The Significance of the town of 'BABYLON'

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Apr 14, 2011
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I have been researching a possible significance of the use of the Town of Babylon as the SK's dumping grounds. What I've discovered may come as a bit of a shocker.

For starters, I'd like to start by pointing out that with the exception of the remains found in near Jones Beach on April 11, 2011 (see this map; Dates & Locations of Victims Remains, all of the victims' remains were placed by the Serial Killer within the borders of the Town of Babylon on the Bay side of Ocean Parkway overlooking Babylon Village & West Babylon on the mainland. I grew up in the village of Lindenhurst (which is also within the borders of the Town of Babylon).

All the years I lived there I never once realized the significance of the name 'Babylon'. Then the other day while trying to research Truthspider's angle on putting a name behind the victim with the scars on her legs I stumbled upon a goldmine of startling information. I never knew that ancient Babylon is known for the rape, ridicule, and mistreatment of women! There are an abundance of websites on the internet that describe this historic significance (with several variations depending upon the cultural source).

This website seems to summarize the general consensus on why ancient Babylon is considered taboo; The Rape of the Babylonian Women

the Babylonians are especially addicted to wine and the excesses that go along with drunkenness. Women attend dinner parties. At first they are decently dressed, then they remove their top-clothing and by degrees disgrace their respectability until (I beg my reader's pardon for saying it) they finally throw off their most intimate garments. This disgusting conduct is characteristic not only of courtesans but also of married women and young girls, who regard such vile prostitution as 'being sociable'.
I then discovered that there are significant Biblical references to a New Babylon in the Book of Revelations!

A little further searching and it was obvious to me that there exists an overwhelming population of radical thinkers out there with extreme point of views. They are convinced that the 'New Babylon' as quoted in the Book of Revelations represents the United States or possibly New York City.

Here is a perfect example of someone's thesis on the subject;
Babylon: an investigation of the prophetic significance & the implications of this New York town positioned at the gateway to America/

This paper is a sick read. Not rated "R" sick but simply sick in the sense that it's the kind of anti-America literature that assists in justifying to terrorist groups the concept that it is God's wish that we all be punished for our existence. The chapters to this paper say it all;

Part I; The prophetic significance of Babylon, New York:

Part II; The origin of the name “Babylon” for this New York town:

Part III; Babylon, New York- a brief description of both the town and village:

Part IV; An historic, horrific event in Babylon town:

Part V; Fire Island- a most important lighthouse and a modern-day Sodom:

Part VI; The proximity of Babylon to the Statue of Liberty and New York Harbor:

Part VII; Legendary townsfolk- a man called “Satan” and a “freethought” atheist woman:

Part VIII; What America can expect soon:
Basically this paper was written by someone who has an agenda to prove that NYC is indeed the New Babylon. Anyone who is a local who reads this paper will quickly see that it contains twisted inaccurate statements (presented to the reader as facts) that help support the author's radical theory that there are some sort of Biblical similarities between the Town of Babylon and the New Babylon mentioned in the Bible. I will try to post a copy of the entire paper (if it fits) in a moment.

As incredibly disturbing as it is, the one paragraph that caught my eye and that I found to be most significant to our investigation is the author's directions to the Town of Babylon. Now if you look at the map of the Babylon Township you can clearly see that if you were going to give someone directions to the town you'd probably give them the directions to either the Westernmost border (someplace in Amityville), to Babylon Town Hall (located on Sunrise Highway in Lindenhurst) or possibly to Babylon Village near the Babylon Train station (because on many maps, Babylon Village is simply identified as "Babylon"). Those of you who are not locals, I'd like you to do a little experiment with Mapquest, Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, or any other mapping website, software or GPS and you tell us if when you choose directions from New Jersey to Babylon, do you ever come up with any final destination on Ocean Parkway????

The reason why I ask this is that posted in this thesis, the author's directions to the Town of Babylon from New Jersey are taken from the East End Volleyball League's website's directions to Cedar Beach which are basically the EXACT DIRECTIONS to within a few hundred feet of where the GB4 and four other victims remains were found!!!!

For vehicular traffic, here are the directions to Babylon for those coming from New Jersey, courtesy of-

Verrazano Bridge to Belt Parkway east (Follow to Long Island signs) to Southern State Pkwy. East to Meadowbrook Pkwy south towards Jones Beach. Meadowbrook Pkwy changes into the Ocean Parkway and heads east. Go past large water tower in middle of parkway 8 miles to Cedar Beach on your right.
There is some considerable substance to the 'Babylon' connection to this case. I have so much more that I am investigating that I will be sharing in the near future. For the sake of keeping this post to less than a novel, I will post more under future posts.
Hope this fits! Here are the first parts of the radical article that attempts to link the Town of Babylon with the Babylon which is mentioned in the Book of Revelations. The thesis can be found here; Babylon: an investigation of the prophetic significance & the implications of this New York town positioned at the gateway to America

Babylon, Babylon: an investigation of the prophetic significance & the implications of this New York town positioned at the gateway to America
Posted on August 7, 2011 by nabiy4america

Part I; The prophetic significance of Babylon, New York:

Several years ago, while engaged in intensive research to uncover the identity of end-times Babylon, also known as Babylon the Great, I became aware of a certain town near New York City named “Babylon”. Later, I discovered that there is also a village of Babylon, which is one of the three villages of the town Babylon (the others being Amityville and Lindenhurst). Why is this important? The country United States of America is referred to as “Babylon” and “the daughter of Babylon” throughout much of the Old Testament, and as “Babylon” and “Babylon the Great” in Revelation. In addition, the U.S.A. has as her most important city New York City, also designated as “Babylon” in Revelation. [There is a Biblical and historic precedent for such nomenclature- the ancient city of Babylon was the main and capital city within the empire of Babylon] Therefore, I found it fascinating that a town of “Babylon” actually exists mere miles from Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty, and New York Harbor. To help illustrate what I’m getting at, specifically, I’ll start with a few quotes; the first from author R.A. Coombes (bold emphasis within quotes by C.M.N. throughout this article)-

There is a populated city named Babylon on a deepwater port entryway to New York City. Revelation 17:18; & 18:11-19…… Did you know that when ships coming into the harbor facilities of New York City make their final approach to the Harbor channel shipping lanes……they have to come in from the south…… heading due North straight for a spot on Long Island called …… BABYLON!!! That is right. The city of Babylon, New York features a tall water tower that ship captains use to navigate directly into the harbor channel. They come within view of Babylon before turning west to head into the ports of New York City. It is from this vantage point that I believe Revelation 18:17-19 takes place. From this vantage point……on the deck of a ship……one could quite easily read the letters of the name Babylon on the city water tower!!! Talk about literal?? Now that is indeed literal. Its chief city…… a seaport named NYC/Babylon.

Apparently, until recently, the Babylon water tower was the first landmark viewable from the freighters making their way from Europe to the world’s busiest port, New York! In order to understand why this is so profound, let us read Revelation 18:10, 15-19-

10Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

15The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,

16And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!

17For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,

18And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!

19And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

In the above verses we read, in graphic detail, of the reaction of sailors who are standing on the decks of the various ships which happen to be approaching New York Harbor on the very day of America’s demise. Certainly, were the great city in flames, the sailors and merchants on the waters outside of Babylon would see it vividly. This is precisely what John witnessed while caught up in the Spirit from the Isle of Patmos!

Here is another description of the Babylon water tower; this from author Peter Goodgame of

New York City is undoubtedly the most important port city in the world. What may not be known is that when a ship approaches the New York City harbor from the south, in order to properly conform with the shipping lanes it must aim due north straight for a municipality on Long Island named “Babylon.” A tall water tower on the shoreline is used as a reference point for navigation and when a ship reaches closest to shore before turning west to enter the harbor, the name “Babylon,” written on the tower in big bold letters can be easily read.

Now, obviously I was fascinated by this information, and set about trying to find a photo of this water tower, but to no avail. I did discover, however, that sometime in the 1980’s the Babylon-area water towers were replaced or refurbished, and that instead of merely the Babylon water tower, ships began to also use the Fire Island lighthouse for navigation as well. This does not detract whatsoever from the amazing prophetic clues about the ships and Babylon, as you will see by reading on! For one thing, a portion of Fire Island itself is within the limits of the town of Babylon. The stories and prophetic connections of both the town of Babylon, and of Fire Island itself, have got to be heard to be believed! Also, although the Babylon water tower may no longer be marked “Welcome to Babylon”, it is still one of only two navigational landmarks for the incoming ship traffic.

For vehicular traffic, here are the directions to Babylon for those coming from New Jersey, courtesy of-

Verrazano Bridge to Belt Parkway east (Follow to Long Island signs) to Southern State Pkwy. East to Meadowbrook Pkwy south towards Jones Beach. Meadowbrook Pkwy changes into the Ocean Parkway and heads east. Go past large water tower in middle of parkway 8 miles to Cedar Beach on your right.

