THE SPOTA TRIAL...assuming he goes to trial.

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I am a lot of fun with this because Spota is now trying to prove Hickey a liar. I guess Spota wants to see the proffer on what crimes he told the FEDS before they signed him up to be a snitch. We can assume Spota knows most, if not all of the crimes Hickey committed. The question is did he tells the FEDS. A bigger question is did he tell the FEDS everything and they decided the guy is a bad guy but how bad do they want to make him ? There is not a shadow of a doubt he lied to help Spota and Burke frame my former son in law. I wrote and called IAB to check his testimony at the trial. They would have none of it. But no one can say I didn't try to expose all of them.

Funny thing about Hickey I knew he was the weak link to get all of them. It was satisfying to see it come true. I would love to see him do some jail time, but I think that is not going to happen.
You should also be mindful that Spota/Burke made sure Hickey's Criminal Intel Unit was involved with the Melius shooting at Oheka Castle. The Homicide and 2nd Pct detectives were involved but Spota needed to have it covered - enter Intel and DA Squad.
You should also be mindful that Spota/Burke made sure Hickey's Criminal Intel Unit was involved with the Melius shooting at Oheka Castle. The Homicide and 2nd Pct detectives were involved but Spota needed to have it covered - enter Intel and DA Squad.

You have mentioned Bo Dietl in the past -
Is Bo a bff of Burke or Spota?
You should also be mindful that Spota/Burke made sure Hickey's Criminal Intel Unit was involved with the Melius shooting at Oheka Castle. The Homicide and 2nd Pct detectives were involved but Spota needed to have it covered - enter Intel and DA Squad.
Bo Dietl is a character all by himself and nothing he would do surprises me. hanging around with the likes of Burke is beneath him.
You should also be mindful that Spota/Burke made sure Hickey's Criminal Intel Unit was involved with the Melius shooting at Oheka Castle. The Homicide and 2nd Pct detectives were involved but Spota needed to have it covered - enter Intel and DA Squad.

Spota -

No one is buying his act, especially NOT Loretta Lynch,
Too little too late suh-weet Loretta - too little too late.

Of course Spota covered up the shooting of Melius.
He lost the poker game.

Bo Dietl - hanging around with the likes of Burke beneath him.
I like that. Bo is DA BOMB - has a bigger mouth than Jimmy.
and cahone's, too. Jimmy is a cry baby - Feds exposed
his crying in the trial - wah wah wah.
IMO - Bo is a showman who knows how to put on a good show. It works for him because he understands most of what we think we know is all bull****.

Burke understands what the system is all about. He knows blackmail would get him great success. What he didn't understand was how to prepare for the fall.
IMO - Bo is a showman who knows how to put on a good show. It works for him because he understands most of what we think we know is all bull****.

Burke understands what the system is all about. He knows blackmail would get him great success. What he didn't understand was how to prepare for the fall.

Every criminal knows they could get caught.
Even crybaby. He had a temper tantrum in front of
tommie because tommie has a weak spot for his baby.

So, he fell, and he stood up and now he's running
around LI stronger than Tide detergent.
Jimmy will never fully recover because his criminal acts caused the 'criminal enterprise' to crumble. Jimmy took down at least 10 cops down with him. He took down Spota and his good pal McPartland. He destroyed a lot of people.

Best thing he can do is to go off somewhere far away and enjoy his $145K a year pension.
This thing is a long way from being over. My guess is the Spota thing will last at least 2 years. Mind you the FEDS have not decided to take a crack at Emily Constant. The point of it all is all of this is a constant reminder and Jimmy is most of the reason it happened

For now I would get a lot of satisfaction if the folks would understand that Spota manipulated Burke when it really was the other way around. And that goes back to the Pius case. Jimmy was a cute looking kid.
I meant to say BURKE manipulated SPOTA. Folks have a hard time believing that because Burke was only 13-14 years old and Spota was a 'big time' prosecutor. At that time Burke was an already committed criminal. He was running a burglary ring out of Smithtown. Drug dealing was a sideline.
With all due respect, never have I clicked into the new post’ category on WS and picked a title to peruse eg. This one and I have to say that I do not have a clue what any of this is about ? There’s no summary at the start of the thread and nothing for me to glean what the thread is about. Can you please assist ? Anyone ? Thank you
This goes back years. I would spend a whole day trying to explain it to you. I appreciate your situation. maybe some of the other members could chime in.
When I learned that Spota had McCreedy cover for the real murderers of Tankleff (Mr and Mrs) because Spota had his greedy hands in the drug money of Todd Steuerman, and when I found out that Spota was screaming at the Judge to have him change the hearing of

