The Trail of Bodies in Drew Peterson's path

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Just 1 cold case that I read that DP was first officer at the scene of MISSING teen age girl! DP has been the 1st officer in many cases.......
serial killer?
know of any please list here! TIA

The one that gives me goosebumps is the young man that "committed suicide" by hanging himself in the garage. DP was the first officer on the scene with that case.................

BUT.............the young man who supposedly committed suicide was the older brother of a teenage girl that DP was having an affair with. The older brother had voiced his objections to DP's relationship with his younger sister. Family and friends were shocked at the young man's "suicide", as he was described as happy and healthy.

I think the teenage girl's name was Monica (going on memory here), and this happened during DP's marriage to his second wife, Victoria.

This one I'm vague on...............there was discussion earlier in the case about a boyfriend of one of DP's ex-wives, either Victoria or Kathleen, that died and there was suspicion about his death.
The one that gives me goosebumps is the young man that "committed suicide" by hanging himself in the garage. DP was the first officer on the scene with that case.................

BUT.............the young man who supposedly committed suicide was the older brother of a teenage girl that DP was having an affair with. The older brother had voiced his objections to DP's relationship with his younger sister. Family and friends were shocked at the young man's "suicide", as he was described as happy and healthy.

I think the teenage girl's name was Monica (going on memory here), and this happened during DP's marriage to his second wife, Victoria.

This one I'm vague on...............there was discussion earlier in the case about a boyfriend of one of DP's ex-wives, either Victoria or Kathleen, that died and there was suspicion about his death.

I so agree with you on both of these. I have said it before that I think it's entirely possible that Drew is a serial killer and those 2 particular cases - in my opinion - have Drew written all over them.

That's the reason that I have written here several times that I think Drew had a plan to kill Stacy if the need arose. And I believe that he had a grave already dug - just waiting in case he needed it. That's why I think he was so easily able to dispose of the body quickly. I think he dumped her and then covered her. Just think of how difficult it is to find a body deep in a wooded area or any area not frequented.

He couldn't let Stacy go. She simply knew too much and by that, I mean details of the night Kathleen was murdered. Drew had a place ready and while the rest of us think of the cruelty and coldness of even thinking of such a thing, I think the guy's experienced in murder. It was easy for him.

Yes, I think Drew is a serial killer.
I so agree with you on both of these. I have said it before that I think it's entirely possible that Drew is a serial killer and those 2 particular cases - in my opinion - have Drew written all over them.

That's the reason that I have written here several times that I think Drew had a plan to kill Stacy if the need arose. And I believe that he had a grave already dug - just waiting in case he needed it. That's why I think he was so easily able to dispose of the body quickly. I think he dumped her and then covered her. Just think of how difficult it is to find a body deep in a wooded area or any area not frequented.

He couldn't let Stacy go. She simply knew too much and by that, I mean details of the night Kathleen was murdered. Drew had a place ready and while the rest of us think of the cruelty and coldness of even thinking of such a thing, I think the guy's experienced in murder. It was easy for him.

Yes, I think Drew is a serial killer.

In every missing person search the search begins in the location where the person was last seen and fans out from there in an ever-widening circle.

DP would know this and likely make sure he had a grave dug well beyond any likely search area. He would probably go at least 15-20 miles outside of Bolingbrook and select a remote woods away from any populated areas. He had the weather on his side too, as within weeks of Stacy's disappearance it rained and then snowed.
OMG! This is sooo scary and you are all probably right!
have you expressed this to LE? I think someone would have as this is really creepy?
I hope the Bolingbrook police department is reading this, or someone there has somehow had the same thinking.
Thank You for this thread and research. I have also questioned his emotional detatchment (psych perspective)(i.e. sociopathic behavior)
This is amazing. This is what I have always imagined him to be, this cop who kills off people in his life. His threats to Kathleen about making it look like an accident - his personality (a man's man) His obssession with young vulnerable women (easily disposed of) I don't believe this body is Stacy. I think Drew had it planned for a while and she has been cremated somewhere and will not be found. I feel bad for all of the children. But I believe this man is indeed a serial killer.
1. 1986 - Drew Peterson's ex-girlfriend's brother suspicious suicide ??
2. 1994 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #2's new boyfriend found murdered
3. 1997 ? - Drew Peterson's sister-in-law missing !
4. 1998 - Stacy Peterson's mother missing
5. 2004 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3 found dead in waterless bathtub
6. 2004 ? - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3's new boyfriend (may be rumor?
7. 2007 - Drew Peterson's Current Wife #4 Missing