Here is a picture of the water tower as it appears today-


. . . Near Ocean Parkway, Babylon; this is an exceptionally tall tower, clearly a phallic obelisk or similar shape . . .

Part II; The origin of the name “Babylon” for this New York town:

There are two different stories as to how the town of “Babylon” (and, by extension, Babylon Village) got its name. Both theories are quite remarkable and potentially prophetic in their connotation. Anyway, here are the two theories. First, from Wikipedia-,_New_York

When a cherent community grew up in the area by 1803, prominent local citizens sought to adopt a new name. An influential local lady, Mrs. Conklin, was used to living inland in what is now considered Dix Hills and was at unease with the home site that her grandchildren would be raised in. The Bible-reading Mrs. Conklin compared the new hamlet to the biblical city of Babylon and proposed that name in apparent defiance of the area’s rather bawdy reputation as a stop-over place for travelers on Long Island’s south shore. Her son Nat was appalled by the use of an “unholy” name. The family legend states she replied: “But it will be a new Babylon.” The name stuck, despite some effort to change it.

I find that quite profound, and certainly fascinating. Also, according to my research, the town was first called “New Babylon”, but later shortened to “Babylon”. Here is an alternate view as to the origins of the town name “Babylon”, equally interesting, from author R.A. Coombes (in part)-

Babylon on Long Island derived its name because immigrant Jews founded it in 1872. The group’s rabbis chose the name almost prophetically, because they believed it would be home to a new diaspora. Why would they think this? Because rabbinical opinions had held that ancient Babylon’s power would be moved.

Dr. Coombes goes on to discuss the connection to Zechariah 5 and Isaiah 18, wherein the spirit of Babylon goes forth to reside in a new country to the far reaches of the west. He also reveals the spirit of Babylon is currently embodied by the Statue of Liberty, which represents the goddess Ishtar. This prominent symbol, a gargantuan bronze idol, is one way in which we can so clearly recognize the end-times “Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots”. A detailed summary of the Statue of Liberty and its connection to Ishtar is beyond the scope of this study, but I highly recommend Dr. Coombes’ 2-Volume set “America, The Babylon . . .” (see Bibliography), and for a brief summary please see my article on this blog-

So, we have two distinct views of how Babylon, the town, got its name. One view which is suggestive of a Christian origin, and the other of a Jewish influence. Either one lends to a fascinating storyline. Perhaps the truth is both? For example, some type of agreement between the Christian founders of the town and the Jewish elders in the community? What cannot be denied is that Babylon, New York has a very high concentration of Jews, even more so than the metropolitan area in general, and it is common knowledge that there are more Jews in the New York City metropolitan area than in any other city in the world, including cities in Israel.

Author Peter Goodgame also has these gems, which really cement this whole thesis!-

Clearly America is the home of Jewish exiles.

According to my research this community is the only inhabited and functioning community in the world that is known as “Babylon.”

The latter is an absolutely amazing statement; just imagine the ramifications! In review, then, it is obvious that there are a great number of Jewish exiles living in Babylon (America that is, but represented by Babylon, New York as well). And, the Lord warns both these Jewish exiles and the true believers within Babylon, for example in Zechariah 2:7-

Come, O Zion! Escape, you who live in the Daughter of Babylon!

and Psalm 137:8-

O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

and, finally, Revelation 18:4-

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Part III; Babylon, New York- a brief description of both the town and village:

First, I will discuss the town of Babylon itself. Much of this information is derived from-,_New_York

The Town, or Township, of Babylon is a jurisdiction in Suffolk County, New York (USA), located on Long Island. There is also a Village of Babylon located within the town. It borders Nassau County to the West, and the Atlantic Ocean to the South. Parts of Jones Beach Island, Captree Island and Fire Island are in the southernmost part of the town. The villages of Babylon town are Amityville (to the southwest), Babylon (to the southeast), and Lindenhurst (to the south). It is bordered on the south by the Atlantic Ocean. The population is approximately 215,000, and it encompasses 114.2 square miles including water.

Some valuable tidbits can be gleaned from the Babylon Industrial Development Agency (Babylon IDA) at-

Such as-

Babylon is known as “the heart of it all”.

Babylon has become the economic heartbeat of Long Island.

At the Babylon IDA . . . our business is business.

In other words, the town of Babylon plays an essential role, and is located in a strategic place. The focus on “business” is also clearly reminiscent of what we know of the country “Babylon” from Revelation, as supported by many verses in Isaiah and Jeremiah as well.

The village of Babylon, the southeast portion of Babylon town, is also discussed. Much of this information is taken from-,_New_York

Babylon is a village in Suffolk County, New York. The population was 12,615 at the 2000 census, and although it is officially referred to as “The Incorporated Village of Babylon”, it is more commonly referred to simply as “Babylon Village”. Here is a map showing the general location on Long Island; the tip of Fire Island is visible to the southeast.


. . . note that Babylon is bordered by “North Babylon” as well . . .

From author R.A. Coombes, we get more important information-

Babylon Township has a population of 203,000 people, with 12,000 living in the city of Babylon itself and 42,000 living in West Babylon. Associated with the city is the Babylon Beach area with a broad look at the Harbor entrance to New York.

As this is central to the thesis of this article, here is yet another quote-

Babylon soon came to be considered the primary gateway to Fire Island, which is a thin barrier strand off of Long Island, and is therefore an essential marker for incoming ship traffic.

Babylon Village has a long history of the luxury lifestyle, and its location allowed for very pleasant “summering on the ocean”, all within easy range of Manhattan. This led many affluent individuals and families to reside at Babylon’s seaside resorts, both on Long Island and the smaller barrier strand beaches such as Fire Island.

Babylon village has 12 churches and a large, thriving synagogue

Families, individuals, and interfaith couples are all welcome at Congregation Beth Sholom, located in the heart of the Village of Babylon.

Babylon today is part suburban bedroom community, part small-town, and has a substantial shopping and business district. Today the village is best known for its restaurants and shops, and hosts shopping events during the fall as well as a popular crafts fair. It also has an historic downtown, as most of the core of Babylon dates to the era from before the Civil War to World War I. Some consider Babylon to be a picturesque fishing village. Here is a picture of Babylon harbor-


Babylon Village is only 33 Nautical miles from the Statue of Liberty, 39 Nautical miles from the middle of New York Harbor, and 6 Nautical miles from the Fire Island Lighthouse, a most important structure will be discussed in a forthcoming section of this article.

In the October 28, 2010 edition of “New York Online”, a section of the New York Times, there is an article by J. David Goodman entitled:

Babylon on Hudson?

This short article is an interesting read, and the author does seem to be serious with his question which is, essentially, “Is New York City Babylon?” The question is based on the analysis presented within a You Tube video which he links to. The author goes on to list 5 reasons that New York City might be the end-times Babylon; these essentially being corruption, sensual delights, similarities between leaders, abundance of towers, and creepy men. He then concludes his analysis with an answer of “maybe” to the question.

He next poses this question to his readers- “So, jury of our peers, are we Babylon?” I found this comment by “George” to be quite enlightening-

Geez — and here I always thought that Babylon was a town out there on Long Island…..

Precisely! Starting to make the connection!

Part IV; An historic, horrific event in Babylon town:

When I first started researching the town and village of Babylon, I saw this headline in the initial website I linked to:


Although, sadly, this is not unique to Babylon, New York, it is certainly reflective of the headlines throughout Babylon, America on any given day, is it not? The article goes on to state-

This marks the first time search efforts have expanded north of the barrier beach area and beyond Ocean Parkway since the discovery of 10 bodies in the Gilgo and Jones Beach areas in the past four months.

In the past several weeks both Suffolk and Nassau police have conducted intense aerial and water searches along Ocean Parkway, from Robert Moses Causeway to the Jones Beach water tower, looking for evidence and human remains.

It’s been 140 days since a Suffolk County police canine team discovered the first female remains on December 11, 2010. Two days later three more sets of remains were found. All four were identified as young white women who worked as escorts. One was a North Babylon woman last seen in September 2010.

Between March 31 and April 4 Suffolk Police found four more sets of remains. On April 11 Nassau Police discovered two more sets, bringing the body count to 10.

This was an extremely disturbing story to really take in and dwell on. It truly grieves me so. Yet, is it surprising? Tragically, “no”. News such as this is so common these days, and that speaks volumes about what kind of society end-times Babylon has become.

