The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

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In the same link of the pics of trash I'm curious about the cannister of Cleaner beside the yellow bottle of Arm and Hammer detergent. It has a white cap and all I can read is "cleaner" and was wondering if anyone could tell what type/kind of cleaner it is...shoe cleaner? :dunno:
In the same link of the pics of trash I'm curious about the cannister of Cleaner beside the yellow bottle of Arm and Hammer detergent. It has a white cap and all I can read is "cleaner" and was wondering if anyone could tell what type/kind of cleaner it is...shoe cleaner? :dunno:

According to the affidavit, I believe it to be:

14. Bottle of "Kiwi's Sport Cleaner 5.5oz proof of purchase num # 3160024701.

It looks like this (similar to the one in the photo):

KIWI Sport Fast-Acting Cleaner - Spray for leather, nylon or vinyl. Cleans sneakers and active footwear.

i keep hearing JB say something about cheese..
i made an interesting observation the other day..
velveeta comes wrapped in a foil wrap, inside a box.
only the box was in this trash.. not the foil wrapper.. correct? if so, where's the stinky cheese smell coming from? the cheese itself doesn't come in contact with the box!

I see an empty or near empty foil wrapper for Velveeta cheese in the photos. You don't see it?
I see an empty or near empty foil wrapper for Velveeta cheese in the photos. You don't see it?

I do - 3 in fact.

20. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 10.3oz with napkin attach on it with exp day ll/Feb/09.
21.Empty carton of "Velveeta" 12oz proof of purchasenum # 2100065893.
22. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 9Aoz proof of purchase num # 210065643.

I can't see how JB can make this chemically altered cheese smell like human decomp -- but that's just me ;)

Thanks, I don't see any banana peels in there ;) Where did Jose come up with that? No bathing suit either? Is he flat out lying to the court?



And, if he is, I am wondering why and how all of this 'smell comes from trash' cr%p is allowed to continue in a court of law??

If he is saying there was some kind of biological product in the trash (like rotting food), and there wasn't, how can the state allow the DT to carry on like they have been???

Can't the state just put a stop to it by stating the documented fact that there was nothing in the trash to rot???

Or, does the state NOT know these simple facts that are outlined in this thread?

If the latter is the case, then I am scared.
Thanks, I don't see any banana peels in there ;) Where did Jose come up with that? No bathing suit either? Is he flat out lying to the court?


It doesn't look like much of anything...except trash. Things appear to be pretty dried out. Don't seem soggy. Dr. Lee really made a *advertiser censored*l out of himself yesterday, Besides making little or no sense, why did he give credence to Baez's story about the smelly trash?
I am also assuming that the air-freshener sheets are really dryer sheets?

This would make Cindy a liar, again. Or, at least, it would be a ridiculous coincidence if CA put dryer sheets into the car when dryer sheets were also found in a trash bag.

Or, maybe I am just reading too much into this entry.
It doesn't look like much of anything...except trash. Things appear to be pretty dried out. Don't seem soggy. Dr. Lee really made a *advertiser censored*l out of himself yesterday, Besides making little or no sense, why did he give credence to Baez's story about the smelly trash?

Because that's all it their story.
I think right now during the Frye hearings the only issue to be argued is whether these certain scientific methods and conclusions are considered generally accepted in the scientific community. That's what is supposed to be the purpose of a Frye hearing anyway. Maybe the state is figuring now isn't the time to litigate the issue as to the garbage - they just want their experts and the reports IN!

When the list of trash is revealed to a jury, oh my - with their common knowledge of how garbage smells, I don't think are going to buy that KC's trash could have been mistaken for a decomposing body and the State knows it. They want to get the scientific evidence in and then watch Jose's epic fail with the jury when the weight of his pathetic argument against scientific evidence, testimony about the smell's consistency with a dead body and their own personal experiences in what trash smell like - seal KC's death sentence.
By the way, I was listening to an audio teaching program for my Evidence class and the professor on the audio was talking about expert evidence and said, btw, that Dr. Lee is a prostitute! I can't believe he said that on his audio that he sells to law students, but I agree. He was talking about bring up bias on cross by asking the experts if they've been paid and how much and said, basically many experts are just paid to produce the report that agrees with their side of the story and that H. Lee - "that guy is a prostitute". LMAO. And this is an older audio when the latest thing Lee did was in the Phil Spector case.

So is H. Lee adding to his fine reputation in the legal community as a liar for hire?
i keep hearing JB say something about cheese..
i made an interesting observation the other day..
velveeta comes wrapped in a foil wrap, inside a box.
only the box was in this trash.. not the foil wrapper.. correct? if so, where's the stinky cheese smell coming from? the cheese itself doesn't come in contact with the box!

I see something that might be the foil wrapper. But doesn't look like much on it. And I don't see any pizza. No banana. No food. Just paper, foil, plastic. I'm sure residue could be found on those items. But that wouldn't make a major smell for very long. Nothing that would cause a smell so bad, that ICA was telling folks about a dead animal under the car. Or CA to claim that it smelled like a dead body in there.

All the SA has to do is show those pictures. The jury will be able to see that the pictures don't match DT's claims. Since everyone has personally dealt with trash, most folks will be able to figure out that what is showing on that table, will not raise that kind of stink. It will make the jury realize how wild of speculations the DT will be expecting them to swallow.
And, if he is, I am wondering why and how all of this 'smell comes from trash' cr%p is allowed to continue in a court of law??

If he is saying there was some kind of biological product in the trash (like rotting food), and there wasn't, how can the state allow the DT to carry on like they have been???

