The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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Who, from Kidfinders, is spending money on KC?

The As are getting paid to go on talk shows. Do we know that they are getting any money from Kidfinders?

The A's sold an article to People which included an interview with Cindy and exclusive pictures. People pays. Cindy has also been on ET. They pay.

A video and pictures were sold to a morning network show for $200K. Cindy admitted she was writing a book. That means an advance. There was a Lifetime movie deal in the works.
The only part of JB's job we are doing is showing him what he can mark off his yellow pad as being a bust, nadda, zippo, ain'ta gonna fly, need a new angle - nope that ain't gonna work either ...... JB telling KC, come on now we need to find that SODDI so I can present a poorly written brief without references.

Do you have five guys where you live? They have the awesomist (just made that up) burgers and fries ....... my treat.

Well now, speaking of 5 guys in the neighborhood. Weren't there 5 guys who found the strings tied to bomb-looking objects buried near where Caylee's body was later found? We haven't heard much from them since their statements to LE were released in the first or second doc dump. They could make likely candidates to point the finger towards. Anyone think this is worth exploring?
Well now, speaking of 5 guys in the neighborhood. Weren't there 5 guys who found the strings tied to bomb-looking objects buried near where Caylee's body was later found? We haven't heard much from them since their statements to LE were released in the first or second doc dump. They could make likely candidates to point the finger towards. Anyone think this is worth exploring?
Awe, I was having good thoughts about food and you turn it around to bomb looking objects :crazy: Ok, I will bite, but first do ya have a link or can ya point me to the docs this is in?
Agreed, IMO, we have yet to hear a SOD, that even a child would fall for. Seems like the DP qualified attorney wanted to try an insanity defense, which to my way of thinking, makes it pretty clear they know she did it, and the only point of debate is how to defend what she has done.
Awe, I was having good thoughts about food and you turn it around to bomb looking objects :crazy: Ok, I will bite, but first do ya have a link or can ya point me to the docs this is in?

I'm trying to look, but I am not gifted in finding the I'll do my best. I know it was in one of the first couple of dumps. There were statements from each of them. IIRC they went searching back in the neighborhood while all the protesters were out front of the house.
KC for all her faults, is an experienced photographer. This case is awash with photographs. Who is to say what compromising photos she may have inadvertently snapped of "Some rising Politician" at say a "special party"?

Even now we have yet to see the "Bad Photos" from KC's photo bucket. They probably include well known people with the power to suppress this evidence.
Hi HP,:ghost:
Like maybe this guy?:


Does anyone know his name?

I'm trying to look, but I am not gifted in finding the I'll do my best. I know it was in one of the first couple of dumps. There were statements from each of them. IIRC they went searching back in the neighborhood while all the protesters were out front of the house.

Whatever you or anyone can find will help. I remember the male neighbor talking the area but not about any bomb like objects being found. Don't hurry since we have plenty of time to discuss this further. :)
Hi HP,:ghost:
Like maybe this guy?:


Does anyone know his name?

Somewhere there is a whole discussion with comparison photos as to who this is. not sure what the decision was LOL. But I'll look and see if I can find it for you.
Somewhere there is a whole discussion with comparison photos as to who this is. not sure what the decision was LOL. But I'll look and see if I can find it for you.
Thank-you JBean, I also remember a discussion on this guy but noone knew him on that thread. I might be able to look back through my posts for it.

This pic has bugged me since I 1st saw it!

My post abt the mystery guy was on KC's Photobucket thread. Marla mentions the pic being discussed earlier but I didn't ask where to find it.
Ok, I am going to start by saying that what I think could possibly be a strategy Baez will take is a long shot, but here it is: Baez will throw Cindy under the bus.Sounds crazy, I know, but there is no obligation on his part to prove Cindy did it. The only objective he has is to create enough reasonable doubt to get Casey a not guilty verdict.