As discussed above, the town of Babylon is made up of three villages. One of these is Amityville. That name was recognizable to me, even though I’ve never been a fan of horror movies . . . as a sidenote, I have always shunned horror films, for to glorify such violence and the demonic is absolutely and grotesquely wrong, and frankly I abhor the American obsession with this most distasteful “art” form. But, back to the discussion now, the name of the film was “The Amityville Horror”, and it is based on events that supposedly followed this horrific mass murder, which is summarized below (the film plot itself is quite suspect, but the murders were real and shocking). Here is a short treatise of the actual event-

On November 13, 1974, police discovered six members of the DeFeo family — father, mother and four of their five children — shot and killed execution style at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville Village, Babylon, New York. The four children were aged 9, 12, 13, and 18. The perpetrator was the surviving child, and the oldest, 23 year old Ronald Joseph ‘Butch’ DeFeo, Jr.

Remember Ocean Parkway from the “today’s headlines” in the above section, about the 10 bodies? This horrific murder occurred on Ocean Avenue, mere blocks away!


The “Amityville Horror House”, in Babylon, New York, is widely considered the most famous haunted house in history. Below is a picture of this house taken the morning of the gruesome murders-


Not surprisingly, really, Ronald DeFeo claims that he was “possessed”. Here is the killer’s short confession to the cold-blooded murder of his entire family; his parents, sisters Dawn and Allison, and brothers Mark and John Matthew-

It all started so fast. Once I started, I just couldn’t stop. It went so fast.

Not surprisingly, he had been drunk and high on heroin, possibly even LSD, on the early morning of the killings. Drugs such as heroin and LSD represent, in part, what is termed in Greek “Pharmakeia” (sorceries; drugs of all types), and we see that Pharmakeia (Strong’s G-5331) is a trademark of end-times Babylon, Revelation 18:23-

And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

And in Hebrew “Kesheph” (Strong’s H-3785), as speaking of Babylon’s demise we read in Isaiah 47:9-

But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.

Babylon’s demise is clearly linked, in significant part, to her addiction to “sorceries”, which includes by definition drugs both legal (prescription) and illegal. Further, the Bible calls these drugs and their spiritual effects “witchcraft”. Drugs are therefore considered “demonic”. Was Ronald DeFeo possessed? Well, not to deflect blame for the man’s actions in any way, but to a degree certainly he was, since he was under the influence of these substances and therefore of demonic spirits.

In a broader sense, “sorceries” also points the finger at the major pharmaceutical companies, over half of which are American-based, which do their best to keep the population of Babylon “drugged up” and therefore spiritually deceived. [This is not a condemnation of anyone who takes prescription drugs out of medical necessity, including my own loved ones. Please realize that I am speaking here in general terms]

Let me repeat that- America Babylon will be judged, in part, for her addiction to and propagation of drugs, both legal and illicit! That is stated clearly in the Word of the Lord.

Part V; Fire Island- a most important lighthouse and a modern-day Sodom:

Keeping in mind that parts of Fire Island are under the jurisdiction of Babylon town, the Lighthouse has played a very prominent role (similar to that of the nearby Babylon water tower), as a navigational guide for ships coming into the world’s largest port, the Port of New York. The Fire Island Lighthouse is located in Robert Moses State Park, which is part of the Fire Island National Seashore.

But, how did this island come to be associated with “Fire”? Well, there are four plausible explanations. The first is that the color of the abundant poison ivy in the autumn is brilliant red, making the island appear as if it is on fire. Secondly, generations ago whalers used to build fires on the island’s beach to render whale blubber into oil. Next, it has been noted that centuries ago scheming pirates lit fires on the beach to lure ships ashore so they could pillage the valuable cargo. The most likely explanation for the name “fire”, however, is that it is simply an Anglicized Dutch name. The Dutch word for four is vier (pronounced “fear”), and an English map from 1798 labels four islands in the area as “Fier Islands.” It’s easy to see how the name Fire Island likely evolved from “Fier” Island.

It is my humble opinion that the naming of this island was not “chance”, and to my thinking God Himself is ultimately behind it, for indeed “fire” is the destiny for the entire nation of Babylon, and Fire Island plays a major role leading to the clear recognition of America as Babylon.


The original Fire Island Lighthouse was an 85-foot-tall octagonal stone tower, built on the southwest tip of the island, the purpose of which was to mark the entrance to Fire Island Inlet and the eastern entrance to New York’s lower bay. In other words, as stated earlier it was hugely important for navigation into the world’s busiest port. This lighthouse tower commenced operation on November 1, 1858, which is 28 years (almost to the day) before the neighboring Statue of Liberty took her place overlooking the Harbor and the nation. A glance at the maps above and below reveal why the town of Babylon (including Fire Island) is of such great importance to navigation.


. . . note lighthouse on side nearest New York Harbor (which is slightly off image to left) . . .

According to the Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board, in 1894, Fire Island Lighthouse represents . . .-

. . . the most important light for transatlantic steamers bound for New York. It is generally the first one they make and from which they lay their course.

Yet, nearly a century later-

On December 31, 1973, the Fire Island Lighthouse was decommissioned; its role having been assumed by a flashing strobe light atop the water tower at the nearby park.

That would be the Babylon water tower marked “Welcome to Babylon”, which was in operation until sometime in the 1980s.

Fire Island lighthouse is federally-protected as part of the Fire Island National Seashore. Here is a view of the lighthouse, as it still appears today-


Sadly, yet prophetically, Fire Island is also making its name as a modern-day Sodom. With the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York state on July 24 of this year (act passed on June 24), gay and lesbian couples have apparently been flocking to Fire Island for their honeymoons, and often even for the nuptials themselves. More on this later . . . but it is obvious that Fire Island has a long and storied history as a “gay playground”. For example, from Wikipedia-

Long Island New York has long been a gay-friendly destination, with world-renowned resort areas including Fire Island, the Hamptons and Long Island Wine Country, among others.

Next, again from R.A. Coombes, from his book “America, The Babylon . . .” (remember, this was written in 1998, thirteen years ago)-

Fire Island, an area noted for being host to unbridled sexual hedonism in the open public and along its beaches in the summer time.

And, this from-

The people at Fire Island Limousine have been catering to the Gay and Lesbian community since 1980. Please consider us when planning your wedding or special event.

We are looking forward to serving you and your guests on your Wedding Day. We would be happy to escort you in one of our beautiful and comfortable limousines.

Recently, however, things have apparently “really heated up” with the passage of gay/lesbian/transgendered marriage in New York, as we read from an article entitled:

“Three More of New York City’s Gayest Places to Get Married”-'s+Gayest+Places+to+Get+Married

Okay so it’s not technically New York City, but Fire Island is part of New York State and therefore totally valid as a same-sex marriage location, provided you picked up your marriage license before heading out to this strip of island that runs along Long Island, separating the Hamptons from the wild ocean. Cars are not permitted on the majority of the land, which makes sense considering the whole place can be easily traversed by rental golf cart or vintage cruiser bicycle.

We kind of adore the idea of saying your vows at the Fire Island Lighthouse—ultimate phallic symbol as it is—plus the lighthouse-y romance, of course. Truly, Fire Island is the spot for a gay beach wedding. Think about it: sand in your toes, sunglasses on and the love of your life a moment away from saying “I do.” We do.


After a newly-engaged couple agrees on Fire Island as the lovely location for their wedding ceremony and honeymoon, a nice option for the soon-to-be newlywed gay or lesbian pair might be to stay in the ultra-romantic “Madison Pines” or, as it is known, simply “The Madison”-

The Madison, Fire Island is situated in the heart of the world’s most beautiful gay resort community . . . there’s nothing like The Madison for gays, lesbians, or anyone . . .

Wow, so even just “anyone” can stay in the Madison? Even “straight” couples? Parents with young children? Apparently they don’t discriminate! If that’s not convincing enough, there is more-

There’s no place in America like Fire Island, a barrier beach that’s 50 miles from Manhattan but a universe away. The beaches are among the purest and most beautiful on earth.

The (Madison) Pines, located on the island’s east end, is an international destination. Free in spirit yet impossibly stylish, it is both beach hideaway and fashion runway, a gay playground and a couple’s paradise.

The Pines sits at a pinnacle of gay culture: Disco was born here; so was La Cage aux Folles, the musical. Candidates for president trek here. Novelists are inspired here.

Some spend their Fire Island weekends at the beach with a book. Others live for the social scene, the beach parties and the nightly rituals of its legendary dance clubs. No matter – there’s not a moment of the day that isn’t magical, or a vista that isn’t astonishingly beautiful.

Hopefully, I’ve made my point that Fire Island is essentially a modern-day Sodom. If you read the Genesis 19 account on the destruction of the “cities of the plain” (Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim) it is clear that the residents of these cities were being judged by God for one major sin and one alone: the practice of homosexuality. This is obvious especially in Genesis 19:1-5-

1And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

2And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night.

3And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.