(was it Harris?) who was in court to tip on the real killers of Mr
and Mrs Tankleff - as Bruce Barket had arranged for it all to be
on the up and up after Jay Salpeter went to a lot of trouble
to find Harris, and I think Harris admitted to his son that he killed
Tankleff (if I recall - Harris was divorced and wanted to bond with his son, so he told his son the truth that he actually killed one of the Tankleffs)

and the son ratted his father out because his father skeeved him
so badly

When I learned that Spota KEPT Marty Tankleff in prison -
all because of money Spota was receiving from the drug money
of Todd Steuerman, I was in shock, and then reality set in.

Spota was a diabolical sadistic aggressive sexual predator
with a drug problem. Ya'll say he's an alcoholic who took
trips to Thailand with his baby Jimmy? He's a killer
There are civilians being killed on Long Island
that 99% of people posting here on WS haven't a clue.

They haven't a clue how toxic and how truly damaged
Spota is, Jimmy boy too, Hickey - yup - Constant?
I couldn't believe she wasn't prosecuted right along
with Spota and McPartland

it was not the beat down they covered up

it was the content of the DVD;s and Constant was sitting
right next to Spota and McPartland when Tommie
went crying to Loretta.

I wish it would go on for years, but that is where you
and I disagree. The elephant in the room of Tommie's
trial was Loretta. she took down Gotti when she was
Lara's age (one of the prosecutors who bi*sh) slapped
Tommie and Chrissie HARD during the trial.

Loretta is brilliant and she put her foot down and took
Tommie out. Down and out. Boy did he make a mistake
running to her .
When I learned that Spota had McCreedy cover for the real murderers of Tankleff (Mr and Mrs) because Spota had his greedy hands in the drug money of Todd Steuerman, and when I found out that Spota was screaming at the Judge to have him change the hearing of

(was it Harris?) who was in court to tip on the real killers of Mr
and Mrs Tankleff - as Bruce Barket had arranged for it all to be
on the up and up after Jay Salpeter went to a lot of trouble
to find Harris, and I think Harris admitted to his son that he killed
Tankleff (if I recall - Harris was divorced and wanted to bond with his son, so he told his son the truth that he actually killed one of the Tankleffs)

and the son ratted his father out because his father skeeved him
so badly

When I learned that Spota KEPT Marty Tankleff in prison -
all because of money Spota was receiving from the drug money
of Todd Steuerman, I was in shock, and then reality set in.

Spota was a diabolical sadistic aggressive sexual predator
with a drug problem. Ya'll say he's an alcoholic who took
trips to Thailand with his baby Jimmy? He's a killer
There are civilians being killed on Long Island
that 99% of people posting here on WS haven't a clue.

They haven't a clue how toxic and how truly damaged
Spota is, Jimmy boy too, Hickey - yup - Constant?
I couldn't believe she wasn't prosecuted right along
with Spota and McPartland

it was not the beat down they covered up

it was the content of the DVD;s and Constant was sitting
right next to Spota and McPartland when Tommie
went crying to Loretta.

I wish it would go on for years, but that is where you
and I disagree. The elephant in the room of Tommie's
trial was Loretta. she took down Gotti when she was
Lara's age (one of the prosecutors who bi*sh) slapped
Tommie and Chrissie HARD during the trial.

