The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #19 *ADULT CONTENT*

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m00c0w.. that is an AA penis if I ever saw one (and I have seen plenty... again as a nurse)

also please view not only the penis but the hand associated with the said penis.

In your professional opinion, is the leg next to the AA penis and the AA leg a cockasian leg? (or however you spell it) :angel:
Hmmmm... you do make a good argument for the gunshot first scenario.. imo its just a couple issues that for me seem to solidify the use of the knife came first.. the top one being the defensive wounds.. I just cannot get past that issue as imo the main indicator that the knife came before the gun.. I, personally have a small .25 caliber handgun that hubby bought me after I received my CWP(tho, I do not carry it with me ever) .. but IMO you're correct about gunshot to the head not being a guaranteed immediate death due to the small caliber, the angle of travel, and the point of entry...but IMO tho not guaranteed to be immediate death, however IMO it would have definitely rendered him incapable of in any way attempting to defend himself from the point in time when shot..jmo.

The one other issue is that it seemed to me that the ME was indicating that there was a good possibility the gunshot could have evn come very soon before he died.. or even possible he was actually dead at the time of the gunshot..

So, with that being my opinion I just cannot believe that the gunshot came before the stabbing.. IMO the stab to the area of the heart was the first manner and point of the attack to which he was still able to make attempts of defending the continued attack with the knife..of course this is jmo based on what little I know and the info we've been given throughout the trial..

But TBH I will just never understand why, why, why she did not use the gun first..because I absolutely agree with you that the gun was the intended weapon to kill Travis.. so, what in the world led to her instead using a much more difficult, much less accurate, much less effective WRT immediate incapacity and/or death..???

Truly in my mind the only thing that I can think of is that she wanted to make this a more personal murder..she wanted to be up close and personal, with a much more hands on approach of murdering Travis.. and this for me IMO shows just what type person and mindset we are dealing with..someone that IMO truly has psychopathic traits, especially where this victim and his murder are concerned..

Otherwise for me there just is zero cause or reason for Jodi choosing to not go with the gun which would've been the easier, more effective manner in which she could have killed him.. IMO the simple reason is that she wanted and preferred to murder him in an extremely personal and vicious way..

Again all jmo and as I said you make a great argument for the gunshot first scenario..

ITA - Besides the ME explanation, a gun shot to the head first would have been too impersonal to this psychopath. This was not execution style, it was brutal torture. Stabbing him was torturing him on every level: mentally, physically, time-wise it would be lengthy, etc. It is very personal.
In all the years and all the posts I have been involved in on WS . . . I can honestly say we hav never in my recollection debated the ethnicity or erectness of a penis. . . . . . food has rotted in many a trunk, asking small chidren to climb into garbage bags.. . . etc . .. . but this takes the cake!

We have a pecan orchard and a few small bushy tails rodents gave up their lives for engine and frame experiments.

You forgot the hand mirror experiments, or the on all four looking at the floor length mirror experiments. I know that was the one that got my husband attention much more than laying in the bottom of the shower experiment. He now wants to look a the photos and she how she killed him. He crossed his arms and kept shaking his head and flinches and grunts when I show him the next one.
Horrible circumstances because the crime is so horrific obviously, but all that aside- Ive been posting here for about 4 yrs now and I had no idea what dirty little freaks you guys are! I can finally hang my hat & say *Im home* <3 heheh

Welcome !

Let me move my whip so you can grab a seat! ;)

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I've been lurking and catching up after the trial day is over but I must thank you WSers for helping me get over a rough day. I am literally LOL at the reactions you ladies are having to the penis pics .

LMAO -- Are they going to get Jodi to identify the penis to get the pictures admitted?

I'm waaaaaaay behind here, but Juan was excellent when he pointed out to the computer forensic guy that he couldn't determine who the picture was of. That isnt your expertise, IS IT?
He cunningly knows the only person that will say under oath that that is Travis' penis is the defendant. He is now using the defence witnesses to goad JA onto the stand.

Juan wants her
on the stand!

Could you wear a t-shirt with the above in the courthouse? :)
I just have to say.. that I am SOOOO GLAD I was NOT in the library when I saw the penis.

just saying

Well, considering how many you have seen it would have been as exciting as a fly zooming by, just sayin....:floorlaugh:

Jodi's penis defense case is falling flacid......I mean flat.
There isn't any and it was done for shock value.

Hopefully Martinez will make this all go away on Monday.

Thank you for saving me three hours of spiked blood pressure trying to figure that out.

Did the jury see it? What happened with the phone sex recording? I'm watching JVM and Gloria "Women's Rights" Allred talk about the case and it's making me want to drink. Any and all summaries no matter how brief would make me :great: yippie!
In your professional opinion, is the leg next to the AA penis and the AA leg a cockasian leg? (or however you spell it) :angel:

Roflmao! Dying at your spelling!

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Originally Posted by oceanblueeyes
So this wasnt a photo of Travis' penis?

I didn't see it. Anyone have a screenshot??

weh -- if you've seen one.....

What I want to know is -- if I become a crime victim and my computer is forensically examined, will those same pics now be found in the logs of my computer since I clicked the links and opened the pics? :what:

If the link stays active for that long and the same content is at that link, yes.
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