4But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

5And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

“know”, from the word yada` {yaw-dah’} = “have sexual relations with” courtesy of-

Also, we read in Genesis 13:13-

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

Here are other verses which prove what befell those cities, and this is a precursor to what will shortly befall end-times Babylon. Fire Island, Babylon, New York, is truly a microcosm of Babylon, America. Remember, the word “sodomite” is derived from the name of the ill-fated Biblical city which famously and tragically thumbed its collective nose at God Almighty.

As to what actually became of Sodom, Gomorrah and the two lesser-known cities? We find the answer in Genesis 19:24-28-

24Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;

25And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

26But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.

27And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the LORD:

28And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.

As to what will become of Babylon the Great, also known as end-times Babylon, also known as the United States of America? We read of the manner of her end in Isaiah 13:19-

And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah

As well as Jeremiah 50:40-

As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein.

And Revelation 18:8-

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.


Now, let’s read Genesis 19:28 again-

And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.

In comparison with Revelation 18:18-

And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!

And Revelation 19:3-

And again they said, Alleluia. And her* smoke rose up for ever and ever.

[*her = the great *advertiser censored*/Babylon . . .]

Sisters and brothers, I am not making this up nor am I exaggerating. This is God’s Word. I am simply acting as a watchman and obeying his command to sound the trumpet! America’s demise is very near, and her end will be by fire. Mark my words . . . infinitely better yet, mark His Word!

Here is the rest of it...

Part VI; The proximity of Babylon to the Statue of Liberty and New York Harbor:

It should be clear to the reader that the Statue of Liberty is a powerful and unique symbol of America. It is internationally recognized as such; that is, not as a symbol of New York City, but of the entire nation known as “The United States of America”. In this article, I have also attempted to compare the nearby town of Babylon, New York to the entire country of America. It is clear to me that America is Babylon (Babylon the Great, end-times Babylon); therefore, a study of Babylon town and New York City should offer insights which then reflect upon the entire nation. It is also common knowledge that the Port of New York (or New York Harbor) is considered the world’s most important. Finally, the relationship of Fire Island, part of which is within the limits of the town of Babylon, with Babylon town and village, New York Harbor and, indirectly, even the Statue of Liberty has been documented in this article. The figure below shows these four main locations and their relationships to one another:

Babylon (town and villages)

Fire Island (lighthouse)

Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island

New York Harbor


Part VII; Legendary townsfolk- a man called “Satan” and a “freethought’ atheist woman:

Early on in this study, it came to my attention that there were two residents of Babylon town who stood head and shoulders above the others, in terms of fame, impact on the world, and symbolism. These are Robert Moses and Thelma (“Butterfly”) McQueen. One man and one woman. I will discuss Mr. Moses first.

Robert Moses

Robert Moses was born in New Haven, Connecticut on December 18, 1888. He was the son of German immigrants, both Jewish, although they were non-practicing Jews and he therefore was not raised in a religious household. He had by all accounts a fairly normal upbringing, and was a successful student in college, obtaining degrees from Yale and Oxford. During his long career, he became known as “the master builder”, for his legacy of urban highways and bridges lives on long after his death. To say that he was a polarizing figure would be a vast understatement.


I read as much as I could on the man and, although it is often difficult through the fog of history to accurately pinpoint the truth of a matter, or the character of a person, I have concluded that Mr. Moses was, basically, an extremely selfish, egotistical man who was also a racist and a classist. You see, while prayerfully studying his life, the Holy Spirit immediately “clued me in” to a comparison between Mr. Moses and a boss I had many years ago. This boss, now wildly successful by worldly (especially Babylonian) standards, embodies all of those vile attributes I mentioned above, and more.

Basically, Mr. Moses was a villain, but he was a uniquely American villain. I will include some quotes from Wikipedia and other sources which, I believe, reveal this man’s satanic nature. Here is the Wikipedia link-

Robert Moses changed shorelines, built bridges, tunnels and roadways, and transformed neighborhoods forever. His decisions favoring highways over public transit helped create the modern suburbs of Long Island and influenced a generation of engineers, architects, and urban planners who spread his philosophies across the nation. Never elected to public office, Moses was responsible for the creation and leadership of numerous public authorities which he could control without having to answer to the general public or to elected officials.

His works remain extremely controversial. His supporters believe he made the city viable for the 21st century by building an infrastructure that most people wanted and that has endured. His critics claim that he preferred automobiles to people, that he displaced hundreds of thousands of residents in New York City, uprooted traditional neighborhoods by building expressways through them, contributed to the ruin of the South Bronx and the amusement parks of Coney Island, caused the departure of the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants Major League baseball teams, and precipitated the decline of public transport through disinvestment and neglect.

As the head of many public authorities, Moses’s title as chairman gave his entities the flexibility associated with private enterprise, along with the tax-exempt debt capacity associated with government agencies.

Moses’ image suffered a further blow in 1974 with the publication of The Power Broker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning biography by Robert A. Caro. Caro’s 1,200-page opus (edited from over 3,000 pages long) largely destroyed the remainder of Moses’s reputation; essayist Phillip Lopate writes that “Moses’s satanic reputation with the public can be traced, in the main, to…Caro’s magnificent biography.” People had come to see Moses as a bully who disregarded public input, but until the publication of Caro’s book, they had not known that he had allowed his brother Paul to spend much of his life in poverty. Paul Moses, who was interviewed by Caro shortly before his death, claimed Robert had exerted undue influence on their mother to change their will in his favour shortly before her death. Caro notes that Paul was on bad terms with their mother over a long period and she may have changed the will of her own accord. Caro suggested that Robert’s subsequent treatment of Paul may have been legally justifiable but was morally questionable.

Immediately I was struck by his last name, “Moses”. Of course, Robert Moses was also of Jewish ethnicity, whereas the Bible hero Moses is best known for leading his people out of slavery and eventually into the Promised Land (although Moses wasn’t to make it there himself). The Hebrews did wander and languish in the wilderness for 40 years, due to their refusal to honor the True God, but their leader was Moses, a shepherd-type figure, obviously a great man of God, very unselfish, and a Prophet.

I am here suggesting that Robert Moses was a “type” of anti-Moses; in other words, all of the positive traits of the real Moses are embodied as negative traits within the life and person of Robert Moses. I am especially intrigued that the career of Robert Moses was also 40 years long. That makes the comparison between Robert Moses and Moses that much more fascinating! My point is that Moses (being a “type” of Christ) led his people to the Promised Land; whereby Robert Moses being the antithesis of both Christ and Moses “led his people” (the American people) on a destructive path. Both “paths” were forty years long. The number forty, Biblically, references “a time of trial” (E.W. Bullinger).

Exodus 16:35-

And the children of Israel did eat manna forty years, until they came to a land inhabited; they did eat manna, until they came unto the borders of the land of Canaan.

I find the following information very interesting considering these 40 years, so I’ll go ahead and attach a fairly long quote; the entire article is well written and very entertaining-

The only thing I knew about Babylon NY, located about a third out on the South shore of Long Island, was that it had been the home of Robert Moses, scourge of American cities. If you don’t know who Robert Moses is, I urge you to put aside a month, sometime in the near future, and read The Power Broker, Robert Caro’s 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning biography of Moses. It’s a fantastic biography, combining drama and painstaking detail with the rarest of ease, and in it you learn the dangers of concentrated power as Caro tells the saga of Moses’s insane forty-year grip on New York infrastructure, building highways through neighborhoods and displacing hundreds of thousands of people, spearheading ‘the projects’, and singlehandedly yoking U.S. cities to the automobile for what will probably be an eternity. (On the other hand, the bridges he built haven’t fallen down yet.)

So, needless to say, when I got to Babylon NY, the town where Moses parked his subsidized yacht, I was most filled with biblical trepidation… trepidation and a desire to somehow unearth the visible scars of Moses’s mad genius. Would I find a Moses bust? Would it be the land of gated communities? Or hanging gardens? What I found, though, was a pastoral fishing village surrounded by well-manicured, sidewalk-free, and quite expensive real estate.

Despite its lamppost flower planters (hanging gardens?), its inlaid red brick trim, and the delicate arch of its maple trees that lend it a precious authenticity… despite all that, I didn’t’ find an urban spirit in Babylon NY. For one thing, the ‘downtown’ (or village center) is really sparsely populated.

I went on a long walk from the downtown to the Babylon harbor . . . The best I could do was the entirely benchless municipal pier, where I sat on the pavement with a book and stared out at the sea. Would Moses were here, I’d kick him in the balls.

Well, that was colorful!

Here’s another one-


The author quotes Nicolai Ouroussof in his article “Complex, Contradictory Robert Moses” from the 2/2/2007 edition of the New York Times-

… a villainous figure who, through his control of federal slum clearance and highway money, was able to trample tens of thousands of lives, uprooting entire neighborhoods in a quest to impose his megalomaniacal vision: a city of dehumanizing superblocks strangled in ribbons of expressways.

