The Theater and the Shooting

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He looks pretty hairy in his court appearance last Monday to me. Can someone refresh my memory with the AFF photo?!/search/james holmes/slideshow/photos?url=

There is a comparison shot on that slide show that really bugs me. The noses look different! As do the lips ... look plumper!

It will be interesting to hear what his look, facial hair and demeanor is like in court today.

I posted a link to the New Jersey Dept of Homeland Security website over in the Official Documents thread. This contains a photo of Holmes that looks more like he looked in the mugshot and court hearing.

My question is, where did this photo come from? I haven't seen it in MSM, just the other brown-haired photo.

Also note that he seems to be wearing the same orange T-shirt that he has on in the other brown-haired photo that's all over MSM. Not that there's anything wrong with that, lol. But I thought it was strange that the photo on this site seems so different than the one in MSM (with brown hair). Maybe this one was a Driver's license photo or something? I dunno.

(sorry, I can't figure out how to download and post the pic from the site...maybe one of you can. Or, this should go over in the contradictions thread...???)

Wait a second!!! I just found another time line from CNN that says this:
12:46 a.m. -- Just outside the back of Theater 9, officers say they find a man who matches the suspect's description and take him into custody. They report over radio: "We've got rifles, gas mask, he is detained right now. I've got an open door going into the theater."

A commanding officer responds, "OK, hold that position. Hold your suspect."

Police later say -- in addition to the vest and gas mask -- the suspect was wearing a ballistic throat protector and groin protector, as well as what police call "black tactical gloves."

Police are inside Theater 9 finding many more victims. "I've got seven down in Theater 9," one says over the radio. "We need rescue inside the auditorium, multiple victims."

One adds, "I've got a child victim. I need rescue to the back door of Theater 9 now."

Another says, "I got one victim eviscerated."

Police and witnesses describe a wide variety of injuries; people shot in the arms, legs, neck, and back.

12:51 a.m. -- Police say the "suspect says he is the only one."

12:55 a.m. -- Police establish a perimeter around the entire mall area to look for witnesses, victims, and any possible accomplices. With ambulances unable to carry all the victims, other police officers are transporting victims to hospitals in their squad cars

There's a HUGE difference between 12:46 and 1:06. I'm going to have to search somemore....b/c it's really bugging me about the time.
I think different sites have a different method for classifing how the times work.

For is the whole transcript of the 911 calls. This is how they explain the time.

Below is the transcript of the Aurora Police Department emergency dispatch. It starts at seven seconds after 1:00 am on Friday morning and gives us an idea of the communication between police dispatchers and officers who were at the scene. At 1:06:50, which is just under seven minutes from the first 911 call, the dispatcher says “hold that suspect.” This seems to be the time when cops apprehended James Holmes.

So I am thinking 1:06 is the marking time in the tapes, but really the time is 12:46 am.
Does anybody know? That could explain why I keep getting confused (which is really not that hard in my case anyway)
I posted a link to the New Jersey Dept of Homeland Security website over in the Official Documents thread. This contains a photo of Holmes that looks more like he looked in the mugshot and court hearing.

My question is, where did this photo come from? I haven't seen it in MSM, just the other brown-haired photo.

Also note that he seems to be wearing the same orange T-shirt that he has on in the other brown-haired photo that's all over MSM. Not that there's anything wrong with that, lol. But I thought it was strange that the photo on this site seems so different than the one in MSM (with brown hair). Maybe this one was a Driver's license photo or something? I dunno.

(sorry, I can't figure out how to download and post the pic from the site...maybe one of you can. Or, this should go over in the contradictions thread...???)


Only place I've seen that picture of JH before is in the other thread you posted it in. I'm thinking it is most likely his driver's license photo because I'd imagine DHS would have access to that information.

The orange-ish shirt does look similar. Not sure it's the exact same one. Maybe JH fancies that color on himself.
Also,plaid shirt. I know they are common,but it stood out to me. Also, I've seen like 5 different heights on this guy. Do we know which is accurate?

I can't decide if the plaid shirt detail is important or just something said in the midst of chaos. Logic is telling me the only other explanation is he was wearing it when he came in and when he went to take the call. Perhaps he was wearing a black hat so his hair wasn't so noticeable. Thus, it wasn't mentioned by whomever spoke about the plaid shirt originally.

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Are they required to have security guards? In my city, they have employees...I guess the term would be "ushers" or whatever they're called.

Employee at the ticket booth

Employee to check the ticket before entering

Employee in the back of the theatre and sometimes walking up and down the aisles.

No security guard with a weapon. We do have security at concerts and football games.

The article I linked to earlier mentioned that most of the other theaters in that chain had security and extra security on the night of the premiere.

You'd want security especially monitoring the alert for the theatre's emergency exits because anyone could open that door, let their friends in for free causing the theater to potentially lose a lot of revenue.

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Could there be 2 mugshots? Perhaps the first one taken immediately after his arrest had blood splatter on his clothing and that's why it wasn't released to the public? IIRC, they said they couldn't release it for investigative purposes.

The only reason I can come up with is that LE were still getting initial reports from eye witnesses and didn't want to taint them by providing a mug shot that might interfere.

I would be very surprised if they took two :jail: mug shots ... it's not Hollywood. ;)
Also,plaid shirt. I know they are common,but it stood out to me. Also, I've seen like 5 different heights on this guy. Do we know which is accurate?

I can't decide if the plaid shirt detail is important or just something said in the midst of chaos. Logic is telling me the only other explanation is he was wearing it when he came in and when he went to take the call. Perhaps he was wearing a black hat so his hair wasn't so noticeable. Thus, it wasn't mentioned by whomever spoke about the plaid shirt originally.