Can't the state just put a stop to it by stating the documented fact that there was nothing in the trash to rot???

Or, does the state NOT know these simple facts that are outlined in this thread?

If the latter is the case, then I am scared.
These hearings weren't about the garbage. There was no jury present to convince one way or the other. The State dealt with what needed to be dealt with. Even when Cindy's testimony clearly changed, JA decided to walk away from it after briefly questioning her...he knew it was pointless.
Bumping this thread to encourage using it to explore the pic of the bag from LE's camera 7/16. I believe the pic was taken before LE retrieved the bag out of the dumpster @ Johnson's Tow Yard ~9:50PM after a few hours earlier Simon surmised that it was the source of the odor emanating from the Pontiac trunk when he & George opened it @ the towyard and Simon tossed it out. This is the bag that is detailed in the forensics report as having the following items (thanks to JWG for the list :thumb:)

White trash bag w/ blue handles w/ misc. items
1. Empty Coca Cola cherry can 12oz with num #2145.
2. Empty Coca Cola Classic can 12oz with num #22502.
3. Empty Milwaukee's "Best Light" beer can #C7019e.
4. Empty Sprite can 12oz with # 16090RA.
5. Empty circular metal box of "Copenhagen Tobacco" with num # SLN8178.
6. One (1) hair pin; three (3) plastic tie wraps
7. Empty "Dr. Peppe" can 12oz proof of purchase num # 2239E505168X.
8. Empty "Pepsi" can 12oz proof of purchasenum # 1608RF01238.
9. Empty "Sprite" can 12oz proof of purchase num # 16090RA.
10. Empty "Mountain Dew" 12oz proof of purchase num # 2122E504248X.
11. Empty "Oscar Mayer" plastic container 8oz proof of purchase num # 447001090.
12. Empty small "Crystal Light' container num # 249554.
13. Empty "Crystal Light" bottle 16oz with brown liquid proof purchase num # 430093911.
14. Bottle of "Kiwi's Sport Cleaner 5.5oz proof of purchase num # 3160024701.
15. Empty bottle of "Arm & Hammer" 80oz proof of purchase num #33200090430.
16. Empty bottle of "Crystal Light Soft Drink Mix" 80z proof of purchase num #4300095033.
17. Empty black container "Anchor".
18. Empty and broken pizza box "Pizza a Symbol of Quality".
19. Empty carton of "Cherry Coke" 12 packs proof of purchase num# 490003103.
20. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 10.3oz with napkin attach on it with exp day ll/Feb/09.
21. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 12oz proof of purchasenum # 2100065893.
22. Empty carton of "Velveeta" 9Aoz proof of purchase num # 210065643.
23. Empty pack of "Parliament Lights" proof of purchase num # 2820019008.
24. Empty pack of "Marlboro" num # 283022.
25. Empty pack of "Trident Splash" proof of purchase num # 1254667123.
26. Two empty aluminum wraps of "Velveeta" cheese sauce.
27. Piece of fabric that said "L G G made in Honduras of USA fabric".
28. White plastic hanger broken.
29. Piece of paper wrapper "Italian bread" "Roma" with a napkin attach to it.
30. Document "Full Sail" orientation & registration.
31. Three receipts.
32. Document dated on May 9, 2008.
33. Four air freshener sheets.
34. Five napkins.
35. Plastic wrapper of "Stouffer's" garlic chicken proof of purchase num # 1380045214.
36. Three small pieces of plastic wrapper.
37. Three pieces of aluminum foil.

Seeing thoughts discussed on what caused the reddish stain on one side of the bag in the Photobucket, shovel & backyard threads.

My :twocents:, I agree w/ MsInformed that the stain resulted from the bag contacting the reddish sludge (maybe rust, pizza sauce, etc.) that appears to me to be present in the bottom of the dumpster.



I think this is the accurate list.
Bold by me

A couple of these things make me wonder:

-Who would throw away a t-shirt. And, who, among KCs people would wear a size S. And a Homer Simpson shirt??? Really???

-The various names on the bank-account withdrawals are interesting. I wonder where KC got these and who she could have hustled what from??? It would be very interesting to see those names, amounts, etc.

-Who threw away the bra??? KC? Strange.

-I am not sure who would wear a XXL in boxer shorts??? My hubby barely wears a XXL and he is 6'4'', 270 lbs!!! That must be some big guy KC was kind enough to throw out the trash for...

With this motley collection of trash, it almost looks like someone went around collecting miscellaneous stuff to throw in a bag to make a convincing bag of trash, you know???
Check out the slideshow...that was the real trash.
Thanks for the accurate list - just scan down it and you see the word EMPTY repeatedly - no actual rotting food and any residual traces was of highly processed food like velveta and Oscar Meyer products that would not give off a rotting organic food odor.
Thanks for the accurate list - just scan down it and you see the word EMPTY repeatedly - no actual rotting food and any residual traces was of highly processed food like velveta and Oscar Meyer products that would not give off a rotting organic food odor.

This is what it says about pizza

18. Empty and broken pizza box "Pizza a Symbol of Quality".

No where does it mention actual pizza. Yet, DT has mentioned it many times. Folks have even done experiments on what rotting pizza would smell like. All of that is mute, since there was NO pizza.
Because that's all it their story.
But, he's not a part of the "team" any longer. I wondered after watching him on NG last night if he had to sign some sort of "team pact" that stipulated he can only say pro-Baez stuff. LOL
Lee definitely had a pre-set agenda as to what he wanted to talking about smelly trash when it had absolutely nothing to do with the chloroform in the trunk question.

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