From Wikipedia again, a most important quote-

Moses was also in large part responsible for the United Nations’ decision to headquarter in Manhattan as opposed to Philadelphia.

This is fascinating! So, we see that in part because of Robert Moses, Babylon the Great (the country) is most associated with New York City and the United Nations, for as we read in Revelation the city “Babylon” is that which the great men of the world both flock to and reside in, none other than New York City! Revelation 18:23 (in part)-

. . . for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

And Revelation 17:18-

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Robert Moses was absolutely a satanic man, and I was not surprised to find that he was indeed a resident of Babylon.

Thelma McQueen-

Sources for this section include- and

Thelma McQueen was born on either the 7th or 8th of January in the year 1911. She was a movie actress best known for her role as “Prissy” in the classic 1939 film “Gone with the Wind”. The name “Thelma” means “willful”; stubborn, if you will. She was generally called “Butterfly”, however, which is a name she obtained early in her acting career while living in Babylon, New York. Her last name, “McQueen” means either “son (or daughter) of the good man” or “daughter of a Queen”. Here is a famous picture of Butterfly McQueen from her role as “Prissy” in “Gone with the Wind”-


She was originally from Florida, lived awhile in Georgia, and was raised by her mother, as her father apparently abandoned the family when she was but 5 years old. Her family moved to Babylon, New York, during Thelma’s intermediate school years, and there they worked as servants for a wealthy white family. Thelma went to school, and while trying to decide on an educational choice, took up and failed chemistry, started nursing school, and then embraced acting. She became popular in the local drama scene, as far away as New York City, and it was at this time that her nickname “Butterfly” was coined. Her new handle stuck. She hit the big time with her role in “Gone with the Wind” and had other successful acting stints, as well, although understandably she did not enjoy being typecast. Ms. McQueen never married and never bore children.

When I started this research, I knew nothing about Butterfly McQueen, only that her name seemed vaguely familiar, maybe. I figured that her beliefs were probably typical of young black women back in her time, those born in the South at least, that is I imagined that she was most likely a Christian. Imagine my shock when a search of images of her uncovered this almost immediately-


I dug a bit deeper and found out that she was an esteemed member of the nation’s most powerful organization for atheists and agnostics, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) of Madison, Wisconsin, having even received their “Freethought Heroine” award, albeit post-mortem. Here is their website; if you feel compelled to view this spiritually dangerous material, please do so with discernment-

With this in mind, let me reveal some quotes which the FFRF have (proudly, I might add) attributed to Ms. McQueen; these based on an October 8, 1989 interview she gave to Gayle White, a reporter for the Atlanta Journal and Constitution-

As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of religion.

If we had put the energy on earth and on people that we put on mythology and on Jesus Christ, we wouldn’t have any hunger or homelessness.

Christianity and studying the Bible has sapped our minds so we don’t know anything else.

They say the streets are going to be beautiful in heaven. I’m trying to make the streets beautiful here . . . When it’s clean and beautiful, I think America is heaven. And some people are hell.

Wow! She certainly didn’t mince words, but how truly disappointing her views were, and apparently she carried them with her to her death on December 22, 1995. So, based on the quotes above, she believed that the Bible is “mythology”, reading the Bible makes a person stupid, and to be a Christian is to be a slave. She was, indeed, a most devoted atheist. She even willed a good portion of her money to her beloved FFRF.

Butterfly McQueen died in a fire. Not of smoke inhalation; rather, she burned to death! Her death was simply horrific, and I will recount the basic details here, in my own words (sources listed above).

Around dinner time that Friday, Ms. McQueen attempted to light a kerosene burner or heater, when it exploded, catching her clothes on fire. She ran screaming from her house to the carport, engulfed by flames, and suffered second- and third-degree burns over 70% of her body. Quickly, neighbors and Boy Scouts converged on the scene. The Boy Scout who was right by her side was named James Pride. Here is Mr. Pride’s eye-witness account, courtesy of-

We were working with the food bank to deliver food right before Christmas. We stopped because of the fire. She was there (in the carport) crying out for help. The assistant leader told her to get on the rug, and we all took sides of the rug and we pulled her on the rug out of the flames because the flames were engulfing the carport, too. She was very burned, but she was saying ‘thank-you’ the whole time. That’s all she said. She might have said it close to 50 times. I was there basically telling her, ‘Jesus loves you.’ And I kept saying that. We didn’t know who she was. We had no idea this was somebody of notoriety. I feel like I’ve had a connection with her since then. I just feel like she might be praying for me or something, looking out for me. I think of her sometimes.

Only the blackened floor and roof of her small wooden cottage, a part of her larger stucco house, remained standing. The fire department arrived on the scene as young Mr. Pride was testifying to the elderly, dying Ms. McQueen about the love of Jesus. She was still conscious. She was taken to Augusta Regional Medical Center, where she was soon pronounced dead. Some sources say that she lived 10 hours after the fire, others suggest that she perished within the hour. Regardless, we know that she did not live to see the following day, which brought to mind Isaiah 17:14-

And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he* is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

[*Other translations use “she” or “they”]

Yes, I consider Ms. McQueen to be a “type” of America, a “type” of Babylon. I believe that her death is prophetic, and through the circumstances of her own demise we can foresee the vivid imagery of America’s own future ruin.

It stands to reason that since “Babylon the Great” and the “Harlot” are essentially one and the same, Butterfly McQueen is undoubtedly also a “type” of America’s goddess, Ishtar, as famously represented by the Statue of Liberty. Why do I say this? Well, where do I start with all the connections?! First, as stated previously “McQueen” means “daughter of a Queen”.

Speaking of America Babylon, God has this to say in Revelation 18:7-

How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

And, in the New American Standard version, this is Isaiah 47:5-7-

5Sit silently, and go into darkness,
O daughter of the Chaldeans,
For you will no longer be called
The queen of kingdoms.

6“I was angry with My people,
I profaned My heritage
And gave them into your hand.
You did not show mercy to them,
On the aged you made your yoke very heavy.

7“Yet you said, ‘I will be a queen forever.’
These things you did not consider
Nor remember the outcome of them.

But, alas, this is instead her fate, Revelation 18:8-

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

I think the connection here is crystal clear.

Author R.A. Coombes has convincingly demonstrated that the Statue of Liberty depicts the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, known by many other names including “Mother Goddess”. I have also discussed this at some length in my aforementioned article on this blog (link above).

Dr. Coombes goes on to state, concerning America’s goddess Ishtar, a fallen angel-

Ishtar was never a physical ‘mother’… but rather a ‘madam’ over the priestesses. Ishtar was never married and never had a child…but she was called “mother” of the temple priestesses. Kind of like a “house mother.”

It is also clearly prophetic that Ms. McQueen was an avowed atheist. Do atheists truly not believe in God? Many of them actually do believe in a higher being, but choose to proudly ignore Him (which is actually more satanic than atheist, per se). Isn’t it amazing that the young man who told Ms. McQueen all about the love of Jesus, while she lay dying, was named James Pride? What is the connection? To me, it is simply yet profoundly this-

Pride couldn’t save her, only Jesus could.

If she had only accepted Him into her life. Perhaps she did, while being comforted by the young Boy Scout, perhaps she did ask Jesus into her heart. I pray so.

Furthermore, Ms. McQueen died within the hour, a “type” of America Babylon’s near-future demise, for which we read, Revelation 18:19-

And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

Thelma “Butterfly” McQueen is best known, internationally in fact, for her role in the epic film “Gone with the Wind”. From-

In a famous scene she accompanies Rhett Butler, Melanie, and the newborn baby on the journey from Atlanta, and cowers on the floor of the wagon, occasionally popping her head up to scream hysterically at the sight of the burning city.


I find it not only striking that “Gone with the Wind” has to do with destruction by fire, but even more shocking that this fire comes from the “north”, by manner of the Union forces. Here is a quote from Union General William T. Sherman, who ordered the burning of Atlanta-

. . . we rode out of Atlanta by the Decatur road . . . we naturally paused to look back upon the scenes of our past battles . . . behind us lay Atlanta, smouldering and in ruins, the black smoke rising high in air, and hanging like a pall over the ruined city.

This destruction from the north is a true foreshadowing of what will happen to America as a whole on a day in the very near future. “Gone with the Wind”? Indeed, for the Lord comes as a “whirlwind out of the North” to judge this country, this end-times Babylon, this America. As we read in Jeremiah 51:48-

Then the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon: for the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the LORD.

Tragically, one of America’s most famous, beloved, and successful movies, “Gone with the Wind” is a suitable title for America’s approaching day of destruction, as America is “reaping the whirlwind” of God’s judgment, as we read in Hosea 8:7-

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.


