The Theater and the Shooting

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Re: 2 gas/smoke grenades being thrown two DIFFERENT SIDES of the theater..
This is not accurate.. Both grenades originated from the same direction(ie. to the right of the screen when the shooter re entered thru the emergency exit.. He tosses both grenades one right after the other and one further back into the theater rows than the other(there's a great labeled diagram of the theater that gives a very good representation of the point of origination of each grenade as well as where each of the two grenades landed)..

Re:cell phone call that prompted the shooter to leave his front row seat and go out the emergency exit to the right of the screen..

IMO this is one of the rather easiest details to account for.. As in IMO I believe there was not ACTUAL RINGING PHONE CALL.. But rather just the shooter going thru the motions of acting as tho he was receiving a call on his cell.. Of course there's always modern technology these days in the form of phone apps that are so very easily preset to call you/ring your phone at whatever predetermined time you set the phone call to ring to your phone.. I mean you can even go as far as to actually program what phone number/name that you want to pop up on the phone screen as the incoming call is ringing/vibrating..

So, while I will not rule out any particular possiblity/scenario for certain due to the fact that there just are presently so very many unknown factors of this case.. But I do still strongly believe the shooter acted alone in his thoroughly and methodically plotting, planning, ordering, organizing, and executing these murders.. And have strong doubts that there was an actual phone call, accomplice, or head hauncho that used this individual and basically made him the patsy to take the fall..

Re: the "possible" mailed notebook "possibly" with stick figures "possibly" representing what the shooter had thoroughly plotted/planned to do..

You ask above what was that plan for? .. Moo is just further damning evidence of just how much premeditation went into his reign of terror and bloodshed resulting 12 dead, 58 others physically injured, and entire ripple effect of literal thousands that the entire magnitude will only be seen years from now of the thousands of human beings that are forever changed, scarred, emotionally injured way beyond what mere physical injuries are..

While as I said previously I absolutely can/do understand how some are of the opinion that there very well could be other accomplices involved.. But at this point I still find myself firmly planted in the opinion that this nightmare is the sole creation of one, lone, single, individual whose name I try my damnedest to not post.. But rather use the generic term of "the shooter".. I have very real raw emotional anger at this individual and I just strongly feel that I'll be damned to give him even the slightest, tiniest, sliver of what he so desperately seeks.. IMO that is name recognition.. It's the very least I can do to not add to the pain and suffering of so many that this individual has single handedly dealt out to so many human beings.. Completely and totally innocent human beings who by absolutely zero fault of their own were in the blink of an eye thrust into a nightmare that I'm certain they fervently pray everyday that they will awake from.. Sadly that's not a possibility..*

I admit I very much do still have a lot of raw emotional anger at this person at this time..

All IMO.. **

If you listen to all the videos on this thread, by people in that crowd, giving THIER OWN account of what has happened you would know it is not coming from him it is coming out of the crowd of witnesses.

But when you are so mad at an individual – you may not be open to hear what some witnesses are saying.
BUT if the gas was thrown from 2 sides he could not have done that alone.
and if he got a call before he walked out of the exit... What is that all about?
And if he sent his therapist a Notebook with stick figures getting shot what is that plan for?

HE TOLD THE POLICE that his house is boobie trapped….
Maybe that was also not done by him alone, and it was a way to control him.

Just sayin......

I wonder what kind of gas bomb Holmes used.
The above link has all interviews and videos of Corbin Dates to date telling his account of the shooting in theater 9.. I watched both the Hardball with Chris Matthews interview as well as the one below it(female reporter lengthy account of what happened).. On Hardball with Chris Matthews Corbin Dates states that the male that came and set in the front row, far right seat(Corbin in 2nd row) that the male got up from his seat at the time the beginning credits were rolling for TDKR.. Corbin states the male is approx 5'8 and has a goatee(that is Corbins description of the man who left thru the emergency exit.. Chris Matthews asked Corbin would be testify to these facts in a court of law and Corbin answers yes)..


Quite obviously Terrifying in hearing this.. I honestly do not put too much weight into his eyewitness statements, especially in knowing that both these interviews were within the very first 12-24hrs immediately after the shooting..