Quite a list I would say.
1. 1986 - Drew Peterson's ex-girlfriend's brother suspicious suicide ??
2. 1994 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #2's new boyfriend found murdered
3. 1997 ? - Drew Peterson's sister-in-law missing !
4. 1998 - Stacy Peterson's mother missing
5. 2004 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3 found dead in waterless bathtub
6. 2004 ? - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3's new boyfriend (may be rumor?
7. 2007 - Drew Peterson's Current Wife #4 Missing

Quite a list I would say.

wow.. Sure hope LE knows this stuff...

Someone needs to call

too much happened around him

anyone ever know about the missing in the list.. like staceys momma?
Stacy's mother's disappearance was rather well known in the area at the time. But it was dismissed rather prematurely, IMO.
I think you should forward this info to Greta V ASAP! She really pushed the issues surrounding Stacey and Kathleen! She will get this out in the media for sure!
Does Greta even cover any crime and justice stories anymore? I thought her program was all politico/Sarah Palin, all the time these days?
Does Greta even cover any crime and justice stories anymore? I thought her program was all politico/Sarah Palin, all the time these days?

She was...........then went political. She really pushed for the Kathleen S. investigation being re-opened. I think she would!

If not, NG would.........she "loves" DP! :)
I'm going to try to post again. I hit submit and I got kicked out of WS.

This was discussed at great length last year. I'm surprised the media didn't report on this sooner.

There is also Rick's friend who commited suicide. He lived across the street from one of DP's houses and was the first on the scene. DP was evidently having an affair with this guy's underage sister and they had words over it. Then the guy turns up dead. Rick said this guy had no issues and would not have commited suicide. Supposedly Rick went to ISP to try to get them to investigate.

There is also the gal, can't remember her name, I believe she was a dispatcher for the county. She broke off with a LE officer then her car is found abandoned and she is never heard from again. I don't remember the details, but I believe DP was the first on the scene that time as well.
I'll see if I can locate the original thread about this. It's very creepy!

Also if you see anyone on the net saying that Jeffery Archer was the ex-wifes BF, it's unverified. I was searching missing person databases way back when, trying to find a name of this BF and came across Archer. I merely posted he was a possibility. Crimeboards all over the net took my post and started saying it was him. Oy, I tried to kill that and was unsuccesful.
Leila, oops! I see you posted much of what I did.

That's what I get for not reading the entire thread before posting!
1. 1986 - Drew Peterson's ex-girlfriend's brother suspicious suicide ??
2. 1994 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #2's new boyfriend found murdered
3. 1997 ? - Drew Peterson's sister-in-law missing !
4. 1998 - Stacy Peterson's mother missing
5. 2004 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3 found dead in waterless bathtub
6. 2004 ? - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3's new boyfriend (may be rumor?
7. 2007 - Drew Peterson's Current Wife #4 Missing

Quite a list I would say.

OK that's just bloodchilling.

I am hoping the state attorneys office is looking into this and the entire Bollingbrook police force as a result.
I found the original thread.

[ame=""]The Trail of Bodies in Drew Peterson's path - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
1. 1986 - Drew Peterson's ex-girlfriend's brother suspicious suicide ??
2. 1994 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #2's new boyfriend found murdered
3. 1997 ? - Drew Peterson's sister-in-law missing !
4. 1998 - Stacy Peterson's mother missing
5. 2004 - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3 found dead in waterless bathtub
6. 2004 ? - Drew Peterson's Ex-Wife #3's new boyfriend (may be rumor?
7. 2007 - Drew Peterson's Current Wife #4 Missing

Quite a list I would say.

I remember quite distinctly DP (after Stacy went missing) saying (among many things) something close to "she's probably gone to be with her mother." Of course he knew of Stacy's mother's mysterious disappearance, and if he killed the Mom (put her in the river) --A chilling thought and reflective of his arrogance.

To me entirely possible this guy "offs" anybody who gets in his way. I think we all be shocked when the truth, if ever, comes out.

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