Part VIII; What America can expect soon:

This study represents a portion of the fruits of my pursuing the specific and unique watchman calling which God has placed upon me, which is to use the gifts He has given me to alert the American populace that their (our) nation is Babylon the Great i.e. end-times Babylon. I do so unashamedly, and with the knowledge that the vast majority of the readers will ignore this call. These readers will include large numbers of both non-believers and Christians. Yet, this is all about saving a few souls from the fires of Hell and giving others a “heads up” on the Biblical truth that America is Babylon, so as they might prepare accordingly. I am simply a man who is obeying God and trusting in Him!

What can America expect? What will ultimately become of her? Her complete and utter destruction is fast-approaching. This judgment will be by fire; perhaps a heavenly fire or, more likely (I believe), a nuclear firestorm. This event will kill tens of millions of people instantly, hundreds of millions within months, and leave perhaps 10% of the population as survivors. To understand what is coming, you should read the referenced books by R.A. Coombes, John Price, and A.P. Watchman which are, in order, “America, the Babylon . . .”, “The End of America . . .”, and “Reaping the Whirlwind . . .”. You could also visit the “wakeupbabylon” blogsite, as its author is currently performing unique and impressive Biblical research on this very topic, including details regarding the fate of the few survivors of this judgment on Babylon.

Most importantly, you must ask God what you are to do personally; in addition, you must fully repent, seek His face, and learn to recognize His voice.

Will there be a Rapture before this earth-shattering event, which I believe kicks off the final 3.5 years? I do not know; perhaps, God will do as He wills. However, I am more inclined to believe that there will be a supernatural protection of the True Saints, however not of the deceived members of the Laodicean Church which is prevalent in America, but of His actual followers. We see a Biblical precedent for protection from the fire in Daniel 3 (the three young men in the furnace), Genesis 19 (Lot’s family during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah), and Joshua 6 (Rahab’s family during the fall of Jericho).

Remember- Babylon, New York represents New York City. New York City, in turn, is essentially the capital “Babylon” and represents the heart of the nation Babylon. The nation Babylon is none other than the United States of America, and she will burn in fire. The Day of Judgment, of the Lord’s Wrath, is soon, very soon, just mere years away. For more on the urgency of this matter, and compelling evidence, please eagerly await my next article on this topic which will be entitled:

“America’s Destiny Revealed within Her Landscape, Part II . . .”

Go with God, sisters and brothers, and please alert your loved ones and your sleeping church to the Truth that America’s demise is “at the door”.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10

With Love in Christ,




Update 28 August, 2011-

I find it most interesting that Hurricane Irene’s (a borderline Hurricane/Tropical Storm during New York landfall) “eye” (which was poorly defined) or, better, “center of circulation”, encompassed both Manhattan on its West and Babylon on its East; yes, that is correct . . . Babylon, being in the upper right quadrant of the “eyewall” should have, theoretically, experienced the highest winds of any New York location.

Great information on the storm here, as it was experienced in Babylon-

So, this storm is an obvious message from God Almighty; there is no way that a storm can travel thousands of miles across the Atlantic and Caribbean and just “happen” to center on both Manhattan and Babylon with pinpoint accuracy. Indeed not! Rather, this is a warning! Repent now, for His judgment is close at hand! This storm has profoundly and divinely confirmed the contents of this article in their entirety, not to mention this is a confirmation as well of my prophetic calling. Message- Babylon (and NYC) is America and America is Babylon . . .


First and foremost, I thank our Father in Heaven for revealing His sacred secrets to those who truly seek Him. Thanks also to the handful of friends I have left; you guys mean so much to me and you are always in my prayers. To my sis, I pray daily that you will break the cycle of addiction, for with the addiction tragically comes deception. Thanks to Dr. Richard Coombes for the second most important book I’ve ever read; it changed my life, blessings to you always.
Burlap is mentioned in the Bible. It is often described as "SackCloth".

12 At that time the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies,
called you to weep and mourn.
He told you to shave your heads in sorrow for your sins
and to wear clothes of burlap to show your remorse.
-Isaiah 22

Fasting, wearing sackcloth, and placing ashes on the head were ways of demonstrating grief or repentance, and showed humility. Luxurious and colorful clothing represented joy, or fine living. Washing the face showed one was no longer in mourning. The most particular use of sackcloth is in Jonah 3:8. Nehemiah 9:1, Ester 4:1-4, Job 16:15, Psalm 30:11, Matthew 11:21, Revelations 11:3.
H665 epher, ashes. H8242 saq, mesh cloth similar to a potato sack, but of a finer weave and somewhat softer, usually of dark goats hair
-Explain Sackcloth And Ashes

But whenever you enter a town and they do not receive you, go into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near.’ I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town. “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
-Bible Verses about Prostitutes

Before I write this next statement, let me go on record and state that I do not have a single prejudice bone in my body. I am completely neutral and do not judge anyone based upon their sexual orientation, race or religion. With that being said, I will not let the threat of appearing to be prejudice stand in my way of posting the results of my investigations. Wherever the clues lead me, I will follow and report. Therefore, I am not singling out any group of people or making any prejudice accusations!

Whew!! Glad I got that off my chest. So here it is;

There is clearly a significant ISLAMIC twist on the use of Sackcloth (Burlap) as demonstrated by this quote;

When the unbelieving person is about to leave the world and move towards the Hereafter, black-faced angels come to him from the sky with sack cloth and sit down so far he could see. It is followed by the arrival of the Angel of Death who sits down at the head of his bedstead and says, "O wicked soul! come towards the displeasure and anger of Allah." Having heard these proclamation of the Angel of Death his soul starts running and taking refuge here and there in his body. But the Angel pulls it out very roughly and wraps up in the sack cloth which is filthy and stinking to the extreme like the dead and rotten bodies on the earth. When the angels ascend to various layers and at each layer the bands of the angels remark, "Who is this wicked one?" They reply, "This is the son of so and so." The door of Heaven also remains closed for him as Almighty Allah has said:

"The gates of Heaven shall not be opened for those that have denied and scorned Our revelations; nor shall they enter Paradise until a camel shall pass through the eye of a needle." (Q-7:40)

Thereafter, Almighty Allah ask the angels to get his name written in the Book of the Wicked Souls which lies at the bottom of the earth. Thereafter, the Messenger of Allah recited the following Ayah:

"He who associates others with Allah is like him who falls from heaven and is snatched away by the birds or carried by the wind to some far-off region." (Q. 22:31)

Thereafter, his soul is put back in his body and two angels come to him, get him seated and ask him, "Who is your Lord?' - He replies, "Alas ! I don't know." (That is he was aware of the existence of the Lord but he did not believe: he knew about the true religion and about Prophet Muhammad too but declared his ignorance in order to save himself from the torment of Hell).

He is then asked, "Which is your Deen?" He again replies, "Alas ! I don't know." He is further asked, "Which is this image?" He replies once again. "Alas, I don't know." After this question-answer session is over, a proclaimer from the sky proclaims, "He spoke the untruth, spread fire under his body and throw the door of Hell open for him." (This order is immediately implemented.) He feels the heat and stroke of the Hell. His grave is narrowed so much so that his ribs are pressed so hardly and harshly that they change their sides; Thereafter an ugly man wearing very coarse and stinking clothes comes to him and says: "I Have very terrifying news." He will ask, "Who are you? Your face says that you are the bearer of bad news."

He will reply, "I am your bad deed." Thus out of fear of the punishment he will say, ‘O Lord, do not establish the Day of Resurrection.’" (Mishkat)

According to a narrative, when the soul of a Believer leaves his body all the angels from the earth to the sky send their blessings on him and the doors of the Heaven are thrown open for him.

But the souls of the Unbelievers are taken out along with his veins and all the angels from the earth to the sky curse him and the doors of the sky are closed for him. (Mishkat)
-Disgrace Of The Disbelievers

You raise some valid points here. And the mention of Robert Moses got me thinking. Hemlock Cove used to be the Gilgo Inlet before Robert Moses had it filled in to build the Ocean Parkway. I wonder if the placement of the 4 bodies where the old inlet was has any significance.

You raise some valid points here. And the mention of Robert Moses got me thinking. Hemlock Cove used to be the Gilgo Inlet before Robert Moses had it filled in to build the Ocean Parkway. I wonder if the placement of the 4 bodies where the old inlet was has any significance.

Extremely valid point that I agree with 100%. This author (as well as many other Muslims with radical views about America) seem to have all been taught the same inaccurate information about Babylon. Someone went to great extremes to make it appear highly likely that there is a direct link between the Town of Babylon and the Babylon mentioned in the section of the Bible that describes doomsday.