But I will say I am continued to be baffled about the glaring obvious omission of anything remotely describing flame red hair *especially.. But also in neither interview Corbin doesn't so much as even say a peep about the appearance, attire, etc of the shooter while in the theater prior to taking the cell call.. The goatee and the size of the man are both specifically stated, prompted, or asked of Corbin by the interviewer.. He offered up zero details of the man in the theater for the first 20mins.. Strange and it really has me scratching my head not knowing what to make of it?????.. Especially when compared to the overly detailed description of the man that re enters the theater..???.. I dont know???

He does say that he cannot state for certain that there were two different men.. But I just can't get past the strange and obvious glaring omission of the Ronald McDonald look alike with flame red painted hair .. Not a peep uttered about it.. ?????.. Idk???..
I admittedly still wonder about the "second shooter" scenario. And I agree, the "omission of the Ronald McDonald" flaming red hair, while noting a goatee, which is not present in either Holmes' booking photo ( link ) or court appearance ( link ), certainly raises questions in my mind. Add to this, they're initially looking for a guy in the white and blue plaid shirt ( link ), the second vehicle out front (per the police dispatch, link), and the two gas masks (per the pix)... and all things considered? Just doesn't add up.
I admittedly still wonder about the "second shooter" scenario. And I agree, the "omission of the Ronald McDonald" flaming red hair, while noting a goatee, which is not present in either Holmes' booking photo ( link ) or court appearance ( link ), certainly raises questions in my mind. Add to this, they're initially looking for a guy in the white and blue plaid shirt ( link ), the second vehicle out front (per the police dispatch, link), and the two gas masks (per the pix)... and all things considered? Just doesn't add up.
Eyewitness testimony is frequently very inaccurate. When there was recently a baby kidnapped in TX, one woman eyewitness described kidnappers as a white female, black male. The police recovered the baby quickly and arrested African-Amercian female. You can not count on eyewitnesses to be accurate, especially when they witness something traumatic.
Eyewitness testimony is frequently very inaccurate. When there was recently a baby kidnapped in TX, one woman eyewitness described kidnappers as a white female, black male. The police recovered the baby quickly and arrested African-Amercian female. You can not count on eyewitnesses to be accurate, especially when they witness something traumatic.

The sad part is there are more than one witness who claim they think there was an accomplice.
I think this is a cold trail right now...unless JH has some clarity that he can offer that leads directly to some proof.
But I am sure if they do exist they are long gone.
Eyewitness testimony is frequently very inaccurate.
Agreed. Remember the infamous "white van" ( link ) that turned out to be a "dark blue Chevrolet Caprice" ( link ) in the DC sniper shootings?

Here's a decent synopsis of eyewitness testimony within the criminal justice system. ( link )

The latest form of evidence to come under scrutiny is eyewitness testimony. Psychologists have long known about the fallibility of human memory. As far back as 1971, England’s Criminal Law Review Committee warned that over-reliance on eyewitness testimony could lead to false convictions. Going back even to the 1800s, famed psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus’s memory research established the “Forgetting Curve,” which plots how human recollection fades over time, beginning within minutes of the creation of a memory.

Nevertheless, eyewitness testimony remains a vital part of the criminal justice system, and with good reason. It’s the most abundant form of evidence, and it would be nearly impossible to convict guilty people without it. The problem is that it has for far too long been used irresponsibly, without instituting proper controls to ensure that eyewitnesses aren’t prodded into false recollections, that jurors aren’t permitted to give eyewitnesses more weight than good science allows, and that jurors are made aware of the limits and fallibility of human memory.
I wonder how many rounds Holmes fired. I read police found 3 pistol magazines.
The article I linked to earlier mentioned that most of the other theaters in that chain had security and extra security on the night of the premiere.

You'd want security especially monitoring the alert for the theatre's emergency exits because anyone could open that door, let their friends in for free causing the theater to potentially lose a lot of revenue.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2

I don't know about other theater chains or even this one, but the two that I worked for did not have armed emergency exit doors. There were no electronics in place on the doors to indicate if they were open or not and did not alarm, even locally, if opened.