Loretta is brilliant and she put her foot down and took
Tommie out. Down and out. Boy did he make a mistake
running to her .
Is there an initial thread in relation to all of this so that I can read up from the start because with your post alone and the sheer number of names to look up, I don’t know where to start . Thank you
MAGE: I think it was Joe Creedon who was said to have told his son he murdered the Tankleffs. It was Harris that said he drove Creedon and Kent to the Tanklefff house and waited in the car down the hill.
If you haven't read "A Criminal Injustice" by Rick Firstman you should go and get it
MAGE: I think it was Joe Creedon who was said to have told his son he murdered the Tankleffs. It was Harris that said he drove Creedon and Kent to the Tanklefff house and waited in the car down the hill.
If you haven't read "A Criminal Injustice" by Rick Firstman you should go and get it

Ohhhhhh noooooooooo

I did read it. It was an extremely scary book, because as I said, one of the perps (I thought Harris)
was in court and Bruce Barket was going to cross examine the perp, with a court reporter et al.
and Spota was IN the Judges chambers screaming at the judge that he (spota) was friends
with his father (the judge's father) and Spota was DEMANDING that the judge adjourn the hearing.
and from the book

the judge was having NO part of Spota - and Spota was screaming at him for like TWO HOURS
and Bruce Barket was like - "what's going on in there?"

and the door cracked open just a few inches and Barket SAW Spota in there screaming at the judge.

So - Spota won. the case was adjourned to the very next day
and the very next day - the witness (Harris I think)
Pled the 5th to EVERY question.

That is when I saw Spota crystal clearly for the first time, and I never lost sight of what that p.o.s
really is - a sick aggressive sadistic sexual and deviant predator. As I"ve said - there are civilians
being killed in Suffolk County (Creaccia (spelling), Bissette, Tankleffs, the gilgo gals, Shannan Gilbert,
the person in the "strong island" movie on Netflix - is his name Lawrence? - Michael Divers, )
who else Hawk? There have to be hundreds that were brought to

Blue Star and disappeared. There HAVE to be dozens that Hickey killed - by the orders of
spota and Burke.
Well, I have made some pretty serious allegations but some of your allegations take the cake. OK, if you think it is true then by all means make them.

Michael Divers is a beaut. I guess you know you can see it online the events that led to his death. Two men knocked this man over a small wall at least 4x. You then see the two of them sitting on his body for 15 minutes. They get up and walk away. ONE will approach the prone body and kick him to see if he moves.. He does not.

The case is brought to the grand jury where they testify. One of them has his lawyer in the room to guide him thru the process. Take a wild guess who his lawyer is,

The ADA that put this case before the grand jury was Peter Timmons. He is the same ADA who in my opinion framed my former son in law. Tim Sini got rid of him and his wife when he took office, along with the ADA that set up my son in law for the frame. His name is John Scott Prudenti. He is the guy that rented out his 47' fishing boat to lawyers with cases before the DA and the court. My understanding is he has a chalet in Vermont near a ski slope. I wondered if that was for rent.

It was widely spoken that a certain group of cops etc.,had tee-shirts made up that said : The boat that doesn't leave the dock. It was pretty funny but nothing ever happened to Prudenti. The Suffolk Legislature requested the rental records of Prudenti's boat and never got them.....the court was very obliging. Legislature sat back and did nothing about it.
Harris would have been admitting he was part of a murder in that he drove the killers to and from the scene. He would have needed immunity from the DA, and he wasn't about to get that. This is why the case was adjourned so Spota and Co, could remind him what was going to happen if he told the truth.
Two guys I know were hanging together when the cop of the two receives a phone call. The caller is Burke. He tells the cop to round up the girls for a party. The other fellow got the clear impression that Spota was going to be at the party. The cop was well known to frequent strip joints. He spent a lot of his on-duty and off-duty time in those places. The OASIS that is across the road from the iconic Bull statute on Rte 25 in Smithtown was one of his favorites.
Michael Divers is a beaut. I guess you know you can see it online the events that led to his death. Two men knocked this man over a small wall at least 4x. You then see the two of them sitting on his body for 15 minutes. They get up and walk away. ONE will approach the prone body and kick him to see if he moves.. He does not.

The case is brought to the grand jury where they testify. One of them has his lawyer in the room to guide him thru the process. Take a wild guess who his lawyer is,

Mr. Hawkshaw - I cannot possibly guess who the lawyer is - I don't even understand your sentence.

One of them (who is THEM?)
has his lawyer in the room - Guess who his lawyer is

What the frig are you talking about - who is THEM? the 2 killers of Michael Divers?

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