For instance, someone taught them that all of the ships that sail into New York harbor must first travel North in a shipping lane towards the Town of Babylon, through a North/South inlet directly to the shore of Babylon within "Babylon Harbor" before making a sharp turn towards the West to the city. And they were told that on the way past Babylon the passengers of ships can clearly read the name "BABYLON" on the town's water tower.

For those of you who are not locals, let me explain how flawed this teaching is. For starters, there are three specific shipping lanes leading towards Ambrose Channel (the Channel that enters into New York Harbor). This is a good illustration of the three lanes;


From the South along the coast there is the Barnegat-Ambrose Approach (BA).

From the South East is the Hudson-Ambrose Approach (HA)

From the North East is the Nantucket-Ambrose Approach (NA).

As you can see, the only approach of these three that comes anywhere near Babylon (or the coast of Long Island) is the Nantucket-Ambrose Approach (NA). And just so you know (and any offshore fishermen here can tell you), the "NA Buoy" that marks this approach is ten miles offshore. At no point do any of the ships ever come within view of the coastline at a distance that would put them close enough to read the side of a water tower! This would be completely dangerous (as well as impossible since the water depth is too shallow for any ships to come that close). However, according to what these radicals were taught, all ships (at least in the old days) travelled straight north (through what was once Gilgo inlet where all of the bodies were found) towards the mainland to Babylon (by the way, there is no such thing as a "Babylon Harbor" either!!!).

This concept, however impossible as it is in reality, is being preached to these Islamic Radicals all over the internet (and most likely in hard print and verbally). Here is another example of the incorrect preaching;

There is a small Village in NY called Babylon Village.

Imaging coming through the Atlantic Ocean and seeing their water tower... "WELCOME TO BABYLON".

Apparently it is the first thing that you see when you come to America via NY waterways.

At least they aren't lying to you...
-Babylon, New York Above Top Secret Info

There is a banner in the New York/Long Island harbor that even says Welcome to Babylon. Fire Island (which is ironic) Water tower which is located in Babylon NY guides ships into the harbor. The seven points on the crown of liberty point to the 7 continents (mountains) and the 7 seas. Her name is The Mother of Exiles. Her original location was to straddle the Suez canal in Egypt like Colossus in Rhodes. She is based on Ishtar/Ashtorath. Studying the statue is the key to Babylon. Read Zech 5.
-Time of The End Prophecy Habakkuk

There is also a New York suburb named Babylon. Prior to
Saddam Hussein's rebuilding Babylon, the Babylon in
New York was the only Babylon on earth. As one floats
into Hudson Harbor, one can even see a banner that
reads, "Welcome to Babylon."
-America- Daughter of Babylon (and why she will be destroyed)

Just so you all know, there never was a "Welcome to Babylon" sign on any water tower. Most of the time the water tower being pictured and referred to is actually the JONES BEACH water tower (that isn't even in Suffolk county, nevermind in the town of Babylon). There is a water tower (needle) on Robert Moses State Park (but that also never would say "welcome to Babylon" because it's not under the jurisdiction of the town of Babylon limits (it's a State Park/National Seashore). There certainly is not a "Welcome to Babylon" banner or sign anywhere near the entrance to New York harbor (since this is half New Jersey coast and half New York City coast". Yet despite these truths, there are many hostile verbal/written arguments against anyone who challenges this propaganda to be false!!!!

This is some real serious anti-American preaching.
This is very interesting;

Probably doesn't mean anything but thought it was interesting. Seems that some names have to do with water and the other farming. Interesting that Shannon comes out as a God is gracious and is a pledge/hostage.

Maureen Brainard-Barne
Maureen \ma(u)-reen\ as a girl's name is pronounced maw-REEN. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Maureen is "star of the sea"

Brainard: is a English boy name. The meaning of the name is `bold raven`.

Barnes1. English: topographic name or metonymic occupational name for someone who lived by or worked at a barn or barns, from Middle English barn ‘barn’, ‘granary’. In some cases, it may be a habitational name from Barnes (on the Surrey bank of the Thames in London), which was named in Old English with this word.
2. English: name borne by the son or servant of a barne, a term used in the early Middle Ages for a member of the upper classes, although its precise meaning is not clear (it derives from Old English beorn, Old Norse barn ‘young warrior’). Barne was also occasionally used as a personal name (from an Old English, Old Norse byname), and some examples of the surname may derive from this use.
3. Irish: possibly an Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Bearáin ‘descendant of Bearán’, a byname meaning ‘spear’

Megan Waterman:
Origin: Welsh
Meaning: Little Pearl


• .) An attendant on cab stands, etc., who supplies water to the horses.
• (n.) A water demon.
• (n.) A man who plies for hire on rivers, lakes, or canals, or in harbors, in distinction from a seaman who is engaged on the high seas; a man who manages fresh-water craft; a boatman; a ferryman.

Melissa Barthelemy

Melissa is a given name for a female child. The name comes from the Greek word μέλισσα (melissa), "honey bee" and from μέλι (meli), "honey".[1] Compare Hittite melit, "honey".[2]. In Ireland it is sometimes used as a feminine form of the Gaelic male name Maoilíosa, which means "servant of Jesus." Melissa also refers to the plant known as lemon balm (family Lamiaceae; genus and species Melissa officinalis).

Barthelemy \b(a)-rthele-
my, bar-the-lemy\ as a boy's name is a variant of Bartholomew (Aramaic), and the meaning of Barthelemy is "son of Talmai (the farmer)".

From the Middle English Bartelmeus, a cognate of the Late Latin Bartholomaeus, which is from the Greek Bartholomaios (son of Talmai). Talmai is an Aramaic name meaning "hill, mound, furrows." The name is borne in the Bible by one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. Short: Bart.

Shannon Gilbert

Origin and Meaning of the Name ShannonDebate this name info

Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God is gracious

Origin: Gaelic
Meaning: From Seanan meaning Old River

Shannon \sh(an)-non\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Shannon), is pronounced SHAN-en. It is of Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Shannon is "old, ancient". Place name of an Irish river. The meaning possibly refers to an ancient Celtic diety identified with the river. Actresses Shannen Doherty, Shannyn Sossamon; gymnast Shannon Miller.
Shannon means "small, wise one

1. English (of Norman origin), French, and North German: from Giselbert, a Norman personal name composed of the Germanic elements gisil ‘pledge’, ‘hostage’, ‘noble youth’ (see Giesel) + berht ‘bright’, ‘famous’. This personal name enjoyed considerable popularity in England during the Middle Ages, partly as a result of the fame of St. Gilbert of Sempringham (1085–1189), the founder of the only native English monastic order.
2. Jewish (Ashkenazic): Americanized form of one or more like-sounding Jewish surnames.
he meaning of Gilbert is "bright promise"

eans "bright pledge", derived from the Germanic elements gisil "pledge, hostage" and beraht "bright". The Normans introduced this name to England, where it was common during the Middle Ages. It was borne by a 12th-century British saint, the founder of the religious order known as the Gilbertines

Amber Costello.


Amber \a-mber\ as a girl's name is pronounced AM-ber. Derived via Old French and Latin from Arabic "ambar". Amber is the English name for a semiprecious gem made from fossilized tree resin, and is also used to describe the gem's golden color. In Hindi, the name is derived from Sanskrit, meaning "the sky". Amber became popular in the 1960s due to the Kathleen Winsor novel and film, "Forever Amber". Model Amber Valletta.
Amber is fossilized tree resin (not sap), which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times.[2] Amber is used as an ingredient in perfumes, as a healing agent in folk medicine, and as jewelry. There are five classes of amber, defined on the basis of their chemical constituents. Because it originates as a soft, sticky tree resin, amber sometimes contains animal and plant material as inclusions. Amber occurring in coal seams is also called resinite, and the term ambrite is applied to that found specifically within New Zealand coal seams. [3]


Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Oisdealbhaigh ‘son of Oisdealbhach’, a personal name composed of the elements os ‘deer’, ‘fawn’ + dealbhach ‘in the form of’, ‘resembling’.
The idea that New York or the USA is the "Babylon The Great" mentioned in the bible may have ties to this 1937 short story by Stephen Vincent Benét that was first published in the Saturday Evening Post;

It does not contain the anti-American radical views like the other papers. It is more of a warning to man-kind that the development of arms and the destructive power of war will eventually lead towards the destruction of one of the greatest cities in the world.

Nevertheless, I find it enchanting that even this author has chosen the name Babylon.
I apologize in advance for not posting this information in any organized fashion.