We also only had security on Friday and Saturday nights. Ushers patrolled the theaters on regular intervals.
anyone with a purple, yellow, red, orange, blue, green hair in any crowd will stand out not unless their hair is covered by a hat, beanie or any of it's kind. IMO

btw, what is the name of the alarm company that is providing services to that building/theater?

on the other hand, AMC is changing policy
We will not allow any guests into our theatres in costumes that make other guests feel uncomfortable and we will not permit face-covering masks or fake weapons inside our buildings. If guests wish to exchange or refund any tickets, we will honor our existing policy and do as our guests wish. We are taking necessary precautions to ensure our guests who wish to enjoy a movie this weekend can do so with as much peace of mind as possible in these circumstances.
If you *listen to all the videos on this thread, by people in that crowd, giving THIER OWN account of what has happened you would know it is not coming from him it is coming out of the crowd of witnesses.

But when you are so mad at an individual – you may not be open to hear what some witnesses are saying.

Huh??????.. I'm sorry that's Whether there is one killer or ten is absolutely irrelevant to my being rightfully angry at this cold blooded killer.. Be not mistaken my open expressive nature in no way whatsoever equates closed mindedness, tunnel vision, or the inability to very accurately discern fact from fiction and look at every single individual piece of information, evidence, or new found fact objectively allowing the information.. Allowing the evidence to lead me in the direction to which it points without any bias..

Because I can assure you that my openness, my personal freedom expressing my feelings about the multiple facets and individuals involved in any given case.. Those personal qualities in no way whatsoever equate bias, close minded views, and lack of ability to remain objective about the entirety of a case as it continues to reveal itself as it unfolds..

As far as watching the videos.. I posted one of the links to the page that contained all of the interviews of witnesses from TDKR SHOOTING all videos, clips, and raw footage from July 20 to present.. I watched nearly everyone of them.. Some more than once.. And personally transcribed 6 of the eyewitness video interviews.. I am very much aware of what has been stated and I will still stand firmly of the opinion that there is but one, lone shooter.. Ronald McDonald look alike himself and no one else..*

These eyewitnesses for the most part are IMO not even convinced themselves of what they saw or didn't see and certainly aren't convinced that there was two men responsible for the carnage of which they beared witness.. Eyewitness testimony in all honesty is of the smallest weight in comparison to all other evidence.. Both direct and circumstantial.. And that's when an eyewitness is absolutely 100% certain of what they saw and know the intricate details of what it was and who they witnessed.. Even then many many times they are mistaken, their minds have somewhat rewritten history, they didn't pay as close attention as they initially believed they did... And more often than not sadly and unintentionally many different outside sources affect, alter, and change what the eyewitness believes they've seen.. Especially when there is more than one eyewitness to something.. They unintentionally begin to mesh and meld their varying degrees of differences in what they each saw.. To better match one another's details.. They begin to second guess themselves and their memory and question is the other person actually remembering the details more accurately..

These are all done with zero nefarious intent or intentional changing or altering their accounts.. We're human,. We're not robotic machines and therefor these inadvertent varying differences can and many times do very much affect eyewitness evidence.. Again it is the very least dependable of evidence there really is in a case..

So, once again I'll reiterate that it certainly appears as tho you possibly may be mistaking my open and expressive nature to somehow equate with my being close minded or unable to look at all evidence and individuals objectively.. This could not be more inaccurate.. I am perfectly aware of what the eyewitness testimony is that you refer to above in your post and incorrectly assume that I must have either not heard their accounts, were unaware of their accounts, or was unable to view them objectively..

Whether there is but one cold blooded slaughterer or a duo, or an entire plethora of accomplices, head haunchos, pawns, patsys, and conspiritors.. My open disdain, disgust, and anger remains the same(and again IMO rightfully so).. My open expression of the well of emotions that I am as a human being in no way equates, nor indicates that am incapable of objectivity..

