The Sidebar - Harris Trial

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I definitely recall hearing that she was offered a disk of pictures and that she turned them down for that reason. It's kind of curious that a grieving parent would turn down any photos of their dead baby, regardless of how they are presented. Also curious is that a flash drive would be acceptable but a disk would not be because she didn't have a computer to use. The same issue applies to both methods of data storage.

ETA I'm behind and catching up; sorry if this is redundant!
My crappy laptop has a USB. So does my TV. But I don't have any way to play a disc.

Although, as a bereaved mother, I would happily accept any format and correctly assume a family member would take care of it.

(shout out to my 6 amazing siblings)
I may need some supporting facts on this one Minor :) I have a few friends that wouldn't agree with you I am afraid :)

Definitely not my experience as a family law attorney. Divorce tends to wreak havoc on the entire family's economic situation. It's pretty disastrous for both spouses and hurts the high wage earner a lot as they have to pay a lot in support. They do get to deduct spousal support though, in CA.
I don't think most of these incredible coincidences are coincidences at all. I see them as completely unrelated facts.

RH clicks on a link entitled "Divorce Checklist". Five weeks later his son dies in a hot car! Bam!
RH buys apples at the store. Two days later his son dies in a hot car!! COINCIDENCE?!

He told women he wanted to keep his marriage together for the sake of his son. He told them he loved his son. So he killed his son to get out of his marriage? That makes zero sense. He said he was only keeping the marriage together for the sake of his son. If he didn't care about his son, he would just leave his wife.

Ross the obsessive Googler never searched for anything truly incriminating, like "hot car deaths" (yes he clicked on a viral video that came up on a site he was on, along with millions of others, but he never went out of his way to look up information on hot car deaths). He never searched for divorce, or how much child support payments are, or how to commit the perfect murder, or death statistics for young children, or children who have disappeared and never been found, or how to make your wife leave you, or how to make your wife disappear... Ross the obsessive Googler never searched for anything incriminating at all relating to his son's death.

Aha! I hear you say. He's not stupid! He would not leave evidence of such searches on his computer!
So why did he leave his hookup searches and searches about the age of consent on his computer? Oh, because he thought he was so clever and it never crossed his mind that the police would suspect foul play and search his computer and phone, right? So tell me again why there were no searches about divorce, or child deaths, or murder or anything like that on his computer... Ross the researcher googled everything that was on his mind. If he really wanted a divorce I'm sure he would have done a lot of research into it, and if he really wanted his kid gone I'm sure he would have done a lot of research into it.
I will miss you guys when this is through. :( I was just giving my hubs his daily trial update (he tunes me out I think) and I was saying I wish the jury had the benefit of bouncing ideas off each other this whole time as we have. Listening to differing theories, understanding the evidence in different ways. There is value in that. Love the peeps on websleuths.
I imagine that's a wise decision. Me, I'm clinging to a vision of Glory Hole being a swimming hole surrounded by morning glories. :D

ROFL!! Well, before I unfortunately turned to Google (shudder) I had mused that it was some sort of body of water used for baptisms. Boy, was I wrong!!! :noooo::gasp::eek:hdear:

Do I want to know why you can no longer order a tossed salad? LOL I confess i has me scratching my head!
As always lots of good conversation here! We shall see what the Jury's "Friday" will be tomorrow.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 11h11 hours ago
#RossHarris - If you consider the time they took to review videos today, lunch break, etc.. they may have only deliberated 3 1/2 hrs today.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 11h11 hours ago
#RossHarris - NO verdict today. Jurors are going home today and will resume deliberations tomorrow morning. #hotcardeath
Relistening to see if I could see why the Jury has had the questions they have had... Credibility of the Investigation jmho is the biggest theme that the Defense brought up. What RH said vs what Det Stoddard investigation testified to under oath various times as being said/ and what is being suggested by the State. << wanting transcripts of videos RH, then RH/LH JMHO Kilgore multiple times tells them all the evidence is available to them.