Here is reference to the common practice of strangling women in ancient Babylon when Darius I (King of Prussia) lead Prussia in a siege of ancient Babylon;

When the moment finally came to declare their purpose, the Babylonians, in order to reduce the consumption of food, herded together and strangled all the women in the city each man exempting only his mother, and one other woman whom he chose out of his household to bake his bread for him.
-Darius, Zopyrus, and Babylon
"Serial Killer" reference to Babylon the Great prophecy;

Mother of Harlots—A Stone-Cold Serial Killer


If there ever was a conspiracy against nations and people of earth this is its highest ensign. The Mother of Harlots, sitting upon a beast, is wealthy beyond compare—she is “decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,” and she holds a “golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filth of her fornication.” The mysterious woman, regally arrayed in purple and scarlet color, is drunk, but not from alcohol and strong drink; the Mother of Harlots is drunken “with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” No black widow could compare with this sinister and evil woman. This is no lady. This is a stone-cold serial killer who feasts on the blood of the saints of Jesus and no doubt leaves the world littered with the remains of destroyed souls.
-Solving the mystery of Babylon The Great

Her common name is "THE *advertiser censored* OF BABYLON". There are thousands of websites describing her as the *advertiser censored* of Babylon. This is significant because we know that when our SK phoned MB's sister, it was emphasized that he specifically referred to MB as a "*advertiser censored*" (Source: Family taunted from victim's phone.
If there was any doubt that the chosen profession of our victims (prostitution) isn't a target of the Anti-American radical religious extremists, here lies an example of how they feel about it;

Dwelling place of demons

America , the mother of cults and abominations of the earth. She is the birthplace of the Mormons, the Watchtower, Christian Science, Seventhday Adventism, and countless other antichrist sects and cults. America, where faith preachers rob widows through television, radio, mail, and internet. America, where megachurches preach a gospel tailered to the desires of its consumers. Where Starbucks graces the foyer and commercials the bulletins. What abominations does America not harbor under her skirt?

America, the land of criminals and for profit prisons. She boasts more incarcerated people than any other country on earth, both in gross numbers and as a percent of the population. America, capitol of the world and capitol of murder. America, where prostitutes advertize openly in local papers and on "Craig's list" along side ads for used cars.

America where the live-in mother-in-law of the President conducted Santeria (african pagan religion) rituals in the Whitehouse.
-From Babylon The Great which can be read here.
Time to go to bed. I will leave off with this final find; there actually is a *advertiser censored* of Babylon Website!

Someone is going through so great lengths to send a message to the world. Look at this website and how it is full of hatred towards prostitutes and all sorts of religious references, articles about serial killers who target prostitutes (their heroes) and so much more!
The investigation clearly has me exploring the possibility of sex trafficking ring bring run by Muslims here on the East Coast.

If you explore Megan Waterman's missing person story you will discover that both her family as well as experts who were hired to assist with her investigation are convinced that her story is a case of a sex trafficking ring preying on young desperate naive girls. Her so called "boyfriend-pimp" (who is now in jail for drug dealing charges) has a history of arrests for violence towards women. And (surprise) his name is Akeem Cruz. Akeem is clearly a name only taken by Muslims.

It's been questioned by some people why a sex trafficking ring would bother with dismemberment of their victims. Well the answer normally is "NO" (because most crime organizations would not go through the trouble). However, there is one circumstance when the answer is actually "YES". That is when the crime organization follows radical Muslim beliefs.

Beheading, pre- and post-mortem have long historical and theological precedents in Islam and both practices are frequently implemented by Islamic extremist groups.
-One of hundred of sources is found here: Mujahideen Desecration: Beheadings, Mutilation & Muslim Iconoclasm

It's been theorized that our Serial Killer most likely has some military training/experience. I agree 100% with this theory. However, American troops are not experienced in decapitating, skinning, or any other form of mutilation of human bodies (our soldiers are more turned-on by blowing people/things up, rapid fire of automatic weapons or the precision of a sniper ambush). As clearing documented in the paper linked above, Muslim Extremists are obviously deeply interested in using knives to behead and mutilate their victims (just look at that detailed lists of recent b headings & mutilations).

The practice of beheading is not just limited to Muslim Extremists. Many Governments of countries whose populations are primary Muslim also practice this tradition. Once again,there are hundreds of recent accounts to prove this. However, this one seems to me to be extremely significant given that the a large majority of Muslims in New York State are from Pakistan;

Two Pakistani women accused of prostitution beheaded... A note left with the corpses accused the women of being involved in prostitution with the support of local officials, and warned others like them that they would be punished in the same way
-read the entire new report here: Two women beheaded by militants in Pakistan

The practice of Muslims beheading & mutilating Prostitutes is well-documented throughout every Muslim community.

Still not convinced?

Well this should grab your attention:

The level of primal, sadistic, or barbaric savagery shown in honor killings towards a female family intimate more closely approximates some of the murders in the West perpetrated by serial killers against prostitutes or randomly selected women. It also suggests that gender separatism, the devaluation of girls and women, normalized child abuse, including arranged child marriages of both boys and girls, sexual repression, misogyny (sometimes inspired by misogynist interpretations of the Qur'an), and the demands made by an increase in the violent ideology of jihad all lead to murderous levels of aggression towards girls and women. One only has to kill a few girls and women to keep the others in line. Honor killings are, in a sense, a form of domestic terrorism, meant to ensure that Muslim women wear the Islamic veil, have Muslim babies, and mingle only with other Muslims.
Source is here: World-wide Trends in Honor Killings

I've said it before and I'll say it again- it is highly likely that we might not be looking at one serial killer but actually a small group of 'soldiers' for an organized crime ring. Now that I am aware that Muslims consider "Honor Killings" to be an acceptable way to keep girls and women in line by sending them a message, it is highly likely that the police are withholding key information that supports the connection to the world of Muslim Extremists. This would clearly explain why the police were so quick to state that JB, CPH & MP are obviously not their suspect.

I would be very curious now to know what religion SG's so-called "boyfriend" Alex (aka "a driver in the industry") follows (Muslims can indeed have the name "Alexander") or if he recently converted to another religion too.
Megan Waterman's boyfriend/pimp was Akeem Cruz, a Muslim gangster from Brooklyn. He went by the street name "Vybe" as well as "Mello" (Click here for one of many sources here.) MW's family accuses Cruz of sex trafficking (remember, he went all the way up to Maine to recruit her).

Now I just discovered that Melissa Barthelemy's Pimp/Boyfriend named John Terry (street name "Blaze"), recruited MB from her home town all the way upstate in Buffalo and brought her back to live in the Bangladeshi Muslim section of the Bronx where she made friends with at least one Bangladeshi muslim who helped her arrange to rent her second apartment.

Barthelemy's last apartment was in the basement of a Bangladeshi family's home on Underhill Avenue in the Bronx. It was one of many two-story homes on that block, with trees and minimally manicured lawns. Down the street, the barbershop, hair salon, and corner stores are mostly a mix of Dominican and Bangladeshi businesses clustered near a large Christian church and a mosque.

Barthelemy moved into her $800-a-month apartment after a Bangladeshi friend saw an ad at the grocer on the corner. Landlord Gafur Mohammad told The Daily Beast that the man called him and referred Barthelemy, who lived in his basement apartment for about eight months.
Source found here
I think you ideas are brilliant and I hope someone of significance is paying attention to your theories. I think too often when when we think of serial killers, we assume it is the work of some deranged low life, second hand citizen, and many of them are. However, we also find that many of them are on a genius level and have very profound reasons for their crimes. The area is rich, and Im guessing the killer is too. I find it absurd to think that those bodies are not all related. Even the baby. I believe that the killer may indeed have an educated, religious theory behind his crimes, however, I also believe that he is enjoying the fruits of his misery, possibly even keeping the sex slaves for himself for a long time. We hear of hidden rooms in homes and he would certainly have the money to make that happen. If he keeps them for awhile before passing them on, it would stand to reason that one of his captives might become pregnant. A sin from a sin. If he is indeed trafficking perhaps the ones that die are the ones that wont submit to the drugs or control, therefore must be punished. People stupidly think that hidden rooms in homes, parents that kill their children, etc, are just too elaborate to be true, and yet time and time again we see these secrets emerge and wonder why we all missed them. The funniest part is, if indeed your suspicions could be true, this "righteous one" is committing the same sins he spits at, and probably enjoying them more than he will ever admit.
I think you should post your theory in a local newspaper in the area and shake this daddy's existence. My guess is he will feel it necessary to respond. Kudos to you! Get it published!

Have you confronted the author of this paper? :rocker:
This thread started with wildly incorrect 'facts' about Babylon, Robert Moses and an obscure actress from Gone with the Wind taken from the website of a radical Christian end times zeolot with anti-american views. I am confused as to why the focus became Muslims? Was it the burlap stuff?
Well aware of the incorrect facts. That is what is most bothersome. The focus never went towards Muslim but rather towards "radical Muslim" with anti-American views and the poor treatment of women.

There are many sickos out there(all religions) with anti-American views twisting the truth about Babylon.
Musical interlude:
[ame=""]New York Dolls - Babylon - YouTube[/ame]

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