Im one who wants to lay it all out on the table and turnit 29 different ways before deciding whether its relevant or added to the mental list of existing evidence that presently appears to have little to no meaning or importance..I AM NOT one of those who merely wants to discuss ONLY DETAILS THAT FIT "a tunnel visioned theory" and all but figuratively and literally will absolutely disregard and deny the existence of information, details or evidence that either doesn't fit that "tunnel visioned theory".. Or one of those who heaven forbid someone bring to the discussion actual evidence that disproves and even debunks someone's tunnel visioned And boy have I seen some of those on various cases over the years.. Stubborn and IMO more worried about hearing the sound of their own voice yap incessantly and boast of being "right".. The one who knew all along who/what/why about a case..

I wanna discuss and discover every relevant detail and keep my mind open to even being drastically changed if such evidence were to come to light that led us in a not yet discovered avenue ..

I'm very passionate.. And very expressive.. Let that not be mistaken or misconstrued that due to my well of emotion it renders me somehow bias, unobjective, or boringly narrow minded.. Not a chance!!:D

**my apologies for this long droning post.. Blech.. Been such a busy night and was only able to type a few sentences.. Stop.. Hour or so later.. Few more sentences intending to quickly hit submit.. But no, not happening due to interruption, and real life getting in the My poor post has become a disjointed, discombobulated, droning on and on to finally its My apologies.:
they will probably test it and let us know in time.

I never heard the word tear gas, just eyes burning and smoky white substance.

I remember at least one witness (in a vid I watched yesterday) describing it as 'tear gas', additionally stating his eyes started tearing right up and iirc, burning. I 'think' it might have been one of the two young guys being interviewed together (I watched many videos yesterday, so I could be wrong about just which video).

Upon hearing the initial report on the 20th, my husband asked me how the guy would even get ahold of that, when it's only available to the military. Hubby states it was reported as a "military style cs hand grenade", which I didn't hear. He thought it odd that a reporter would even have that knowledge. (Now) I wonder if the reporter wasn't ad libbing the 'military style' commentary in an attempt to sensationalize (not that this story needed any!).

I've also heard it (or them, because originally I heard there were 'two' and more recently, I'm seeing 'one') described as 'smoke bomb(s)'.

I've been wondering if it might've been pepper spray. And, also considered if it may have been something that JH concocted himself;.

I know the chief of police stated the the perp was very intelligent, after seeing JH's booby-trapped apartment. The chief stated he'd never seen anything like that.

Different accounts from different people in different sections of a theater, amongst all the pandemonium and chaos, is really not all that surprising though.

JMO, of course.

ETA: Found the video where the guy ('youngster') says it's tear gas. Also at 1 minute in, there is great footage of the theater and the parking lot, at some point after daylight.
I don't know about other theater chains or even this one, but the two that I worked for did not have armed emergency exit doors. There were no electronics in place on the doors to indicate if they were open or not and did not alarm, even locally, if opened.

We also only had security on Friday and Saturday nights. Ushers patrolled the theaters on regular intervals.

When was the theatre you worked at built? How long ago did you work there?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Huh??????.. I'm sorry that's Whether there is one killer or ten is absolutely irrelevant to my being rightfully angry at this cold blooded killer.. Be not mistaken my open expressive nature in no way whatsoever equates closed mindedness, tunnel vision, or the inability to very accurately discern fact from fiction and look at every single individual piece of information, evidence, or new found fact objectively allowing the information.. Allowing the evidence to lead me in the direction to which it points without any bias..

Because I can assure you that my openness, my personal freedom expressing my feelings about the multiple facets and individuals involved in any given case.. Those personal qualities in no way whatsoever equate bias, close minded views, and lack of ability to remain objective about the entirety of a case as it continues to reveal itself as it unfolds..