57:00 mark re doll sitting in car seat and the State putting doll in car seat .. measurements "have to assume ALL measurements were correct" said Kilgore (remember the jury asked to see the doll, which was not entered into evidence) Kilgore shows examples of photos. *white socks... reminded me of WS member pointing out/speaking about the socks.. **Kilgore showed photo of what Cooper was wearing at time of death, the shoes and socks, neither of which were white.
1:00:00 Orig Scan, Corrected Scan photo of doll in car seat **also note the front of the car seat the hood part positions-mimi
1:00:48ish-1:01:52ish What cooper was wearing 6/18/14

JMHO, they could be going over testimony of all the witnesses testimony of what RH said/didn't say in his testimony. (whether he said he researched the video..what RH told Stoddard vs whether it was truth or not) (emotions vs no emotion but that would not be on a transcript)

1:16:00 Stoddard testifying LH was a suspect, just no probable cause ...she didn't cry enough/grieve enough that made her a suspect..
1:22:00 Persinger RH DID NOT search for Hot Car video... diff than clicking on trending video and typing in .. NO RESEARCH... (goes back to what RH told Stoddard in initial interview) Speaks of who had the most invested..Stoddard and Ferrell...
1:24:00 then goes on to credibility..Persinger and the putting the info about Griffin Psychology website, VPN << credibility of State/CCPD investigation (JMHO there are many instances that reference back to the credibility investigation by Stoddard/Ferrell from the very instant of the case at the crime scene)
1:30:30 searches false and the witnesses who testified to such. Mislead from start to finish...various witnesses testimony lies by Wesley Houston how it was LH who told this witness RH movie/Winston..and State of GA put witness on stand, not corrected by State.. Credibility of the State
1:35:00 motive...child free life bogus...Stoddard credibility
1:35:58 you have been mislead through this whole trial... hold the State accountable.. when determining credibility in the jury room
1:43:00 States Burden... RH didn't act the way he should have acted... Played videos... RH Suspecious to Stoddard.
1:46:00 RH and Leanna acted different

1:46:41 IF YOU WANT TO WATCH THAT AGAIN, You can see what a broken broken man.... no matter what word he said not going to satisified the CCPD or the State. And what LH emotions or non emotions /demeanor made LH a suspect... **What Kilgore said in Closing, NOT my thoughts or opinions.

1:50:56 goes over the Counts...
1:52:00 Justice is doing what is right.. Holding the State to their burden
ROFL!! Well, before I unfortunately turned to Google (shudder) I had mused that it was some sort of body of water used for baptisms. Boy, was I wrong!!! :noooo::gasp::eek:hdear:

Do I want to know why you can no longer order a tossed salad? LOL I confess i has me scratching my head!
Do not Google this! Way worse than GH

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Appears to be from GA Suggested Pattern Jury Instructions as in this case (different case, but shows the Jury Charge instructions for that case and goes along with what has been stated in the JRH Charging Conference, JMHO shows

1.20.10 Presumption of Innocence; Burden Of Proof; Reasonable Doubt
The defendant is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. The defendant enters
upon the trial of the case with a presumption of innocence in his her favor. This
presumption remains with the defendant until it is overcome by the State with
evidence that is sufficient to convince you beyond a reasonable doubt that the
defendant is guilty of the offense charged.

No person shall be convicted of any crime unless and until each element of the
crime as charged is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proof rests
upon the State to prove every material allegation of the indictment and every
essential element of the crime charged beyond a reasonable doubt.
There is no burden of proof upon the defendant whatsoever, and the burden never
shifts to the defendant to introduce evidence or to prove innocence. When a
defense is raised by the evidence, the burden is on the State to negate or disprove it
beyond a reasonable doubt.

However, the State is not required to prove the guilt of the accused beyond all
doubt or to a mathematical certainty. A reasonable doubt means just what it says. A
reasonable doubt is a doubt of a fair-minded, impartial juror honestly seeking the
truth. A reasonable doubt is a doubt based upon common sense and reason. It does
not mean a vague or arbitrary doubt but is a doubt for which a reason can be given,
arising from a consideration of the evidence, a lack of evidence, or a conflict in the
Definitely not my experience as a family law attorney. Divorce tends to wreak havoc on the entire family's economic situation. It's pretty disastrous for both spouses and hurts the high wage earner a lot as they have to pay a lot in support. They do get to deduct spousal support though, in CA.

In Texas, there's no alimony and child support is a straight percentage of net income. So if the husband is the primary bread winner of the family - often his economic outlook post-divorce improves.

Depends on the particular family though, and I have no idea about Ga.

In any event, divorce and child support would have been a lot less costly to Ross than being an incarcerated felon ;) IMO financial issues was not a motive for murder.
I'm hoping for a verdict today because I have to be at home while painter is here :)
I'm hoping for a verdict today because I have to be at home while painter is here :)

I wishing I was at my daughters again after I realized I could have been watching on their huge 60 in tv on youtube and follow along on my laptop for WS. Can't do that at home and flip between tabs :silly: ... note to self for next trial... hook up one device to my tv read/post with other ;)
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