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Isn't it odd that even after the mugshot was released not one person that survived the massacre that's been interviewed since has said "oh my goodness I saw that guy with the awful orange hair sitting in the front row." Maybe I'm just superficial but even in a crowded theater I'd notice that awfulness; especially in stadium seating where most everyone is looking down at the front rows.

Sure a hat is a possibility but given the recently set up online dating profiles, being apprehended alive and his dumb manifesto/notebook sent to the shrink he yearned to be noticed...

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The only reason I can come up with is that LE were still getting initial reports from eye witnesses and didn't want to taint them by providing a mug shot that might interfere.

I would be very surprised if they took two :jail: mug shots ... it's not Hollywood. ;)

It's standard police procedure to take a mugshot at the station/jail upon arrival in the clothes the individual was wearing at the time of arrest in order to document his condition/appearance when arrested. This helps eliminate potential claims of excessive force upon arrest or other potential claims by a defendant against LE. So to me it's more likely there were two mugshots but who knows...

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He was wearing full body armour so, imo, he wasn't intimidated by security guards or cops. He would've shot them. It appears he was shooting randomly and didn't care who his victims were.

I would think JH probably realized that the tactictal vest he'd purchased and was wearing was not even bullet proof.

Perhaps he didn't care?

But then why would he have bought the neck, thigh and groin protectors? Or will we find out they were not bullet proof either?

Perhaps he was hoping it would all end in 'death by cop'?

I just scratch my head, wondering. And hope we get some of this factual information sooner rather than later. But that's probably not going to be the case. sigh .....
I have no idea if she is after her 15 minutes, or what?

Redheaded hooker says theater 'gunman' James Holmes copied her with hair dye


Their first romp, last August, was relatively tame, she said. At the time, Holmes seemed like “a nice guy, shy and nervous.’’

But when he wound up phoning her again in May to arrange a second, $125-an-hour sex session, it was a different story.

“He was mean, and during sex he kept gripping my hands and wrists,’’ she said. “Next morning, I discovered I had bruises. I saw two sides, like Jekyll and Hyde — sweet and later mean.’’

Read more:
It's standard police procedure to take a mugshot at the station/jail upon arrival in the clothes the individual was wearing at the time of arrest in order to document his condition/appearance when arrested. This helps eliminate potential claims of excessive force upon arrest or other potential claims by a defendant against LE. So to me it's more likely there were two mugshots but who knows...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2

Thanks Hastings, I stand corrected. :blushing:

Just seemed to me like it would waste too many tax dollars and I always just 'figured' mug shots were taken fairly soon after arrest and transport to the jail. And, that some jails took the pics in street clothes and other jails took them in jail unis. And that perhaps it depended on if they were actually going to be 'checking in' or released quickly from jail.

But, thankfully I have no experience with that. :D
I believe the security guards are SOP especially for opening nights such as the one in question with literally a thousand or more people attending an after midnight showing of the movie premiere.. Just as was mentioned earlier actually the other Cinemark theaters in Aurora/Denver area ALL HAD SECURITY GUARDS ON DUTY FOR THE PREMIERE OF TDKR.. So for this particular type event security guards is the norm and it certainly appears as tho this one Cinemark theater was THE ONLY THEATER THAT DID NOT HAVE SECURITY WORKING THE AFTER MIDNIGHT PREMIERE..

So, while I know some movie theaters in some bigger cities do regularly have security guards every night of the week.. That most theaters are like n/t and 21mercy's local theaters that do not have security guards for all regular nights of the year..

It's standard police procedure to take a mugshot at the station/jail upon arrival in the clothes the individual was wearing at the time of arrest in order to document his condition/appearance when arrested. This helps eliminate potential claims of excessive force upon arrest or other potential claims by a defendant against LE. So to me it's more likely there were two mugshots but who knows...

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I've never been arrested, so I don't know for sure. BUT on that show that comes on called "jail" if somebody is acting up....they put them in a cell until that person calms down. Especially the drunk people. They wait until they calm down, then they book them.
(and just wanted to say I know you, February were not stating that it was Indicative of there being another shooter.. And that I mainly was just using your post as a jumping off point and not directed at you:))

You did good explaining your thoughts SmoothOperator :)
I dont find it directed to me , you are just merely explaining what you think
and all the possibilities why a new outfit was mentioned. It is possible he changed , it is possible they could describe another person who is just really running and have nothing to do with this. With more than 100 people all scared, running around to save their lives , looking places to hide and escape... so hard - i cant imagine myself being there ;(
Smooth, another fabulous post!

Personally my doubts surround him being in the theatre at start of the film and doing the old phone call gag to open the back door, leave it propped open and come back 20 mins later; I am still having trouble believing that someone didn't open the door for him... At this point I do believe he was the only shooter.

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I was also thinking last night that the other gas mask could have been possibly dropped intentionally by JH while driving his car on the way to the back theater to established "doubts" or confuse the investigations. IMO...
Isn't it odd that even after the mugshot was released not one person that survived the massacre that's been interviewed since has said "oh my goodness I saw that guy with the awful orange hair sitting in the front row." Maybe I'm just superficial but even in a crowded theater I'd notice that awfulness; especially in stadium seating where most everyone is looking down at the front rows.

Sure a hat is a possibility but given the recently set up online dating profiles, being apprehended alive and his dumb manifesto/notebook sent to the shrink he yearned to be noticed...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2

I have read it, it has been said, do not know where that link would be now.

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