As far as watching the videos.. I posted one of the links to the page that contained all of the interviews of witnesses from TDKR SHOOTING all videos, clips, and raw footage from July 20 to present.. I watched nearly everyone of them.. Some more than once.. And personally transcribed 6 of the eyewitness video interviews.. I am very much aware of what has been stated and I will still stand firmly of the opinion that there is but one, lone shooter.. Ronald McDonald look alike himself and no one else..*

These eyewitnesses for the most part are IMO not even convinced themselves of what they saw or didn't see and certainly aren't convinced that there was two men responsible for the carnage of which they beared witness.. Eyewitness testimony in all honesty is of the smallest weight in comparison to all other evidence.. Both direct and circumstantial.. And that's when an eyewitness is absolutely 100% certain of what they saw and know the intricate details of what it was and who they witnessed.. Even then many many times they are mistaken, their minds have somewhat rewritten history, they didn't pay as close attention as they initially believed they did... And more often than not sadly and unintentionally many different outside sources affect, alter, and change what the eyewitness believes they've seen.. Especially when there is more than one eyewitness to something.. They unintentionally begin to mesh and meld their varying degrees of differences in what they each saw.. To better match one another's details.. They begin to second guess themselves and their memory and question is the other person actually remembering the details more accurately..

These are all done with zero nefarious intent or intentional changing or altering their accounts.. We're human,. We're not robotic machines and therefor these inadvertent varying differences can and many times do very much affect eyewitness evidence.. Again it is the very least dependable of evidence there really is in a case..

So, once again I'll reiterate that it certainly appears as tho you possibly may be mistaking my open and expressive nature to somehow equate with my being close minded or unable to look at all evidence and individuals objectively.. This could not be more inaccurate.. I am perfectly aware of what the eyewitness testimony is that you refer to above in your post and incorrectly assume that I must have either not heard their accounts, were unaware of their accounts, or was unable to view them objectively..

Whether there is but one cold blooded slaughterer or a duo, or an entire plethora of accomplices, head haunchos, pawns, patsys, and conspiritors.. My open disdain, disgust, and anger remains the same(and again IMO rightfully so).. My open expression of the well of emotions that I am as a human being in no way equates, nor indicates that am incapable of objectivity..

Im one who wants to lay it all out on the table and turnit 29 different ways before deciding whether its relevant or added to the mental list of existing evidence that presently appears to have little to no meaning or importance..I AM NOT one of those who merely wants to discuss ONLY DETAILS THAT FIT "a tunnel visioned theory" and all but figuratively and literally will absolutely disregard and deny the existence of information, details or evidence that either doesn't fit that "tunnel visioned theory".. Or one of those who heaven forbid someone bring to the discussion actual evidence that disproves and even debunks someone's tunnel visioned And boy have I seen some of those on various cases over the years.. Stubborn and IMO more worried about hearing the sound of their own voice yap incessantly and boast of being "right".. The one who knew all along who/what/why about a case..

I wanna discuss and discover every relevant detail and keep my mind open to even being drastically changed if such evidence were to come to light that led us in a not yet discovered avenue ..

I'm very passionate.. And very expressive.. Let that not be mistaken or misconstrued that due to my well of emotion it renders me somehow bias, unobjective, or boringly narrow minded.. Not a chance!!:D

**my apologies for this long droning post.. Blech.. Been such a busy night and was only able to type a few sentences.. Stop.. Hour or so later.. Few more sentences intending to quickly hit submit.. But no, not happening due to interruption, and real life getting in the My poor post has become a disjointed, discombobulated, droning on and on to finally its My apologies.:

The more I read the more I say Huh??????.. I realize LE and investigators have a lot of work ahead of them.
I cannot in good consciousness dismiss any of it. If he is one of a team....I also wonder if he has not been used... BECAUSE MI people do get used by others.

I am mum for now. I am just observing.
But I am not mad at him. MAd at what happend, that it can happen.
Wondering about better security, better rules for owning guns. but for now I can only say....
that I myself know nothing. Nothing more then what I read.
I remember at least one witness (in a vid I watched yesterday) describing it as 'tear gas', additionally stating his eyes started tearing right up and iirc, burning. I 'think' it might have been one of the two young guys being interviewed together (I watched many videos yesterday, so I could be wrong about just which video).

Upon hearing the initial report on the 20th, my husband asked me how the guy would even get ahold of that, when it's only available to the military. Hubby states it was reported as a "military style cs hand grenade", which I didn't hear. He thought it odd that a reporter would even have that knowledge. (Now) I wonder if the reporter wasn't ad libbing the 'military style' commentary in an attempt to sensationalize (not that this story needed any!).