If one consideres Cindy's antics, and some of the many things she has done, a scheming defense attorney could twist those things to make Cindy look like she is the one hiding guilt.A couple of these things are: Saying "OK" when LE Called Cindy to tell her that the remains of a small child had been found down the street from their house; her adamant support of Casey, even in the face of strong public disapproval, giving LE Casey's hairbrush instead of Caylee's when LE wanted it for evidence... the list could go on and on. If Baez should take this tactic I believe he will possibly clue Cindy in beforehand. Or,maybe not so that her angry reaction in court will implicate her even more. Sorry if someone else had thought about this, I have been trying to catch up on threads I have not been able to read. I have seen several Law and Order episodes were such strategies were used, and I am sure some attorney somewhere has used it in an actual trial. Anyway, if Baez does something like this I will not be surprised. I guess nothing Baez does could ever surprise me. JMHO
Ok, I am going to start by saying that what I think could possibly be a strategy Baez will take is a long shot, but here it is: Baez will throw Cindy under the bus.Sounds crazy, I know, but there is no obligation on his part to prove Cindy did it. The only objective he has is to create enough reasonable doubt to get Casey a not guilty verdict.

If one consideres Cindy's antics, and some of the many things she has done, a scheming defense attorney could twist those things to make Cindy look like she is the one hiding guilt.A couple of these things are: Saying "OK" when LE Called Cindy to tell her that the remains of a small child had been found down the street from their house; her adamant support of Casey, even in the face of strong public disapproval, giving LE Casey's hairbrush instead of Caylee's when LE wanted it for evidence... the list could go on and on. If Baez should take this tactic I believe he will possibly clue Cindy in beforehand. Or,maybe not so that her angry reaction in court will implicate her even more. Sorry if someone else had thought about this, I have been trying to catch up on threads I have not been able to read. I have seen several Law and Order episodes were such strategies were used, and I am sure some attorney somewhere has used it in an actual trial. Anyway, if Baez does something like this I will not be surprised. I guess nothing Baez does could ever surprise me. JMHO
IMHO if he takes the position that Cindy did it he is going straight to a mental hospital. :crazy:
Somewhere there is a whole discussion with comparison photos as to who this is. not sure what the decision was LOL. But I'll look and see if I can find it for you.
JBean would you know who were the 2 guys who did visit Casey during her first incarceration?
I have asked this a 1/6 dz. times. with no reply.
I posted their names - it seems like a bazaar visit since KC was clueless as to who they really were?
The story on JB has been that when Casey was arrested initially she got his name from another inmate. We don't know if this is true or not. Clearly JB is out to make a name for himself with this very high profile client. Any attorney with this opportunity would be crazy not to take it. This is a career making case, if he can get her off. And I agree, his strategy for Casey may not be 100% in her best interest. But without knowing her story and details of what has been said between them and what her entire legal team has discussed, it is impossible to judge the situation.

I've never believed that "story." Ya ever hear of an ambulance chaser. . . ?
Well, if there was a stalker then Caylee is dead and why hold back now from telling about him. If he killed her baby then wouldn't she have said there was a stalker who killed Caylee. Why sit her butt in jail if there was somebody else? She has given NO info to help in this case. The A. family isn't afraid for their lives. I haven't seen any "fear" in any of them. They come and go when they wanna. I just can't buy into a stalker. The A. family isn't the type of peeps who would put up with a stalker. Look at the protesters---hammer--water hose---gittin up in faces. Nah---they ain't scared and they would be telling of one.

bolded mine

But they dare not open their traps about a stalker who takes gas cans from their shed, steals their checks, and plasters dead squirrels to the frames of their cars!
Verité;3791211 said:
I've never believed that "story." Ya ever hear of an ambulance chaser. . . ?
Like some inmate is the holy grail.::rolleyes:
I am still very curious where JB really comes from.
That alone has my meter running overtime.
But---on the other hand---maybe nobody knows of KC losing time. You think CA would admit to something like this. If she witnessed anythang like this would she even know what she was seeing. Maybe "if" KC did go thru this then maybe the new peep would just fit right in to the A. scheme of life. She did have different personalities.

What was that deal about when she heard Caylee had been found and then next thang was her talkin about the Ball game stuff. I have always thought Multiple Peeps. But nobody wants to go there so I sit here holdin my hands under my legs so I won't type it. Sometimes my hands get loose.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

bolded mine

You be too dang-rous, Mama. . .bolded above pushed me rite offn muh chair, and now i be rollin' on the floor LOL wit' cha.
JBean would you know who were the 2 guys who did visit Casey during her first incarceration?
I have asked this a 1/6 dz. times. with no reply.
I posted their names - it seems like a bazaar visit since KC was clueless as to who they really were?

I recall that one was "Patrick Bourgeois," I think, and the other was Mike R., & supposedly, they were from her Colonial High School--though KC seemed vague during
interaction w/PB and less than enthusiastic.

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