine frantically running but managing to hold on to your purse and phone. She could have been killed prior and dragged and dumped there along with her identifying belongings.

They/he could of also cut through the Marsh to get in, she was found almost a year later.
I can tell you what I would do if I killed 4 prostitutes and dumped their bodies. I can tell you I wouldn't go back again, and again, and again to the same spot I dumped the others. With all the thousands of miles of desolate land between OB and Albany why would I go back to the same place and risk getting caught UNLESS I knew it was safe to go there because no one found a body because you know what was going on at OB?

We now know a body was found at Manorville and found the need to dispose of some of the body parts 30 miles away from Manorville. Why would the killer do that when he didn't have to? Why would they do that unless they felt comfortable knowing that area could be monitored?

Why kill in Manorville and remove body parts unless you had a reasonable expectation that you were safe. This killer just happened to find a place to dump body parts where 10 other bodies were found, including SG, and you folks are trying to figure out how SG died. What difference does it make at this point - IMO, that is.
I can tell you what I would do if I killed 4 prostitutes and dumped their bodies. I can tell you I wouldn't go back again, and again, and again to the same spot I dumped the others. With all the thousands of miles of desolate land between OB and Albany why would I go back to the same place and risk getting caught UNLESS I knew it was safe to go there because no one found a body because you know what was going on at OB?

We now know a body was found at Manorville and found the need to dispose of some of the body parts 30 miles away from Manorville. Why would the killer do that when he didn't have to? Why would they do that unless they felt comfortable knowing that area could be monitored?

Why kill in Manorville and remove body parts unless you had a reasonable expectation that you were safe. This killer just happened to find a place to dump body parts where 10 other bodies were found, including SG, and you folks are trying to figure out how SG died. What difference does it make at this point - IMO, that is.

I agree, the killer felt comfortable in that area and knew how to get around there. There was no reason to move location. Shannon was dumped with the rest of them. How "exactly" she died and the temperature of the water that night is not going to solve the case. Especially, while ignoring the elephant in the room which is the all the dead/murdered prostutites found with her.
Pete, maybe if you stopped with the stories and sending the nutjobs out to spread them, this case might have been solved already. And why is it you never mention the people that really should be looked at? Don't bother answering, I know the answer.
Pete, maybe if you stopped with the stories and sending the nutjobs out to spread them, this case might have been solved already. And why is it you never mention the people that really should be looked at? Don't bother answering, I know the answer.

Who's Pete?
Someone is upset. I wonder if it has anything to do with the inconvenient truth. It has a tendency to do that sometimes.
Pete, maybe if you stopped with the stories and sending the nutjobs out to spread them, this case might have been solved already. And why is it you never mention the people that really should be looked at? Don't bother answering, I know the answer.

hey why not elaborare? who are the people that should be looked at? i hate when people know something so important that no one else does like "the people that really should be looked at" and they just drop a vague hint and keep it to themselves!!!
Again I just wanted to bring it up...

Can anyone tell me why these rumours that phone calls were spoofed to Mari using either B Hacketts phone number or P Hacketts phone number should be belived.

Surely common sense will tell you that as Mr Ray has already taken sworn depositions from Mr Hackett where he has admitted making these .... and again he admitted to the 48hrs program that he did.

Hence Mr Ray was able to proceed with his court action ...... if there was any question of the calls being spoofed, the case would have been thrown out of court.

There is no questions he made the phone calls only what was the conversation made during them was.

What am I missing?

Quite simply, he could have lied throughout the deposition. He would not be the first individual who committed perjury. Why he would lie I do not know. But Mr. Hackett's truthfulness has been inconsistent to say the least.
Quite simply, he could have lied throughout the deposition. He would not be the first individual who committed perjury. Why he would lie I do not know. But Mr. Hackett's truthfulness has been inconsistent to say the least.

In August 2011, Mari Gilbert and a bunch of people went into OB searching for SG. What they found was CPH. With film crew (A&E) filming the confrontation,
Mari confronted CPH about calling her and how he denied it for a year, only to admit it to 48 Hours, and she said to him "If you lied to me about something
so simple as calling me, what else have you lied about?"

In the confrontation, for those who were there, he agreed with Mari, and then he back tracked and took an opposite stance and rather side stepped
what he had just admitted to. He did this for the entire confrontation. He plays verbal games with you to your face no matter WHO you are. You'll notice
he did this with Erin Moriarity when she was confronting him at his door about calling Mari.

IF you watch him carefully, this is his pattern.
Quite simply, he could have lied throughout the deposition. He would not be the first individual who committed perjury. Why he would lie I do not know. But Mr. Hackett's truthfulness has been inconsistent to say the least.

You'd think you'd lie to get yourself out of a bad situation....He lied to make sure he'd be taken to court? ......that makes sense.....not.
Hey Everyone,

It has been a long and especially strange day and night for me. Can you all please dial it back and play nice together? With Bessie gone for a while, we have let you pretty much post amongst yourselves without out interference but it is getting to be too much.

This is me begging you. If you are upset step away from your computer. Get back to discussing the case and not discussing each other.

If I have to I will come in and remove hundreds of posts where you are being snippy to each other. It's not about you or the poster you don't like.

Don't ignore me by going right back to insulting each other as soon as I post this. I will loose all ability to think rationally if you do. You might find this forum turned into a Mandarin Chinese cooking discussion.


Thank you,
Actually I sent you the contact page for John Ray's website where you can reach out to him yourself.
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