I've also heard it (or them, because originally I heard there were 'two' and more recently, I'm seeing 'one') described as 'smoke bomb(s)'.

I've been wondering if it might've been pepper spray. And, also considered if it may have been something that JH concocted himself;.

I know the chief of police stated the the perp was very intelligent, after seeing JH's booby-trapped apartment. The chief stated he'd never seen anything like that.

Different accounts from different people in different sections of a theater, amongst all the pandemonium and chaos, is really not all that surprising though.

JMO, of course.

ETA: Found the video where the guy ('youngster') says it's tear gas. Also at 1 minute in, there is great footage of the theater and the parking lot, at some point after daylight.

Batman Mass Shooting at Aurora Colorado Century Theatre - YouTube

Thanks Liz. I just did hear the young witness say "tear gas"..

I am going through some speculation IF there WAS an accomplice maybe even one
with access to military equipment. Since it is just speculation, I will not post it.
As it relates to the crime, film and theatres, I think this is the most appropriate place to discuss this new claim:

From CBS News Los Angeles Affiliate:

MTV Star Claims Alleged Aurora Theater Shooter Called Him Prior To Massacre

" In an exclusive interview, Pimp My Ride’s Diggity Dave told KNX 1070’s Charles Feldman that a young man who called himself “James Holmes” phoned him in June about his upcoming film, “The Suffocator of Sins.”

Dave wrote, directed and stars in the forthcoming takeoff of the Batman movie, which shows a young vigilante Batman shooting down evil doers. Some have said the YouTube trailer resembles a crowded movie theater. He describes the film as a “very sick and dark twist of the Batman movies.”

IMO I am tremendously confident that the guy from MTV is more likely a vulture who is using this tragedy as a means to promote and publicize his indie film by purporting to be connected to the accused-- just think every interview he does as every show that discusses it will show the trailer of his movie ad nauseam... I doubt he ever spoke to Holmes.

What do you all think?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
Who knows. The only way to know for sure would be checking phone records to see if any such phone calls were made.
As it relates to the crime, film and theatres, I think this is the most appropriate place to discuss this new claim:

From CBS News Los Angeles Affiliate:

MTV Star Claims Alleged Aurora Theater Shooter Called Him Prior To Massacre

" In an exclusive interview, Pimp My Ride’s Diggity Dave told KNX 1070’s Charles Feldman that a young man who called himself “James Holmes” phoned him in June about his upcoming film, “The Suffocator of Sins.”

Dave wrote, directed and stars in the forthcoming takeoff of the Batman movie, which shows a young vigilante Batman shooting down evil doers. Some have said the YouTube trailer resembles a crowded movie theater. He describes the film as a “very sick and dark twist of the Batman movies.”

IMO I am tremendously confident that the guy from MTV is more likely a vulture who is using this tragedy as a means to promote and publicize his indie film by purporting to be connected to the accused-- just think every interview he does as every show that discusses it will show the trailer of his movie ad nauseam... I doubt he ever spoke to Holmes.

What do you all think?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II

I agree, he likely just wants exposure for his flick. It's terrible when people say things like that because it casts doubt into the words of people who have actually had contact with JH.
I agree, he likely just wants exposure for his flick. It's terrible when people say things like that because it casts doubt into the words of people who have actually had contact with JH.

Great point about how it indirectly impacts other's credibility redsky.

If this guy is stepping over the bodies and memory of the victims to promote his film by linking himself to Holmes, I really hope that my belief in karma is verified...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II
I'll weigh in on The Suffocator of Sins director .... he sounds pretty legit to me. Especially in that 3rd clip, talking about how 'the kid' sounded depressed and lonely and that's why he stayed on the phone that long with him.

I don't think he needs the publicity that badly anyway. Or that he would stoop so low as to lie and exploit not only a man whose charged with 24 counts of murder; but all the shooting victims, as well, imo.

And, seriously, who'd even want that type of publicity? (Matter of fact, I remember jjenny posting how no one wanted their name to be associated with JH, posting about how that Jacobsen dude, who JH had said mentored him, was insulted by the remark.)

As usual, this is just my opinion.

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